View Full Version : A nite out with a friend (Maxim)

Oolana Taine
Jun 28th, 2003, 04:01:45 PM
Oolana was ready for a nice nite outdoors, it had been awhile since her last walk through the gardens. She didn't really prepare for their drinks in her room, she just had a small variety of ale and wine chilling in her fridge. She took a little more care then normal in her apperance though, which was not something she did often.

Still make-up free and long black hair flowing she had donned a simple leather knee length skirt and red cotton tank, with a simple black shawl for their walk. She actually despised make-up due to the days when she had to fix herself up and plaster that crap on to make her master happy.

Relaxing on her couch and sipping some sweet red wine she waited for Maxim to join her.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:20:45 PM
He knocked on her doorway. By now he was rather familiar with the hallways of the castle of the Sith Order. He knew when he was entering one wing from another. He knew the back staircases and the quieter halls that led to quiet rooms to study in. Or reflect in.

At her request, he stepped inside. He was dressed rather basically, as most guys would dress. He didn’t give a whole lot of thought to what he ever threw on, though he did usually try to make some effort to choose something that was less wrinkled than other items. It wasn’t a reflection on who he was visiting, but rather just that he was a guy and those things never really mattered all that much.

“Hey…” He said in greeting as he walked in, offering her a rare, but genuine grin.

“Thanks for having me over…”

Oolana Taine
Jul 4th, 2003, 12:59:33 PM
"Oh no problem," She smiled back at him, "I haven't had many visitors, so it's nice to have company. Would you like a drink?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 4th, 2003, 01:10:58 PM
OOC: Sorry it took me so long - I was back home in russia for a few weeks. Ill be better about replying. :) )


He nodded.

“Yeah, a drink would be great.” As she moved to grab one, he gave her a second glance. This was not typical of him – he seemed to avoid the women of the order (of which there were few) and settle for finding one night stands down in the city when he had a night or two off. Though, with Lady Vader this was rare. She’d been keeping a close eye on him lately, and he was able to get away with less than he’d once gotten away with.

And then he turned to her quarters.

“My room doesn’t look quite this…..lived in.” He stated with a grin. His room looked more like a hurricane had swept through it with clothes draped over anything they could be draped over and no effort to turn the room into anything more than a place to sleep and shower.

Oolana Taine
Aug 21st, 2003, 09:35:47 PM
OOC: AH! Summer is going by too fast, had to get as much out of the end as i could...soo i haven't been home much.

IC: Oolana smiled,"I guess I have been here awhile."

From looking around the room it was easy to see that Oolana had a rich taste when it came to decorating. Crimson silk curtains and a luxurious velvet couch, along with all the other lush fabrics that adorned her room proved that she'd had the time to make the room look much more than lived in.

Returning her thoughts to things other then the room, she rose and entered her kitchenette area to serve Maxim a drink. "What's your poison?" she asked and then turned to list of the options. "You have a choice of wine, corillian ale, or some bottled drafts."

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 22nd, 2003, 12:14:57 PM
OOC: No worries. Enjoy the summer whenever ya can. Or any vacation time for that matter. :)


“Corellian Ale would be good.” He replied, giving one last look about the room, his gaze then coming back to Oolana.

He offered her a smile across the room.

“Maybe you could help me with my room….” He suggested with a bit of a lopsided grin.

“It needs….some help.”

He accepted the drink as she brought it to him and raised it slightly to her in toast before he took a drink of it.

“So how have things been going?” He asked, “I haven’t seen you around much the past few weeks….”

Oolana Taine
Aug 26th, 2003, 11:15:23 AM
She returned his toast and then replied. "Oh I've just been wandering mostly. The old air was getting a little stale, so just went for a drive."

"Plus I've been contemplating my hopefully up and coming knighthood." She had been tested and only had to complete her last task.

Maxim Vasilijev
Aug 27th, 2003, 01:39:03 PM
"Oh yeah?" He asked, a curious expression on his face.

"Have you gone through all the trials for it yet?" He asked, wanting not only to know if she'd gone through them, but more, what they were like.

What one day, he could expect to endure.

Oolana Taine
Sep 2nd, 2003, 02:45:23 PM
"No, I have one last task to complete. It really wasn't anything like what I had expected." She said with a teasing smile that told him that was all the info he was going to get out of her.

Oolana was, at least not that she was aware of, not required to keep information of the trials a secret. But she felt it would actually be easier for Maxim to guess what was coming, then to know exactly what he'd be facing.