View Full Version : Lights Out [Sorsha, open?]

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:32:32 PM
The hallway from her rooms had never seemed quite as narrow or twisted before. De'Ville had a bottle of vodka (no, a half empty bottle of vodka) clutched in her right hand, and she was using her left to fend off the walls as they came towards her.

Sorrrsha.... "Kasaj...jin." The twenty seven year old woman muttered to herself as she meandered through the halls of Bast. "I know you are ...here..?" Lilaena peered around a corner, and saw nothing. "Oh well, guess not."

The halls resonated for a moment, and she glared at a light fixture, as if daring Daniel to show himself. The spirit did not appear, but she felt a prickling in the back of her neck, as though she was being watched. The Dark Jedi tipped back her bottle and took a large swallow, gasping as the liquid burned on the way down.

She continued through the lighted hallways, and then found that the brightness was hurting her eyes. De'Ville closed them, and concentrated, wobbling slightly.

The lights flickered, and then died in that section of the complex.

Now in the dark, she continued on her way, finding herself leaning drunkenly against the door of the Witch. She hit the door a little hard, not having a good grasp on distances while inebriated, and then listened quietly, not really wanting to disturb anything.

She couldn't hear anything. Maybe... she'ss not there... Her thoughts felt a little garbled, but she knocked lightly anyway. While she waited for an answer, she tipped the bottle up once more, and managed to pour quite a bit onto herself while trying to finish it.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 23rd, 2003, 12:24:56 PM
:: The silence was broken, by something that sounded like a muffled scream on the other side of the door ::

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 23rd, 2003, 12:30:13 PM
De'Ville leaned closer to the door to listen, then overbalanced and thudded against the wood again. Then the bottle slipped out of her hand and broke on the ground. Frell. In the dark she couldn't see the glass, and so tried to clear it away with her boot...carefully.