View Full Version : A Call To Order- Queen Takes Knight

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 30th, 2003, 06:45:47 PM
"I'm still quite surprised that you came here Jedi Knight Tarkin. I was expecting Senator Evenstar to oversee the contract." Senator Dallin, appointed spokesperson for Kuat, leaned forward and placed his laced hands upon the desk as he spoke. "Not that your presence isn't welcomed." Which was true, the Senator thought Navaria to be much more pleasant in conversation then the Arcan Senator.

Navaria took a moment to study the Senator. Politics were often filled with intrigue and double meanings in the simplest of words. Dallin was the epitome of Kuat's fortunes. Jet black hair tied back in a tight ponytail to accentuate his sharp features were a striking contrast to his green eyes. the clothes he wore were of greens and browns made of the finest silks that no one could afford on a Senator's salary. It crossed her mind more then once, how many of the shipyard owners had Dallin in their back pocket. Which made it simple for the Jedi and the Senator to achieve an understanding about Arcan's defense. "Thank you. It is just my comrade's schedule turned quite hectic and asked one of the Council Members to finalize everything. After all, this has to do with the safety of Arcan and the Jedi do have a vested interest in the planet."

"Right then." His smile was sly and Navaria narrowed her eyes, knowingly and sighed at his vulgar thoughts. "I have the contracts worked out with the Keiverian Company. All they need is your ..."

I'm sorry Senator, but the Bothan delegation is here.

Dallin slammed his finger on the console. "I know that Adera. I'm meeting them after my appointment with Miss Tarkin."

No sir. You don't understand. They are here, right now, in the waiting room. They say that their appointment is scheduled now. I don't know where they got that idea, Senator.

"Tell them they'll have to wait. This shouldn't take too long."

There was a pause as Adera relayed the message and both Navaria and Dallin heard three sets of voices raise in anger. Navaria was taken aback. She didn't think Bothan Diplomats knew those kind of words in basic.

Dallin was getting flushed. "I'm sorry..."

She held up a hand and shrugged, smiling. "By all means. I can wait. We Jedi are quite patient."

He looked relieved. More then he should have. Those contracts were quite important it seemed. "Thank you. I shouldn't be too long."

Navaria stood up to see him leave, chuckling when she overheard the commotion outside. When the door closed, she leaned on his desk and adjusted her cloak. About bloody time he left. It took a lot of concentration to focus on the three Bothans minds at once to escalate their annoyance into downright anger towards Dallin. But, it worked. She was alone in his office, the palmed slicer device in hand. Her smuggling skills were not often called upon, but it was much easier building this type of device then buying one. Too many question would have been raised. It was six by eight centimeters in width and length, covered in black metal color as his computer. There were cameras in this room so this would have to be done with subtle grace.

She looked around the room in interest until settling upon the window behind Dallin's desk. It was quite impressive. She never had the pleasure of watching a shipyard being constructed. Only the skeletal frame was done and dozens of small crafts were bringing in more equipment for the welders.

Enough of this.

Break was over.

Her hold upon the Bothans was relinquished and Navaria found herself right next to Dallin's desk, enjoying a piece of art on the far wall when the Senator returned minutes later with hands behind her back. The Jedi turned around at the sound of the door opening and placed the device at the back of the monitor, underneath, where no one bothers to look. "All is well now I presume?"

He was straightening out his collar like someone had grabbed him. "Yes, quite ... now. Let's finish our business so our Bothan friends need not wait any longer!"

It only took roughly fifteen minutes to finalize the contract between the Keiverian Kuat yards and Arcan IV. Four frigates would be made first to help provide protection to its citizens and help fend off any undesirables in the area that somehow always found a way to cause trouble for the Jedi. Arcan's citizen's would be pleased when this deal would be announced.

Dallin led Navaria by the elbow out of his office and towards the nearest lift, "Thank you for your understanding with what happened."

"No need to thank me, Senator." She pressed the panel to call for the lift. "It is simply in my nature to be so."

He smiled and the lift opened. "Are you sure I can't convince you to have dinner with me tonight?"

"No. I am sorry. My time is limited here and I need to get back to Coruscant. Thank you for your time and I will inform Senator Evenstar personally of our business today."

It was curt and to the point and finally Dallin backed off, getting enough hints. "Very well then. Safe trip back home, Jedi Knight Tarkin." He bowed and spun on his heels back towards his next appointment.

When the lift doors closed, Navaria fell back against the wall and rolled her eyes. "Pig."

Her mind reached out across kilometers of space between her and a mind that was intimate with hers while the lift descended. Tell me it's working?

imported_Taja Loraan
Aug 2nd, 2003, 05:50:59 AM
Taja laughed dryly. The Senator's thoughts on the Jedi Knight, and Navaria's consequent disgust, played through the redhead's mind with perfect clarity as she sat hunched over one of the many computer consoles in the small warehouse room, conveniently abandoned and situated on the outermost fringes of town -- an area seldom frequented by any, save cargo loaders and the like. The screen was at the moment blank, a few characters blinking periodically in one corner as the Dark Jedi sat with one foot raised onto her chair, chin propped up on the palm of her hand. Her part of the job hadn't involved anything other than listening in on the conversation regarding shipyard contracts... up until now, that is.

A sudden stream of characters flashed across the monitor, indicating that the slicer device was in place. They didn't appear to be arranged in any logical pattern, however; they merely kept blinking in and out of existence, only to be replaced immediately afterwards by some other random string of letters and numbers. Taja's brows furrowed ever so slightly as the decrypting program was activated, generating over a dozen different codes into the system each second, but every one of these new sequences was answered in exactly the same way.


It was then that Navaria's telepathic voice filtered inside her own mind through the strange life bond they shared. The Dark Jedi's frown deepened in frustration.

"Give me a minute, Mother."

Only, that single minute seemed to drag onwards into several more, but without gleaning any results. Taja could feel the growing sense of urgency on the other side of the transmitter and her own nails began drumming against the table's surface, before running swiftly across the keyboard and entering various last minute commands in hopes of speeding up the process, now getting to be almost desperate.


"Frelling piece of dren --!"

Her teeth were gritted as she cursed, hands balling into fists then unclenching again as she glared daggers into the computer screen. Only a few minutes had elapsed since Navaria's slicer device had started functioning but Taja's temper was quick to ignite, and for an instant the whites of her eyes clouded over darkly. But then, after several long and agonizing seconds had passed, the display finally flickered and changed again...


The Dark Jedi's irises returned to their normal hue and a small grin curled the corners of her lips as the machine now began copying all the files stored on the Senator's computer. Within a matter of minutes the entire hard drive and all the confidential data it contained would be transferred over to their own system.

"We're in."

Navaria Tarkin
Aug 5th, 2003, 09:42:33 PM
She was frowning all the way down to street level, feeling Taja's failure after failure through their link. It was most disconcerning. They needed that schedule now.

We're in

The doors to the lift swished opened as the Jedi Knight was smirking to herself, causing a few looks to be exchanged by several employees that were waiting for the tube. Still smirking, she exited and headed towards the nearest shuttle.

Good. Make sure to get his entire schedule. We need to find the perfect place to position dear sweet Navaria here to meet the Senator.

Oh what a devilish plan indeed. Navaria Tarkin. Jedi Knight and esteemed Council Member; loved and praised by all ... a murderer.

It was quite difficult to contain the mirth that was bubbling inside her right now that she had to cover her face with the hood. Within the shadows, the true face of Navaria could finally grin in satisfaction to the events that were so close to being set in motion.