View Full Version : Do you feel lucky? (Open thread + a Jedi, please)

Gyon Banex
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:16:20 AM

It was something that some believed in, some accepted, and some discarded as a feeble attempt at rationalizing the world around them. Was it real? Gyon believed so. More than that, he believed he was born lucky. To be in his profession as long as he had been, and not be dead, luck was a tangible thing.


He slid the tibanna cartridge into the grip of his pistol, and tucked it away. Methodically, he repeated the same process seven times over, for each of the sidearms he carried. Waist holsters, dog-leg holsters, ankle holsters, back holsters. Gyon carried as much firepower as he possibly could, while balancing that with a discrete appearance. All pistols. All concealed. After all, he'd rather talk his way as far into the building as he could. The less shooting he had to do, the better.

At last, he was satisfied with his sidearms, and exited his repulsor sedan, near Coruscant Penitentiary Number 317. Somewhere inside that fortress of concrete and durasteel, an innocent man waited for him.

The only problem was...he was the only one who knew the truth.

To convince everyone else of the fact, he'd either have to be incredibly smart, incredibly stupid, or born lucky.

Gyon Banex was always the latter.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:33:04 AM
Along the sidewalk walked a woman who appeared to be in her late 80's. She was slow and looked quite crippled as she walked with the aid of a cane. Suddenly a man seemed to pop out in front of her as he exited the repulsor sedan. With catarac ridden eyes, the old woman looked up at him and smiled. "E -- excuse me, sonny -- you wouldn't happen to have a few credits on you now?" She questioned in a raspy voice as she stretched out an old, wrinkly hand.

At that moment, she smiled, revealing stained teeth that looked like they had not been brushed in ages. Her hair -- what was left of it -- was combed back and held in place by natural oils that had built up over time, thanks to her not taking any showers. She smelled of something between rotten eggs and urine, though no one could really decipher which it was. Despite her appearance, she stood there before him with her hand outstretched and her other atop the cane. "Please, young man, spare an old woman some change so she might eat today." Again, her raspy voice penetrated the airwaves around them as she waited for his reaction.

Gyon Banex
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:38:45 AM
He paused at the woman's approach, unsure of what to do. If he were to reach into his inside pocket, he would expose his weapons to plain view, which was a non-option. Of course, there was his lucky coin, in his outer jacket pocket, but after all, it was his lucky coin, and it had intrinsic value. That, his mynock's claw, a pair of golden dice, and other such miscellaneous trinkets that he instilled some kind of "luck" value in.

"No, I'm sorry. I don't."

He resumed walking again, heading for the entrance of the prison.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:50:49 AM
With a frown, the old woman turned away as the man left her. Instead of walking, though, she released the shadows and the light around her -- exposing the real woman she was: a Jedi Knight. Turning to face the man, she began walking after him and quietly tapped him on the shoulder. "Do you have any money now?" She questioned as the silver coins woven into the waist length blonde Garou Warrior Braids clanged together softly.

Smiling and baring her elongated canines, the Knight set her bright cyan blue eyes upon the man's face. "You just failed the test, you know." She said softly, her voice gentle and like a song to his ears. For several moments she stood in silence, eyeing him curiously. "What business have you here?" She questioned rather bluntly. The Knight's eyes moved to the building beside them but soon found their way back to his face. There was something about him -- something different. She could feel the Force flowing through him, but was unsure if he knew it or not. "He'll be an interesting one to keep an eye on." She thought silently.

Gyon Banex
Jun 30th, 2003, 11:09:42 AM
Gyon turned at the woman's approach.

"What test?"

Something wasn't right. Not at all. When she asked about his business here, his jawline tightened unconciously. She was asking the wrong questions today.

He reached into his jacket pocket, fingers brushing against his lucky coin.

"Just visiting a friend, is all."

A half truth. Hopefully enough to satisfy her, and send her on her way.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 30th, 2003, 11:39:46 AM
"What test?" The question nearly caused Xazor to laugh, but she held her composure, realizing that he had no idea she was an old woman just minutes ago. The woman pushed her flowing white robes to both sides of her as she rested her hands upon her hips. In doing so, she exposed her lightsaber and a variety of other interesting weapons -- one being a heavy duty Rail Gun. She smiled and paid no mind to the fact that she was slightly armed as her eyes met his once again.

"Just visiting a friend, is all." This answer was not good enough for the Jedi Knight, though, and so she pursued the issue. "Perhaps this -- friend -- of yours could use another visitor. It gets lonely behind bars, ya know?" She said with a half smirk before smiling toothily once again. "Shall we?" Xazor motioned to the building and made it known to him by the ground she stood that this time, he would have company and there was not a way out of it.

Gyon Banex
Jun 30th, 2003, 11:44:57 AM
Gyon remained silent for a few seconds...his body tense and motionless. She obviously wasn't going to be diverted away.

He spun on a heel, and bolted away from her, running parallel to the adjacent wall of the prison as fast as he could go.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 30th, 2003, 12:08:23 PM
Xazor smiled as the man took off. He was fast -- but with the Force surging through her veins -- she was faster. The Knight took off after him and called upon the Force to aid her. It coursed throughout her body and coupled with her natural adrenaline to make a speed tonic. Soon, she caught up to the man and ran beside him.

"What about your friend? Isn't he going to be wondering about you?" She questioned as she continued at a steady pace. He knew so very little about her and the power that she possessed. Try as he may to escape, he would never succeed in doing so -- not against this trained Warrior and skilled Jedi Knight.

Gyon Banex
Jun 30th, 2003, 07:25:36 PM
He'd counted on resistance. He hadn't counted on a Jedi. The famed superwarriors were supposedly twice as fast as an ordinary man, could jump 30 feet vertically or more, and had reflexes fast enough to dodge blaster bolts, or swat them away with their lightsabers. His options were quickly running down to nil. He'd tried running. Seeing as that failed, that didn't leave much to him.

Gyon pitched forward, his body rolling on the ground until he planted the heels of his shoes firmly against the sidewalk to halt his momentum. For a moment, the Jedi ran onward. Gyon reached to each ankle, freed a pair of snub-nosed blaster pistols, and unloaded a quick barrage at the female warrior.


Luck seems to be on his side, as each shot he fires is deadly accurate, forcing the Jedi to either dodge, deflect, or instantly die.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 1st, 2003, 08:43:08 AM
Xazor stopped as suddenly a flash occured in her mind. She saw herself there, several moments in the future -- being shot at. In that instant, the woman reached for her lightsaber and cut it on. Two blue blades shot forth from each end of Love just as the man began to fire at her.

With complete and guided accuracy, Xazor moved one end or the other exactly where a shot was to hit. They impacted with the immense energy beam that radiated from each end of the hilt of her saber. She smiled to herself as she deflected each beam. It was then that she took off toward the man, saber ignited and humming in her hand.

Once beside him, the woman eyed him closely before disengaging one side of her saber so that a solitary beam cast a light blue hue around her. "Why do you make an attempt on my life? I've done nothing to you, sir -- I was simply curious about you. It is clear to me that you are hiding something." She said softly, watching his face for a reaction. "I am a Jedi Knight and nothing you can do will stop me from gaining the information I seek."

Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 08:59:31 AM
OOC: The weapons I've fired are blasters (ie. energy weapons), not solid projectile weapons. A saber would be less effective against solid projectiles. I'll just assume you deflected the shots away from us, ok?


"You shouldn't be asking questions. I'm not in much of a mood for answering."

Gyon scrambled to his feet, and backpedaled for some distance between himself and the Jedi. Already, the scene had caught the attention of numerous bystanders and rubbernecks, who would make his escape and the success of his mission nearly impossible. Just to dissuade Xazor from stepping forward, he snapped up a pistol at eye level, finger on the trigger.

It was pure desperation. His mission was ruined. Even fleeing was looking to be a daunting task. Behind his shades, Gyon glanced left and right, eager for an opportunity to make his escape.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 1st, 2003, 01:18:15 PM
OOC: Oops, sorry -- didn't read the post accurately. :lol I'll go along as if I had (unless you want me to edit my previous post).


Xazor held her saber before her, a smirk on her face as she did. "Fine -- I shall ask no more, but you will deal with me following you until I find answers for myself." The woman said sharply before disengaging her Lightsaber. Quietly she clipped it back to her weapons belt and eyed him once again. "No weapon shall I use but the Force, either." She thought to herself.

The Jedi Knight moved closer to the man until she was standing but a few feet from him. "I do not suggest you fire that weapon you are holding." She said softly and with the Force aiding her speed, the woman grabbed hold of the barrel and twisted his wrist in such a fasion that he was forced to let go or his thumb would snap, followed by the wrist itself. Soon the weapon was in her hand and she quickly began taking it apart, right before his eyes.

After a few moments, several pieces and key components laid about on the ground around the pair. Her eyes shifted from them to the man's face once again. "I do not play children's games, Mr. Banex." That would be a shocker -- but not to a Jedi or one who was Force sensitive, anyway. All the Mentalist had to do was pry at his mind a little for a name, and she had done so while he was attempting to flee. He was quite vaunerable at that point and she could easily gather information that she desired without much prodding at all. "I suggest you comply and do not draw any further weaponry against me, or you shall be left with none." She smiled once again, baring her elongated canines. Much had she in store for him if he did not heed her words.

Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 08:08:05 PM
To be shocked that she knew his name would do about as much good as being shocked that she was able to move and field strip his weapon so quickly. Gyon's jawline merely tightened at his bleak situation.

"You don't leave me with any choice."

Slowly, Gyon withdraws the two rail pistols from his dog-leg holsters. He holds them out to Xazor, tilting the weapons so that their muzzles are facing downwards, and not a threat to her.

"I give up."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 2nd, 2003, 07:42:53 AM
Xazor sighed to herself and shook her head. "Keep your weapons -- just be smarter than to use them on me." She said softly as she eyed the pieces on the ground. Smiling to herself, the Knight bowed. "Sorry for giving you a hard time -- but you're a hard one to convince."

Taking a step back, the woman shook her head as she looked him over. "Do you find yourself -- lucky, all the time?" The Knight question curiously. "I mean -- you always seem to know what to do -- you always have the upperhand in a situation -- right?" She questioned again.

Her thoughts wandered slightly to her Padawan, Syrius Cline. Gyon reminded her of him, a lot, especially in the way in which she was questioning him now. "I do not mean to pry, sir -- but if you would -- I would like to have lunch with you and ask you a few things -- my treat." Xazor added with a wink.

Gyon Banex
Jul 2nd, 2003, 08:50:22 AM
Gyon arched an eyebrow, and slowly returned his weapons to his holsters.

"Alright. Not like this day could get any worse."

Lucky? She was reading him like an open book.

"If you must ask, then yes. I'd consider myself lucky. At least before today. You seem to have broken my streak."

With the way she seemed to be tapped inside his mind, there was one overriding question that he'd have to ask her, but it would have to wait. He already knew the answer, plain as day, but what he needed above all else was somebody else to know the answer. He needed vindication.