View Full Version : Lone Soldier: The Light

Captain Coruscant
Jul 1st, 2003, 12:54:59 PM
When Rick Wright had walked through the door to Yogs Bar and Grill, he’d not received the warmest welcome. The guards had looked at him as though he was crazy, and demanded that he hand over his shield for storage whilst he was in the bar. He felt naked without it, having carried it for so long, but had of course agreed and gone up to the bar.

All suited up in his costume of red, white and blues, he looked quite odd, but to some people he looked familiar – he was the face of justice, seen on all of the holoscreens across Coruscant whenever a showdown between good and evil was taking place. Founder and Leader of the Justice Squad, Captain Coruscant was a house hold name – a nameless ex soldier who’d risen through the ranks to become the symbol of pride and patriotism during the Clone Wars.

The bartender obviously recognized him, and saluted cheerfully after taking his order of a root beer – while wondering just what the masked hero was doing all dressed up in a bar.

Jul 2nd, 2003, 03:37:42 AM
A band played across the room and a surly group of non-human species gathered around the bar. Starr made her way through the smoke-filled room to a booth in a deserted corner. A small Bothan waitress waltzed over to the booth and smiled at her.

Starr thought for a moment before deciding that this run down excuse for a bar probably didn't have anything of decent taste. "A water will be all."

She lit a small, elongated cigarette and put it to her lips. A strong inhale and she blew the smoke into a smooth-line stream that headed in the direction of the bar area.