View Full Version : Not on the tail! (open)

Jun 27th, 2003, 04:59:36 PM
Kanji wore his dark robe today, his leathery wings binded together with strips of gauss-like ribbons under said robe to prevent anyone being seriously harmed if they ran into the large appendages. He snaked past the NRSF bouncers who gave him a quick once-over for weapons before politely sending the draco through.

Once inside the establishment, Kanji slid his way through the crowd to the closest empty table (he learned from a earlier visit that the booths were too small for his girth). Finally settling down by moving one of the four stools out of his way, Kanji drew his tail around under the table. Patrons had a frequent activity to accedentally step on Kanji's tail, which hurt... alot.

Beep! A serving droid vocalized to catch the draco's attention. Kanji peered down at the mechina and tapped it breifly in curiosity on it's dome. Irritated, the droid scuttled off, much to Kanji's dissapointment.

"Curioussss little... thing.."

Quang Li
Jun 27th, 2003, 05:12:06 PM
"Droid, not thing, you might hurt it's feelings."

Quang was standing up, mostly because he couldn't find a seat, and had walked by Kanji after the droid wheeled off. Grinning he looked at the draco.

"Think I can join you? The good spots are full."

Jun 27th, 2003, 05:37:59 PM
Kanji motioned to one of the free seats, "Of courssse," He spoke, leaning in slightly to watch the pestered bot pass behind the bar, "Thossse droidsss have emotions, quite interesssting.. Ach, I forgot. I am Kanji, and you arrre?"