View Full Version : Urgent

Jun 26th, 2003, 07:50:48 PM
hehehe nevermind

Lady Vader
Jul 2nd, 2003, 06:21:05 PM
*Shakes fist.*

I nearly killed myself tripping over the link with my mouse curser to see what was so urgent!


Jul 3rd, 2003, 04:46:50 PM
*Hides from Fist*

Sorry didn't mean to make you nearly fall grandma

*Hands granny a walker*

Jul 7th, 2003, 06:13:56 PM
*Takes walker.*

Thanks sonny.

*Whacks him with the walker.*

>D :p :lol

Jul 9th, 2003, 03:40:04 PM
*cries not only cause he got hit with the walker. But also because Lady Vader had changed into someone new all together*

Who are you strange lady?

Lady Vader
Jul 11th, 2003, 11:08:48 AM
What ARE you talking about?

Have you been taking your medication?



Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 11th, 2003, 06:40:17 PM
Hehehe, yeah, he must be taking the "medication" seeing how I soaked them in liquid crack.

Jul 12th, 2003, 04:22:34 AM
Magically appears in an apron.

*God that medication is making me quite active. I think i shall now go and clean all of TSO palace. And then some*

Goes to get a mop and broom.

On a side note. Can we plan a thread to get revenge on the dark jedi for nearly wiping the floor with me,Makoto,Jodah, and Odin? cause i wanna get them back really bad.

Lady Vader
Jul 16th, 2003, 07:23:14 PM
Sure. can we wait till I stop drowning in work?

If not, go ahead and start. I'll make one of my grand entrances at some point.

Jul 17th, 2003, 04:30:24 AM
LOL nah i can wait. Ohh and Sorsha, at least i think it was her wanted to know who did me master trials. I told her to ask you. Cause as far as i know it i never had a master trial.

Jul 17th, 2003, 02:11:32 PM
I don't think you ever did, actually.

We just kinda hit you over the head with a stick and dubbed you a Master.

We just abide by a different rule book here at TSO (aka laziness). :lol

Jul 17th, 2003, 03:56:25 PM
:lol indeed. As i have come to adapt to as well. You know i was sort of at shock when i returned and found i had become a master lol. Ohh well it's not like i am being uber or something. Truth be told Malice fears many here at SWfans.

Here's a question for ya, you think Live Wire will ever return? As far as i remember it i have had only really two training sessions with me old master. The rest of my time was spent fighting and self training. I miss her :(

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 18th, 2003, 04:16:22 AM
HA! You think your growth to master was weird? Mine can beat that.

Lets see, quick history:
Found by Itala at Talkcity, invited me in.
Was trained by the Emperess Jen Katrina
(Have not talked to her in over a year.)
Itala made me a Dark Knight Corporal within the first 2 weeks. (remember that ranking system?)
Blah Blah Blah happen
Best friends in the TSC at the time are the Original Banestone, Fox(something), Lord Psychic, Roul, Jen Katrina and I kinda knew LD.

TSC Collapses while I was on Vacation. I come back totally confused. Gav had grabbed, in my view of things, the reigns of power. I get brushed back into a second rate Knight/Master. Didn't know at the time, to much confusion. Skipped over in the original Sith Order Council by others.
Felt myself being slighted.
Joined with Lady De'ville and Lord Dagger. We all felt slighted by the order in one way or another. Felt betrayed by it.
Tried to start a peaceful coup'de'something.
I Tried to recruit Roul into group. He used OOC chats as IC evidence. Thought he would help, seeing how I stood up for him at other times. Nope. I called myself Master at this point.

Everything goes to hell, I go solo for awhile. Dagger disappears, LD, I lost story line for her.
I come back when the Order seemed to be on verge of collapse.
I do what I can to pull it back together, I was in utter control of it while LV, and LW where gone. Tried to get Jehova more active. He kept making mistakes, kept having to ask me same questions again and again. I got fed up with it. Luckly, LV came back about that time. I backed up into the shadows once more. I like the shadows.

And I have to Idea what happened to Live Wire, Fox, Amber, Psychic, (I know what happened to Banestone and Jen) No Idea what kept LD and Dagger away when we started re-recruiting members.

Jul 18th, 2003, 04:30:25 AM
Hmm who is LD? and Psychic just disappeared both here and at TGC. Amber if i remember correctly was killed by Itala. Fox too disappeared. And as for Kahn( you all remember him) he started to fully rp at TGC. Leaving this place. He became a jedi and went off the face of the earth. Too bad he had just made master rank too.

I blame myself for him leaving. He was a very promising sith for us. I should have never taken him to TGC and showed him to Amalia. Ohh well <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> happens. My bad.

Lord Dagger was a part of TSE. When i was a brief member there he had become my master. But i guess after TSE fell apart, he disappeared as well.

Lady Vader
Jul 23rd, 2003, 01:44:28 PM
LD = Lady DeVille

As to my promotions. Really simple. Kick some butt in a really nasty way when we were still at CC.net. Itala like. Itala recruit me. Itala train me. In a couple of weeks I'm a Knight. Get me an apprentice, Live Wire. In a couple of weeks she is able to turn a Jedi to the Dark Side, getting her promoted to Knight which automatically promoted me to Master. I was a Master barely within a month's time. Ridiculously fast, if you ask me.

As to LW, she's very busy with RL things, and doesn't feel much like RPing nowadays. Though she still likes to keep her characters "active" in the event she wants to return. For now, and for RP purposes, her character is on travel/leave.

Jul 23rd, 2003, 04:14:07 PM
A month!!!! It took me 3 years of rping before i was promoted to master. damn that's totally unfair LOL.

Lady Vader
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:05:58 PM
It was a different era way back then... remember I've been here for... HOLY CRAP! I missed my anniversary!!!

For AB it's been 4 years (June)

For LV it's been 4 years (July)