View Full Version : To become......(Kolarik, closed)

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 26th, 2003, 07:08:55 PM
Alana sat in the under belly of the Shrine of the damned. Her eyes closed. It had been days since she had seen her lover Kolarik. The Sith Lordess had in fact deliberately stayed away from him, had cut even her feelings off from him. She had done this due to there close bond, Alana wanted to see how he would fair. Though she knew it would take a toll on him, she wondered if it would break him.

A slow smile tilted the corners of her mouth. She doubted highly it would break him. His will was by far too strong. Even she had felt the ill effects though. Missing him with every fiber of her being, and unable to feel him had been very hard. But then who ever said the life of a Sith Vampyre was an easy one.

Sending out the call she still did not open herself to him. She kept her self shrouded in the dark side. She sent the call to his mind as she would anyone else. She had a surprise for Kolarik and when it was given then she would open her self fully to him. Letting the flood of emotions rush them both. Then he would see she suffered jut as much as he did.......

Jun 27th, 2003, 11:05:59 AM
He had felt it. The moment she had cut off the link between them he had known something was up. He hadnt been concerned about it at first. On occasion, she did it, and he never questioned her reasoning. It was with good reason, he was sure.

But this time, when she did it, it had lasted for days and days. And he hadnt seen even a glimpse of her. He knew her to be alive – this much, he could feel through the force. But for her to have cut off the link and not tell him a thing about it, well, this was odd.

And he’d gone through a series of emotions and questions. Either way, it was extremely painful. But this, she had warned him of long ago when they had begun to drink each other’s blood as frequently as they did. She had warned him that the loss of her, if it ever occurred, wouldbe painful. But he had been willing, so more than willing to take the risk, for all that it offered now was the things eternity should be made of. But the loss of the link between them, the loss of her touch, of her blood, of her connection to him had, for several days, completely incapacitated him. He had considered letting himself slip into the coma that vampires slipped into – sleeping for centuries and centuries.

But the will within him was strong, and after several days, it had been anger that had been the foremost emotion. Anger that had driven him from the darkness of the Shrine to venture into the night to feed. And when she called to him now, he was still angry. Angry that she had put him through what she had put him through. And so at first, he ignored the call. But then some time later, the anger within forced him to confront her – wanting conflict and an opportunity to unleash the emotion.

Fangs gleamed in the candlelight as he traveled the dim hallways to the belly of the Shrine.

And there, he found her.

“You called?” He inquired, though the tone of his voice was laced with something different. Perhaps resentment, and clearly anger. Even a hint of sarcasm.

He had been told from the very beginning that she was fickle. She had promised this time was different. He wondered if his time had come - if, in fact, everything she had promised was now a lie. He questioned everything.

Alana Stormcloud
Jul 1st, 2003, 12:06:17 PM
Alana felt him there..... Her lover, her dark prince. She had given her heart to him and it was against her very nature to have done so. She who had loved deeply but for only short times had found herself lost without the Vampyre that stood glaring at her now. She had wanted him from the moment he had fallen to her feet, struggling bravely to survive. She could feel his hate. It made her ache that it was directed toward her but hate fueled the dark side and if that is what it took for him to reach his potential than so be it.

Alana's hue shifting eyes opened. They locked onto his, delving there. He did not need to feel her emotions to see what she held for him in her eyes. Her translucent skin was testament that she to suffered as much as he. Her hair was flowing around her body, shifting gently with the passing of the shadow walkers. There hands plucking at her to draw her attention to them like errant children. They were jealous of Kolarik, jealous of the attention she gave only to him now.

"My sweet, I can feel your hate. It is the fuel that will give you power within the dark side. We are what lay beyond the veil, we are what humans fear in the shadows. We cannot be anything less than we are but we can be so much more." Her voice echoed softly through the chamber as if reinforcing her words. The lilt of it pulled to him and the Sith Lordess longed to reconnect to him, to open her every emotion to him.

Holding up her hand she began to chant. The spidery words of Sith magic, mixed with the ancient dialect of the vampir. She wanted to show him what the future held for the vampires of the Coven and the Shrine. The fateful battle to come between Ashiva and Crichton. He was now privy to what would come. The battle that could and would decide all of there fates.

When all was done the Sith Lordess slumped back. Her weary eyes opening and locking o n her lover. Her blood stained cheeks glimmered in the soft light. Alana loved the queen mother, and it took a great toll on her to know that she would die. Just as Kolarik was connected to Alana, so was Alana connected to the mother.

Alana opened herself, letting go of the block. Everything she had felt in the past week flooded over him. How she had missed him and had suffered as much as he had. He could feel that her heart still belonged to him and him alone.

"It had to be done my sweet, and for that I am sorry. But now you know all of what I harbored. You are now a knight of the Shrine. “Her weary tone wafted softly across his ears.”I have missed you my sweet Kolarik."

Jul 1st, 2003, 03:38:19 PM
The fateful battle as it played out before him was powerful enough, strong enough, painful enough to bring him to his knees.

His head was bent and occasionally, he would cry out in pain. For the pain was physical as he felt the pain of the others, the pain of Alana, the pain of the mother. It was emotional – wreaking havoc with his mind, with his sense, with all that he believed to be real and true.

It was anger. It was hatred for all that was to come that brought him to his feet. It was a struggle – it was as if he was in a newborn state – learning once again to stand. To stand with all the pressures of pain, anguish, confusion and so much more bearing down upon him.

He swayed unsteadily on his feet for a moment, and when anger set in, it carried him through, making him strong enough to bear the burden that was now his – the burden of knowing.

And then he felt it wash back over him – the warm, comfortable connection with Alana returned as she once again opened herself to him. He was hit with her emotions, with her pain of the past week. This too made him stagger, stumble as he moved toward her before catching himself.

It had to be done my sweet, and for that I am sorry. But now you know all of what I harbored. You are now a knight of the Shrine.I have missed you my sweet Kolarik

A deep sigh cast away some, but not all of the pain. It was different now. There was a burden that he felt – the burden of a knight who has been sworn to protect the keep of his lord. And it weighed heavily upon him. This simple act stole from him the innocence he had been allowed. Until now, he hadnt understood a reason for him to learn the skills Alana tried to teach him. Now…now he knew all too well.

Despite his earlier anger, despite the heavy weight he now felt, he moved to Alana and pulled her into his arms, as if to be sure she was really and truly there.

“Do they all carry this burden?” He asked, his voice sounding somewhat husky as he spoke.

Alana Stormcloud
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:47:20 PM
Alana entered his arms willingly, with a need that was befitting to a mortal who had found forever in someone’s arms. She lowered her weary head to his shoulder and lay there quietly, savoring his touch. The Sith Lordess knew she had taken the last traces of his innocence and she grieved. She had not wanted to injure him in such a way, but it had to be done before it was too late.

Alana let her hue shifting eyes slip closed as she inhaled the sweet scent of her lover. She still wanted him, she in fact found herself in a place she hadn’t thought she would ever be. She found herself in love with Kolarik. To loose him would take the small amount of humanity she still clung to.....

“Do they all carry this burden?”

Alana looked up into his eyes, so much like her own now. Filled with haunting memories, shifting color to meet each thought. The past and the future harbored there in the soft depth of his eyes. Tormenting and lost.

"Yes my sweet we all carry this burden, we all must harbor this painful conclusion. My Knight...... my sweet Kolarik. If I could have spared you I would have. If I could have hidden you from the truth, it would have been done. But I could not...... It is forbidden." She whispered softly her mouth brushing across his in soft kisses. Her hands finding purchase on the shoulders of his coat, clinging there in weary resignation.

"I was not allowed to tell you before you were turned, nor while you were a fledgling. I hinted at some things but now you know the full extent of what is to come, of what we once were." Alana tucked her head back into the warm cress of his neck, safe there for the moment. Hoping he would not turn from her, that he would not hate her for the knowledge she had to impart.......

Aug 5th, 2003, 11:16:31 AM
It was a low chuckle that the knight released.

“Between this hell and the one I was living, I’d have to concede that this one is far better….” He stated as his gaze fell to where her fingers clung to his coat.

His arms wrapped around her as her head came to rest against his neck.

“Even though you tricked me into it….” He added. She had, perhaps, not meant to. But the night she had taken his blood and allowed him to take from hers to become what he had become, she had not made it entirely clear that he would be going from one living hell to another – to one of eternity. One that promised pain and fear and an outcome so dreadful his fate might have been better left to the dogs. Left to a ring where he could fight for freedom.

Now, there was no freedom. Now the shackles were as tight around him as they always had been.The only difference was the responsibility he now bore. A responsibility to protect all that he had become, all that Alana was, all that those in the Shrine sought to protect.

“Is there more that Im not allowed to know just yet? Is there more that is forbidden?” He asked, teeth emerging from behind his lips as his head turned just enough for his gaze to settle on Alana’s neck, where her hair parted enough to reveal the perfect white.