View Full Version : A Game of Chance

Nathanial K'cansce
Jun 29th, 2003, 08:35:07 PM
*Why did this place draw him in like his Il to food? It boggled the mind, twice. Yet there he was, Nathanial K'cansce, self proclaimed Dark Lord of the Sith, sitting in a local diner on the lower levels of Coruscant - the middle class section of town.

Was it the food? It had to be. Couldn't be the fact that Jedi were always present on the city-planet, oh no. That had nothing to do with it. Nor the fact that everything and anything went down here. Never a dull moment, never.

You're an idiot.

Yeah, and you're a pain in the neck, deal with it.

Father was becoming quite moody as he spent more and more time trapped inside Nathan's head. He'll get use to it... he'd have to.

"Here ya go, sir," said the serving droid as it pass quickly by his booth, dropping off his lunch. It was a club sandwich, quite the large portion for a lunch time serving. But the man once known as Snack could handle it.

Four bites into it, the Sith Lord felt a strange tingling sensation in the back of his mind. It crawled out into his neck, and crept over his entire body. Kindo.

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...*

Please have a seat, Master Kindo.

*The timing was right on. The Jedi Knight barely took two steps past Nate's booth before hearing his voice.*

We always seem to meet under these circumstances, don't we?

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jul 9th, 2003, 11:59:47 PM
"Indeed we do."

Kindo promptly sat in the empty seat opposite Snack. He appeared to be calm, when in his mind he was quite surprised. His only intentions upon entering the local diner was to grab a hot sandwich to go and efficiently be on his way. Having another unexpected encounter with the Dark Lord was, well, unexpected.