View Full Version : A Blonde Wolf (open)

Elena Van Derveld
Jun 30th, 2003, 09:43:09 AM
A stray dog sits inside of Yogs Bar and Grill, lying beneath one of the tables. Aside from being rather large and wolfish, it looks pretty much like your average canine. Evidently it doesn’t have a collar or name tag on, though seems to have taken to its spot under the table quite happily.

Gyon Banex
Jun 30th, 2003, 11:03:44 AM
A strip of bacon lands next to the dog's muzzle.

"There you go, scout."

Gyon watched the large dog from a table's distance away, as he sat alone and ate his breakfast.

Elena Van Derveld
Jun 30th, 2003, 11:06:23 AM
Something of a grin appeared to come over the dog for a moment as it stood up, gladly accepting the offering. Picking up the strip and downing it all in one, the dog realized it was onto something good and trotted towards the man’s table. Stopping just by his leg, it lifted up a paw and keened quietly.

Gyon Banex
Jun 30th, 2003, 11:12:54 AM
"Hell, I wasn't that hungry anyway."

Gyon begrudgingly offered up the last bit of meat on his plate, and scratched behind the dog's ears.

Elena Van Derveld
Jun 30th, 2003, 11:19:26 AM
The dog took a moment to nuzzle its muzzle against the mans hand before wolfing down what remained of the meat. It’s appetite wasn’t anywhere near satiated, but it knew not to push peoples luck too much. Instead it decided to go for a little of something else, and hoped up into the booth, curling up at the mans side, head laying on his lap while it’s big eyes gazed up at him.

Gyon Banex
Jun 30th, 2003, 11:28:52 AM
"Friendly, huh?"

Gyon patted the dog on the head, as he looked out at nothing in particular.

"Guess its true what they say. Opposites do attract."

He looked back at the dog, and scruffed the fur on its neck, somewhat relieved to have a companion that didn't necessarily have to talk back to him. He had a tendency to be downright disagreeable at times.

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:20:35 AM
Elena looked down and would have rolled her eyes, if she didn’t think it would have looked so odd. Sighing loudly, she shifted a little from side to side, then adjusted her paws and rolled her shoulders a bit. After snoozing all morning she was feeling quite energetic.

She sat up and slipped down off of the chair, pausing to look back at Gyon before trotting off towards the doorway. She stopped again, and again looked back, lingering in the doorway, wishing dogs could pull off a come hither look.

Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:24:38 AM
"The hell?"

Gyon watched the dog trot off to the door, pause, and turn back to him expectantly. It was as if the creature was waiting for him to make a move. Intrigued, Gyon paid for his meal and followed. He wasn't getting any work done today anyway, and this was strange enough to be interesting.

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:28:26 AM
Darting off outside at the first sign that the man was following, the dog made for a thick clump of trees and bushes – disappearing inside of them.

Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:34:31 AM
Gyon paused short of the thicket, peering into the underbrush to see where the dog might have gone.

"You there, scout?"

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:38:56 AM
A young blonde woman was sat, cross-legged, where the foliage wasn’t quite so thick. She looked quite rosy cheeked, perhaps from running, and her blonde hair was all a-tousle. What was remarkable was the similarity her eyes bore to those of the dog, which when put by side with the rather wild aura she gave off was slightly unsettling.

She was also stark naked.


Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:44:01 AM
Gyon paused in his tracks, and quickly averted his eyes for courtesy's sake.

"There was a dog...somewhere."

He glanced back up to her eyes, and cocked an eyebrow.

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:45:55 AM
“Your dog? What did it look like? I saw one a minute or two ago...”

She shifted a little, apparently entirely comfortable with the situation.

Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:49:00 AM
Gyon shook his head a bit.

"Eh, forget it."

He looked to the nude woman.

"You alright?"

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:50:46 AM
Elena smiled impishly.

“Well, I’m a little cold, but that aside I’m fine, yes, thank you for asking.”

Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:54:36 AM
The obvious "What are you doing naked in the woods?" popped inescapably into Gyon's head, but he shook the thought away. He didn't even want to know. He slid off his overcoat, and tossed it in her direction.

"Here. Get covered up. Running around the woods in the buff isn't exactly my first choice for a good idea."

With his overcoat removed, Gyon's multiple holsters were in plain view. There were two at his chest, dog-leg style, another two at his belt, and a hide-away holster tucked halfway in his pants at the lower back.

"You got a name, Nature Girl?"

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:00:36 AM
She shrugged on the heavy coat, standing up as she did so, scrunching her nose up a little at the new scent it was blanketed in.


The Lupine took a roaming glance over the many firearms that her benefactor was carrying and raised a curious eyebrow.

“And what about you? What's your name, Mister walking armory??”

Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:05:52 AM

He followed her eyes, and scowled a little.

"Personal protection." he explained quickly. A lie, but then again, he wasn't keen on discussing "work" to anyone.

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:07:57 AM
Folding her arms over her chest, so that the big cuffs on the jacket cover and hung down from her hands, Elena canted her head to the side.

“What do you need to protect yourself from, Gyon?”

Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:10:47 AM
With a sarcastic smirk, Gyon reversed the issue.

"Why take a stroll through the woods in the nude?"

Suffice to say, it was clear to both that they weren't getting the whole story from either. Gyon shrugged, and shifted approach.

"So, coming or going?"

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:12:19 AM
“I’ll come…”

Taking a few steps forward to follow, she then added,

“… providing you get me some breakfast.”

Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:20:43 AM
Gyon mumbled something to himself.

"I got four credits in the left side pocket, so make it cheap. C'mon."

The strange woman in tow, Gyon returned to the B&G, getting a much less cordial reception from the door guards this time.

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:26:01 AM
Elena flashed the guards a cheery smile as she scooted by them back over to Gyon’s table, without asking where he’d been sitting. A little waiter droid rolled over and she ordered some pancakes, using the credits from the jacket.

“What do you do, Gyon, if you don’t mind me asking? Are you in the Special Forces? You know, since they let you in here with all those guns plied all over your body.”

Gyon Banex
Jul 1st, 2003, 08:24:42 PM
"Not anymore, I don't."

The guards gave Gyon a thorough search, and confiscated his weapons in the lock box for safe keeping. Disarmed, Gyon returned to his table.

"I'm a cop...used to be a cop."

Gyon quickly corrected himself, the makings of a dark facial expression hidden behind his sunglasses.

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 2nd, 2003, 04:10:03 AM
Hiding the little flicker of concern was quite easy – Elena nodded emphatically.

“I have an uncle who used to be in the force,” she lied, “It’s a tough job… and I mean where can you go from it? What type of life could replace being a cop…”

Gyon Banex
Jul 2nd, 2003, 08:56:45 AM
"Bounty Hunting."

Gyon sipped on his coffee, looking down at the table.

"It's not by choice, but its something I can do, and it pays the bills, for now."

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:13:35 PM
“What a coincidence!”

Elena’s pancakes arrived, with a boat of syrup – which she poured healthily over the stack before digging in.

Gyon Banex
Jul 7th, 2003, 07:50:02 PM
Gyon paused mid sip.

"You too, huh?"

There was no pleasantry in his voice.

"Looks like you lost more than your quarry today, in that case."

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 8th, 2003, 09:43:52 AM
“Oh, I was just out for a run today. Pleasure not business,”

Elena paused a moment to shovel another mouthful of sticky pancakes off of the plate, sinking her fangs into them.

“You work alone?” she inquired, swallowing down what remained in her mouth.

Gyon Banex
Jul 8th, 2003, 10:13:46 AM

Gyon set his cup aside.

"I don't exactly like what I do. It pays the bills and keeps me on my feet, so I do it. For now. How long that lasts, who knows? I'm not in it for fame, or a rep, nor for the company. Every day I look in the mirror, and I have to deal with the choice I've made, and that's something I can only do by myself."

He drained his cup dry, sighing.

"The sooner I hang it all up, the better."

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 9th, 2003, 05:43:55 AM
It was hard not to give into the urge to roll her eyes. So hard.

“Well, none of us enjoy having to do what we do… it’s not the best business to be in, but it pays the bills and keeps you on your feet.”

Elena wondered silently what bills she was paying, and summarizing that there were none. They had a mansion, plenty of land and a small fortune to live on. She and Diego were in it for their own personal reasons, reasons which wouldn’t sit at all well with most of those in this bar.

A swift change of topic was in order.

“Do you have any family, Gyon?”

Gyon Banex
Jul 10th, 2003, 05:11:14 AM
"Not anymore."

Gyon answered flatly, and spent a moment in uncomfortable silence from the question.

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 23rd, 2003, 05:07:29 AM
The phrase ‘you can have some of mine’ came to mind, but she didn’t voice it.

“…Do you wish you did?”