View Full Version : Silent Disgrace

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 29th, 2003, 08:37:42 PM
He had wanted Dreggs alive for a reason. And the reason was simple. Dreggs would go looking for Dunleavy. He would have led Darren straight to her. Somehow though, the other council members couldnt see Darren's plan. It actually seemed that the rest of the council thought him to be some sort of traitor.

Darren carried two bags out with him, carrying as many things as he could. What he couldnt carry was left behind in his room. The only things he carried really were a few days worth of clothes, an emptied bottle of vodka filled with blood, his paintball gun, and his sniper rifle.

His slugthrower was holstered at his side.

Surely, Darren was scheduled to be taken in front of the rest of the council, and tried for treason. If that were to happen, he'd probably be looking at a very untimely end on the sands of the Crimson Pit.

Using every bit of skill he had in the art of Stealth, Darren quietly crossed through the Gates of Destiny, and out to the landing pad where his ship was docked.

He'd recieved a few alerts that someone had tried to enter his ship while he was gone, but the ships defenses held, and the intruders hadnt been able to make it in. This could have been local thieves, that wasnt uncommon, though Darren had a sneaky suspition it had been someone sent from the Council.

Reguardless, Darren entered his ship and made a bee line from the main bridge. He ran a scan of his hull, no foreign objects detected. With everything clear, he fired up the engines and took off. Saying his silent goodbyes as he left the Shrine for good....