View Full Version : Awakening (Jedi, open)

Vishalla Daoked
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:37:24 AM
Vishalla, wearing just a plain white dress which is dirty right now and is tied at the waist by a white cord, is sprawled out on the sidewalk on Coruscant. Ppl just walk past her, not caring that she may be injured, or dieing, just to busy with their own lives to really care about a stranger.

After several moments, she stirs, a slight moan escapes from her lips. A couple of ppl look down briefly before hurrying on. She goes to prop herself up on her elbows as she goes to look around, a rather confused look on her face.

"Where am I??"

She questions softly, more to herself then to anybody else.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jun 29th, 2003, 03:08:23 PM
"You are on Coruscant."

A smooth voice spoke to her as someone stood over her bedraggled form.

"Do you require assistance?"

Vishalla Daoked
Jun 29th, 2003, 05:16:04 PM
Vishalla looks up at the stranger with a confused look as she winces slightly as pain shoots through her body.

"I I I think so. What's Coruscant??"

She asks with a confused sounding voice.

"Who are you??"

She then asks a rather surprising question.

"Who am I??"