View Full Version : Trying to Remember

Vishalla Daoked
Jun 30th, 2003, 12:08:40 PM
Vishalla entered the B&G out of curiousity. She'd awoken on Coruscant yestarday with no memory of who she is, or where she is. She got told she was on Coruscant, but that means nothing to her. She is after all, more or less just a kid right now. Always, it seems, that her identity is hovering just infront of her, if only she could just reach far enough, she could grasp it.

Dressed in a white dress, which is dirty right now, she makes her way over to the bar and orders a glass of water. Upon recieving the water, she makes her way to a table and sits down on a chair, looking around the bar, sighing to herself.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 30th, 2003, 12:45:21 PM
Silently a figure clad in white robes sits off in the front corner of the Bar and Grill. Her eyes rest steadily upon the little girl as she retrieves a glass of water for herself and finds a seat. Xazor noted her dirty white dress and her unkempt hair, just as blonde as her own. A sad smile crossed the woman's lips as she rose from her seat and made her way to the child. "Hello -- what's your name?" The Jedi Knight questioned with a friendly smile.

She knelt down beside the table and looked into the girl's beautiful eyes with her own bright cyan blue orbs. Holding out a hand, the Knight bowed her head slightly. "I am Xazor -- a Jedi Knight. Are you lost?" The Garou Warrior questioned softly, hoping she could help this girl in any way possible.

Vishalla Daoked
Jun 30th, 2003, 04:19:31 PM
Vishalla looks up at Xazor when she approaches her.

"I I I do not know my name. And I I I do not know if I I'm lost."

She gets a bit more confidence in her voice as she speaks.

"All I know is that I woke up here on Coruscant yestarday. I don't know how I got here, or why I'm here. Just that I am here.

Right now I'm just hungry and thirsty, but all I can afford is a glass of water."

A couple of tears appear in her eyes as she's about to start crying, feeling lost and alone, not knowing who she is or where she's from.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 30th, 2003, 07:09:21 PM
Xazor looked up at the girl as she spoke, and could see the tears forming in her eyes. Full of sympathy, the Knight rose slightly and wrapped an arm around the girl. "You poor thing -- I'll buy you whatever you want -- just pick something off the menu and it's yours!" The woman said with a smile, inching closer to the girl until she was sitting beside her in the booth.

Her eyes slowly came to rest upon her face as she gently touched the child's mind with her own, attempting to find information such as a name. She recalled doing this when Oriadin came to the Order -- for he too had no memories and had even forgotten his name. It was an odd occurence, though -- for she could not find anything at first. "And if you have no place to stay -- then -- you can stay with me, unless you are uncomfortable with that. If so, I can find you your own quarters here at the Jedi Order." She said softly with a gentle smile, probing the child's mind more as she spoke. Finally she came up with something, but it did not make sense. She was getting letters -- scrambled letters, but they were slowly forming a name. For the time being, she would stick with what she had and pry at the child's mind later in an attempt to get the information out.

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 1st, 2003, 08:20:51 AM
Vishalla nods her head slightly, a smile appearing on her face as Xazor says that she'll buy her something.

"A salad would be nice, that is if it's not to much of a problem."

She wipes the tears away from her eyes as she thinks about having a place to stay. A thought comes to her mind, a memory of a person, an adult saying that she would make a fine Jedi one day. But no names, no locations.

"I I'd like that very much. I don't like being alone, and you've come and offered to buy me something to eat, even though you don't know me. Thank-you."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:31:29 AM
Xazor nodded at the girl's request and as a service droid passed, she informed it of her wishes. "If you want anything else, do not hesitate to ask." She said with a smile.

As the girl accepted Xazor's invitation to stay at her home, the Knight nodded. "You can have your own room there -- I just recently moved upstairs into bigger quarters to make room for my growing family. You may stay as long as you like." She said with a smile and began to think of the letters in her mind once again before she thought of something else. "I'll take you there when we are finished -- you are in need of some new clothes, don't ya think?" The woman smiled once again as she thought of the possibilites that came with finding this girl.

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 1st, 2003, 03:25:38 PM
"I think I might be in need of some new clothes. All I really have right now is this dress. I may have some more clothes elsewhere, but I do not know."

Vishalla smiles. This has been turning out to be a rather good day for her. She's getting a good meal, and a place to stay for as long as she wishes. Now to just remember who she is, that would make her day even better. But she is just a child, and able to make a new life for herself.

She turns her smile to Xazor before starting to speak again.

"Thank-you very much for doing this for me. I wish I knew what I could do the repay you for all of this."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 16th, 2003, 10:06:25 AM
Xazor smiled and nodded. "I have just the thing for you to wear, then. But you must eat first! Enjoy everything -- eat as much as you like." She said gently.

Her eyes met the table for a moment until the girl spoke of repaying her. Shaking her head, the Jedi Knight sighed internally. "You need not to repay me, young one -- what I offer to you is free."

The woman smiled once again and noted that the service droid was approaching with her meal. Setting the girl's food upon the table, the droid beeped several times before rolling away. "It looks delicious!" She exclaimed with a giddy laugh. "Really, though -- I offer you my love and anything you need to make yourself comfortable. Stay as long as you like. If you need a friend, I'll be here. If you need a family, I've got plenty. And if you need a mother --"

The woman paused and smiled gently, thinking about the children she had effected by either adoption, or simply by training them and filling in as their parent. "I'll be there as well." She said with a reassuring nod.

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 16th, 2003, 01:18:52 PM
"Right now I have no family, and I have no friends except for you. I don't even have a past right now, or a name."

Vishalla wipes the last of the tears off her face as she takes a bite of her salad, a huge smile appearing on her face.

"I I I don't know how to thank you for all your kindness to me. I wish I knew how to thank you properly."