View Full Version : Outlines of power... (Damon)

Jodah of Giva
Jun 28th, 2003, 07:55:16 PM
Jodah stood within a stand of trees inside the training grounds, watching the exit from the Palace proper. He was dressed lightly, in a black-silk wrap. A spindly lightsaber hilt hung at his hip, gold and black in the fading light from Corellia's sun. He patted it softly, almost lovingly, and spoke quietly to it, in soothing tones, as he waited for his disciple to come.

Damon the Shade
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:19:24 PM
Damon arrived shortly after his new master. He had a bit of fear in his eyes because his old master malice would have punished him for being late. He stood there silent before his master awaiting his command for him to speak.

In his mind he wondered what he would learn, with malice he had only learned move object skills but still he had a thirst for fighting. Ever since he skin had been burned by those who hated him. Now forced to where bandages for life he wanted to fight.

Jodah of Giva
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:27:17 PM
Jodah bowed slightly to Damon, noticing the twinge of worry in his posture. "No worries, apprentice. No time was set." He turned, still speaking, but stepping deeper into the grove. A small, time-worn path was etched in the dirt, he followed it roughly. "Your former lord tells me you have a talent at force-movement. That's good." He stopped in the center of a round clearing, maybe ten feet in diameter, turnign back to face Damon. "Fairly trivial, but important, I suppose. A quick review..." Jodah raised his left hand. A dead branch, fairly good-sized, flew towards him, stopping inches from his raised palm. "Circle yourself with this a few times. Remember, the force is not a wall, or a rope...make it another arm for yourself. Or even many other arms. There are MANY more things you will need than to simply push or pull."

Damon the Shade
Jul 9th, 2003, 02:04:24 PM
Damon focused on the tree for a minute it was the heaviest thing had lifted thus far but he looked at it and focused on it with out hesitation. The tree began to rise and slowly began to move in a circle the motion was slow but it finally made it one turn around Damon. Sweat came through the bandages but still he stayed focused on the tree as it speed up and made a few more circles around Damon's body then he dropped the tree.

"Are you satisfied master." he said with a bow.

Jodah of Giva
Jul 11th, 2003, 10:11:18 AM
Jodah raised his eyebrow curiously. "Would you like me to be satisfied, apprentice? Believe me...my satisfaction has no relevance here. You will get out of this training only what you put into it...I am simply here to guide you on your path upwards." He turned again, looking out at the forest. "Nice job, though, if I do say so myself." A heavy water flask flew over Jodah's shoulder, landing at Damon's feet. "Drink, if need be." He turned back around, and motioned for Damon to sit down in the center of the clearing. He walked in circles aroudn him, speaking confidently. "You are missing one thing though. No Sith should sweat without fighting. You are feeding your energy physically. Remember, you don't want to feed your Life-Force to this. Just the Force around you, in your mind. Your body will deal with itself. Not to say you won't tire, of course...but you shouldn't be physically exerting yourself. Only mentally." The branch raised again, hovering in front of Damon. "Stay seated, but hold this there for me." Jodah stepped into the darkness of the forest. A few moments later, he emerged carrying a small, squirming, toad-like creature. He set it down in the clearing, pulled a syringe form his sash, and injected the creature with it. "This is a slerd. I brought it with me from my home plane. What I just injected is a small control device, which will keep him within this clearing." Jodah motioned form the branch to the slerd. "Without moving, kill him."

Damon the Shade
Aug 19th, 2003, 10:01:32 PM
"Kill him with out moving. That is an interesting Idea but isn't the force an extension of oneself there for being part of my mind and body. If that were the case it would be impossible to kill it without moving. If your suggesting the force is not apart of the mind or the body and that is how you want me to kill the lizard it can be done easily."

Damon focused on the slerd and it began to float into the air it was small there for easier to move then the branch. The slerd lifted a good twenty feet into the air.

"Its not the fall that will kill him it is the sudden impact."

He let the force lifting the slerd into the air go and the slerd fell to the ground. With out a thought Damon switched the force push to force the slerd to the ground. The slerd came down fast and hard slamming into the ground guts and blood splattering all over the ground. After the small dust cloud created be the impact cleared all that could be seen was a five-inch crater in the ground and no sign other then the splattered guts could be found of the slerd. An evil mad grin could be seen on the bandaged face of Damon.

"That was fun can we do it again?"

Jodah of Giva
Aug 26th, 2003, 07:28:33 PM
Jodah nodded. "A bit messy, but well handled. Now, I have a question for you...you are armed?" He slipped his robes open, letting sunlight glint off his gold hilt.

Damon the Shade
Sep 4th, 2003, 01:11:50 AM
Damon nodded as he reached into his trench coat and pulled out a small metal bar about a foot long. It wasn't a saber it just looked like a metal bar. Jodah didn't seem to impressed by it. Damon gave the closest thing to a smile as he could with his bandaged face. He gripped the bar harder as it shot out into a full-length metal staff.

"This is my weapon."