View Full Version : The Bride of Van Derveld

Diego Van Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 10:36:18 AM
<center><font color=FF0000><font size=3>Bush - "Mouth"</font>

You gave me this
Made me give

Your silver grin
Still sticking it in
You have
Soul machine
Soul machine

The longest kiss
Peeling furniture days
Drift madly to you
Pollute my heart drain
You have broken at me
Broken me

All your mental armor drags me down
Nothing hurts like your mouth

Your loaded smiles
Pretty just desserts
Wish it all for you
So much it never hurts

You have soul machine
Stone at me

All your mental armor drags me down
We can't breathe when you come around
All your mental armor drags me down
Nothing hurts like your mouth mouth mouth
Your mouth mouth mouth
Your mouth mouth mouth

We've been missing long before
Never found our way home
We've been missing long before
Where we'll find our way

You gave me this
Made me give
You have soul machine
Broken free

All your mental armor drags me down
We can't breathe when you come around
All your mental armor drags me down
Nothing hurts like your mouth mouth mouth
Your mouth mouth mouth
Your mouth mouth mouth

All your mental armor
All your mental armor
And your mouth

Continued from <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23188>here</a>...</center>

On another graying day on Schwartzweld, Diego kneeled at a bed. The lighting inside was dim, lit only by a trio of sickly candles.
On the bed lay the same figure who had lay there for the past three days...Gia Thorn. She slept for now, her skin flushed and glistening with perspiration. Diego dipped a washcloth into a bowl of water, and ran it across her bare skin, to help break the fever her body was assailed by. He lifted the bandage at her neck, to see that her wound was retreating, and nearly gone. She was beginning to make the recovery. All he could do now was wait for her to wake again. The questions would no doubt be quick on her lips, and twice as certainly difficult to explain. But the real answers were in her blood now.

He smiled, brushing a strand of hair back that had fallen to her face. In Gia, Diego's hopes of restoring his life rested. She was his redemption, and his living atonement for the mistakes of his past.

Gia Van Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 01:53:52 PM
Gia moaned softly, her forehead damp with perspiration, a sign that her fever had finally broken. Her eyes opened slowly, blinking and watering at the light in the room as she got her bearings. The last thing she remembered was laying down on the grass with Diego...and a sharp pain in her neck.

The room slowly came into focus through her bleary eyes, and the decor reminded her of the house she'd...was it last night? The Baron. Everything was there in her mind, crystal clear, just a little hard to get at for the moment.

She turned her head to the side, and could acutely feel the spot on her neck that had been wounded. It didn't necessarily hurt, but she just felt aware of it. Her entire body felt weak...but not weak. Just...strange. Gia looked at Diego who was now holding her hand, and asked the first thing that came to mind.

"Can I have some water?"

Diego Van Derveld
Jun 27th, 2003, 10:54:16 AM
"Yes. Here."

Diego reached for a nearby chalice, and held it to Gia's parched lips. The water was just below lukewarm, but cool enough to soothe her immediate dehydration. When she was sated, he placed the cup on a bedside stand, and stared into her now-focusing eyes.

"You have been asleep for three days, Gia."

Gia Van Derveld
Jun 27th, 2003, 01:11:17 PM
She licked her lips, getting the last bits of moisture off of them, and looked at Diego a little incredulously. "Three days? How?" Her hand went to her neck and she touched the bandage there lightly. "What happened to me?"

Gia turned faintly accusing eyes to his, and added, "You stung me...?" The three candles flickered as an unseen draft wafted through the dimly lit room.

Diego Van Derveld
Jun 28th, 2003, 10:24:43 PM
"I did."

Diego nodded his head, and kept his eyes on hers, studying her facial expressions for a clue of what she was thinking.

"It is an unpleasant means to a better end. I've cared for you until your fever broke this morning."

He looked away from her eyes, but held her hand.

"I told you that it would be impossible to explain."

Gia Van Derveld
Jun 28th, 2003, 10:37:04 PM
"Oh..." Gia took a moment to digest that as his thumb gently carressed the top of her hand. "Am I never to know the 'why' then? What is this 'better end?' All I have is a splitting headache and ...I'm starving."

Gia slumped back against the pillows and closed her eyes, which lessened the pain in her head a bit. She could hear his breathing in the silence of the room, and it was surprisingly loud. Now that she was more awake, the musty smells of the tapestry on the wall was apparent to her nose, and she could easily detect the warm, earthy odor that was Diego. She smiled lightly, and her stomach rumbled.

Diego Van Derveld
Jun 28th, 2003, 10:49:23 PM
"The why..."

Diego paused, choosing his words carefully.

"You have chosen to marry me, and become a part of my house. To solidify our union, I give you not only my name, but my gift.

Our family is noble, but our numbers are few. So few understand us, and thus so many choose to fear us. We have learned throughout the generations how to protect what is ours, and safeguard those we love."

Gia Van Derveld
Jun 28th, 2003, 11:08:16 PM
"So..." Eyes still closed, Gia tried to wrap her mind around what he was saying. "You mean, I'm like you now?" Her eyebrows crinkled against the pain in her head, and her hand tightened around his. "A gift..."

Her light bluish green eyes opened, and the pupils dilated in the candelight. "Does it hurt? To...change?"

Diego Van Derveld
Jun 28th, 2003, 11:21:12 PM

Diego smiled thinly at the difficult question.

"Usually, no. It's just strange. Like you're sneezing with your entire body. Other times, when you don't want to change, it can hurt."

His smile widened, and he ran a hand through Gia's hair.

"Try not to think about it now. When the time comes, it will come to you naturally."

Standing up, Diego looked out the window at the grey sky.

"It's nearly noon, are you hungry? Igor has laid out a fresh change of clothes for you, if you'd like to join the family for lunch."

Diego smiled at Gia.

"Don't worry, shoes are still optional."

Gia Van Derveld
Jun 28th, 2003, 11:36:30 PM
She laughed at that, and then screwed up her face against the pain in between her eyes. "I'm starving." Gia sat up slowly, and poked her legs out from under the covers, finding herself to be clothed in a simple white shift. Diego was still watching her, and she flushed a bit, but got to her feet. She wobbled a bit, and he reached out a strong hand and steadied her.

Gia smiled nervously, "Thank you..." He's going to be your husband, Gia...stop acting like a thirteen year old. She saw a dress laid out over a chair, and walked towards it. Gia carefully turned her back on Diego, but didn't ask him to leave as she slipped out of the shift and stepped into the dress.

Diego Van Derveld
Jun 28th, 2003, 11:41:22 PM
The color rose to Gia's face, and the subtle shift in her pheromones was a tell-tale sign to Diego.

"I'll wait outside."

He smiles at her knowingly, and slips out the door, closing it gently behind him.

Gia Van Derveld
Jun 28th, 2003, 11:52:09 PM
Gia relaxed a bit as he closed the door, and wished slightly that he might have stayed. But only slightly. She was still getting used to the idea that they were to be married.

Not that it was replusive to her, far from it, yet...it was a bit sudden. But if they both wanted it, then why wait indeed? She found a mirror and a brush, and carefully brushed through her waist length hair, tying it out of her eyes with a bit of blue ribbon.

...Lunch with the family. They'd seemed pleasant enough the night before. Well...three nights before, rather. She twisted around, trying to fasten up the back of the dress, and failing rather spectacularly. After a few minutes of wrestling with the top buttons, Gia slipped on the shoes provided and walked to the door, opening it and locating Diego.

She grinned. "I need some help with the buttons, please."

Diego Van Derveld
Jun 28th, 2003, 11:58:48 PM

Diego walked into the room again, a change in the atmosphere not entirely unknown to him. The pretense was there, and he set about to it.

Diego stood behind Gia, in front of a full-length mirror as he worked. He brushed her hair aside, revealing the row of buttons down the back of her dress. His large fingers maneuvered the lowest button into place slowly, as his eyes remained fixed on Gia's reflection. The room was silent, save for the couple's breathing.

Gia Van Derveld
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:13:41 AM
At five foot six, she came to just above his shoulder, causing him to bend down slightly as he worked the lowest buttons. Gia watched her toes at first, and then looked up at saw him looking at her in the mirror. She smiled, slowly, coloring pink for a different reason this time.

Diego Van Derveld
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:25:45 AM
He paused outright. It was time to end this facade. Slowly, his hands rose higher, and moved to slide the dress off each of Gia's lithe shoulders. He could smell the desire in her, as she could no doubt reciprocate in him. It threatened to overwhelm the moment in an explosion.

Without a word, Diego canted his head sideward, and the cool of his lips rested against the flushed nape of Gia's neck.

Gia Van Derveld
Jun 29th, 2003, 05:09:04 AM
The dress slipped off her shoulders, and his hands held it in place, as he bent his head towards her. Gia lifted her arms, putting her hands on his, and let her head fall back against his shoulder as his lips brushed her neck.

She turned her head slightly towards him, and his lips found hers, locked in a sweet embrace. There was a strange odor in the air, that she couldn't quite classify. It was strong, and a little musky...and it excited her. Gia leaned against Diego's strong arms and released herself into his kiss.

Diego Van Derveld
Jun 29th, 2003, 07:49:15 PM
<center>Some time later...</center>

Diego walked with Gia, escorting her through the wide hallways of the Schwartzweld Manor. The two were late to lunch, but in no hurry, content to leisurely make their way to the dining hall. The hallway was adorned in brilliant tapestries, sculptures, and wonderful pieces of art, yet the only object worthy of Diego's attention was Gia. He smiled wistfully at her as they made their way to meet with the family.

Gia Van Derveld
Jun 29th, 2003, 10:39:46 PM
There was a glow to her cheeks as she let her eyes examine all of the artwork in the hallway. Each was hers to see, and thus hers forever. It was enough now just to asorb the visuals - later she would have time to examine her memories of the beauty.

Her smaller hand was enveloped in Diego's as they walked, and she felt like her heart would burst. Her headache had disappeared in the heat of the moment, but her stomach growled loudly as they traversed the hall. She smiled sheepishly at Diego, and then canted her head, nostrils flaring slightly.

"It smells delicious. Are we almost there?" She almost said that she was completely lost in the mansion, but knew it wouldn't be true, if she stopped and thought about it.

Elena Van Derveld
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:37:17 AM
Within the dining room itself Marco and Elena were already seated. During the past few days Diego hadn’t spoken with either of them much, and understandably so. It was partly because of this that Elena was a little unsettled as she poked at her food; she missed her father, feeling a little deprived of attention, even if the Baron was happy to lavish her, his only grandchild (of note).

She perked up a little, though, on catching a few scents through that of their meal – Diego and another approaching.

Baron Marco Van Derveld
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:17:28 PM
"Good to see that my nephew and his young bride are punctual."

Marco's voice rang with a humorous wit as the pair entered the dining hall.

"No matter. I had a feeling that you would be indisposed. I postponed the meal for just such an occasion."

He smiled, and gestured across from him.

"Please, sit."

His blue eyes looked to Gia.

"And how do you feel today, Lady Gia?"

Gia Van Derveld
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:27:58 PM
Her eyes sparkled as Diego helped her to her seat. "Famished, Baron. It smells delicious." Gia rubbed her forehead a little. "I must confess to a bit of confusion, but... Diego cleared most of it up already."

She smiled over at her husband to be.

Diego Van Derveld
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:13:47 PM
Diego smiled at Elena briefly before looking back to his uncle.

"Baron, I'd like to have the ceremony this evening at sunset."

He squeezed Gia's hand, and looked to her.

"I'm so glad you came into my life, Gia. I haven't felt this complete in so many years. Tonight will be perfect."

Igor seemed to be eavesdropping, as he waited until Diego stopped speaking before bringing out the midday meal, a four course lunch consisting of lightly spiced dishes with colorful garnish.

Elena Van Derveld
Jul 9th, 2003, 05:38:26 AM

Elena’s voice had a tone of sharp panic to it. All eyes turned on her in confusion.

“B-but… we haven’t got anything planned, I don’t have a dress, does Gia have a dress?”

Gia Van Derveld
Aug 3rd, 2003, 08:18:42 PM
Gia stammered, "Uh...well, no I don't. Actually I don't have anything..." She looked a bit panicked as well, and then a frown creased her forehead as a sharp pain jabbed through her head.

She lifted her hand and rubbed her temples slowly. "But I always thought it wasn't how you got married, just who to, that mattered." Gia smiled at Diego.

Diego Van Derveld
Aug 10th, 2003, 11:48:13 PM
"Well, I'm sure Igor could easily accomodate whatever you want. He's a master with needle and thread."

Diego could see that it probably wasn't what Gia wanted to hear.

"But this is our wedding, and I can't very well carry it out if my bride-to-be isn't happy with the day. Gia, take all the time you need to get ready."

Diego smiled at her, engulfing her hand in his own.

Baron Marco Van Derveld
Sep 16th, 2003, 09:52:56 PM
"A minor delay certainly won't dim true love, will it?"

The Baron looked to the couple.

"Besides, I'm sure that the villagers on Figaro Favoura would wish to honor your nuptials with many gifts. I will spread the word, and in three days Miss Thorn, you shall have a dowry fit for a queen."

Gia Van Derveld
Sep 17th, 2003, 02:22:35 AM
Fit for a queen, indeed! Gia spun one last time in front of the mirror, pearls shimmering at her ears and throat as her white dress rippled around her. It was a beautiful gown, elegant in it's simplicity. Igor had been marvellous, although the dress fittings had been a little strange. She couldn't believe it was done.

Tonight she would be married for the second time. But this was a far cry from the alchohol soaked occasion in front of a ship's captain that had been her first wedding. Elena had been helpful, but to be honest, her soon to be step-daughter was a little creepy. For one thing, she was so old. Diego had explained how his race aged faster than others, but it still made Gia feel a bit uncomfortable to think that his daughter seemed older than she was.

The Baron was jovial and good natured about the whole thing, and had presented her with the pearls just moments before. He'd taken the time to clasp them around her neck and help her admire them in the mirror before going off to take care of some little detail.

And Diego...Diego was wonderful. He'd been attentive, and caring, and just...there. Diego was there for her, and it was a new experience for Gia. The wedding itself was going to be a very small occasion, as Gia had no way of contacting her parents on Corellia, if they were even...

...still alive.

She smiled sadly, thinking about how her mother would have loved the dress, and adored Diego. He treated Gia like gold, and her parents would love him for that.

Gia turned her head slightly, examining the spot where she'd been stung a week previously. She hadn't changed yet, and felt a bit of trepidation at the thought. But life seemed more...full now. Foods were tastier, smells more vibrant and colors more beautiful. But then, maybe that was just because she was in love. Maybe nothing had really changed at all.

It was nearly time. Gia checked her reflection one more time, and headed out of her room to join Elena who was waiting for her in the hallway.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 22nd, 2003, 08:05:50 PM
Diego sat perched on a narrow outcropping adjacent to his window, legs dangling over the edge, many stories above the ground. In the distance, he watched the pale sun dissolve through the grey clouds, slipping below the horizon.

He leaned against the brick wall of the mansion and sighed.

"I pray that I may now rectify the wrongs I have done."

He thought about his first wife, and how he had failed her. His failure was reflected unto him in Vega, and the progeny that he had twisted into rebellion. His only redemption until now had been Elena, and hers was bittersweet. She was the daughter he had never had. The son he should have. She reflected his faults even further, but somehow also shone hope upon him.

Hope magnified by Gia.


Diego whispered, knowing no one could hear him.

"I hope our second chances are for the best."

Elena Van Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2003, 01:11:59 PM
Gia was greeted by a small smile. Elena’s eyes roamed appraisingly over her soon to be step-mothers form. She looked quite radiant.

“You look wonderful.”

The urge to tag ‘mother’ on the end of this was strong, but Elena resisted – for the time being. In time she knew Diego would wish that she treated Gia, as a proper member of the family. At first she had been somewhat reluctant to welcome an outsider into the folder, but more and more she was growing accustomed to and indeed fond of the woman’s presence.

Motioning off down the hallway, and towards their promising future, Elena once again smiled.

“Shall we?”

Gia Van Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2003, 02:41:55 PM
"Certainly." Gia tried to tone down her grin, but couldn't help beaming as the pair walked through the halls of the mansion. Through a window she saw the sun setting through the clouds, and her dress caught a few of it's dying rays. The embroidery sparkled momentarily until the women passed the windows, making their way to the great hall. Gia wasn't sure exactly who was going to be there as guests -

"Oh..." Elena had opened the doors to the great hall, and Gia stepped through just as the last ray of sunshine disappated. White candles were lit throughout, causing the area to glimmer. The moon would rise in a half an hour. "It's beautiful." Gia turned to Diego's daughter, and took her hand in both of her own. "Thank you for all your help, Elena. It really means a lot to me. And whatever you do, don't tell your father about the corset incident."

She quirked up an eyebrow playfully as both women shared a laugh over something that had happened the day before. Gia looked around for Diego, knowing he must be near.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 23rd, 2003, 05:25:58 PM
She had come in early that evening, curious as to what sort of gathering Diego Van Derveld had asked her to be present at, and her eyes reflected a quiet expectancy as to what it could be. She wore a black duster, and it fell to her ankles, concealing the well-worn clothes she wore. Perhaps it was a sense of nostalgia that drove her to comply with Diego's request, but whatever it was, when she'd recieved the message three days ago, she'd left Balmorra without a word.

Not even to her new husband, Taylor Millard. He'd asked, but had only gotten a silent, neutral stare in answer. The two had been married for only a month so far, and so far it was something that was certainly eye-opening for the Lupine.

Now, standing before Diego's home, s'Il wondered what the man had done; his message had been brief and without detail, simply asking her to come see him - she would know where to find him. And she did. She left immediately.

A hand reached up, and gently rapped on the elegant door of the Van Derveld estate, and standing back, she waited for an answer.

Preacher Blake
Sep 23rd, 2003, 05:43:09 PM
What little sunlight that illuminated Schwartzweld seemed to disappear completely behind S'ilancy, as a looming figure stood behind her.

"Here for the wedding as well?" The massive man inquired in a deep voice.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 23rd, 2003, 05:51:42 PM
Now that was surprising; not so much the voice as it was what the voice said. Wedding? She didn't move at first, letting her thoughts soak in this new information before finally turning to regard the stranger. He was a giant in her eyes, and his bass of a voice was hard to miss.

"So it's a wedding, is it," she said coolly, canting her neck upwards to look the man in the eyes. "I have to admit, it's not a wedding that I had expected to be attending."

Diego was still full of the odd surprise here and there.

Preacher Blake
Sep 23rd, 2003, 05:57:45 PM
The megalithic man said nothing else, only popped the vertebrae of his massive neck as the pair awaited the door opening. After a second longer, the massive door crept open, and a hunching, disfigured creature emerged.

"Ah, the guethtth have arrived. Loklorien Th'Ilanthy? Preacher Blake? Good, come...come! I am Igor, thervant of Thartthweld. The Mathter ith waiting on you."

Igor shuffled onward, leading the pair inside.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 23rd, 2003, 06:18:53 PM
s'Il followed with fluid steps, taking in her surroundings with only peripheral glances. She honestly looked forward to seeing Diego again, and Elena. And for the first time, meet the Baron that Diego had talked about during their time together. It was something that she looked forward to with a very neutral and unassuming air.

And not to mention the woman who Diego had chosen to marry. s'Il would have to meet her as well.

Baron Marco Van Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2003, 08:34:41 PM
"Loklorien S'Ilancy, I have heard much of you, young lady."

Marcus, now clad in a stately ritual robe, bowed to the two guests. Rising, he looked past her, at the towering Preacher.

"Mister Blake, my nephew awaits your company in the great hall. Allow me some time with Madam S'Ilancy, if you will."

Preacher nodded in silent concurrence, and made his way to the great hall, where the union ceremony would be held. The Baron, with S'Ilancy close by, took his time.

"My nephew speaks well of you, my lady. He is a difficult man to gain approval from."

He glanced at her, as they walked through the tapestry-lined corridor.

Gia Van Derveld
Sep 24th, 2003, 12:55:41 AM
Gia allowed herself to be ushered into a side room, to keep Diego from seeing her 'before it was time.' She heard heavy steps through the corridor, and the murmuring of voices. The bride clasped her hands together, trying to relax as the time for the ceremony drew near.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 24th, 2003, 03:06:50 PM
So this is the Baron Van Derveld, s'Il thought, casting him a sidelong look of her own. He gave off the air of absolute regality and nobility; though a of different sort than those such as Desaria and her husband. The air around him was more of an older, feral type that seemed to roll from his tall form in waves that s'Il could have sworn were tangible and visible to the eye. He held himself with pride, and the younger Lupine felt herself at ease in his presence.

"Your nephew," she started slowly as they walked, "is too kind, and as much as you heard of me, I can assure you he spoke of you just as much, if not more.

"I'm glad to finally meet you."

Baron Marco Van Derveld
Sep 24th, 2003, 03:17:12 PM
"And I you, my dear."

The pair walked amongst the ancient tapestries, depicting the great heads the House, through the generations.

"You have been a friend to Diego in a time when our family has known little friendship."

A moment of silence passed, and the Baron continued.

"And he has shared the most intimate gift with you, I see."

He paused, looking expectantly to her with crisp blue eyes.

"Thus, I now in turn seek your friendship. Will you take my hand, and the hand of my House?"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 24th, 2003, 04:39:26 PM
She was silent for a few moments, mulling over what he'd said. He spoke with a grace she found comfortably to listen to, and a small smile crossed her features as her eyes strayed to one of the tapestries lining the walls. His request that she take not only his hand, but the hand of his house was one that surprised her in some ways. Her time with Diego had been... indescribable... an experience that she would never trade for anything else.

"I would gladly accept the hand of your house," she answered steadily, "... if you would accept mine."

Baron Marco Van Derveld
Sep 24th, 2003, 08:58:53 PM
"It is done, Lady S'Ilancy."

Marco bowed in acknowledgment.

"Thank you for your support of my nephew, and of my family. Now, lets hasten to the hall. I doubt the bride and groom can be patient much longer."

Marco quickened his pace with S'Il at his side, until he entered the lavish Great Hall. At the far end, a stone table stood before a dais, and in front of it stood Diego, dressed in a simple but formal tunic, hair flowing down his shoulders. To either side of the hall, a small group of well-wishers had gathered, ready for the union.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 25th, 2003, 10:21:14 PM
Diego turned to watch his uncle escort S'Ilancy into the hall. He smiled at her as she joined the audience, and watched as Marco slowly walked to the front of the hall, standing behind the table at the dais.

Beautiful, haunting music started to fill the room, as Igor began to play a set of bagpipes. As Diego's eyes followed the carpet to the heavy door at the end of the room, he spotted a demure figure approaching, dressed in white.

Gia Van Derveld
Sep 26th, 2003, 11:26:01 PM
She held no flowers in her hands, just clasped them around each other as she walked herself down the aisle to the accompianment of Igor. The music was beautiful, but it helped not to think about who was playing it. Gia focused on Diego, standing in front of her, and didn't look away. He smiled, and she returned the expression, hidden behind a traditional veil.

Reaching his side, she took his hand, and they both faced the Baron, who stood behind a table. Gia felt like she was going to burst with nervous energy.

Baron Marco Van Derveld
Sep 29th, 2003, 01:34:01 AM
"This is a moment I feared may never come."

Marco spoke as the music died, all eyes and ears on himself, and the bride and groom in front of him.

"Our great family has persevered and survived for hundreds of generations, against the greatest odds. But the tribulations that have shaken our clan of the past five years are without a doubt, the most severe. Indeed, our noble lineage was in danger of annihilation, and still is."

The Baron's somber words were followed by something more uplifting.

"Yet hope stands before you this very day, in this blessed union. Diego Van Derveld, my nephew, has asked for your company as he is joined with Gia Thorn. He has asked for my blessing in this affair, and I have given it with all my power. Lady Gia is everything I have asked for...for Diego...for our house. She will nurture our wounded clan with love, and we will reciprocate. How can I refuse to christen such a bond? True love holds absolute dominion."

He then looked to the bride and groom.

"Do you have the bonds of your nuptial covenant with you?"

Gia Van Derveld
Sep 29th, 2003, 02:13:30 AM
Gia produced the length of cloth, and tightened her grip on Diego's hand. She felt the eyes of the people watching, boring into her back as they measured her up. Such a young girl, perhaps they thought. Unfit for him.

She looked at Diego as he handed Marco the second strip of fabric, and his eyes held her fears at bay. What they thought didn't matter so much as what he thought.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 7th, 2003, 02:02:47 AM
Diego's eyes remained on Gia, as he passed his cloth to Marco. A small, persistent smile warmed the features of his face as he simply stared at her. There, with their hands held together, in front of the altar and the House Elder, it was where Diego belonged. The love he felt for her would flow outward, and would be a second lease on life that healed all wounds. For now, he said nothing, and waited for Marco to continue.

Baron Marco Van Derveld
Oct 7th, 2003, 02:05:15 AM
Quietly, Marco draped Gia's cloth over their clasped hands, and began to gently bind them together with a knot. It was the time for Gia to profess her devotion to her future husband.

Gia Van Derveld
Oct 7th, 2003, 02:28:35 AM
Gia looked at Diego's eyes, and took a deep breath. Don't think about those other people, Gia.

"I promise to love you, Diego Van Derveld, for the rest of my life. I promise to be your helpmate, and to do my best to fight off whatever may threaten our relationship. With your help, I promise to stay by your side, in ill times and in good, in sickness, and in health. I, Gia, do swear to these things."