View Full Version : Escaped!...(Open)

Jun 26th, 2003, 04:19:38 PM
On a quite street in the lower floors of Coruscant, V'aelna busts out of an emergency stairwell, on to this floor... She is dosen't have much in the way of clothing on and most of her skin looks burned or brused. She has an indent arround her neck as if there was a tight choker there not long ago.

She starts to sprint away from the stairs as fast as she can,just as blaster fire comes flying up behind her.

Jun 26th, 2003, 04:24:04 PM
5 thugs come running out of the stairwell not far behind V'aelna...

"Now hit her this time!! We nead to get her back to her cell!! She's due to be sold in two day and the boss won't be happy if we loose her!!"

the other 4 thugs take a quick aim and fire stun bolst at V'aelna's backside.

Jun 26th, 2003, 04:28:00 PM
V'aelna dives off around the nearest corner, blaster bolts zooming past her, and quickly rolls back to her feet. During the roll, her 'Dress' catches on some rubble lying aroung, and the bottom quarter of her outfit gets riped off as she continues her sprint...

Jun 26th, 2003, 04:30:44 PM
The five thugs hurry around the corner after V'aelna... And start to take aim for another set of shots...

Jun 26th, 2003, 04:43:04 PM
V'aelna glances behind herself only to see the thugs getting ready to shoot again... She changes her direction and starts to sprint towards a side street, she makes it there just as the thugs fire, and it looks like they may hit her, but just before the bolts contact her, she trips on a part of her outfit and falls to the floor with a THUD, flat on her face, just around the corner, and the thugs not far behind.

Jun 26th, 2003, 04:46:38 PM
After V'aelna trips Thug1 sprints to catch up with the girl, planting one of his big Boots in the middle of V'aelna's back, holding her down to the ground...

The other thugs Quickly catch up with thug1 and suround V'aelna.

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:00:37 PM
V'aelna gets pushed back to the Ground as she was trying to get up from her fall..

"Ahhh!! Nota! Neetoa! Ga Marea! Hatoe! Hatoe!"

What ever she is saying, she is obvously, wanting help, even though she is speaking in a language only known to the nomadic tribe she was kidnaped from years ago, her tone of voice says enough...

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:05:29 PM
"What isss going on here?" A voice booms from the street as a massive frame of a reptile slowly closes the distance between itself and the thugs. A pair of leathery wings twiched behind it, flairning only slightly before flattening back against his back.

Jedi Padawan Kanji regarded the group expectantly, the crying human female on the floor catching his attention only briefly, but noticed nevertheless, "Well?"

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:11:02 PM
The thugs look over at the dragon-like person coming towards them... Thug1 faces him and starts to speek as the others get a look of fear in there eyes.

"Nothins goin of here sir... Just wanting to get this young lady to a safe place before it gets too dark down here..."

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:14:13 PM
Looks up with pleeding eyes...

"A'Y'Taa, nemora sa k'lana! Sea nee toe la Coreata!! Hatoe! Hatoe!"

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:18:24 PM
His eyes narrowed slightly, "And that isss why you have her pinned to the floor?" He stepped nearer, lowering down to a crouch to level himself with the closest thug, "Let's help the young lady to her feet, won't you?"

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:23:44 PM
"Um...ok... Yah..."

Two of the other thugs grab V'aelna by the arms and hoist her to her feet after Thug1 gets off of her, still keeping a grip on V'aelna, all five of them go to walk off.

"We'll just get going now... Nice talking with ya.."

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:26:34 PM
V'aelna starts to struggle and kick at the thugs as the start to walk off with her.

"Nesoata! *Spits on thug1's back* DeGrata! Zata! Natoeata!"

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:32:11 PM
"Halt, Sirssss," Kanji spoke, fluttering his wings as he closed in on the group. The draco had lividly noticed her wounds as they picked her to her feet, rising questions to his mouth. "Pleassse, do tell; Why is she so hostile to yourssselves?"

He motioned to the two holding her, "And if you would, pleassse releassse her arms, it isss impolite."

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:33:07 PM
Thug2 takes both of V'aelna's arms and Thug3 takes both of her legs and the groups of the start to sprint back to the stair well.

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:36:21 PM
V'aelna struggles violently, but her strength is nothing compared to that of the muscle-bound thugs holding her.

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:40:58 PM
"I sssaid HALT!" Kanji roared, very unjedi-like at the time. He tucked his wings in close and sprinted at the group, his body easily snaking through the space. He shot out a taloned claw and caught the nearest thug's shoulder, "I do not like impolitenessss," He hissed as he passed right over the poor, probally scared, thug. There wasn't enough room for the draco to spread his wings, which posed a problem..

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:45:36 PM
Thug4 (the one taking up the rear) gets thrown to the ground, as the talloned claw hits his shoulder

The other 4 thugs try to speed up and hope that the make it to the small doorway just around the corner, that will take then back into the emergency stair well.

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:49:48 PM
Kanji got a short hint through the force of their motives, a premuntion of sorts. Pausing in his chase for a breif second, he focused what Force use he had to loudly slam the doors shut. With the group cornered off, Kanji reared up and examined them with a peircing gaze, "Verrry well, ladsss. Tell the ssspoken truth, what isss really going on here?"

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:55:14 PM
The thugs come to an abrupt halt infront of the door now shut doors, Thug5 quickly goes about trying to open the doors. as Thug1 says....

"Nothing is going on!! We want to get her to a safe place, she just can't understand us and she dosn't know how much danger she is here..."

Jun 26th, 2003, 05:58:04 PM
V'aelna understands all to well what that are saying, she only wishes that she could speek basic as well.... She finaly manages to srtugle one of her feet free and sends a sharp kick at the thug holding her feet.

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:01:25 PM
Thug3 gets kicked in the face by V'aelna, knocking him back towards the draco behind him, and letting go of her feet. Thug2 tightens his grip on V'aelna's arms, holding them behind her back as she manages to get her feet on the ground again.

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:01:33 PM
Kanji growled, "Do not think of me asss a sssimpleton."

He pointed one finger at the female, "Let her loossse, if ssshe cannot underssstand common, perhapsss ssshe will know sssome sssort of non-verbal language," He spoke, "I want to know her ssside of a ssstory--" His words were cut off by the female as she assaulted thug3, sending the human into Kanji's grasp..

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:02:01 PM
:: AB was out for a stroll, but not near the Jedi Temple. She was making some rounds about the area, closer to the main hussle and bussle of the city center. Speeders and swoops whizzing by, alarms blaring on ambulances and Coruscant Watch speeders, everyday business on Coruscant taking place. ::

:: Well, almost everyday business... ::

:: A tickle in the back of her mind brought her attention to a disturbance in the Force she was feeling... she turned... somewhere down that alley across the skyway. ::

:: Taking the nearest walkway to the other side, she briskly walked to the alley, peering in. There was nothing there. Confused, AB was about to continue on her way when she heard yelling. A booming voice followed the yelling. ::

:: Looking back in she saw a young woman being taking, obviously against her will, by four burly men... followed closely by Kanji. ::

:: She stopped a couple of meters from the now shut door. The thugs finally noticed her in their flight to get away from the advancing dragon-like being. They came to a screeching halt, looking behind and then to the front. Finally, she'd caught their attention. ::

:: She eyed them and then looked up at Kanji. ::

Is there a problem here, Kanji?

(OOC: Actually, don't delete me... lemme see if I can keep up with you young uns. :: Sets walker to 'ludicrous speed' :: :lol)

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:05:45 PM
Thug1 winces as He watches thug3 get kicked...

"Umm... Really... She's just playing arround... Um ...."

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:10:07 PM
Kanji motioned to the female caught in the thug's grip, "I'm not quite sssure, Mi'lady AB, but thisss female ssseemsss to be in the male'sss company by force, but they sssay that they are only trying to assssissst her well-being."

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:13:16 PM
V'aelna plants her feet firmly on the ground and stares into Kanji eyes....

As she does this Kanji see(from V'aelna's point of view) What looks like a number of small cages, barely large enough to hold a person, but yet all of them have one in them. Children, teens and adults, in a dark room all in cages, chained to the wall by their necks. There are other people walking around with blasters and wips, all of which are dressed like the thugs are now.....

Kanji only gets a second of seeing this picture as Thug2 changes his postion breaking her eye contact...

She glances at AB for a moment sending her the same image, but again Thug2 changes his postion breaking her eye contact...

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:21:17 PM
:: AB nodded to Kanji, acknowledging what he'd said, while at the same time noticing the woman was bruised and battered. ::

:: When the woman made eye contact with her, AB saw the images easily as the young woman opened her mind to her. Her face soured and she frowned. ::

I don't think this young lady wishes to remain in your company, gentlmen.

You will release her.

:: She set a strong mind trick on them, boring into each of their eyes with her own. ::

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:27:13 PM
Thug2 under the effects of the mind trick loosens his grip on the girl.

Thug1 having a stronger mind than the others, takes a moment to click in what is going on. Then grabs the girl and holds her tight to his body like a sheald..

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:28:50 PM
As soon at the grip is looser V'aelna quickly elbows thug2 in the gut, and starts to try and run, but is grabed by thug1 and pulled back into the thug.

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:30:57 PM
Kanji edged forward only slightly, pushing the captured thug as he moved. With the thug1 holding the female as a sheid, the draco had little that he could do without damaging the female. His free talon twitched, as his wings followed in adgitation.

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:32:05 PM
:: Thug 2 was doubled over from the elbow to his gut, so AB paid him no attention and instead looked to Thug 1. ::

You really want to make this difficult for yourself, don't you?

:: Unbeknowest to the thug, and while he was clinging onto the woman, a stone in the alley beside Kanji great foot rose and sailed through the air, hitting Thug 1 in the back of the skull and bouncing off to smack the doubled over thug's back. ::

(OOC:Continue without me guys, if you so wish. I have to leave work now and may not be back on tonight. If you can, just keep me "alive" in the thread (i.e. mention me every now and then). I'd like to be able to help with V'aelna's wounds if possible. Tata :))

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:35:34 PM
Thug1 gets Hit in the head by the rock causing him to release V'aelna. The others still being under the effect of the mind trick ,just stand there.

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:38:50 PM
V'aelna takes her chance and sprints off in the direction of Kanji, Getting past him and a bit of the way down the hall before thug1 gets back to his sences.

OOC... Don't worry... Myself and Thug will be getting off soon as well.

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:41:44 PM
thug1 not thinking about the fact that he is around Jedi... levels out his blaster and fires a stun bolt at V'aelna's back

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:43:01 PM
Kanji watches as the female slips past her, then shoved thug3 back to his comrades, and accedentally into the blaster-fire. Bristling his wings slightly in response, and mentally checking to see the poor man's condition afterwards, he spoke. "Now that thisss ssssituation isss over, tell the polite Ma'dam here what isss inssside the building here," He motioned at AB with a claw, holding his other claw off to his side slightly..

Jun 26th, 2003, 06:57:46 PM
Thug1 gives up as he sees his bolt hit thug3... seeing that there was a big dragon like man, and a skiled jedi, Thug1 desides to finish this.

Thug one says in the sith language a phrase that translates to "Death over Falure..." the same phrase AB heard from the leader of the thugs that attacked Garen back at the Jedi Order.

the same effect happens as the necks of all five thugs start to beep, and thug1 throws thug2 at Kanji as he sprints toward AB...

Jun 27th, 2003, 11:59:03 AM
V'aelna continues her sprint, around the corner, but trips again on her ripped outfit just around the corner.

Jun 27th, 2003, 02:13:25 PM
:: AB frowned at first as the phrase was spoken, and then her eyes widened. ::

Kanji! Take the girl and get out of here and away from these men!! NOW!!!

:: The humanoid dragon needed no more motivation as he herad her command. The urgency in her voice and stance was enough to tell him what was coming next would not be pretty. ::

:: She herself looked up, and took a giant leap up through the alley, catching herself on a ledge with her hands. Grunting, she climbed up onto the ledge, safe from the blast the Thugs would put out, but excedingly worried about Kanji and the young woman. ::

:: It was then she realized the the young woman would not survive the blast... especially from 5 thugs. Kanji would, though he'd be severly injured. Cursing colorfully, she unclipped her lightsaber, turned it on, and sent it flying towards the thugs. From her past experience, she'd seen where the blasts had come from... their necks. And if these men were of the same organization, they would have thier detination devices in their necks. Which meant that that was where the devices could be deactivated... though in a rather gruesome way. ::

:: The lightsaber swung towards them in a straight line, heading for the lead thug. It spiraled quickly, not giving the man any time to react, and it severed his neck just below where she could feel the explosive device was. The beeping stopped in him. The lightsaber did the same for the other thugs standing near him, arching and lobbing off their heads. But the last thug, stumbling near Kanji, was too far for the lightsaber to reach in time. She only hoped the dragon-man was able to take care of the threat... and himself. ::

Jun 27th, 2003, 02:24:56 PM
Kanji spun his girth, his massive tail batting the thug tossed his way aside. Not missing a beat, the draco bent down to all fours and took off in a hard sprint, picking up the fallen female as he spun the corner. But he was cut off by thug3, the one he had used for leverage beforehand. A growl rose in the draco's throat, backed up into a corner by thug2 behind him, and the third infront.

Acting on impulse, he swatted his free talon at the thug3 before his mind reminded his body that he needed to get away. The alley posed too less of enough space for him to take flight, so he resorted to the next best thing. Crouching down quickly, Kanji launched himself onto a fire escape railing with a short jump, scrambling over the bending metal...

Jun 27th, 2003, 02:45:28 PM
V'aelna shreeks as she is grabed and lifted off the ground by Kanji, Shes kicks and screems Untill she sees the explosion that the last thug, taking out most of the walkway that she was on... and is then glad that she was pulled out of there and up on the the bending fire escape.

A creeking popping noise can be heard from the fire escape as the footing that were in the now distroyed walkway were blowen up from the blast. and now the fore escape is starting to pull away from the wall it is attached to.

Jun 27th, 2003, 03:01:43 PM
Kanji paniced, noticing that the beam's wouldn't be able to hold his and V'aelna's combined weight much longer. Although it wasn't a great distance to the rooftop, it would collapse before he could make it. "You will have to climb up yourssself, quickly!" Kanji spoke, moving enough for the female to catch onto the quickly dismantling railing, "Go!"

Jun 27th, 2003, 05:08:28 PM
V'aelna didn't have to be told twice... she quickly grabs the the railing and scampers up the top looking back down at Kanji she motions with her hand for him to hurry, saying in her language...

"Maanaya!! Maanaya!! E'o tee nee sa!"

Jun 27th, 2003, 05:51:17 PM
Kanji scaled another level of the escape, the metal screaming as it pulled free from the building's superstructure. He reached for the roof-ledge just as the metal broke free and fell to the alley with a bone-shuttering screech. With wing's flaring, Kanji hoisted himself up onto the rooftop with some difficulty, resting in a crouch as he watched the burning, broken, alley.

"What the hell did they do that for, cowardssss.." He hissed softly, heaving a sigh.

Jun 27th, 2003, 11:19:31 PM
V'aenla Shrugs... She couldn't understand why anybody would take their life to protect such an evil person..

She than looks over AB on the ledge accross the way. She kinda wonders how she will get off that ledge...

V'aenla then faces Kanji, she drops down to her knees at his feet, with her back stiff on a 90 degree angle from the floor, her face towards the ground, and both her hands clasped between her breasts.... She starts to mutter in a tone of reverance...

"Ma O'saa te Oh nee Yah Na... See Nee Ta O'saa Gre Y'ata So Wa'See... Mee nee toe na sa nee ta... Preata na ma O'saa... Gree Ta... Na o'way..."

If Kanji would probably guess by her tone and posture that she is praying to him...

Jun 28th, 2003, 08:59:39 AM
Kanji tilted his head to the side, watching V'aelna curiously as she... uh.. was paying her respects? Shaking his head lightly, the now slightly embarassed draco stripped off his Jedi tunic and gently draped it around her shoulders. Kanji shifted his vest that he wore under the tunic before addressing the female in a faintly musical voice, "Ssstand, Ma'am. No need to be ssso humble to myssself."

Jun 28th, 2003, 09:46:49 AM
V'aelna doesn't stop what she is doing, and doesn't even twitch when the Jedi tunic is placed on her shoulders.... She just remains on her knees still muttering.....

"Ree tae Na lee...So'way R'naela... Gre Ka les O'ree Ae Ya...."

Jul 2nd, 2003, 01:04:45 PM
:: Even though she'd been able to stop a few of the thugs from blowing themselves sky high, the last one she had not been able to stop, and his explosion was strong enough to sweep and destroy what remains there were of the other men. ::

:: This was the second time she'd lost some viable evidence as to who these men were... and they were obviously of the same group or clan as the ones that had been in the Jedi LQ some time ago. ::

:: Sighing, she looked about from her ledge, trying to decipher how she'd get from where she was to where Kanji and the woman were. Spotting a suitable ledge across from her, on another building, she jumped to it, turning to make a consecutive jump to a higher ledge on the building she had just come from, and then repeating the same step again, to land on the roof on the other side of the alley where the other two beings were. ::

:: Walking up slowly, she made her way to where the woman, now clothed in a over-sized Jedi robe, and gently bent down placing her hands on the woman's shoulders, urging her gently to get up. ::

Come now. We're glad we could help, but we need to get you somewhere warm where we can tedn to your wounds, give you some clothing, and a good warm meal.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 10:54:15 AM
V'aelna stands and faces AB...

"Ee'nas Ga y'o ta...*points at Kanji* Eee sa O'saa"

Realizing that she is not undertanding what she is trying to say, V'aelna looks AB in the Eyes and trys to explane with pictures...

The first image is that of a small nomadic town. In the center of the town there is a number of children, sitting on the ground listening to a woman tell a story. Even though there is no sound in the vision AB could tell by the was the children were reacting, that this was a story about a fight of some larges scale....

The image than zooms in on to the book quickly, and as it reaches the book it fades into a scene of a large open field. On one end of the field is what looks like Women and children running, while the men Arm their long bows and fire a sea of arrows to the other side of the field. The image pans across so AB can see what is being fired apon. What she sees is and army of monsters climbing out of a fisure in the ground and charging forward With large clubs made from the bones of people. The arrows hit the monsters but only bounce off.

The men continue to try and fight, but most are just being smashed by the hidouse monsters. And they are forces to flee, With the army of monsters behind them. The monsters herd the people into a dead end Canyon. When the people realize that they have been traped most of the women and children drop down to their knees, with their back stiff on a 90 degree angle from the ground, their faces towards the ground, and both their hands clasped between their breasts, Praying, while the men prepare die fighting.

Just as the monsters reach them, and all hope seems to be lost, with the women still praying, And the sun setting... The clouds part above them sending a Hevenly light down upon the people, and from out of the clouds came a Lizard-like winged warrior. The warrior came down and dispached all the monsters with his glowing sword. The warrior then helps the people rebuld there town, where after he seems to grow to the point where he is able to wrap his wings protectively around the town, ready to dispach anythig that wishes to harm it...

At this point V'aelna breaks her eye contact with AB, Letting the images stop there. She Points at Kanji

"Eee sa O'saa.... Preata Oh Da ma Penala.."

She then moves to go back down to her knees..

Jul 3rd, 2003, 02:32:27 PM
Kanji's face contorted into a comically accused look when V'aelna pointed at him, then went down onto her knees again. He looked up at AB before speaking, "What did sssshe sssay, Mi'lady AB?"

Jul 8th, 2003, 12:36:48 PM
:: AB blinked, and then looked at Kanji with a sheepish smile. ::

Um... she thinks you're some warrior god that saved her people eons ago... or something to that effect.

:: AB summarized to Kanji what she had seen in the visions the young woman had shown her. All the while Kanji just blinked. What could you say to a story like that, after all? ::

:: After finishing, AB sighed, and looked at Kanji. ::

Well, if she won't listen to me, maybe she'll listen to you?

Jul 8th, 2003, 02:26:11 PM
When she gets back down to V'aelna her knees, She continues to pray to Kanji.

Jul 8th, 2003, 02:37:34 PM
"Perhapssss," Kanji replied, tilting his snout and crouching down torward the nomadic human. His large yet carefully gentle hands lifted V'aelna up to her feet, his large digit of a finger lifting her chin.

"Ma'am," He started softly, in the calming musical voice of his, "Will you come with me and Mi'lady AB? We need to patch you up and let you feed yoursssself before we dissscussss on the othersss in the building below, will you come?"

Jul 8th, 2003, 02:44:10 PM
V'aelna looks up and goes quiet as Kanji starts to speek to her. She lets herself be lifted to her feet.

In answer to his question, she simply nods.

Jul 8th, 2003, 06:48:24 PM
Alright. Good.

:: AB led the way to a stairwell that led down the side of the building. Once they emerged, they set off for the Jedi complex. ::

:: It took them a few minutes, but they finally made it, with the young woman, still dressed in the oversized robe Kanji had leant her, seated at a round table and handed a steaming bowl of stew. ::

Kanji... see to it that she gets her fill of whatever she wishes. I'm going to see about getting her some clothes.


:: She reached into her satchel, pulling out a few small bacta patches and handing them to the dragon-man. ::

And apply these to her wounds. They aren't too major. I'll have a closer look at them once I find her something to wear.

:: Before she left, she eyed the woman, guessing her size, and then turned to leave. But before she left, she turned one last time and looked at Kanji. ::

And see if you can get her name. That might be helpful in returning her to where she's from.

I'll be back shortly.

:: Then she left in serach of clothing for the woman. ::

Jul 9th, 2003, 09:29:48 AM
V'aelna follows AB and Kanji. When that reach the complex She sits down at the tble abd takes the stew that is handed to her. She starts to eat, but when she sees that she is the only one eating, she holds her stew out towards the others as if asking if they wanted any.

Jul 9th, 2003, 11:41:28 AM
Kanji lifted a paw and polietly declined, "It'sss yoursss, Ma'am."

He lent a gentle smile, preparing the bacta patches and placing them on the more severe of her wounds. After a few minutes, he reclined back onto his haunches and watched her eat before speaking again, "Would you like sssomething elsssse? The Cafeterium ussssually hasss ssssome sssplended cookiess."

Jul 9th, 2003, 12:46:07 PM
V'aelna nods as her offer is declined, and she goes back to eating, and lets Kanji bandage her injurys. When she is asked if she would like anything else, she just shakes her head and says..

"Nota Emosa. Ma ta Oreata."

Jul 10th, 2003, 04:00:02 PM
Kanji sighed, still unable to understand her native tounge. Stepping away from the table only for a moment to call over a serving droid, he turned back to the female and sat down.

"Perhapesss I can underssstand your name in your own tounge?"

Jul 10th, 2003, 04:41:56 PM
She smiles and points to herself...

" V'aelna... ma Nee a V'aelna."

She points to Kanji...

"Ta Nee a O'saa.... Preata Oh Da ma Penala."

Jul 10th, 2003, 05:04:08 PM
Kanji blinked. Just by simple thought he had translated something of her speech; ma must've meant my while Nee a meant name is. Kanji smiled broadly, pointing to himself, "My name is O'ssa?"

Jul 10th, 2003, 05:12:42 PM
V'aelna smiles and nods...

"Ta de Preata Oh Da ma Penala, Yaha?"

Jul 10th, 2003, 05:21:22 PM
Kanji thought for a moment, decifering her tounge into common speech. As far as he could guess, and matching with the images that she had shown AB he had concluded that her speech followed something along You are the protector of my people, yes?

He shook his head, "Nay, Ma'am. Although, I am trying to be a Protector of all people, even yoursss, but I am not the one from ye' lengendssss."

Jul 10th, 2003, 05:35:32 PM
She gets a confused look on her face...

"Ta a nota Nee O'ssa? Wae Ye Zat de Penala faa Zaeo Mae?"

Her exprestion changes to that of a questioning look.

"Wee Ta a Nee den?"

OOC: Your a good at guessing... :)... You got it word for word.

Jul 10th, 2003, 05:48:51 PM
Kanji strained to decifer this time, her second question only translating to him with the word Penala. "Nay, ma'am my... Nee a Kanji, nota O'ssa."

OOC: Thank'ee :) I'm trying ^^;;

Jul 10th, 2003, 06:07:33 PM
V'aelna laughs at Kanji's attempt to mix Basic and her language. even though she understands basic, she finds it nice that he would try to speek her language...

V'aelna desides to try and explane her second question.

"Wae...*draws a ? in the air with her left index finger*.. Ye... *points to Kanji*...Zat...*holds up both her hands as if trying to stop a moving object*....de Penala...*points out a window to the people on the streets below*... faa Zaeo...*Pretends to punch something*.... Mae .... *points to herself*?"

Jul 10th, 2003, 06:20:47 PM
Kanji's brows furrowed as he concentrated on her signs, "Why did I halt the people from hurting ye'?" He chuckled lightly, "It is my tasssk asss a member of the Jedi Order to asssssissst anyone that I am able to the fullessst of my sssskillsss in order to uphold Peace and Jusssstice," He upturned a paw, "Ye' sssseemed petrified of those human malesss what were chasssing you, and I ssssaw a malicioussss intent in their minds to inflict harm."

Jul 11th, 2003, 10:46:33 AM
V'aelna doesn't know what else to say so she just goes back to eating the stew in front of her.

Jul 12th, 2003, 09:46:05 PM
Kanji hoped he had'nt been rude right then, terribly afraid that he had been. Also lapsing into silence, only speaking to the droid to bring something from the bar.

Jul 16th, 2003, 07:01:44 PM
:: AB had at that moment returned with the clothes she had found for the woman. She was glad to see the other eating heartely, placing the clothes on the seat beside her. ::

There you go. I think those should fit just fine.

:: She bent down and started to examin her wounds. ::

Now, lets see how you're doing here...

:: The woman stopped her eating to watch AB as she looked at the coverings Kanji had done. Smiling and satisfied, she stood up, looking to the dragon-man. ::

Not a bad job, Kanji. Ever thought about taking up medic training? She's healing up nicely, and there appears to be no infections.

:: She sat herself down at the other side of the table. ::

Oh yes... did you get her name, Kanji?

Jul 17th, 2003, 09:16:53 AM
Kanji nodded, "Her name is V'aelna, Milady. I've even gotten some of her langage deciphered, too!" He beamed widely, giving AB a short rundown of what he had decifered.

Jul 17th, 2003, 03:17:54 PM
V'aelna quickly finishes her stew as AB comes back in to the room, and lets her tend to the dressings on her wounds.

After AB is done looking at her injuries, V'aelna stands and takes off the clothing she is waring and puts on the outfit AB brought for her. She is not in the slightist bit bashfull and doesn't try to hid any of her body from others eyes.

After getting into the new outfit, she bows slighty to AB

"Taoh fa de garmina..."

Jul 21st, 2003, 11:18:08 AM
:: AB smiled. ::

Well, V'aelna. I don't have the grasp of your language as Kanji here has aquired, but I'm going to guess that was a thanks for the clothing...

:: Her smile broadened and she nodded her head. ::

So I'll say your quite welcome.

Jul 23rd, 2003, 01:00:52 PM
V'aelna smiles... Nodding at the fact that AB guessed corectly... After a moment or two, she starts to wonder if they are going to ask her any questions or if they just want her to go now...

Jul 31st, 2003, 08:35:08 PM
Now it was time for seriousness. "V'aelna, that building that I ssssaw you essscape from, are there more people in there who are like what you were, a sssslave?"

Aug 1st, 2003, 04:16:24 PM
V'aelna sighs...

"Nota... Emo Nota Penala. De Penala mayo denat.... Eeo Za na gara..."

She hopes that they understand what she is saying... She had been running for a while when she came up that stair case.... And that was nowhere near where she escaped from.

Aug 2nd, 2003, 11:07:05 PM
Kanji glanced over to AB then back to V'aelna, "I'm not quite undersssstanding fully now, V'aelna, but... Nota is no, not and Penala means people..." He rubbed his temples lightly, thinking. Her was never much for elaborate language translations, but he would make due to help this human.

"De, I presume, is 'the'..." He groaned, "I can't decifer mayo, Emom, or Eeo Za na gara..."

Aug 4th, 2003, 09:39:39 AM
V'aelna sighs... She doesn't know how she could explane.... Soo...

She goes to look Kanji in the eyes, hoping that his mind can handle the moving pictures she is about to give him... As she look him in the eyes Kanji sees a split image, half of the image is of the location where she met Kanji, the other half is the images of the people in cages... the image of the location where she met Kanji gets a red X through it, and a green arrow pointing down deeper into the lower levels. then the pictures change, one to a picture of her running, and the other of a sun rising and setting many times...

At the point she breaks Eye contact...

"De Penala mayo denat *pointing down*.... Eeo Za na gara *pointing out the window towards where they came from, well shakeing her head to say NO*...."

OOC:*twittles her thumbs* I need this Thread to get finished...

Aug 23rd, 2003, 04:30:07 PM
Kanji's eyes narrowed to slits, not from anger but from heavy thought. "You've been running for quite ssssome time, then..." He said, glancing out through the window for a moment, then to V'aelna and finally to AB, "What actionssss are there to take, Massssster AB? We cannot believe that Lady V'aelna will be ssssurely ssssafe until the sssslaversss are..." He gulped, recalling the thugs from earlier, "... are... relieved of their dutiessss..."

Nov 27th, 2003, 12:41:01 PM
V'aelna looks towards AB wondering what She will have done with her.

Dec 1st, 2003, 03:26:33 PM
:: AB thought a moment before responding. ::

I don't see why she can't stay in the guest quarters on the Orders grounds. She'll be safe there, and being a guest of yours...

:: She gestured towards Kanji. ::

...then there should be no conflict or problems.

:: She nodded her head. ::

Yes, I think putting her up in the guest quarters is the best course of action for the moment.

:: AB looked to Kanji. ::

She will be intrusted to yuor care and responsibility, if you have no objections.

Dec 1st, 2003, 04:02:59 PM
OOC: I Since i will be staying on the order grounds I'm going to have V'aelna wander in to the GJO Recrutment Center....