View Full Version : Family? (Xazor)

Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 1st, 2003, 01:58:29 PM
::After the presence of another Dawnstrider int he bar, Verse's head spun. Images rushed in and out of his mind at speeds that could make one sick. He held his head and sat on his bed. On the otehr end of teh room was Golith, Verse's Dire Wolf. He had taken him from Eden to stay with him. The old creature got around well, but would rather stay asleep then walk around.

Verse rubbed his temples and waited for XAzor.::

Xazor Elessar
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:04:23 PM
Just as Verse began rubbing his temples, there was a knock at the door and then it opened. "You called for me -- Father?" She questioned, noticing the distressed look upon his face. With an internal sigh, the Jedi Knight moved toward the man who had brought her up in the ways of the Jedi -- the man who had helped her become the Knight she was. So many times he had been there for her, now it was her turn to reverse rolls.

"You look like you're about to be sick! Is everything okay? Are you ill?" She questioned, kneeling beside him and placing a hand upon his forehead. He was warm, but not running a fever as she would have thought. Her soft cyan blue eyes searched his for a moment as she settled upon her knees. "Sorry if I embarassed you in the bar, or something -- if I did something to you, I apologize. I did not wish to join you simply because I was in a hurry to the Archives." She said softly, taking on of his strong hands in her own as she began massaging it. "Is all well? Please, be honest." Her words were soothing and her voice gentle as she spoke, hoping to get an answer out of him.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 1st, 2003, 08:37:21 PM
::Verse breathed deep as teh room rippled and swirled around him and Xazor. Suddenly they both were looking at a past time through his eyes. A Younger versew as argueing with his mate on a heated issue. Verse was looking out the window at two children playing. A Littel girla nd boy. the girl useing a stick liek a sword slicing through teh air, while they boy played in the sand not intrested at all in combat like all teh other children around him.::

Verse- "Look at him. He doesn't enough pretend to care about combat. Xazor on teh other hand....."

Voice behind Verse, clearly that of Xazor's mother- "It is customary that he trains with teh Confederate Pack and not Xazor. Ever sence they were born you have been partial to her. It is because she acts just like you. Look how the boys follow here around and she beats them at every game!"

Verse- "That is my point. To the Nine-Hells with customs! She was born to ride in that pack. He doesn't even want to fight. He only wants to play games! She has a fighter's spirit. I have made my choice and everyone else will respect it. People look up to me and her. Xazor has the gift to. She is a Chosen of Gaia. She can already sence the other kids attacks. Others will agree. odds are he will nto even care......"


::The room rippled again and they were back in Verse's room.::

"Memories again. Like when I found you again. More are coming, and very very fast. I even feel like there may be anther child....a second little girl. Everything is a blurr. Damn that Kama. May the devils dance on his dark bones....."

::He looked at his daughter.::

"What do you think?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 12th, 2003, 08:38:07 PM
Xazor felt and saw everything that her Father did. Her heart skipped a beat at the sights and at his words -- especially at the realization of the truth.

Swalling a hard lump in her throat, the Jedi Knight shifted her weight uncomfortably and sighed deeply within herself. She felt his frustration and knew that he wanted nothing but the worst for Kama.

"Daddy -- we are Jedi, we forgive and try to forget." She said softly, though it had been most difficult for her to do so. Shaking her head, the woman realized that Verse was right.

It was hard for her to imagine so many siblings that she had not been aware of before. "I have felt it too -- I know there are others, but it puzzles me. Who is this boy in the vision? Is he my Brother? It cannot be Chaos -- so -- who?" She questioned with a confused expression upon her face.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 13th, 2003, 10:25:36 AM
"I think......I think it may be that new boy Zak. I started seeing these things when he was around. He is so much like the boy. Rather play than fight..."

::Verse rubbed his temples.::

"I was....ashamed of your brother. I feel it. I was a living legend with our people and great things were expected of my children. You fit that mold perfectly. Able to touch the Force so younge, beating kids older than you in spars like it was nothing. Your brother was the opposite. I was ashamed because I knew what was being said about him. I was younge....and he hurt my pride."

::Verse breathed deep. Gathering his thoughts as quickly as he could.::

"He even smelled like him. His scent was the same. There is no dought in my mind. For him to come here means he can touch teh Force, but I don't see why I didn't when he was younger. I have heard also of another girl. She came bearing our name.

I will say this. There are no other Dawnstriders besides us. She may be another lost one.....so many.....so many chidren...and I can't even remeber...."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2003, 10:40:03 AM
Xazor laughed slightly and she shook her head. The idea of having another Brother was rather absurd. "A Brother, though? How old is he? If my memory serves correctly, he would have to be my twin else it would be impossible!"

Of course, she had not given a good look at Zacharia to see that he was identical to her, save for a few subtle differences and gender. Sighing, the Knight shook her head again. "Do not feel bad for the past, Father -- it is over and done with. I am just puzzled as to why I cannot remember him."

Xazor desperatly wished to remember the boy. To have another Brother would be wonderful -- perhaps they would be as close as she and Chaos. Her mind wandered to her little sister, someone she had failed to mention to Verse. "You are right -- there is another -- two in fact. Two girls. One is but a year younger than me -- the other is eleven. I am training the one and she knows that we are bound by blood -- the other is unaware but when I recruited her, she gave the name Dawnstrider. Indeed, she smelled of our clan too."

Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 13th, 2003, 10:53:20 AM
::Verse just shrugged::

"What am I suppost to say to them? 'Hi, I am your father don't mind that I look liek I could be your brother.' It is strange all in all. This must be looked into. Check into the girl for me Angel. I will have Jake look into the boy. When I figure more out I will move in..."

::Verse grinded his teeth.::

"May Kama rot forever in the Nine-Hells.........."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 13th, 2003, 10:58:21 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled. "I will Father. And so you know, the girls are Simene Dawnstrider and Cassidy Williams. I know much about Cassidy, but I have yet to get close to Simene. She knows nothing of my relation to her."

The Knight said softly as she shifted her weight. Her Father's persistent wish for Kama to rot was getting at her and so, she decided to ask a question. "Not only are you my Father, but you trained me in the ways of the Force. You are my Master, even if I am a Knight." She paused a moment and eyed him. "Remember that time you yelled at me and gave me the lecture on acting like a Jedi?"

She smiled for she knew he was aware of where this was going. "I've learned much from you, and now when I am finally becomming what you wished I was so long ago, you change slightly and wish evil upon others." The Knight reached up and gently touched Verse's face. "Justice will come to Kama yet -- Karma is something that we Garou do not take lightly, you know?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Jul 13th, 2003, 09:00:11 PM
::Verse smiled and nodded.::

"Being a Jedi is hard even for a Master. I am Garou...that means I have my pride. If I saw him again......I don't know if I could hold myself back. Hopefully I could."

::Verse layed on his back and looked at the cieling.::

"To change the subject,....well not really sence we are talkign about family and such......, how is my Grand-Daughter and when do I get to see her?"