View Full Version : Ballistic (Open)

Solomon Daenal
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:55:52 AM
Following the events of an ill-fated cruise (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30076&perpage=20&pagenumber=1), Solomon found himself without transportation and less than twenty-four hours before he was to report back to Brask. However, misfortune had befallen a gunboat the admiral had entrusted to him. Daenal was painfully aware that tardiness and more importantly the loss of a valuable vessel would not prompt Brask to continue aiding the large mercenary with his thirst for vengeance. But in desperate times, inspiration is born.

After narrowly avoiding New Republic investigations aboard the Swift Liberty, Solomon bought his way aboard a frigate destined for the desert planet Tatooine. Rumors had spread throughout much of the galaxy, bringing tales of a classified space station in which could be found a prototype fighter unlike any other. Though the stories never specified what the craft was capable of, there remained one detail that was certain. Only one existed and those who possessed it had gone to great lengths to ensure its protection. Such a fighter could make an excellent replacement for what was lost.

The bulky liner drifted to a halt, docking at the Mos Eisley spaceport. Plumes of hissing steam blanketed the loading ramp, as the silhouette of a heavily laden man could be seen exiting the ship. Daenal carried with him a large satchel across his shoulders and an even more sizable pack in his left hand. The sheer weight would have been far too much for most men, yet he seemed to carry it with ease. Taking in a deep breath, he ventured out into the busy hangar.

Jul 1st, 2003, 07:28:13 AM
Just finishing an assignment, Rage packed up her weapons, making sure to lock the case. Checking her holster at her thigh and the daggers at her boot top, she smiled and ran her hands through her hair.

Walking into the hangar, the limp evident from her 'pleasure cruise experience' as Taz put it, she let out a soft curse as her leg throbbed a little. She shook her head and laughed at her remembrance of the experience.

Rage had a few days to kill before going back to the office. Her mind was wondering on what she should do. She really wasn't paying attention when she walked into a 'wall'. She rebounded off of the stranger and fall on her backside with a resounding 'oomph'. Already cursing, she looked up to see a familiar red head turning around to glare at whom ever dared to disturb him.


Solomon Daenal
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:45:53 AM

The brawny, red head extended a helping hand.

“What the devil brings you out to a place like this?”

Jul 1st, 2003, 12:26:46 PM
"Thank you." She smiled, dusting her backside off. Rage looked up at the big man as she picked up her fallen case. She tilted her head to the side and grinned at him.

"Aw frell, Sol...you know my line of work." She winked at him. "Besides, if I told you, I'd have to kill you and that would be no fun at all."

Rage laughed, adjusting the case in her arms and took a look around the hanger and then back at Soloman.

"I never did get to thank you for saving my life, Soloman. It is much appreciated!" Rage grinned. "So, my big, strong rescuer...what are you doing here, or is that none of my business?"

Rage laughed, watching as a young thug bumped into her. She knew he was trying to lift something of value off of her and she grabbed his hand quickly, shaking her head.

"I wouldn't try it if I were you." Rage said, her hand moving away from the blaster at her hip. The young kid's eyes widened and he took off running. Rage laughed, then turned her brown eyes back upon Soloman.

"So, is it none of my business?"

Solomon Daenal
Jul 2nd, 2003, 09:39:22 AM
Solomon grinned, thoughtfully pouring over the prospect of divulging his true objective to the lethal beauty and the consequences which may ensue. He had not, due in large part to the unusual circumstances of their first meeting, truly acquainted himself with the striking young assassin, a potentially disastrous oversight. Yet, Daenal felt oddly compelled to trust her. Perhaps time would tell.

“Let’s just say I’m on a treasure hunt.”

Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:14:18 PM
Rage lifted an eyebrow at him, knowing full well he wasn't telling her everything. She didn't blame him, she wouldn't divulge anything just yet, either, but for some reason, she felt she could trust him if she really wanted to. Rage smiled at him, taking his arm.

"So, think I can buy you a cold one before you leave? I've got time to kill myself and I couldn't think of any better way to spend it." Rage said, nodding her head in the direction of the nearest bar. She wiggled her eyebrows and offered him a suggestive grin.

"Wadd'ya say? I've got to pay you back for saving my life somehow."

Park Kraken
Jul 2nd, 2003, 05:50:44 PM
::Having landed aboard the spaceport, former Imperial Admiral-now NR Commodore Kraken strode into the streets of Mos Eisley, looking for the shop where he could find the things he needed for his top secret mission. While walking, he sighted a woman being knocked down by a man. He thought he recognized the woman, So he walked over, and tapped her on the shoulder::

"Excuse me young woman, but I think you should watch where you are going. Never know when you might bump into someone you know."

Jarek T'chort
Jul 3rd, 2003, 04:09:58 PM
On Krakens ship, a small datapad wedged between two floor plates was emitting a small data code out into space.....

......Aboard the Imperator class star destroyer Acheron Captain Selcon watched the readouts over a crewers shoulder. He smirked.
"Well well, it appears Kraken has gone to the home of the hero of the Rebellion." Selcon said mockingly.
Jarek Tchort arrived on the bridge and stepped smartly over to Captain Selcon.
"It appears, commander, that Kraken is on Tatooine. Mos Eisely to be exact."
"The homing beacon worked?" Enquired Tchort.
"Perfectly, the traitor is in our grasp now." Selcon turned to the com officer. "Send a communication to Admiral Holder, inform him we are on Krakens trail."
"Tchort, assemble your men, and bring that traitor in."
"Understood sir." Jarek turned and headed for the troop quarters. Kraken had proved difficult to capture on that cursed liner outnumbered and outgunned, what would he be able to do now in a sprawling spaceport?

Solomon Daenal
Jul 4th, 2003, 11:23:31 PM
“I could never say no to a beautiful woman.” A broad smile emerged. “Especially when free booze is involved.”

Suddenly, his attention was diverted to an all too familiar gentlemen who had approached Rage from behind. Solomon watched as Kraken gentle tapped her on the shoulder, then began freely heaving out mounds of advice. The enormous mercenary continued to leer at the Admiral, sifting through memories until finding just the right one.

“Hey!” Daenal roared, making his presence known. “Ain’t you the guy all ‘em Imps were after?”

Park Kraken
Jul 5th, 2003, 01:38:44 AM
"And still after, if you train you macrobinoculars to the sky, you should be able to make out that ISD up there. But this time, I'm not alone. I have men, and ships of my own."

::With those last sentences, Commodore Kraken tapped his NR uniform.::

"So, what are you two up to?"

Jul 5th, 2003, 08:21:03 AM
Rage opened her mouth to say something most likely un-lady like to Soloman when she felt the tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw the man from the 'Forbidden Pleasure' she had fought along side with. Rage smiled at him, then turned to look at Soloman with a smokey glance, then back.

"I'm just finishing up a 'job' and going to relax for awhile. I was just offering to buy Soloman a drink here. You are more than welcome to join us." Rage offered. She tilted her head to the side and then laughed,

"So, I'm not waiting anymore. If you want that drink men, I'll be inside here!" She pointed to the bar opposite of them, named 'Carnal Knowledge', then flipped her hair over her shoulder and turned on her heel, heading into the bar.

Rage quickly found out why it was named just that as she walked in. There were live barmaids instead of droids, strewn over customers in various forms of dress, making out and openly pawing each other.

Rage smirked, heading towards a booth when a barmaid appeared before her. The barmaid looked at her with an eyebrow raised and Rage started to laugh,

"Honey, you're not my type." Rage purred, thinking of Soloman and those arms. "Just get me a whiskey."

Solomon Daenal
Jul 5th, 2003, 09:57:00 AM
Solomon continued his spiteful watch over Kraken. To say he did not trust the Admiral would be a vast understatement. Daenal had lost a ship, a prize blaster, and almost his life the last time he had encounter the daring New Republic officer. But his features soon softened as he recalled benefits which came with the disadvantages. His mind lingered, musing foremost over the lovely assassin who waited just inside, then drifted to the “minor” souvenir concealed in the oversized pack.

“After you.” He said, mustering what civility he could while gesturing toward the bar door.

Once the two men were en route, Solomon glanced at a small, cylindrical datapad dangling at the belt. The device read: 22:36:19 – and counting. An already complicated undertaking just took another twist.

Jarek T'chort
Jul 5th, 2003, 12:10:35 PM
The Imperial drop ships swooped down over the desert planet, scattering womp rats gathered over meat scraps. The Imperial ships repulsorlifts kicked in, blasting dust out from beneath them. They had arrived just outside Mos Eisely.

Aboard the lead transport Tchort looked around his men, their armour was sand blasted and each man wore the distinctive equipment of the desert conditions soldier, heavy packs were mounted on their shoulders with all manner of supplies inside.
The drop ships lowered their ramps, and the white armoured stormtroopers emerged, taking up watchful positions. The troopers were moving now stealthily into the town. Tatooine had seen few Imperial troops since the escape of Luke Skywalker and his droids Jarek thought bitterly. Tchorts troops were now near the center of the town, various local denzins and assorted slime of the galaxy moved anxiously aside, keeping away from the potent symbols of order, which the troopers represented, even on this hole of a world.
The stormtroopers fanned out, sweeping into the center of Mos Eisely. Kraken was around somewhere.

Park Kraken
Jul 5th, 2003, 02:15:35 PM
::As he moved into the bar, the comlink on Kraken's collar beeped. Excusing himself from Soloman, Kraken sidled over close to the bar....::

"Sir, we have spotted numerous Imperial Stormtroopers making their way torwards your position."

"Damn, so soon......, thanks for the report, keep me updated."

::He turned back to Soloman, and spoke in a low voice::

"Were about to have some old company. Do you need anything?"

Solomon Daenal
Jul 5th, 2003, 07:14:17 PM
Daenal gave a deep sigh of irritation. One by one, obstacles seem to put themselves into play. Wondering if he would ever have a chance, outside a life or death struggle, to learn more about the enchanting Rage.

“Go tell Rage to put a rain check on those drinks.” Reaching around to a rear pocket, Solomon took up a long stemmed cigar. “As for what I need...” He continued, placing it in his mouth before lighting. “...just a little bit o’ fightin’ room.”

The hulking Daenal dropped his satchel, falling to the floor with a thud. He turned, with pack still in hand, and moved out into the open midway, while remaining close enough to block the door. Gentle curls of smoke issued from his lips as he patiently awaited an ivory onslaught.

Park Kraken
Jul 5th, 2003, 07:47:04 PM
::Turning to go into the bar, Commodore Kraken turned to Soloman, and said::

"Consider your request granted. But stay out of the streets, those are the designated kill zones. I will go inside to warn Rage."

::With this Commodore Kraken drew out a comlink, and made two clicks. About fifty men wearing cloaks came out of various buildings, and starting shooing various people away. With a wink to Soloman, Commodore Kraken walked into the bar. Walking up behind the woman, he tapped her on the shoulder.::

"Cancel those drinks. We will have comany soon. Stormies."

Jul 5th, 2003, 10:11:13 PM
Rage let out an annoyed breath and turned to walk out of the bar with Kraken.

"This is getting to be extremely annoying." She muttered under her breath. Just when she gets interested in someone for more than being a job, this kind of stuff pops. "Figures."

The two of them walked out and she reached for her blaster at her hip. Rage watched Soloman with a smirk and called out, catching his attention,

"We get out of this, Sol...it's you and me for the weekend and no one else, ya got that?"

Jarek T'chort
Jul 6th, 2003, 04:50:44 AM
The Stormtroopers had fanned out, hugging the sides of the streets, blaster rifles raised in combat readiness. The Imperials would not be taken by suprise this time...
The troopers split into four squads of thirty men and took up positions in a loose perimeter around the center of the spaceport.
Tchort looked around him, the streets were still filled with beings, but he was looking for one in particular...there it was, gliding toward the stormtroopers covered in a flowing black cloak. The Kubaz looked cautiously at the Imperials. Then at Tchorts signal he slid over to the stormtroopers side.
The Kubaz was Garindan, an Imperial contact on Tatooine, though he worked for anyone if the price was right, Jarek thought sourly. The Kubaz's long metallic snout protruded from underneath his googles, giving him the aura of being a droid of some kind.
The creature muttered and pointed to a small bar up ahead underneath a large, rusted wreck of some freighter. Tchort nodded and pointed the Kubaz back to their drop zone, it would find it's payment there.
The stormtroopers edged forward and seeing that there was about to be some sort of violence, the assorted beings in the street scuttled away or found a safe place to hide and watch.
Suddenly, hostiles appeared, wearing cloaks and shooting into the street. The stormtroopers took up postions and the street was filled with flashes of baster bolts.
There was not much time to think, but the calm that years of training and battle sets into a soldier settled onto Jarek. Raising his rifle he felled one of the closest hostiles, then he swung his aim around and laid down fire on a smalll group of the cloaked hostiles heading toward the bar where the Kubaz had indicated that Kraken was. The battle was underway, Kraken had uneashed his suprise, but Jarek had his own suprises waiting for the traitor.

Park Kraken
Jul 6th, 2003, 03:24:39 PM
"Okay, part one of my suprise has been unleashed. Time for part two."

::With this statement, Kraken clicked on his comlink once, then twice more. From hidden positions in various buildings, four shutters slammed open, revealing four E-Web Heavy Repeating Blasters. These opened up on the Imperials, cutting them down quickly.::

"This way, follow me. My ship is over here. They have the spaceport blocked off. Don't worry, I will pay your berthing fees for you."

Jul 7th, 2003, 12:52:31 PM
Meanwhile at a point some hundred light years away...

Admar Brask was a pacient man, but Daenal was testing his nerves. With but sixteen hours and thirty two minutes left Daenal was still missing. He had vanished from sight of Brask, and his many agents, a week ago after boarding a transport.

So far there were no indications that Daenal had achieved anything useful with the equipment he had borrowed, even more annoying. But Brask would wait patiently

But he better have a good excuse for going AWOL!

Solomon Daenal
Jul 7th, 2003, 03:01:36 PM
“Loud and clear.” He said, acknowledging Rage’s remark.

Moments later Mos Eisley was engulfed by war. Stormtroopers poured into the open city streets. Numerous armed men, clad in uniform cloaks met the bone white death squad in a terrible struggle for dominance. Just when it seemed the Imperials had gained the upper hand, several automated weapons appeared from behind concealed positions making quick work of the invaders.

“It seems your men have everything under control, Kraken.” Solomon dusted the excess from his cigar. “But as for your offer, I’m afraid I’ll pass. I came to this rock to get me a new ship and I ain’t leavin’ ’till I get it.”

Daenal then hoisted the pack atop his shoulder before moving back inside the bar to also retrieve his satchel; making a point to check the contents of both.

Time grew increasingly shorter, it was now imperative he find a quick means of desert transportation when he happened to spy a handful of jawas huddled near a landspeeder.

“’Cuse me gents.” Solomon called to the diminutive natives. He began shoving and in some cases hurling the scavengers out of his way. “I’m confiscating this little ride, so if you don’t mind...” The engines hummed as the craft lifted. “...I’ll be on my way.”

The speeder flew from their midst, making a minor detour at the feet of a certain lady assassin.

“Going my way?”

Jul 7th, 2003, 03:17:08 PM
Rage watched Soloman work and her eyebrows raised in appreciation. She laughed as he pulled the vehicle right up infront of her.

"Going my way?" He asked.

"You better believe it!" Rage grinned, hopping into the speeder with ease. "Don't care where we go...just go, Handsome."

Park Kraken
Jul 7th, 2003, 04:03:21 PM
"Oh, about that.....One of the reasons I came here was to give you your reward for helping me, along with compensation for destroying your gunboat. You will find a Fully Automated Marauder Corvette in Secret Hangar Bay Three. My ship is in Hangar Bay two. The paint is still gleaming. Now if you would, right this way......."

Jarek T'chort
Jul 8th, 2003, 04:59:07 AM
The stormtroopers had pulled back to cover, pinning down several hostiles. The enemy were pouring fire from E - Web blasters into his positions. Very well, he thought, you wish to play the hard way.
Turning on his comlink, he gave the signal. Pulling out from the cover of the squat Mos Eisely houses, four Chariot assault vehicles pulled out with a whine of repulsorlifts, spewing cannon fire down toward the fleeing fugitives.
Five assault shuttles bore down onto the surface, hatches gaping wide, and yet more stormtroopers disembarked, blasters opening up on the cloaked hostiles.
TIE Interceptors screeched overhead, firing green energy into the E - Web positions. Mos Eisely was a smoking battlefield now, littered with bodies.
They can run, thought Jarek, but they cannot escape.

Park Kraken
Jul 8th, 2003, 08:35:43 AM
"Hoo boy, they brought out the big guns. Very well, I can play it this way." With another click to his comlink, Kraken summoned even more resources to his disposal. A RPG lanced out of a building window, and obliterated one of the Chariot LAVs. In the meantime, up in space, the light show began as the NR Fleet he just called in engaged the Star Destroyer above orbit there. His force had 3 top-of-the-line MC-90 Battlecruisers at his disposal, so important his mission was. Within moments, E-Wings were knocking the TIE Interceptors out of the air.

Jul 8th, 2003, 01:40:14 PM
Rage turned to look at Soloman as they sat in the speeder, getting fired upon.

"Soloman, let's get the frell out of here." She yelled as the ground exploded nearby. "And don't waste any time, Handsome!"

Solomon Daenal
Jul 8th, 2003, 03:03:44 PM
He scowled at Kraken’s offer of a replacement vessel, for the prize he sought would easily dwarf any reward the Admiral could make. If for no other reason, Solomon was a self-made man and detested the very idea of dependence on others.

“No dice, old timer.” Daenal answered, guiding the speeder’s snout toward the desert. “You’re on your own for this one.”

Then the ground shook, almost tearing the meager settlement from its foundation. Tie fighters screamed over head, sending out their metallic cries to all corners of this barren land. But through the fire and the flood, Solomon heard Rage’s plea.

“Will do babe.” No sooner had he spoken than it was done, and the two rocketed out of the battle torn city.

Park Kraken
Jul 8th, 2003, 03:27:02 PM
"Okay, be it then. But your missing out on a great fortune." yelled Commodre Kraken. Turning to his aide, he proclaimed, lets beat it. Minutes later he was outbound from the planet on the Marauder Corvette, with an Impstar Duece in pursuit. After the rest of the NR fleet chased off the Star Destroyer, Kraken waited for Soloman's ship to depart.
"Now all we have to do is wait for Soloman to lead us to the space station."

Jarek T'chort
Jul 9th, 2003, 03:38:40 AM
The stormtroopers fell back, departing the settlement.
The Chariots continued firing on the scattered resistance, but Jarek knew that Kraken had escaped as he saw a corvette blasting out of one of the docking bays.
"Cease fire. Corporal, I want a sweep over the settlement and all those in that bar who are still alive taken for interrogation at once."
The ISD above had beeen mauled, but it was a match for the NR forces plus Captain Selcon did not give up easily.
The ISD pulled back, allowing the NR force to move away. There was no question that they had failed, but only for now, Kraken would be killed sooner or later.
Suddenly it struck Jarek like a blaster bolt. Of course! The two humans in the speeder he had seen roaring past him a few moments ago were on that cursed liner!
The dark haired woman an the large red haired man were here too, what tied them to Kraken wondered Tchort?
Signaling three Interceptors circling above, they swung around and pursed the fleeing speeder, now a speck in the distance....

Jul 9th, 2003, 01:08:32 PM
Rage leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes for a brief moment. Letting out a sigh, she could not believe the mess that all started on that frelling 'luxury'ship.

Opening her eyes, she stole a sideways glance at Soloman as he manuevered the speeder like a pro over the sand riddled ground. Rage could not stop the smile that appeared on her lips as she continued to look at him.

"So, where we headed, Sol?" She asked, curiousity getting the better of her. She really did not care where they were going, she just wanted to be prepared.

Solomon Daenal
Jul 9th, 2003, 02:27:14 PM
“Well, I didn’t mean ta drag ya along on this crazy crusade, darlin’, but I figured it would be better than waiting for the Imps ta pick ya up.”

Solomon’s hand dipped beneath the cover of his satchel, returning with a moderately sized blaster rifle in tow.

“I do hope you’re armed.”

Jul 9th, 2003, 03:12:13 PM
Rage laughed, pulling her case, or as Taz had called it, her 'bag 'o tricks', from the floor board of the speeder and opened it. She looked through the assortment of grenades, the massive assortment of explosives, blasters, daggers, throwing knives (her personal favorite) and then looked at the twin blasters attached to her hips and the throwing knives put in place under a band on each of her bare upper arms as she slid out of her jacket.

"Um, does all this answer your question, Handsome?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at Soloman. She grinned, placing a hand on his arm. "No need to apologize, Sol. I like action just as much as you do."

Rage dripped the last sentence with double meaning and turned her attention back to her case, locking it up tight.

Solomon Daenal
Jul 9th, 2003, 08:25:22 PM
“Oh, really?” He feigned shock at her innuendo.

Daenal merrily puffed away on his cigar as the pair streaked along their desolate trek.

“Seein’ as how you shouldn’t be flyin’ inta this thing blind, I’ll give ya the insider’s knowledge on what’s about ta happen.”

Daenal embarked on a hurried explanation of the last several months, covering all events crucial to this point in time.

“I work for a man by the name of Brask. He is a former Imperial officer, a very high rankin’ one near as I can tell, but he’s doin’ his own thing now.

Well a few months back be busted me outta prison, K-12 if that means anything to ya. To be honest, I wanted nothin’ to do with the guy ‘cause ta me he’s still Imp. But he offered me the chance to get even with all the sons of banthas that stuck me in that hell hole for ten years. A bunch of ‘em being folks I couldn’t get to on my own. All he wanted from me was help to muscle his way into big time power by doin’ some missions for him. So I took him up on it.

But a couple o’ days ago, the gunboat he lends me for ferlow ends up scrap metal. Needless to say I don’t think ol’ Brask is gonna be real willing to help me anymore when I tell him his ship blew up. Which brings me hear.”

Solomon took a small sheet of paper from his inside pocket, then passed it to Rage.

“This is a map I picked up from an informant buddy o’ mine on Naboo. He says that he heard tell of an experimental starfighter, hidden somewhere in the Dune Sea. No one’s real sure what it’s capable of, but whatever it is the people that created it have stored the thing at some top secret weapons research facility; along with a heavy guard. The thing must be really important. Why else would anyone go to that much trouble?

The way I figure it, that fighter would make a nice substitute for the gunboat; keeping me in good sorts with Brask so he’ll continue to help trackin’ down those scum. So that leaves only one thing left:…”

He cocked the blaster’s bolt.

“…stealing the fighter.”

Jul 9th, 2003, 09:55:19 PM
Rage nodded her head along with Soloman's explanation of what he was doing and watched as he cocked the blaster. She took the map he offered and looked at it closely, memorizing it. Rage reached over and replaced the map into Soloman's pocket, stopping to inhale the intoxicating aroma of his cigar and then settled back into the seat.

Rage thought to herself for a few minutes and then brought her right wrist up, flipping the comm link on.

"Taz, it's Rage...tell Kat I'm taking that extended leave she's been hounding me about." Rage paused, glancing over at Soloman. "Something's come up I do not want to miss out on." Before she shut her comm off, she added, "And do not try to reach me. I'll be in touch."

Before her co-worker Taz could get over his shock, Rage flipped the comm off and turned to sit sideways in her seat, placing an arm over the back.

"Well, Handsome, it is your lucky day. " Rage grinned. "If you want a partner, you've got it and I come fully loaded."

Jarek T'chort
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:25:52 AM
Mos Eisely was clean. Kraken had escaped. But now inside an old customs building Tchort was busy dealing with a captured Ithorian who had been inside the bar with Kraken.
Tchort still had his armour on, but had removed his helmet. Revealing his stark cold blue/gray eyes and smooth bald head. He was still young, only around thirty but he had a hardness to his features that told those around him that he was in command.
Jarek looked at the Ithorian. The aliens deep black eyes looked fearfully around him, taking in the troopers guarding him and most of all, the imposing white armoured human standing over him.
Tchort grabbed the Ithorian and threw him onto the ground, as he did so he swung his right knee into the face of the Ithorian.
He let the creature fall to the ground, wheezing and muttering in its own language.
"What did you hear the three discussing?" Asked Tchort quietly.
The Ithorian rolled onto it's side and slowly spoke...
"I do not know....the....ah....man...but he and his companions knew each other.... "
Jarek looked odwn at the Ithorian, and pulled out his vibroblade. He struck the Ithorian in the chest.
"This is pointless, they know nothing. We must follow that speeder that escaped, they hold the key."
"Sir. What about him?" Asked one of Jareks men.
"Leave him, the alien is of no use to us."
Turning out of the customs house, they headed to the assault shuttlesthe Imperials were leaving Mos Eisely, but Tchort was intent to find those two humans who had aided the traitor Kraken.
Meanwhile in the desert, the three TIE Interceptors circled the wastes scanning the barren sands for the speeder.

Solomon Daenal
Jul 10th, 2003, 02:35:45 PM
The craft steadily decreased speed, soon stopping altogether. Without so much as a sound or explanation Solomon rose from his seat, took up a pair of binoculars dangling in the rear, and began scanning the horizon.

Jul 10th, 2003, 04:08:36 PM
Rage sat in silence watching Soloman, knowing she should not disturb him at this point. He knew what he was looking for and needed to concentrate.

Getting out of the speeder, she walked around the front of it, the metal of her knives glinting from the sun as she moved to stand near Soloman. Rage leaned back on the speeder, watching Soloman intently, using this time to give him a thorough once over.

A smirk played on her lips as she thought of their first meeting and his beavy of beauties draped all over him. Rage tipped her head to the right, loosening up the muscles in her shoulders. Her fingers played with the comm on her wrist as she waited for Soloman to break the silence.

Solomon Daenal
Jul 10th, 2003, 07:39:43 PM
“Ah, there we are.” Beneath the metallic frame and between wafting smoke a sinister grin shown through.

“Tell me, my dear...” The enormous Daenal turned to his alluring companion. “...ya any good at acting?”

Jul 10th, 2003, 08:00:55 PM
Rage turned her million-watt smile onto the red head and let out a throaty chuckle.

"Honey, " She purred, moving closer to him. She stood right infront of him now, her face tilted up looking into his. "I'm good at anything."

Rage raised an eyebrow, the ever present smirk playing on her lips.

Teleran Balades
Jul 12th, 2003, 08:40:13 AM
The past few days at Judland Research Site had been very hecktic. People had come into the area before, but it wasn't common. Explorers, outlaws, and adventures that have wandered into the area have all conveniantly "Disappeared". This kept most people away, as well as the fact that there was a Krayt Dragon or two in the rea. But three days ago an ImpStarDuece not belonging to the Sveregnty showed up, a firefight erupted in Mos Eisey, a New Republic task force appeared, and now people were approaching the site.
General Balades, the commander in charge of the facility, was starting to get worried. He had not called for Imperial forces to help...yet.

"Commader, moniter that speeders progress. If they get anywhere near one of the entrances I want them dead. Lock down all entrances and put up the holo-camouflage."

Solomon Daenal
Jul 12th, 2003, 09:35:52 AM
Solomon tossed the binoculars aside, taking in their stead a blaster he had been prepping early.

“You see that pile o’ rocks over there?” Daenal waved a massive fist southwest, in the direction of a mound of reddish, weathered stones.

The fiery hared mercenary removed various accompaniments from pouches aside the satchel including a scope, extended barrel, and stand. He deftly assembled the advanced weapon all the while further instructing his companion.

“All you need to do is go look as helpless as you possibly can just in sight of those rocks and try to keep your weapons hidden until the time is right.” The rifle snapped with its final adjustments. “Oh, yes…” Solomon handed a small, cylindrical device to Rage. “…put this in your pocket.”

Teleran Balades
Jul 12th, 2003, 08:49:24 PM
(ooc: Just want to clarify something. Tchort, your serving Warlord Trian, correct? If you are then at this point we are not allies.)

Jul 14th, 2003, 12:58:19 PM
Rage took the offered cylinder and carefully put it into the pocket of her jacket before sliding it back on, hiding her knives. She reached down and unstrapped her blasters to move them to her waist, making sure to exchange the sides they were on so she could cross her arms infront of her to get the blasters on either side.

She turned to head the direction Soloman pointed to when she stopped, turned back around and walked right up to him. Rage grinned, grabbed the collor of his shirt and yanked him down closer to her and planted a full kiss on his mouth.

Letting him go, she laughed and walked away, calling to him over her shoulder,

"For luck!"

Jarek T'chort
Jul 14th, 2003, 03:54:02 PM
The Acheron was at full battle readiness. a low level scan of the surface had found a random signal. It originated from a position in the Dune sea.
Captain Selcon recognised the signal...one used by another Imperial group. The Sovereignty. He hads despatched the information staright away, the reply only just arriving. He was ordered to jamm the signal and to investigate, this order came from the top, Lord Trian himself.
Tchorts soldiers, mounted on Dewbacks or on foot, with AT ST's and Chariot hovercraft with them, spread out, then started to converge on the postion. The unrelenting sun beat down on them, but their armoured suits were designed for these conditions. Selcon had told Jarek what he was looking for, Trians informants had told him of a secret research facility out in the Dune sea.
It was likely to be well defended, but Jarek was well equiped to deal with anything the facility might throw at him.
He was with the forward scouts. Suddenly the point man dropped behind a dune, followed swiftly by the other desert troopers. Looking through his macrobinoculars, he zoomed in on a speeder, parked not to far away...inside..Jarek hissed under his breath. That woman again! This was definately the speeder that had zipped away during the fire fight.
Jarek decided to sit back and observe....

Teleran Balades
Jul 14th, 2003, 06:41:39 PM
"What?! What do you mean there are troops heading here?"

General Balades stared open-mouthed at the man gving the report. He could see the lieutenant shaking in his uniform.

"S-Sir, sensory outposts show large force of troops sent down from the ISD2. Signal broadcasts show that they belong to Warlord Trian."

Things were going from bad to worse. His troops were experts at fighting in the scorching desert, but they couldn't stand up to a full force assault. Luckily though troops weren't the only option he had in defending the site.

"Keep track of they're positions and activate the Burrower Mines."

These small, yet devastating mines had been sown around the complex entrances in two fields. Burrower Mines, as there name suggest burrow into the ground after activation and seek out enemy targets. They were very efficient and effective because of there ability to move underground toward targets.

Teleran turned back to a view screen of the area. The hidden sensory outposts scattered throughout the region, relayed all the data to the main control room hidden deep below the wind-swept surface. One such out post was right near where the roque speeder was parked. The general knew better than jumping to any conclusions that could cause trouble. He decided to observe both the Warlord's troops and the two people in the speeder.

Solomon Daenal
Jul 14th, 2003, 08:32:39 PM
Astonishingly, the almost seven foot behemoth was left speechless, mouth agape. Taking a moment to regain his senses, a simple shake of the head brought Solomon back on task.

Daenal shouldered the custom rifle and moved behind a nearby dune. As he readied himself into a prone position, the weight of his massive frame caused him to sink many inches beneath the shifting sand. Allowing only enough height to provide for muzzle clearance and sight, the seasoned mercenary lay nigh invisible to the human eye.

Rage was now several minutes into her rouge, awaiting what may come. Her wait would not be long.

The desert floor quaked. Brilliant light radiated not from the sun above, but from earth below. Waves of sand parted giving way to gleaming metal then empty space. A triad of heavily armed Stormtroopers marched out of the hidden passage. Their weapons were trained on the beautiful trespasser.

“Don’t move.” Barked the lead soldier, in a distinctly mechanical tone.

The trio closed in on their target, all the while Solomon was setting up his own.

“Now don’t move, baby.” He whispered. “Just don’t...move.”

Teleran Balades
Jul 15th, 2003, 11:06:35 AM
(ooc: I don't think I ordered any of my troopers to invetigate.)

Jul 15th, 2003, 04:32:50 PM
*O.O.C. went ahead with a post, if something changes regarding Sol's post, I'll edit mine..until then...*

Rage stopped, frozen in place as the three Troopers surrounded her, pointing their weapons. She slowly raised her hands up in surrender, careful not to let her jacket ride up too high in fear of her blasters being spotted. She could almost hear Soloman in her head telling her not to do anything and she let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding.

"I-I'm sorry." Rage stuttered on purpose, her eyes growing wide as she looked at the leader. "My speeder broke down not too far away and my comm is busted. I didn't mean to intrude, I was just trying to find some help, m-maybe a ride back into town."

The trio kept their silence and the sun was beginning to beat down on Rage, the vinyl of her jacket starting to get a tad too warm for her tastes. A few more minutes of this she would draw her blasters and chance death than to stand there and become barbecued.

'Okay Handsome.' Rage thought to herself while mentally projecting to Soloman, though she knew it was useless. 'Help me out of here and I'll be feeding you grapes in nothing but a wrap.

Teleran Balades
Jul 15th, 2003, 07:55:46 PM
"Sir, a unit has gone out and has the women in custody."

Teleran whirled around toward the man that spoke. Surprise and anger sinking into his voice.

"What..No no no...I specifically ordered everyone to stay inside. We don't have a visual on the second human. If those troppers live have them executed...painfully."

All he could do was watch the events unfold.

Jarek T'chort
Jul 16th, 2003, 05:00:39 AM
Jarek peered through his macrobinoculars at the four figures standing in the dunes.

He lowered them, then signalled his men to move out. The enemy had done their work for them, they had disclosed their position very nicely. Underneath his helmet Jarek smiled widely, thinking of the fools who had just emerged from the hidden base. They had no idea that the redhead man was set up in a perfect sniper position behind them.

Raising his blaster rifle, he crawleed forward on his armoured chest, his men following his movements exactly. Sand now started to blow up in the dunes, raising huge clouds of sand in a few moments, covering everything. The stormtroopers visual relays allowed them to see however, and they continued their advance.

The enemy sensors would be blocked in such a severe sandstorm and looking over to the speeder a few hundred yards away, Jarek saw the four engulfed by the flurry of sand.

Now Jarek and his band would enter the base in the hail of sand. He and his eight men moved stealthily under the cover of the storm, bypassing the speeder and the surrounding troopers. Coming to the enterance, Jarek ran inside, followed swiftly by his men.

Inside a durasteel corridor, the troops moved forward, alert and ready, they crept forward, the smooth metal reflecting their figures as they headed in.

Park Kraken
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:19:24 AM
"Sir, a status report from the beacons we planted", a young officer sang out onboard the bridge of his MC-90 Battlecruiser, the Mon Baron. "Let's hear it" replied the almost elderly officer sitting in the Admiral's chair. It was Commodore Kraken, a former Imperial Admiral, waiting for news on the secret base. After the Ensign gave his report, Kraken waved him off, then set about getting his fleet into motion. He called up a schematic of the area in question, which was now obscured by a sandstorm, so he called up infra-red imagery. He saw the figures, Rage, Soloman, the secret base security, and a group of seven or eight figures sneaking into the base. "Okay, we cannot wait any longer, launch the assault! Task Force Alpha, overtake and destroy the Acheron, and Task Force Beta, launch your troopships, and starfighters to attack the planet's surface.

Five Minutes later, his fleet microjumped into the system. Task Force Alpha, consisting of three MC-90 Cruisers, three Dreadnoughts, and ten gunships, engaged the Star Destroyer while Task Force Beta, with five escort carriers, and 10 troopships, sent down their loads to the planet's surface. Moment's later, he watched from one of the troop shuttles as a vast force of 100 Troop shuttles, and 96 starfighters descended torwards the planet below.

Solomon Daenal
Jul 16th, 2003, 02:28:28 PM
A searing hiss, the ring of shattered glass, and the first trooper fell. The remaining two, forsook their guard over Rage to examine their fallen comrade, finding only one solitary fissure etched across the dead soldier’s helmet, sitting directly between the eyes.

“This is KX119 to control, do you read me!? We have a man down, repeat, we have a man down?!” Sadly, the Imperial’s mayday would never be heard, as another silent round was already burning a way toward the next victim. This slug came so perilously close to the assassin, it skimmed just above her left shoulder, parting several locks of hair with its velocity just before the lethal projectile found a home in the Stormtrooper’s sternum.

The only living soldier succumb to panic, desperately seeking out the unknown sniper, who was at that very moment placing him between the cross-hairs. However, just as Solomon began to gently squeeze off a third and final shot his finger eased away from the trigger.

“I can’t be havin’ all the fun now.” His sight shifted to the lady. “Go ahead, baby, he‘s all yours.”

Jul 16th, 2003, 03:17:39 PM
Rage grinned with glee as the first two troopers fell to the ground around her. The remaining trooper frantically looked around, totally forgetting about her. That made her even happier.

Rage quickly slung her jacket off and reached for one of her knives. Moving silenty, she jumped onto the trooper's back, ripping the helmet as well as the protective neck seal from his head. The trooper tried to throw her off, but Rage held on and in one quick movement, sliced his neck open from ear to ear. The trooper fell to the ground with her still on his back. Kneeling over him, Rage wiped her knife off and slid it back into place. The blood was quickly soaking into the sand and she couldn't help the sadistic smile that appeared. That's the one thing she loved about her job. The messier, the better. She loved the sight of blood, especially when it was done by her. Rage couldn't stop the thrill that ran through her when she did a 'messy' job.

Standing, she turned to face the direction the shots came from and knew Soloman had his scope trained on her. Not knowing if he could read lips or not, Rage laughed,

"One night of grapes and being scantily clad coming your way, Handsome."

Teleran Balades
Jul 16th, 2003, 03:38:42 PM
The sandstorm playing havok with the sensors mad them all but useless.

"Switch the scanners to infared I want to know whats going on out there."

The viewscreen switched over just as the third trooper's throat was cut open. They were lucky what I had in store would have been worse.

"Stormtroopers have entered the base, General."

Teleran gave a sigh of exasperation. A second sreen shifted to the viewpoint of a security camera in the corridors off of entrance A3.

"Figures. Seal hangar, labratory, and entrance blast-doors, now. Have three squads deal with the intruders. Have troops at all access points in the complex. Keep our Darktroopers ready for combat as well."

The facility was on its own. With the Acheron jamming them, Teleran had no hope of sending out a distress signal.

Park Kraken
Jul 16th, 2003, 03:43:34 PM
::Commodore Kraken watched as the shuttles settling down into the ground, and disgorged hundreds of New Republic troops, along with hovertanks, and artillery units. Walking down the ramp of the shuttle, Kraken paused outside of the secret base entrance as a score of thirty elite Republic troops entered the base. Turning around, he saw off to the side the Rage woman standing over the body of a base security officer.::

"We meet again. Don't worry, as soon as we have secured the starfighter prototype, and extracted it, we will be gone."

Jul 17th, 2003, 12:00:28 PM
"Kraken." Rage smiled as she nodded her head his way. She realized she was still standing over the dead trooper's body and grinned at the picture she must have made to Kraken.

Rage stepped away from the body and moved to a more shady spot, if there was one to be had around there and waited for Soloman.

Park Kraken
Jul 17th, 2003, 12:20:20 PM
::Now that the beachead around the bunker was secured, Kraken muttered something into the comlink at his side, and four huge capsules fell from the sky. One of them almost crushed Soloman, who just barely managed to duck out of the way in time. Giant doors on the pods opened, revealing giant XR-71 Tank Droids. These droids would level the bunker if anyone else got their hands on the starfighter prototype::

Solomon Daenal
Jul 17th, 2003, 02:17:47 PM
“Watchit, old timer!” Solomon shouted. “One of your scrap buckets almost fell on me!”

Daenal, despite his somewhat enraged demeanor, appeared very calm whilst all his plans seem to be going awry.

“If I was you, Cap..” He said, mocking the troublesome New Republic officer. “...I’d stop playin’ with my toys and get in there. In case you haven’t noticed, you ain’t the only interested party.”

The muscle bound soldier of fortune then took his leave of Kraken and headed for a large rock mound, his newly recovered satchel in hand.

Park Kraken
Jul 17th, 2003, 02:20:55 PM
::Kraken nodded to Soloman, and with a wave of his hand, entered the bunker along with 80 of his best troops. He could hear the firefight ahead as his 30 advance Elite troopers engaged the enemy security forces.::

Jarek T'chort
Jul 17th, 2003, 03:23:28 PM
Jarek let himself have a tight smile. The Republic forces had distracted the bulk of security personnel inside the advanced complex, it had been remarkably easy to get past the numerous automated defense systems due to the seeming knock out of the amins power system from the battle behind them. Jarek upon entering had seized a control room, and had learnt the location of the prototype fighter from hacking into the main computer with codes specialy supplied from Lord Trian himself. He and his men moved cautiously down the corridor, their stormtrooper armour disgarded in favour of lightweight black jumpsuits.
The corridor glistened with surgical cleanliness....

Then ahead, five troopers appeared blasting randomly at Tchorts men. With utter precsion, Jareks men felled the troopers in a flurry of blaster bolts, the enemy troops fell with a thud to the floor. After rounding seemingly the hundredth sharp bend, they emerged stealthily into a small corridor. It was dark and bathed in a low green light. Their footsteps echoed from the chrome floor as the eight Imperial commandos crept forward, their blasters raised to take out anyone...

Jul 17th, 2003, 03:53:45 PM
Rage smiled rather smugly as she made her way over to Soloman. She leaned against a rock, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked up at him.

"Told ya." Was all she said as she winked at him.

Rage eyed the speeder for a mere second before bolting back to it to grab her case. She wasn't doing anything else with out it. Coming to a sliding halt next to Soloman, she slipped the case over her shoulder and resumed her previous position.

"Now what, Handsome?" She asked, then added, "Oh, remind me to tell you later about grapes."

Park Kraken
Jul 17th, 2003, 04:38:38 PM
::As he rounded the corner, Kraken, and 40 of his group that hadn't broken off to engage the security officers, sighted a group of men clad in black suits headed down a side corridor. Sneaking along behind them, Kraken rounded another corner, then heard a tremendous explosion. When the smoke subsided, Kraken's men rushed the room, and found themselves facing to the men's back in a large hangar. In it was the starfighter prototype. Kraken smiled tightly, then motioned to 10 of his men, who oppened fire into the backs of the enemy troopers, downing two of them with the first volley::

Teleran Balades
Jul 17th, 2003, 08:46:32 PM
The base was nearly overwhelmed in the first wave of troops, but wasn't beaten.
Outside the entrance the four hover-tank droids were guarding, below the surface of the sand the burrower mines were steadily moving toward the machines of destruction; attracted by the repulsor thrust on the shifting sands. The first mine reached a point under the droid and detonated sending up a cloud of fire, smoke and sand. Two of the other tanks fell as well. Other detonators were exploding, wreaking havok amidst the enemy troops.
Inside the complex in the firefight between the two invading factions a hidden side corridor opened and elite guards poured out, took up defensive positions and fired with lethal accuracy into the unexpecting troops flanks. Emerging from behind the elites were four hulking Darktroopers, the heavily armored mechanical soldiers began decimating troops with their large weapons.
The tide of the battle seemed to be turning.

Park Kraken
Jul 17th, 2003, 09:29:20 PM
::Kraken turned as waves of Base guards poured out of the walls, and DarkTroopers emerged from behind, opening fire into the group of his men. But as always, he was prepared for such a scenario. Four of his men took out their Merr-Sonn Missile Launchers, and with lethal accuracy, blew apart the Dark Troopers assaulting them. Then, his men turned their fire on the base security stormtroopers pouring out of the walls. Some of the Elites who were closest to the troopers, but hadn't yet been killed by them, discarded their blasters, and began to slice off the heads of the stormtroopers. Nevertheless, the odds were not in Kraken's favour. They made their way past the Darktoopers, and headed back up the corridor::

Solomon Daenal
Jul 18th, 2003, 02:57:46 PM
“We ain’t outta this thing yet, babe.”

Solomon unsheathed a nine inch combat knife, its shimmering blade bathed in sun light. Feeling his way around the stone base, Daenal located the concealed security camera, which he spotted only minutes ago through binoculars.

“Gotcha!” He proclaimed, seizing the Imperial spy.

With a few precise incisions along the lens, interior wire and circuitry were exposed. Once the dissection was complete, Solomon carefully isolated two particular wires from the nest and pinched them in his left hand. Using his free right palm, the mercenary removed an odd looking data-pad from his satchel, gingerly running the ends of the two wires through the device’s front ports.

“This is a little trinket I ‘borrowed’ from my employer.” The data-pad came to life with various lights and sounds. “It’s like a self hacking system. By using these wires it will work its way into the base’s main comp. Once in the mainframe, it will seek out any and all info on the prototype fighter. But here’s the interesting part - it downloads and deletes all in one easy step. So, when its done the dirty deed, all files will be erased from the bases main system. Leaving us as the only owners of blue prints to their hopped up star ship.”

A mild hum echoed from within the data-pad.

“As for the ship itself...I figure one of those fools will try to steal it, and I know what the Imps got in store for them. Unless I miss my guess, they’ve got that puppy set to go up in a blaze o’ glory the minute any unauthorized personnel use it. So if we can’t have the ship, might as well go for second best.”

Daenal sat back on his haunches.

“Now we wait.”

Park Kraken
Jul 19th, 2003, 07:30:23 AM
::Retreating out of the maze of death traps that was the bunker, Commodore Kraken and his nineteen remaining men made it out into the blazing hot heat of the Tatooine twin suns. He gawked at the wreckage of what used to be three of his XR-71 Tank Droids, then sighted something burrowed under the sand making progress torwards the fourth Droid. Troops stationed around the droid fired into the sand bumps, and they exploded. Must be some new kind of mobile mine Kraken thought. He turned his head to where the Soloman, and Rage characters were, and saw them perched on top of a dune. He then turned his head to greet an aide coming to his side.

"Sir, we have been monitoring the Rage, and Soloman people. The latter has apparently used a jury rigged datapad to hack into the system mainframe. I think you know what they are probaly doing in there."

"Yes. Okay, prepare the assault teams, have them set their blasters to stun. If they make any motion to move, have that last Tank Droid blow up their speeder. Let's move people. Finally, have demolitions blow up all the entrances to the bunker, including the supposedly secret ones. We'll bury everybody in there alive."

::Kraken then watched as four teams of ten Elites each took position below the Sand Dune where the Rage, and Soloman characters were perched.::

Teleran Balades
Jul 20th, 2003, 06:47:04 AM
Things were not going well, all three groups had more or less gotten away with information on the prototype fighter. Unfortunantly for them the files were not complete, and without the fighter for analysis no new information could be deemed. The imprials themselves didn't have the files because research wasn't complete yet, they had only just finished the building process and fiquring out the systems was a bit of a problem.

"Copy over all the tech's information onto my datapad...NOT JUST ON FIGHTER YOU IDIOT, ALL OF IT. After that set a destruct sequence for twenty-five minutes and evacuate the base, no one else is geting a way with our research."

The incompetance of some people!

When the base blew all the research would be destroyed,except for his copy. He hope some of the invading scum would be near the base when it blew. Motioning to guards after him, he drew his blaster and sprinted toward the hangar.

Jul 21st, 2003, 08:27:14 AM
Rage nodded in response to Soloman and slid down the rock to sit on her behind on the sand. She tucked her jacket away and opened her case to inspect the 'goodies' inside.

She let out a sigh, rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck to loosen herself up. She looked over to see Soloman smoking the ever present cigar and smiled.

"I say we go for the ship." Rage said. "More dangerous."

She wiggled her eyebrows over at him, hoping to crack a smile from the good looking giant.

Solomon Daenal
Jul 23rd, 2003, 02:29:42 PM
“What the devil!” Solomon exclaimed, tearing the datapad from its conjoining wires before hurling the wrecked camera several yards into the desert.

The mammoth Daenal loudly spouted an almost unending line of obscenities, while he fully opened his satchel and removed the Darktrooper weapon. He easily cocked the enormous blaster, arbitrarily inspecting its state.

“Seems as though they caught onto us, babe. The plans are incomplete and we were logged off the mainframe by someone inside. It will take at least ten more minutes for the blasted thing to hack its way back in, but we ain’t got that kinda time. This place is set to go into meltdown in less than fifteen minutes. If that happens, everything within three square miles o’ where we’re standin’ will be incinerated.”

The dogged mercenary lobbed the last bit of cigar to the floor, crushing it under foot.

“But I didn’t come all this way to turn back now. One thing I was able to get outta the main systems was the exact location of the fighter. As I figure it, those Imps are gonna be to busy savin’ their sorry carcasses they won’t bother with me, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any other nice little traps ready to snap. So if you wanna turn back, now’s the time ta do it.”

Jul 23rd, 2003, 03:34:19 PM
Rage stood slowly, dusting the seat of her vinyl pants off and then looked up at Soloman.

"Soloman, baby," She grinned. "Haven't you learned yet that this woman thrives on danger?"

Rage raised an eyebrow his way as she reached for her case, strapping it over her shoulders. Clasping her hair back away from her eyes Rage reached for her blasters, checked them then looked at Soloman again.

"Let's do it, Handsome. We didn't come all this way for nothing."

Jarek T'chort
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:27:56 AM
In a small service corridor, eight black shapes moved through the dimly lit base, klaxons blared in the distance, their whining signifiying the death knell of the secret facility. Blaster pistol raised, Tchort led his men into a control room, deserted now but for a remote sentry. The remote fired off one shot before shattering into a million peices as a blaster bolt lanced into it.

Gumbral, Tchorts second in command, stalked up to a console next to an abandonned command chair. He took a few seconds to break into the mainframe, but he stopped short with a grunt.

"Sir, they have wiped the computer." His mouth soured, "We have fifteen minutes to get out of here."

"Get to the hangar, we'll take their precious prototype, its the quickest way." Jarek murmured.

The black clad team raced toward the hangar, down eeirely silent corridors.

Solomon Daenal
Jul 28th, 2003, 07:08:17 PM
Chaos reigned within the battle scared facility. Flashes of red illuminated charred gashes lining sleek durasteel walls. Bodies of the dead littered the floor; some bore New Republic insignias others displayed Imperial. A hollow, lifeless voice sent its warning in rhythm, repetitiously counting down the building’s doom.

As Solomon and Rage entered this subterranean world, Daenal stopped at the entry ramp‘s base. The tenacious mercenary sent his gaze to the ceiling; subtly switching his weapon to secondary fire. With a familiar smirk he targeted a support beam then fired a small rocket into its center.

An earth shaking boom roared from the place of impact, drowning even the sirens and alarms. Stones and soil rained from above until the entrance was entirely sealed. Satisfied by his work, Solomon re-shouldered his blaster and began following a pre-ordained path.

Jul 30th, 2003, 01:10:26 PM
Rage, startled from the loud 'boom' that echoed around her, turned to look at Soloman and shook her head as he walked past her. She let out a small laugh and followed him, knowing they were on treachorous ground.

"Sol, so who's gonna be flying the fighter out of her, Handsome?" Rage asked. "I tell ya, I am pretty mean behind the wheel. But if you want to, it's all fine and dandy!"

Teleran Balades
Aug 1st, 2003, 06:35:42 PM
Teleran and four of his personal guards made their way quickly and quietly through the empty halls, the constant droning of the alarms reminded them of what time they had left. No one, except dead troopers from various factions, were met as they drew nearer to the hanger. Teleran crouched upon reaching one of the entrances and carefully swept his blaster around the vast bay; searching for anyone that still remained. Certain that no one was there the group moved slowly and alert across catwalks, stepping around dead soldiers and the still smoldering heaps that were once darktroopers.

Teleran motioned for two of the guards to stay in a defensive position on the catwalks. As the loyal troopers took cover behind debris and equipment strewn through the hanger, Balades and the remaining guards descended a level to where the prototype fighter hung. Still crouching and wary of their surroundings the troopers with the general took up protective positions around their leader. The general punched in the code that disengaged the support claw that held the fighter. The ships repulsors automatical kicked in, suspending it two meters above the durasteel floor.

There was no sign of interlopers, but the general was sure that was to change. He justed hoped he could get the craft out in one piece.

Jarek T'chort
Aug 2nd, 2003, 03:56:52 PM
"Thank you ever so much for the code commander."

The dry voice rang out across the hangar bay, stopping Balades in dead in his tracks.

"Tell your guards to step out and thrown down their blasters commander, you are surrounded." The voice echoed from a overhead catwalk, used by pilots to mount TIE fighters.

Jarek lay prone on the cold metal, he squinted through the red security lightning at the figures below.

"Hurry commander, time is running out."

Jarek sighted his blaster, shifting his weight onto his legs as he rose to get a better aim...

Park Kraken
Aug 2nd, 2003, 11:26:47 PM
::He had finally decided that he had enough. He broke up his forces. His 35 most elite followers left traveled with him back into the bunker, while the other 25 men, and Droid tank went to secure the landing site for his shuttles. When they rounded a corner into what they had estimated by the layout of this complex to be a hangar bay, they skidded to a stop. In front of them were the black clad infiltrators he had sighted earlier. They held their guns against Colonel Balades, the overseer and protecter of the prototype starfighter. With a quick and silent motion to his men, they took up positions, and then, with a signal from their commander, they fired three contact stun grenades into the ranks of the infiltrators.

Solomon Daenal
Aug 4th, 2003, 02:32:03 PM
“My dear I thought you’d never ask. Besides, I’ve always been a poor excuse for a pilot.”

Suddenly two colossal explosions rocked the facility. An outstretched hand against the nearest wall helped to brace Solomon, as he peered into the crimson distance and was visibly dismayed at the realization violence rose from the very place they were destined.

“Grenades...stun by the sounds of it.” He muttered. “But very close. Things just keep going from bad to worse, babe.” Daenal readied his rifle. “But I tell ya this much. If my fighters damaged someone’s gonna die.” He stopped, grinning from ear to ear and moving closer to the opening just ahead. “Nah, a lot of people are gonna die.”

Aug 5th, 2003, 07:51:49 AM
Rage heard Soloman and turned around to smile wickedly at him.

"Soloman, stop with the sweet talk, will ya? You are making me shiver!" Rage winked at him then charged forward.

She was going to make it to that fighter or else. Rage knew Katya would be laughing right now if she knew how deep Rage had gotten herself into this whole situation. But hey, what's life without a little bit of excitment, right? That's exactly why she became an assasin...well, that and her lust for blood shed.

"Soloman, you know where we're going?" Rage asked, grabbing her other blaster out of it's holster just as a few troopers ran upon them. Rage let out a yell, moving infront of Soloman as if to protect him with her body and began firing onto the troopers until they were down and covered in black marks from her guns. She stood there, her back against Soloman, blasters trained on them as if they were going to get back up.

Rage slowly moved, rotating her shoulders to get the kinks out and then looked at Soloman over her shoulder.

"Come on, Handsome. Let's get that fighter and get the frell out of here."

Jarek T'chort
Aug 5th, 2003, 08:23:16 AM
Jarek murmured softly to himself as he lay prone on the cold deck. Klaxons blared in his head like the shrilling of some bird. His back ached badly and cool blood slipped down his forehead.

He froze upon hearing blaster fire from a side corridor. His body tensed as he sneaked a look around him. He could see his men lying around, tossed like rag dolls into bulkheads by the explosions. His last minute shift of stance had put a large crate between himself and the grenade, blocking the full power of the blast. To one side lay the rival Imperial commander, his guards lay motionless beside him.

Across the bay, another group of figures moved forward, hugging the durasteel walls, with a smaller man in their center. Jareks eyes narrowed as he recognised the man. Kraken.

Sweeping up his blaster, Jarek crawled out of sight, and hid behind a storage crate. The dim lighting hid him as efectively as the crate did. Snatching a glance over the bay, he saw it. The prototype fighter hung from its rack, the dark tapristeel viewport loomed like an eye in the center of the fighters mass.

He would wait, but time was running out. Watching from the shadows, he waited as he saw the traitor Kraken and from another corridor, the burly red head man and the sleek, raven haired woman move cautiously toward one another, blasters drawn.

Park Kraken
Aug 5th, 2003, 12:29:03 PM
::Moving forward, Commodore Kraken sighted the beautiful fighter docked at the bay. Around him were laying seven of the infiltrators, along with the Imperial commander, and his base security guards. Where was the eight one? Oh well.::

::Motioning to the man to his left, Kraken proceeded to the fighter. The man next to him, a very experienced pilot, climbed up into the cockpit, and started the start up sequence. Kraken then moved away from the starfighter, just as two familiar people entered the hangar. Kraken moved away from the fighter torwards them, and offered them a smile.::

"Well, thanks to your help, we have at last secured what we have come for. How can we ever thank you?"

Solomon Daenal
Aug 9th, 2003, 09:42:18 AM
Solomon’s right cross came swiftly, slamming the left side of Kraken’s jaw. The Admiral’s fate would show no signs of improvement as he stared up from the floor, down the barrel of a Darktrooper rifle.

“Ya know...I try to be a patient man.” Daenal’s eyes shot daggers through the New Republic officer. “But I am sick of you and your interference.”

Turing to Rage, the large mercenary nodded toward Kraken’s pilot seated at the fighter’s helm. This unspoken cue signaled the lovely assassin to deal with the soldier in her own particular fashion.

“Get in my way again...” His gaze returned to the Admiral. “...and I’ll make you wish you’d never met me.”

Teleran Balades
Aug 9th, 2003, 07:10:02 PM
Teleran groaned and sat up shaking the stars from his head, his vision quickly returning . He had been caught in the blast of one of the stun grenades along with the rest of his troops. The gun fire seemed to have died down, but the angry shouting was unmistakable. he peered around the console behind which he had been knocked down, just in time to see the large man knock the Republic commander down. He ducked back behind the terminal and took two blaster carbines from his unconscious gaurds.
Tel crepted around the far side of the fighter towards the ladder, keeping both blasters trained on the people. Time was running short. He started ascending, the fusalage of the craft would hide his presence from the others as well as give him excellent cover. One thing cliked in his mind as he almost reached the cockpit, the Warlord's commander was nowhere to be seen.

Aug 9th, 2003, 07:55:12 PM
Rage grinned at Soloman as she quietly moved up to the cockpit of the fighter. Her two blasters trained on Kraken's pilot. He had turned around to look at her with wide eyes and she winked at him.

"What do you prefer?" Rage daunted. "To die by my hands right here right now? Or to live another day? You make the choice."

It only took the pilot a split second to make his decision. He was out of the cockpit before Rage could blink her eyes. She laughed mercilessly as she watched him hop out and run across the hangar.

"Hey Sol, think I can make the shot?" She grinned, looking over at him and then back to the quickly retreating pilot.

Raising one blaster, she quickly aimed and her shot found it's target. He flipped over once and then lay flat on the hangar floor. Rage holstered her blasters, settling herself into the cockpit with a nod to Soloman.

Park Kraken
Aug 9th, 2003, 08:22:20 PM
:: Staring up at Solomon, Kraken only wiped away the trickle of blood that ran down his chin, a sneer on his lips. While it wasn't always good to be staring down a blaster barrel, there were always avenues to turn the tables. Or at least even the odds a little bit.

He coughed, rolling to his side a litte to hack up blood-flecked spit, and in the same motion brought a hand up, the small holdout blaster concealed in the arm holster fitting neatly in his palm. A holdout blaster that was instantly pointed up at Solomon; and while generally holdout blasters weren't too powerful, at such a close range, the playing field had now been leveled...

... Solomon standing over Kraken with a drawn gun, and Kraken laying on his back with a drawn gun; each pointed at eachother. ::

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 9th, 2003, 10:39:40 PM
ooc: Kraken you have done entirely too much in your last post, not to mention suddenly switching sides and playing as a NR officer, when I was under the impression you were RPing under the command of the Imperial Sovereignty. This is YOUR LAST WARNING about godmoding.

Do it again, and you'll get the boot. If you are not sure what godmoding entails, then you should have your posts checked by someone who does before you post them. Here are some hints: Having a personal army after being on the boards only a few months, and doing more damage to other RPers than you yourself take. Also, too much action in your posts. In post #84 you manage to stun Soloman, and then turn around and blow up Rage in the starfighter.

Don't starfighters have weapons? Doesn't it make SENSE that Rage would have used them against you, or even to have popped the canopy and blasted you with her blaster while you were distracted by godmoding Soloman to submission?

Your character has no training. You used an 'eeirely blue' glow to make Soloman go limp? Where are you training threads? How did you do that? You GOD MODED.

As I said before, do it again and you will be banned from these forums for a willful infraction against the rules of Swfans. Read the FAQ. Again.

Park Kraken
Aug 9th, 2003, 11:12:02 PM
OOC: So what you're saying that this wasn't an alternate timeline thread, that this thread is for real? Because I'm not the only one playing as myself in this thread who has suddenly switched sides.