View Full Version : Gyron enters the bar...

Gyon Banex
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:09:38 PM
Midnight rolled upon Coruscant like a charcoal fog, shrouding the cityscape in a sinister mask. Neon signs attempted to overcompensate for the nefarious decor of the mid level sectors. Throngs of beings of hundreds of races milled about, each on their own separate path. Into all this entered Gyon Banex, on a mission.

Cautiously, he approaches the entrance to Master Yoghurt's Bar & Grill. The door guards eye him up, and its obvious that he isn't going to set foot into the establishment while he's packing heat. Best to give them up voluntarily, rather than against his will, where other uncomfortable questions might arise.

"Take care of these, will ya?"

Gyon slipped his pistols out in pairs, depositing them in the nearby strongbox. Two. Four. Six. And seven for good luck. The door guards narrowed their eyes at him, and Gyon turned his pockets inside-out.

"That's it. Honest."

They decided against patting him down, much to Gyon's relief. The black-suited man arched an eyebrow at the pair, as he eased between them.

"You two have a good night."

With that past him, Gyon made his way toward the bar, for a drink.