View Full Version : OOC for "I'm hungry"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:33:31 AM
Originally posted by Admiral Kraken
::The man in the cloak started laughing, a sinister, evil laugh. Then with a gesture from his free hand, an invisible hand closed around Vega's throat, and broke the force spell on his lightsaber. Then the man threw off his cloak, to reveal no other than, Obelisk, the Dark Jedi Master. With the hand he was using to choke Vega, he gestured, and sent Vega flying off into the night. He then advanced on Sorsha::

"Pitiful pitiful Dark Jedi, so weak..."

Dark Jedi Master who???

Park Kraken
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:45:27 AM
OBELISK, he's a new character I created.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:46:26 AM
I'm afraid he can't be a dark jedi master right off the bat. Has to go through the training and whatnot, so that people can't just walk in and deem themselves Vader the Second. :mneh

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:48:03 AM
Bragging rights like that are earned by putting in 2 to 3 years of real time.

Park Kraken
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:48:41 AM
Fine, I will make the appropriate changes. Spoilsport.
=P =P =P =P =P

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:49:31 AM
:spank thank you for complying :D

Park Kraken
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:51:10 AM
So what, I would have to be something like:
::Obelisk, the local farmboy, was walking into the hangarbay when he noticed the blond woman holding a saber to a lizard. Running over, he kicked sand in her face, and said::

"Now you will be blinded!"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:52:02 AM
:rolleyes You can use the Force, but not to the degree of a Master. Apprentice/trainee level ;)

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:53:27 AM
Uhm you didn't need to edit your first post, just your second... that was the only problem, the whole "I pwn you Vega" thing :mneh

Park Kraken
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:58:01 AM

Park Kraken
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:03:16 PM
Okay, how is that?

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:09:24 PM
*peeks into thread to make sure everyone is playing nice*

Kraken PLZ read the F.A.Q. :):):)

Salem Ave
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:10:17 PM
argh man Kraken... my post makes no fricken sense now :grumble [/vega]

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:14:27 PM
do I dare look?

:: looks ::

okay, I have no problem with you hopping into the fray, since it's an open thread after all, but there's something in role-playing that's called Character Concept. I think you need to find one and stick with it.

Park Kraken
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:17:25 PM
Already read the FAQ, I just hoped that I could get away without anyone noticing for a second time...........

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:19:20 PM
Is that supposed to be funny?

Salem Ave
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:19:35 PM
krak - are you leaving the post as it is now? so I can go edit if its needed

Ishan Shade
Jun 26th, 2003, 01:36:02 PM
O_o they're going to notice when you call yourself a "master" and no one's heard of you.....:lol

Dae Jinn
Jun 26th, 2003, 04:16:32 PM
Read the FAQs and try to follow them, and if you're going to make a new character, it's best if you make a new account for that character, instead of using the same account for everything, Kraken. it makes it easier for you and for everyone else you rp with.

Park Kraken
Jun 26th, 2003, 04:42:25 PM
New account? And here I thought you could make only one because of the Infiltration rules. Sweet! Is there any limit to how many accounts you can have?

Dae Jinn
Jun 26th, 2003, 05:01:21 PM
You should make an account for each character you have. You can join other groups, but you can't use IC knowledge you have as one character as another character in a different group (if that makes sense, if not, someone else will probably explain it clearer :lol).

There's no real limit, but it's best to only have a few characters when you're starting out :)

Nathanial K'cansce
Jun 26th, 2003, 05:47:44 PM
mmm... FAQ.... yummy yummy nice and good. Read it, you should. Answers to those questions in there, there are.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 26th, 2003, 08:41:58 PM
Sprouting up with 23 characters overnight is a little annoying, but its allowed. :)

Park Kraken
Jun 26th, 2003, 09:40:51 PM
Good this is, bodes well it does for me. Use that information, I will.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:13:58 AM
I get the feeling he's going to take you literally, De'Ville. Remind me to punish you for this later. =^;^=

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 27th, 2003, 11:52:28 AM
Originally posted by Admiral Kraken
OOC: I didn't know you could create more than one account, so I am using more than one character in my current profile, and I will make appropriate changes, but for now..............
::Obelisk watched as a new woman appeared, one wielding katanas. He watched as she landed, then she gestured. Suddenly, he watched as a piece of a landspeeder came straight at him. Using the only trick he knew for this situation, he held his hands in front of him, and gathered the force into them. The piece of wreckage hurtling torwards him slammed into him full on, and sent him flying against the wall of the hangar bay. There he was, pinned against the wall of the hangar bay by the piece of wreckage, but relativly unharmed. Using his one free hand, he withdrew his lightsaber, and with four quick slices, he was free. He walks over to where the lizard is at, rolling on the ground in pain. He slaps bacta bandages on the areas where the lizard had sustained saber injuries, then turned, and walked slowly torwards the newest newcomer, a dark intent cast into his eyes::

This seems to me like two seperate actions. Just a little much for one post.

Action 1 is breaking free

Originally posted by Admiral Kraken
::Obelisk watched as a new woman appeared, one wielding katanas. He watched as she landed, then she gestured. Suddenly, he watched as a piece of a landspeeder came straight at him. Using the only trick he knew for this situation, he held his hands in front of him, and gathered the force into them. The piece of wreckage hurtling torwards him slammed into him full on, and sent him flying against the wall of the hangar bay. There he was, pinned against the wall of the hangar bay by the piece of wreckage, but relativly unharmed. Using his one free hand, he withdrew his lightsaber, and with four quick slices, he was free.

Action 2 is healing Merrick

Originally posted by Admiral Kraken
He walks over to where the lizard is at, rolling on the ground in pain. He slaps bacta bandages on the areas where the lizard had sustained saber injuries, then turned, and walked slowly torwards the newest newcomer, a dark intent cast into his eyes::

but so be it. I'm going to intercept your second action, as it's not realistic to assume everyone would stand around to let you do this.

In the future, try to spread your actions out over several posts instead of cramming. Cramming is a bad practice to fall into.

Andraq Novkar
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:19:39 PM
Originally posted by Makoto Neo
Alas! The 'saber blade was intercepted mere seconds from contact by a shimmering metallic sword. The blades' weilder, Knight Makoto Neo, had appeared on the scene with only a premuntion to guide his actions and thus countered here.

Pushing the Darksider off from the charge, Mako deftly spun his katana breifly in his right hand, stopping it short of a 45* downwards angle from his right leg. "Quite the statement, but, there is honor, you just haven't found it yet," the wolf-man spoke monotonistic, ruby-red eye's focusing on the pale-faced human..

Explain to me how your sword could block my lightsaber.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:22:17 PM
quantium probably.

Andraq Novkar
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:24:31 PM
It's a rare metal, extremely expensive, if you can find it. And it's mainly the armor plating on a suncrusher. And these ships are abandoned out in space somewhere, where no one knows where they are. And even then, to manage to get the armor plating off and heating it...

To have such a sword, it would require a RP.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:26:03 PM
Similarly light sabers are extremely rare, because of the crystals, yet they're two to a penny here. Everyone and their uncle can find, make or buy them off your local exotic weapons dealer.

I think it's fair to say that's he's allowed a sword. No need to make a big deal out of it.

Zasz Grimm
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:27:51 PM
Then, when such a sword is used in battle, it should be said what type of metal it is.

I shall await his reply.

Makoto Neo
Jun 27th, 2003, 03:13:03 PM
If it's going to be heated debate, I will edit and replace the katana with his lightsaber, alright?

Park Kraken
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:18:40 PM
Ummm, another problem with this thread is that Sorsha seems to just inflict pain on anyone she wants without giving them time to respond. Isn't the majority of pain on a character supposed to be told by the characters player? It kind of bugs me that when I start posting that people tell me that I can't just kill somebody or something in one post, but then people turn around and do it to me. I don't mind doing it the way she does, just don't turn around and scold me when I do it. But otherwise, I do inflict realistic damage on my characters. I'm not a "You didn't hit me at all in this almost certain, etc." type of RPer.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 27th, 2003, 05:03:36 PM
Sorsha is also a Master Dark Jedi, keep that in mind ... there is a difference :)

Quang Li
Jun 27th, 2003, 05:08:43 PM
Originally posted by Admiral Kraken
But otherwise, I do inflict realistic damage on my characters. I'm not a "You didn't hit me at all in this almost certain, etc." type of RPer.

And alot of people here leave their posts open ended so that the other RPer's can reply with their reactions.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2003, 07:04:10 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
quantium probably.

Quantium distrubs me, especially as it is described as being able to withstand insane heat and pressures that there is utterly no rational or even irrational explaination for. No metal or compund, no matter how formed, can resist even a tiny bit of what the Sun Crusher is described as resisting. Sun Crushers and the ilk were thrown out of here as a God Mode, I would seriously suggest Quantium be thrown out as well, because clearly Quantium was pulled out of the butt of an EU writer to make something "cool" and failed misrebly. There are ways to make swords resist a lightsabre, it's even resonably acceptible and it's found in the Dark Side source book, which hints Jedi also had them before sabres.

I would not quibble with a sword, personally esp if it's a Sith Sword. It's doable, but it has to be either found or forged by a high rank Force user. When I did have a sword that was forged like so (the present one is not), I chose to take a OOC year to complete it. That was just me, cause I thought it was logically a very difficult thing to do. That's neither here nor there - the point I jsut wandered from was that a sword forged with assistance fo the Force is to me acceptible. a Quantium one IMO is not.

Park Kraken
Jun 27th, 2003, 07:39:43 PM
What about some kind of super refinned Cortosis Ore?

Jun 27th, 2003, 08:03:38 PM
Cortosis is a brittle fiber, not an ore.

Jun 27th, 2003, 08:05:48 PM
Cortosis Ore is viable, as it has the ability to block (Not shut off) Lightsabres, but would still be as strong as a normal metal, as opposed to smashing to pieces. However, bare in mind that it would be pretty expensive.

Cortosis is a brittle fiber, not an ore.
Cortosis Ore exists, was in the comics.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 27th, 2003, 08:07:15 PM
Swfans.net is correct. It is completely impractical/illogical for weapons.

People, having this thread is nice, but if you can, please keep to PMs. Thanks :)

Jun 27th, 2003, 08:10:04 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Cortosis Ore exists, was in the comics. And as far as the SWFans.Net RP practices go, the comics don't exist, especially as it pertains to something like Cortosis ore. If we allow such a thing to exist everyone will have cortosis armor, swords, shields add naseum.

Jun 27th, 2003, 08:14:51 PM
Where did they get the money from? It's not exactly what you'd call cheap stuff.

Jun 27th, 2003, 08:16:37 PM
This argument has happened before, its not changing the stance this time either. Cortosis ore does not exist here.

Jun 27th, 2003, 08:21:04 PM
When has this argument happend? I mean, all the people who know Oddball had a Cortosis ore weapon didn't say anything.

Furthermore, how come a Sith master can make something that does the same, and that is fair? That's free, and technically he could just mass-produce them if he so desired. Is that fair?

Jun 27th, 2003, 08:24:29 PM
How's this for you?

The administrator/owner of this site now proclaims that Cortosis ore as a viable malleable metal is not allowed here at SWFans. End of argument.

Sith Masters aren't here in the dozens and those that are here are quite responsible in how they RP. Sith swords will not be mass produced.

Jun 27th, 2003, 08:45:52 PM
Perhaps a proper discussion for cortosis, ysalmari and other such items is in order rather than just pinning each one down with each new issue and problematic OOC thread. There's putting your foot down, sure, but lets kick off our goose-stepping boots before any rash decisions are made.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 27th, 2003, 08:55:17 PM
It all falls under common sense in MY opinion.

Common sense says not everyone has a sword or katana that can block a lightsaber. It can happen....people CAN have them, but lets be LOGICAL about this.

Cortosis I thought, was always a fiberous ore. Not that it ISN'T an ore, its just a flaky, fiberous ore. Like the balsa wood of minerals. Completely impractical for weapons such as swords, or daggers. I do know one RPer who's character has little cortosis shruikens, which are only good once, because as soon as you use them they break and are destroyed. Very brittle.

Yslamiri weren't even brought up. But again, common sense will reign here. They're found on only one planet, they can only be carried around on a nutrient frame, and thus they're fairly bulky to transport and also impractical. Also, if you're a Force user, it makes no sense to carry around one. Sanis used to have Roddy (now Roddy 2) and I'm not sure how he carted the thing around, but he RPed going to Mykyr and getting the furry salamander thing.

All New RPers should READ THE FAQ. That is also common sense. All old RPers should remember everything. ;) EVERYTHING! :crack Resistance is futile.

Jun 27th, 2003, 08:58:38 PM
Perhaps a proper discussion for cortosis, ysalmari and other such items is in order rather than just pinning each one down with each new issue and problematic OOC thread. There's putting your foot down, sure, but lets kick off our goose-stepping boots before any rash decisions are made.

Descisions made. Flawed IMO, but made.

One slight error on my part btw. WHen I said ore? Should have been alloy.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:11:34 PM
Cortoris is like asbestos - it can be woven like asbestos, it is an ore like asbestos, but it is brittle.... just like asbestos. Asbestos is technically a metal I might add and appears to be what cortoris was based on. I do not believe asbestos can be alloyed and if it can, it only does so poorly. So LD's summary is correct.

And yes, this has been discussed before - back when we were at Ezboard - when I was admin actually. It was an open discussion then and i would not be surprised if it's somewhere down low in the billion odd threads archived here.

Jun 27th, 2003, 09:16:16 PM
It hadn't actually been created at that stage, the comic had Dooku in at the end, so the comparative part was non-existant.

And you were an admin? Thought you were only a mod. Mind grows senile :)

Jun 27th, 2003, 09:18:36 PM
I clarified my ruling on the subject to be the same as what was decided in the past. Allowing Cortosis to be used as a viable malleable metal would get ridiculously out of hand if allowed, considering there have already been several instances in the last few years where people have tried and been denied, its best we stick with precedent.

Jun 27th, 2003, 09:20:22 PM
Well, there goes Oddball's first RP then.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:41:45 PM
Think laterally, Fett. If you want a hint, "Force Pike of Helenias".

No one said you cant coat or cover a weapon. That's a second hint.

Third hint is PM Helen and discuss if you cant work it out from my first two hints :p

Yeah, I admined I was onbaord before Ogre was and got out when I simply had enough of TSE's BS. When your not enjoying RP or adminning, that was a hint for me to get out and start to have fun agian.

Pilot Akito
Jun 27th, 2003, 10:48:31 PM
Do I have to break out Firebird and showing people how 'useful' this ore really is? Reaperfett take Marcus' advice.

Jun 28th, 2003, 02:57:19 AM
I think ysalmari are in the same boat as cortosis though. I'll elaborate later.

Jun 28th, 2003, 08:29:35 AM
Pierce can tell you that the subject of Ysalmari has been covered before as well, so there is some precedent there too.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 28th, 2003, 08:47:34 AM
I don't doubt it. Doesn't mean I have to agree with it. :p

And before you give yourself a hernia, Fett, I don't think you need to worry about all things cortosis in your roleplays, as long as all involved in them have no problem with it.

Jun 28th, 2003, 09:36:30 AM
If it is banned, then it is banned. I'm not having it where something which is quite key to my character keeps suddenly dissapearing :)

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 28th, 2003, 11:57:16 AM
Originally posted by Admiral Kraken
Ummm, another problem with this thread is that Sorsha seems to just inflict pain on anyone she wants without giving them time to respond. Isn't the majority of pain on a character supposed to be told by the characters player? It kind of bugs me that when I start posting that people tell me that I can't just kill somebody or something in one post, but then people turn around and do it to me. I don't mind doing it the way she does, just don't turn around and scold me when I do it. But otherwise, I do inflict realistic damage on my characters. I'm not a "You didn't hit me at all in this almost certain, etc." type of RPer.

Okay, I always try to be fair and post ONCE a turn. The combat here is so open ended so it's impossible not to make errors every once in awhile. I'm used to turned based combat with dice and pen and paper, and I even developed a little dice system for myself to use. I abandoned it after getting beaten up one time too many. Those dice really hated me.

I have been beaten up more times than I've tasted victory, so I think I've paid my dues.

But back to the point, I don't make more actions than I feel I'm allowed, and I ALWAYS wait for people to respond to what I've done.

I will attempt to inflict specific damage on someone, and I will co-ordinate attacks with other people. It's all perfectly legal and there's nowhere in the rules that state this can't be done.

Sorsha is ruthless and animalistic, and I've been playing her like this for 3 years now.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 28th, 2003, 12:04:20 PM
I'd also like to request that this thread (the RP) slows down and becomes "turn-based". Certain people, myself included, have now fallen into jeopardy of being left behind. So let's decide a posting order and list it here so things don't move too fast. This is to keep it fair for evreyone. I've seen too many times where a thread moves ahead 12 or 15 posts, with people making multiple posts while other people get let behind.

Park Kraken
Jun 28th, 2003, 12:14:00 PM
Yeah, it seems Vega and His gang have been left behind. I'm willing to slow it down, since I'm just know re-entering the field, badly burned, but with new toys.

OW outcast
Jun 28th, 2003, 12:16:14 PM
I want to say something on this sword saber bit. I'm aware the issue is dead but you aware that the saber is turning out to be the ultimate weapon. I mean now the only weapon that can block it is an another saber and blasters are no match for a saber eather. so basically that leaves space ships weapons as the only thing that can rival a saber. to me thats a bit ridicules.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 28th, 2003, 12:21:50 PM
You also need to check your pm box more frequently Kraken. There's an option in the control panel that pops up a window whenever you get one. did you know that?

Pierce Tondry
Jun 28th, 2003, 03:08:27 PM
Originally posted by SWFans.Net
Pierce can tell you that the subject of Ysalmari has been covered before as well, so there is some precedent there too.


Incidentally, the cortosis ore argument is pretty much null and void regardless. Lightsabers can be tuned to cleave through the stuff without suffering any ill effects. Luke Skywalker briefly mentions having done so in one of the New Jedi Order books.

That which was developed in EU, has been worked around in EU. 'nuff said. :)

Jun 28th, 2003, 03:13:52 PM
Cortosis ALLOY argument. It was a wrong-placed word. And it isnt null and void as Quinlain Vos' sabre didnt penetrate it in what is to my knowledge the first instance of Cortosis alloy being used.

Jun 28th, 2003, 04:22:04 PM
QUESTION: Can a banned substance or item - ie. cortosis, eg. in the form of cortosis armour, etc. - be allowed in a thread in which all participating parties agree ot and have no problem with? Assuming, of course, that no-one outside of said thread be affected in any indirect fashion.

Jun 28th, 2003, 04:24:50 PM
Originally posted by Dru
QUESTION: Can a banned substance or item - ie. cortosis, eg. in the form of cortosis armour, etc. - be allowed in a thread in which all participating parties agree ot and have no problem with? Assuming, of course, that no-one outside of said thread be affected in any indirect fashion. If all of those conditions are met, I don't have any problem with it.

Jun 28th, 2003, 04:36:36 PM
Sanis uses cortosis, but in an unorthodox method. His shell gun can fire a shell that is a durasteel-jacketed cortosis slug. Essentially, it takes advantage of both of cortosis's main attributes: its ability to shut down lightsabers, and its brittle, fibrous nature. If a force user intercepts the projectile with his saber, it will melt away the durasteel jacket, shut the saber down, and reduce the slug into a maelstrom of fast-moving schrapnel and debris.

However, the ammunition is hideously expensive and rare. I think I've used it twice since I've created Sanis's character.

Makoto Neo
Jun 28th, 2003, 08:00:39 PM
Detour for a second.

Make sure I've got this lineup right, please:

Odin engaging to Vega
Malice engaging Videl
Merrick engaging uh.. :huh
Sorsha engaging one of the lizards? :huh
Dalethria 'assisting' Vega verses Odin (?)
Andraq engaging Makoto
Dark Emerald Jade engaging Kraken :huh
Kindo engaging Lord Vali
Hobgoblin on standby?
Jodah on standby?
Wargrave on standby

Just trying to simplise what the frell is going on in that thread. :)

Taylor Millard
Jun 28th, 2003, 08:03:33 PM
It looks like Wargrave was against Kraken but Jade got him...

or something...

Kindo vs. Vali yes.

Makoto Neo
Jun 28th, 2003, 08:05:28 PM
So, on Wargrave on standby?

Taylor Millard
Jun 28th, 2003, 08:08:11 PM
Seems t'be.

Park Kraken
Jun 28th, 2003, 09:21:18 PM
Uhhh, I changed my stance. I had realized that because I was carrying Ysalamiri, there was no way that the Jade woman could have forced gripped me. Currently, one of my shocker missiles is homing in on wargrave.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:42:40 AM
okay ... just because so much as happened. I am not posting until someone gives me the skinny of what is going on right now. I feel that is fair considering ... then I can figure out what to post with Vega

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:46:47 PM
ok, this needs to stop. Kraken, just did a count and you've raced 8 posts (count 'em 8) 8 posts ahead of me.

I'm going to declare the beginning of the Next Turn with my next post. This way everyone who's fallen behind has the chance to catch up, regroup whatever. I just need to sort out everything before I post.

So everyone please wait for my post and I'll have it tomorrow morning. :) Again, I need to take the time to read through all that's been done and figure out my next action.

(copies thread to floppy)

Park Kraken
Jun 29th, 2003, 01:18:47 PM
Basically what has happened is I engaged Wargrave in a duel, got bunred, ran out, then ran back in, and done a few other things in between.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 29th, 2003, 01:21:57 PM
Read above ... I will be following Sorsha's post when I can after work.

And also, that doesn't tell me everything that has happened.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 29th, 2003, 01:57:27 PM
check your pm Kraken, and I'll say again, please wait. If I see another post tomorrow ahead of mine, I'm going to be angry. I'm trying to regroup this and get the knots out so people can participate again.

Park Kraken
Jun 29th, 2003, 01:58:39 PM
Ummm, okay, what has happened as far as I know since Sorsha's last post. I hammered her away, got on catwalk, ran torward another fight, got stopped by wargrave, tried to saber him, he burned me with force lightning. I managed to get away from him, staggered out to my speeder, loaded up ysalamiri, and weapons, went back into hangar, fired stun missile at wargrave, then went over to where a light side Jedi (Ki-Adi-Kindo) and some other Dark Jedi had worn themselves out, and I tried to ignite him with a flamethrower, but yet another Dark Jedi redirected the missle into my back, sent me flying over, and I will be out cold for the next 24 hours unless someone revives me. The ysalamiri are now dead, the flamethrower has exploded, and there are flames everywhere, the fuel for the flame lasts for 5 hours, I discarded my missile launcher before this, it is near the hangar entrance, ummmmmm, and that is basically it for me.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 30th, 2003, 09:13:21 AM
Actually, I spent last night making my own little quick guide. It may be a bit long, but it's quicker than reading the whole thread and focuses on the actual combat. I think the posting dates are correct. (not including edit times) I hope it's helpful to everyone in the thread who's gotten lost or wants to jump in and know what's happened. Here it is -


Dalethria Mal Pannis (TBH)
Evil Hobgoblin (TBH)
Lord Vali (TBH)
Milivikal k'Vik (TBH)
Sorsha Kasajian (TBH)
Vega Van Derveld (TBH)
Wargrave (TBH)
Andraq Novkar (Sorsha’s Army)
Dark Emerald Jade (Sorsha’s Army)
Videl (Sorsha’s Army)

Jodah of Giva (TSO)
Makoto Neo (TSO)
Malice (TSO)
Odin Murk (TSO)

Merrick (Dark Jedi)

Ki-Adi Kindo (GJO)

Admiral Kraken/Obelisk (Affiliation Unknown)


Post #1 _ ODIN MURK _ (06-02-03 03:39 PM)
Odin Murk eats 3 Jawas and is still hungry, so goes hunting for more prey.

Post #2 _ VEGA VAN DERVELD _ (06-03-03 07:00 AM)
Enter Vega. Taunts exchanged. The wisecracks go back and forth until …

Post #8 _ MERRICK _ (06-03-03 02:09 PM)
Enter Merrick. More taunting.

Post #10 _ ODIN MURK _ (06-03-03 02:55 PM)
Odin calls on Merrick to hunt Vega

Post #11 _ MERRICK _ (06-05-03 02:20 AM)
Hops up into the rafters to stalk Vega.

Post #12 _ VEGA VAN DERVELD _ (06-05-03 07:33 AM)
Vega activates his lightsabre.

Post #13 _ ODIN MURK _ (06-05-03 02:13 PM)
Odin cloaks beneath the rafters with his chameleon ability

Post #14 _ MILIVIKAL K'VIK _ (06-05-03 02:44 PM)
Mili enters with a sonic attack that shakes the rafters.

Post #15 _ SORSHA KASAJIAN _ (06-05-03 02:51 PM)
Surprise attack by Sorsha. She cuts the rafters with her sabre, causing Merrick to fall and she leaps after him, slashing at him on the way down.

Post #16 _ VEGA VAN DERVELD _ (06-05-03 03:00 PM)
Vega hits Odin with a force push (blast?) and knocks him out of the rafters down into the docking bay.

Post #17 _ ODIN MURK _ (06-05-03 03:25 PM)
Attacks Vega with a force blast.

Post #18 _ DALETHRIA MAL PANNIS _ (06-08-03 12:28 PM)
Dalethria enters and attacks Odin Murk with exploding concrete from the rafters.

Post #19 _ VEGA VAN DERVELD _ (06-08-03 12:42 PM)
Jumps down to the ground to close with Odin.

Post #20 _ ODIN MURK _ (06-08-03 03:37 PM)
Climbs out of the debris and closes with Vega, attacking to disembowel.

Post #21 _ MERRICK _ (06-12-03 06:10 AM)
Merrick falls badly and injures/breaks a claw.

Post #22 _ SORSHA KASAJIAN _ (06-14-03 01:24 PM)
Sorsha hops down and kicks Merrick’s broken claw to aggravate the injury. She follows this up by torturing him, slicing at him twice with her sabre.

Post #23 _ MALICE _ (06-26-03 04:45 AM)
Malice enters, admonishing TBH for ganging up on the lizardmen. He holds his action and waits for an attack.

Post #24 _ VEGA VAN DERVELD _ (06-26-03 10:58 AM)
Parries Odin’s attack with his sabre and leaps over him to execute a back stab attack.

Post #25 _ SORSHA KASAJIAN _ (06-26-03 11:18 AM)
Sorsha rises up from her assualt on Merrick and turns her attention to Malice and Kraken. Holds her action.

Post #26 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ 06-26-03 01:23 PM
Kraken appears and threatens Sorsha, demanding her to cease aggreasion or die.

Post #27 _ EVIL HOBGOBLIN _ (06-26-03 03:08 PM)
Attacks Kraken with telekineses and offers him a chance to leave.

Post #28 _ ANDRAQ NOVKAR _ (06-26-03 03:28 PM)
Andraq spears Malice from behind and ignites his lightsabre.

Post #29 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-26-03 06:49 PM)
Retorts Hob and flips up onto a pile of crates. Holds his action.

Post #30 _ MALICE _ (06-26-03 06:53 PM)
Malice sweeps Andraq off his feet and knocks him away with a force push, then turns his attention to Hob.

Post #31 _ VIDEL _ (06-26-03 08:54 PM)
Videl leaps down to the fight from a high building, slashing some speeders on the way down with her blades. She sends burning pieces of speeder debris at Merrick, Kraken, Malice and Odin with telekineses.

Post #32 _ DARK EMERALD JADE _ (06-26-03 09:58 PM)
Jade attacks Malice from behind and knocks him down again. She ignites her lightdagger and taunts him.

Post #33 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-27-03 12:00 AM)
Kraken is knocked into a wall and pinned by a piece of wrecked speeder from Videl. He cuts himself loose with his sabre, then attempts to aid Merrick with bacta patches before facing Videl.

Post #34 _ KI-ADI KINDO _ (06-27-03 01:39 AM)
Ki-Adi Kindo appears and takes a foolhardy leap, telling all the darksiders to break up their fight.

Post #35 _ LORD VALI _ (06-27-03 03:10 AM)
Lord Vali appears and opens fire on Kindo w/blasters from a concealed position.

Post #36 _ MALICE _ (06-27-03 04:18 AM)
Malice reacts to Jade’s attack by soaking it with a force shield, and is shocked by Videl’s change in loyalties from TSO.

Post #37 _ VIDEL _ (06-27-03 04:36 AM)
Videl tells Malice she has older alliances than TSO and holds her action.

Post #38 _ MALICE _ (06-27-03 04:56 AM)
Malice calls Videl to come forward and fight him.

Post #39 _ KI-ADI KINDO _ (06-27-03 01:48 PM)
Kindo dodges Vali’s blaster fire and attempts to search him out.

Post #40 _ ANDRAQ NOVKAR _ (06-27-03 01:57 PM)
Andraq invokes the darkside to use celerity and rushes at Malice with a sabre attack from behind.

Post #41 _ SORSHA KASAJIAN _ (06-27-03 02:02 PM) Sorsha intercepts Kraken as he tries to aid Merrick. She abandons the use of her sabre, attacking him with a flurry of punches.

Post #42 _ MAKATO NEO (06-27-03 03:39 PM)
Makato appears and parries Andraq’s sabre attack on Malice.

Post #43 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-27-03 05:31 PM) Kraken counterattacks Sorsha, pushing her backwards.

Post #44 _ DARK EMERALD JADE _ (06-27-03 05:47 PM)
Jade turns her attention to Kraken and throws a ranged killing attack at him

Post #46 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-27-03 09:55 PM)
Kraken dodges Jade’s attack by leaping up onto a catwalk and retreats from Jade and Sorsha.

Post #47 _ WARGRAVE _ (06-27-03 10:04 PM)
Wargrave appears, snaring Kraken with a cable from a grappling gun.

Post #48 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-28-03 12:10 AM)
Kraken tekes (teke=telekineses) his lightsabre to cut himself free and runs off to close w/Andraq.

Post #49 _ WARGRAVE _ (06-28-03 12:39 AM)
Wargrave stalks Kraken/Obelisk and intercepts him before he reaches Andraq.

Post #50 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN (06-28-03 12:56 AM)
Kraken tries to sway Wargrave to duel with Sorsha instead of him, unaware of their alliance.

Post #51 _ WARGRAVE (06-28-03 01:05 AM)
Wargrave closes in on Kraken with his sabre.

Post #52 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN (06-28-03 01:11 AM)
Kraken force leaps high into the air and descends on Wargrave with a sabre strike aimed for his head.

Post #53 _ LORD VALI _ (06-28-03 01:18 AM)
Vali leaps up into the rafters and keeps a watch on Kindo, careful not to get too close to any of the combat.

Post #54 _ WARGRAVE _ (06-28-03 01:20 AM)
Wargrave dodges Kraken’s attack and sends him to the ground with Force Lightning.

Post #55 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN (06-28-03 01:47 AM)
Kraken tosses his sabre up into the air as Wargrave electocutes him. Bu pure luck, a section of comes crashing down. He staggers out of the hangar to his landspeeder, seeking the protection of his ysalamiri.

Post #56 _ VIDEL (06-28-03 01:53 AM) Videl channels force lightning through the ground to electrocute Malice. She then uses celerity to attack him from behind, kocking him face down with an elbow/knee smash combo. She pins him down to the ground with her foot against his neck.

Post #57 _ MALICE _ (06-28-03 06:19 AM)
Malice sends force lightning through Videl to free himself, then ignites the air around her to set her on fire.

Post #58 _ KI-ADI KINDO (06-28-03 01:45 PM)
Kindo leaps up into the rafters, still searching for Lord Vali in the shadows with his sabr drawn.

Post #59 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-28-03 02:10 PM)
Kraken heals himself with a bacta patch outside, then returns to the fight armed with a pair of pistols, a flamethrower, 2 ysalamiri, and a missile launcher.

Post #60 _ DARK EMERALD JADE _ (06-28-03 07:13 PM) Jade catches up with Kraken and attacks him with a force choke.

Post #61 _ VIDEL _ (06-28-03 08:53 PM)
Videl neutralizes the burning air around her with her force aura and slams a street into malice w/teke. Then she sticks her katana blade deep into his left shoulder and pulls it out again.

Post #62 _ MALICE (06-28-03 09:10 PM)
Malice retaliates with a force push, sending Videl crashing through a wooden crate he also threw using teke. He tekes one of the broken crate shards and pierces one of Videls legs.

Post #63 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-28-03 09:34 PM)
Kraken ignores Jade’s force choke attack with his ysalamiri and fires a stun missle at Wargrave.

Post #64 _ JODAH OF GIVAH _ (06-28-03 09:48 PM)
Jodah enters the melee with his sabres ready to assist Malice and Makato.

Post #65 _ LORD VALI _ (06-28-03 10:08 PM)
Lord Vali leaps forward out of hiding and catches Kindo’s sabre hand in a martial grab. He strikes Kindo in the throat with a forearm elbow smash and his momentum takes them both over the railing down to the ground. Vali maintains the martial grab on Kindo as they fall.

Post #66 _ KI-ADI KINDO _ (06-28-03 11:45 PM)
Kindo hits Vali with a boot to the forehead to break his martial grip after they hit the ground.

Post #67 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-28-03 11:59 PM)
Kraken discards his missle launcher and fires his flame thrower at Wargrave with the intent to burn his face.

Post #68 _ EVIL HOBGOBLIN _ (06-29-03 03:13 AM)
Hob intercepts Kraken’s missle and sends the missle back to Kraken.

Post #69 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN (06-29-03 03:47 PM)
The returned missle strikes Kraken in the back, killing the yasalamiri and knocking him unconcious.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 30th, 2003, 09:39:31 AM
Thank for that summary :D

Park Kraken
Jun 30th, 2003, 12:59:52 PM
Plus the flamethrower explodes, which is how the Ysalamiri die. The area around Wargrave, Ki-Adi-Kindo, and others are going up in flames.

Jul 1st, 2003, 10:33:29 AM
Ok some quick observations...

1)Stop bashing the Noob... For his sake will someone please take him under their wing and show him the ropes.

2)Kraken, if your getting beat up by everyone in the thread, that means that your doing something wrong. Get with someone and see if you can't get Obelisk some training.

3)Turned based? Is asking someone to do 1 or 2 posts per day too much to ask? I can't see (other then waiting for your partner to post) anything that would make this turned based? I know that the thread has kind of turned into a basic study on what not to do if your new to a forum, but if people are saying thats it's moving too fast, then maybe everyone should post only a few times per day in there.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 1st, 2003, 01:57:34 PM
1)Stop bashing the Noob... For his sake will someone please take him under their wing and show him the ropes. A lot of people have tried. Kraken doesn't show an interest in playing correctly, as evinced by many threads. I bet his PM box is pretty full right now. Honestly, I'm not sure how its our responsibility, especially since he ignores advice.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 1st, 2003, 07:14:53 PM
I forgot about doing things that way, but you're right on that count, Strider. So effective now I'm declaring the 3 posts max limit per day per person. It's been proven to work. I feel so dumb for forgetting about it.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 5th, 2003, 10:03:51 AM
Sorsha, Jade, Videl, and Vega are now out of the thread.

Pilot Akito
Jul 5th, 2003, 01:18:33 PM
Originally posted by Sorsha Kasajian
I forgot about doing things that way, but you're right on that count, Strider. So effective now I'm declaring the 3 posts max limit per day per person. It's been proven to work. I feel so dumb for forgetting about it.

You shouldn't have to declare it, people should just do it!

There is no reason to declare common sense as a law.

I make funny! :D

Jul 5th, 2003, 02:37:46 PM
Okay, I believe Mil is now out of the thread, so that leaves:
Wargrave, Vali, and someone else
Makoto Neo, Senji, and someone else.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 5th, 2003, 04:00:48 PM
Creating more characters for extra numbers is pretty lame, btw.

Park Kraken
Jul 5th, 2003, 04:54:59 PM
I just wanted to try two at the same time, see how much harder it was, and to try out some two person combination moves.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 5th, 2003, 05:14:41 PM
Kraken, non force users can't RUN as fast as a Force user. Heard of something called, "force speed"? If you watch TPM you can see Obi Wan and Qui Gon using this skill. You'd have to be a Jedi to run that fast, or a Sith.

Registering a second character for the sole purpose of helping a character in trouble in a thread, and then gifting the new character, a non-force user, with Force like capabilities, and double-teaming your new found enemies could quite possibly be a form of GODMODE.

I am keeping an eye on this thread ...still...

Silus Xilarian
Jul 6th, 2003, 12:44:26 AM
Also....running full speed at someone who is facing you with weapons drawn, and hitting them with a move, and leaving no room for them to defend is also a form of GODMODE.

For the record, if you want to run full speed at someone like Vali, when there standing their with their sabers drawn, rp it realistically and just have your character cut in half......cause thats what would happen...Realistically

Park Kraken
Jul 6th, 2003, 01:46:06 AM
Insofar as everyone knew, Slifer, and Kame were charging Neo, but suddenly shifted their aim to two seperate people. I had planned all along to bring three chars into this thread, all three brothers of some kind, one at a time, and for all three to fight together. But because of Obelisk's stupidity, I killed him off with my second char. People can run like Jedi if they have enough muscles, regulary, without the force enhancement. Kame can just about out-run any normal person. Also, my Royal-Guardsmen is wearing Blaster Resistant Armour, and Cortosis Fibers.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 6th, 2003, 02:42:30 AM
Sure, there are non force users who can outrun Jedi...

When Jedi arent using force boosted speed.

But it seems to me like you were refering to him being as fast as Qui Gon and Obi Won in TPM......in that case, no he cant, IMO. The way I see it, a normal human, even if fast enough, would lack the mental reflex to move his legs that fast, without falling flat on his face.

EVEN IF your character could run that fast, he wouldnt have reflex enough to stop and move his pike to hit someone, if he didnt have the force to help slow him down

FURTHERMORE my statement still stands that you could not have pulled that move without Vali being about to defend himself, or launch a counter attack.

EVEN FURTHERMORE THAN THAT you never mentioned wearing cortosis in your post. Adding more stuff just to negate attacks = lame.

Oh, and saying you wanted to RP two characters at once seems like a pretty hollow excuse. Looks to me like you were just trying not to "lose". Point is....dont expect to win your first fight, especially if you're fighting a collection of Knights and Masters.

Park Kraken
Jul 6th, 2003, 02:57:31 AM
#1: I wasn't referring him to be as fast as any Jedi using force enhanced speed.
#2: He had jumped, and used his foot as he was coming down to kick Vali in the face, y'know, like a drop kick.
#3: He did launch a counterattack, a saber slash to my back.
#4: I can give you a rundown of all the stuff my Guardsmen is wearing. His Armour is 6" thick, with Cortosis Fibers woven in to make it partially resistant to lightsabers. He still got wounded pretty badly, but he didn't get sliced in half.
#5: Hollow Excuse? Expecting to Win? Okay, maybe I thought I could win if I added more characters. To be honest, until I read your last statement, I really wasn't thinking about what I was doing in the thread, but then I realised that I was doing what your statement said I was doing without actually knowing it. I will put a stop to this need to win feeling. BTW, thanks for the Accusation.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 6th, 2003, 03:23:46 AM
#1. Then you were a victim of your own bad analogy.
#2 No he didnt. He hit Vali with a force Pike.
#3 I mean a counter attack as in....You make a move, he does something to turn it against you, IE slicing the pike off before it hit him, or sidestepping and slicing Kame in half.
#4 6"!!!! How can he run like a Jedi with 6" thick armor on?! Cortosis weave....I wont worry with argueing, I dunno wtf the policy is on it. I know he didnt get sliced in half. Vali was just giving him a cut to remember him by.
#5 Ive got nothing against an honest mistake, just be more cautious next time. BTW, Your Welcome.

Jul 6th, 2003, 03:33:03 AM
Don't worry about it. I left out the part about thick armour. I though Vali was trying for a bisecting cut.

Naj Arilov
Jul 6th, 2003, 03:46:42 AM
Vali only tries a bisecting cut at the waste, that way, he doesnt sever his opponents main organs, esp the heart, from his opponents brain, which means the victim lives a short bit longer, which means a bit more suffering, and time to reflect on his/her bad deeds before death.