View Full Version : What Is Bast Like? Inquiring Little Minds Want To Know

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:02:53 PM
:: finally .. free ... :D Alia had been wanting to see the rest of this castle since coming here with Mommy but both her and Tirsa wouldn't allow it. Auntie Tirsa really didn't care, but Mommy said something about Auntie Tirsa's blue butt would be sorry if something happened. How could a butt be sorry anyway?

Question for another time. Alia would be sorry ... sorta ... when Tirsa got in trouble. Far as Auntie knew, Alia was playing in the living room while she was making dinner :crack

She put a finger to her lip in thought, emulating her mother, and wondered which way to go at the junction. She was faced with a serious decision!

Left .. or ... Right! ::


Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 2nd, 2003, 08:50:39 PM
(ooc) Boy, I hope this thread is open. :)



Though little Alia didn't realize it, she had been joined by someone else on her sneak through the halls. "Such a difficult decision!" Hob spoke aloud. "Left, or right? Right, or left?"

The dwarf looked curiously at Alia. "Which way should old Hob go, missy?"

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Jul 3rd, 2003, 08:32:40 PM
OOC Aye, it be!



:: she looked up at him in awe. Alia didn't even see him there! That was so cool! :crack ::

"I dunno, Hob."

:: her lips pouted out ::

"I've never been here before and I don't wanna get too lost and it's all dark!" :(

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 1st, 2003, 12:36:01 AM
"A little light, perhaps?"

Hob snapped and above his fingers a globe of pure white light appeared, illuminating the hallway and sending the shadows back some distance down the corridor.

"Well, lass," Hob said, smiling a toothy grin at the young girl. "It seems ye've come across quite a problem. Satisfy yer curiosity by explorin' the castle, or go back where it's safe an' wait fer aunty Tirsa t' put ye t' bed. Which would ye prefer?"

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Aug 3rd, 2003, 12:11:16 PM

:: the light of the orb illuminated her inquisitive eyes further. It was kinda like Auntie Sorshie's fireball .. just not hot and dangerous. She lifted herself off the ground through her amulet to look at it closer ::

"Pretty! We use it to go explore!!!"

:: Alia did a flip in the air with excitement ::

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 5th, 2003, 07:14:50 PM
"Alrighty then, lass," Hob chuckled. "Off we go!"

The two of them continued through the hallways, their path lit by the globe. Though it provided light for certain, it also seemed to keep dark things scurrying just out of its range.

Eventually, they came upon a large set of double doors. Hob pushed one with a questing hand to reveal stacks and stacks of books. "Oho, what be this?" he asked of his travelling companion.

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Aug 5th, 2003, 10:17:06 PM
:: she was a little scared of the shadows, but Hobby's magic light ball made sure that they were both safe! It seemd that their travels were taking them no where until finally a room was beheld. Hob opened them with a hand and was all giddy .. for books.

Alia made a face and shrugged, still in the air ::

"They're books. So?"

:: she asked a bit confused ::

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 6th, 2003, 11:30:23 PM
"Never has Old Hob seen yonder room," said the dwarf, clearly puzzled. "Nor does he know what it contains."

"Mayhap we should investigate," said Hob after thinking about it. "There may be somewhat hidin' about we need t' take care of."

Hob resolutely marched through the doors, allowing Alia the choice between staying or following.

Aliandra Mal Pannis
Aug 11th, 2003, 10:05:16 PM

:: the echoes of her voice startled her and Alia flew in quickly after Hob ::

"Wait for me!"

:: her green eyes went big with all the books. Being up close.. they were so big! some of them were bigger then her ::