View Full Version : Wanna be the Best of the Best.... LETS get it ON!!!

Jun 28th, 2003, 12:04:24 AM
In these days of the galaxy, Mos Eisley Spaceport held the dregs of the galaxy. Only the most confident walked Nebula street. The most infamous hang out is called Orion. Here in you will never find a more wreched hive of scum and villany.

The Infiltraitor orbited cloaked over Mos Eisley on the planet of Tatooine. The G.P.S. and the G.T.T. (Gloabal Positioning Sensors and the Gloabal Tradjectory Trackers), along with encrypted personal com-links kept the bounty hunter fully intuned with the situation.

The talk on the streets is that Mockadane is loosing a grip on the Empire he has built. This show of force will bring about a new perspective on the opinions of this galaxy.

The shielded nutrient frame that encloses two ysalamere, sends out a thirty meter circomfrence force empty bubble as he walkes into the Lone Wolf. Most of his arsenal is slung about him underneath his trench coat. Mockadanes Bastard sword hilt is protruding above his right shoulder blade on his back. Hearing the silent murmer of this bar's occupance, Mockadane circles the establishment once, nodding to a few of the patrons in acknowledgement before returning to the head of the bar.

"Just in case you've written me off...I'm here to let you know...Its buisness as usual. "

"Ill have one of those" Pointing to the barkeep now.

Dyan Kharis
Jun 28th, 2003, 01:01:32 AM

Turcyn Rorke
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:34:28 AM
“Business, play – they’re all the same in your line of work,” a laughter chimed behind Mockadane, and not far after it an uninvited seat was taken beside the apparent bounty hunter, “Wouldn’t you say, big guy?”

He cackled once again, likely coming off as a bit too obnoxious for the big guy’s liking, but that was after all his intentions. He eyed the beverage that Mock had pointed out and ordered one for himself, before turning his back to the bar again to survey the sea of the convicts and pirates that ‘polluted’ the tavern.

“The name’s Sol,” he grinned a lie to the hunter, extending a hand for a shake, “Sol Trynen.”


Sanis Prent
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:56:53 AM
"Mockadane, if memory serves."

The man behind the bar produced a drink for each of the men.

Jun 29th, 2003, 01:19:56 AM
Ignoring the man that set down beside him, and focusing on the most infamous person that strolled the known galexy....

"Mr. Prent!" the words came in a half cocked tone. "Is this your establishment now?" a slight smile crossed his face

The technical bits of information gave to Mockadane through his earpeice, gave him the heads up on docked ships, while seeming all alone. The hand that was extended fell upon Mock's gaze right before the big man spoke.

"Sol's ship is not docked in this spaceport...Hes delivering a shipment to the outer-rim sector for me as we speak... "

The smile did not leave his face as he looked over at the newcomer.... "Nice try!"

Looking back to Sanis

"You've been out of the lime-light for a while... time has treated you well it seams!"

Sanis Prent
Jun 29th, 2003, 01:37:19 AM
"Not exactly. I'm just house-sitting for a friend with money problems."

My answer was cryptic and I kept it like that. Never let anybody know if you are coming or going, and you'll make it either way just fine.

"Still doing Mr. LeStat's dirty laundry?"

Dyan Kharis
Jun 29th, 2003, 02:07:23 AM

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 29th, 2003, 03:14:11 AM
Sanis Prent.

She knew the name, the face and the reputation but not the man. Why someone of his status would be sloshing drinks to the lowlifes of this bar was beyond her. Holding court in one of the booths made more sense.

Sitting across from her in their own booth, was Ezra. The two of them had just finished making a delivery to one of the better known crimelords of the city and the shipment of blasters, plasma rifles and assorted detonators now rested safely in his warehouse, to be distrubted as one L'tnoic X'wylo saw fit. Daiquiri neither knew nor cared what he did with it. Payment had been made in full with a little extra thrown in for the pilot and her crew - which consisted solely of Ezra - and here they sat in Orion's spending most of the bonus.

A glass of Tylosion rum sat half empty on the table in front of Ezra, ignored for the moment as he scanned the room for the always present danger which lurked in dives such as this. Daiq had drunk only one glass of Corellian whiskey and was now rolling a bottle of imported Naboo water between her palms. It had been a long flight to Mos Eisley and she was ready to catch up on some sleep.

It was in the middle of an exaggerated yawn that she first felt the cloying heavy presence of a ysalamiri and her gaze darted around the bar as her mind instantly snapped awake, her hand dropping down to rest on the butt of her blaster. The only (and last) time she had ever experienced the blackhole-like feeling was when she and Hera had encountered a certain mercenary named......

...Mocadane!! There he was, larger than life as he strode up to the bar. The effect of his arrival was immediate on her. Blue eyes narrowed dangerously as Daiquiri's lips twisted into a snarl and she half rose from her booth seat, eager to settle an old score.

Jun 29th, 2003, 03:33:25 AM
Ezra got up with her and as she headed for Mocky and trully some trouble, he placed a hand onher shoulder and held her back a bit. She turned her blue eyes on him with a hard glare. He just smiled and shook his head.

"Daiquiri, walking up and cold cocking him in the jaw would be nice, but not "smart". I'm here to protect you and that's what I'm going to do. but if you wanna say hi, then let's do that together."

He walked in front of her not fully trusting her to "behave" herself.
He walked right up to Mockadane and put his arm around the man's burly shoulder.

"This can't be Mockadane! I'm far prettier than this man!!"

Ezra laughed heartily and slapped the big bounty hunter on his chest.

"Good to see you again Mock, you're lookin good. Oh! You remember Daiquiri don't you?"

The vampyre gestured to the Faene Beauty. Surely Mockadane remembered her, how could you forget a face like that?

Turcyn Rorke
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:00:10 AM
“Sol’s ship is not docked in this spaceport. He’s delivering a shipment to the outer–rim sector for me as we speak … Nice try!”

A light cackle escaped Rorke at the reply he had received, turning to his drink and nodding to the ‘bartender’ in Sanis.

Rather than invest in any more lies he decided to run with it, “Well looks like my cover is blown, right?”

“I got a replacement in the outer–rims. Business here that needed attending.”

Luckily the vampyre had interrupted just in enough time to delay any further explanation, but the bar was getting a bit too populated with acquaintances for his liking.

Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:45:55 AM
"Hello Ez!" The big man greated Ezra and acnowlaged his companion... "Lady Daiquiri, of coarse, Its hard to forget one so beautiful." Mockadane nodded to her with a watchful eye.

"Excuse me one second," Mock turned sidelong to the person that seated himself next to the big man...

Speaking in a low tone... "Deception is the buisness we live in and that is the rules that govern a good hunter or mercenary." A slight smile crossed his face... "I am Mockadane and I too dwell in the same persona's that you do, so stay and I'll buy you a drink!"

The Knowlage that Mock held steadfast in his head was that Ezra bore the blood of a coven member. This reasurred him that if Daiq was to act on vengence ... (by the look on her face) The Vampire would intervene against it untill Mock wasnt in a prone position. There Loyalty was strict.