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Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 26th, 2003, 09:04:38 AM

I need anyone else who's willing to come in and help the rest of us crush the interference, not because we can't do it ourselves.

I need you there because it's animalistic.
I need you there because it's cruel.
I need you there to instill terror, pain and suffering.
Nothing less will do. :wings

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:23:40 PM
Time to team up and coordinate attacks on specific people, stat causing injuries, aggravating those injuries and crush the numbers down with malicious intent. I'll keep Jade and Videl posted via pm. We need to make a brutal bloody statement here that no one is going to be safe from the violence anymore. That we're coming for them. TAKE BACK THE NIGHT!!!! :wings

Lord Vali

Makato Neo

Taylor Millard
Jun 27th, 2003, 03:06:09 PM
You know...I'm still pondering about joining in on this.

Care for one more?

imported_Taja Loraan
Jun 28th, 2003, 07:49:03 AM
-- staggers in on a walking stick, coughing up mucus everywhere -- I'm getting too old for this... :cry

But, if Queenie still accepts me... ^_^

Silus Xilarian
Jun 29th, 2003, 01:23:33 AM
Ive already started taking it to Kindo.

As of right now, both of them are on the ground after fallin out of the rafters. I used Kindo to break my fall....he took a hard shot to the back, and Ive popped him in the throat.

If anyone wants to jump while he's on the ground, gopher it. If not, i can more than handle him.

And sorry I posted outta turn Kitty, i forgot to wait up :\

Taylor Millard
Jun 29th, 2003, 05:08:45 PM
And I think my participation in the thread is fini. Maybe...but I'll wait now. I thought that with it just being Kraken vs. Wargrave it'd be easier.

Sorry about that Kitty.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 30th, 2003, 08:40:59 AM
Hey, no worries you guys have done great! I went through the whole thread last night and sorted it out like this.


Dalethria Mal Pannis (TBH)
Evil Hobgoblin (TBH)
Lord Vali (TBH)
Milivikal k'Vik (TBH)
Sorsha Kasajian (TBH)
Vega Van Derveld (TBH)
Wargrave (TBH)
Andraq Novkar (Sorsha’s Army)
Dark Emerald Jade (Sorsha’s Army)
Videl (Sorsha’s Army)

Jodah of Giva (TSO)
Makoto Neo (TSO)
Malice (TSO)
Odin Murk (TSO)

Merrick (Dark Jedi)
Ki-Adi Kindo (GJO)

Admiral Kraken/Obelisk (Affiliation Unknown)


Post #1 _ ODIN MURK _ (06-02-03 03:39 PM)
Odin Murk eats 3 Jawas and is still hungry, so goes hunting for more prey.

Post #2 _ VEGA VAN DERVELD _ (06-03-03 07:00 AM)
Enter Vega. Taunts exchanged. The wisecracks go back and forth until …

Post #8 _ MERRICK _ (06-03-03 02:09 PM)
Enter Merrick. More taunting.

Post #10 _ ODIN MURK _ (06-03-03 02:55 PM)
Odin calls on Merrick to hunt Vega

Post #11 _ MERRICK _ (06-05-03 02:20 AM)
Hops up into the rafters to stalk Vega.

Post #12 _ VEGA VAN DERVELD _ (06-05-03 07:33 AM)
Vega activates his lightsabre.

Post #13 _ ODIN MURK _ (06-05-03 02:13 PM)
Odin cloaks beneath the rafters with his chameleon ability

Post #14 _ MILIVIKAL K'VIK _ (06-05-03 02:44 PM)
Mili enters with a sonic attack that shakes the rafters.

Post #15 _ SORSHA KASAJIAN _ (06-05-03 02:51 PM)
Surprise attack by Sorsha. She cuts the rafters with her sabre, causing Merrick to fall and she leaps after him, slashing at him on the way down.

Post #16 _ VEGA VAN DERVELD _ (06-05-03 03:00 PM)
Vega hits Odin with a force push (blast?) and knocks him out of the rafters down into the docking bay.

Post #17 _ ODIN MURK _ (06-05-03 03:25 PM)
Attacks Vega with a force blast.

Post #18 _ DALETHRIA MAL PANNIS _ (06-08-03 12:28 PM)
Dalethria enters and attacks Odin Murk with exploding concrete from the rafters.

Post #19 _ VEGA VAN DERVELD _ (06-08-03 12:42 PM)
Jumps down to the ground to close with Odin.

Post #20 _ ODIN MURK _ (06-08-03 03:37 PM)
Climbs out of the debris and closes with Vega, attacking to disembowel.

Post #21 _ MERRICK _ (06-12-03 06:10 AM)
Merrick falls badly and injures/breaks a claw.

Post #22 _ SORSHA KASAJIAN _ (06-14-03 01:24 PM)
Sorsha hops down and kicks Merrick’s broken claw to aggravate the injury. She follows this up by torturing him, slicing at him twicewith her sabre.

Post #23 _ MALICE _ (06-26-03 04:45 AM)
Malice enters, admonishing TBH for ganging up on the lizardmen. He holds his action and waits for an attack.

Post #24 _ VEGA VAN DERVELD _ (06-26-03 10:58 AM)
Parries Odin’s attack with his sabre and leaps over him to execute a back stab attack.

Post #25 _ SORSHA KASAJIAN _ (06-26-03 11:18 AM)
Sorsha rises up from her assualt on Merrick and turns her attention to Malice and Kraken. Holds her action.

Post #26 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ 06-26-03 01:23 PM
Kraken appears and threatens Sorsha, demanding her to cease aggreasion or die.

Post #27 _ EVIL HOBGOBLIN _ (06-26-03 03:08 PM)
Attacks Kraken with telekineses and offers him a chance to leave.

Post #28 _ ANDRAQ NOVKAR _ (06-26-03 03:28 PM)
Andraq spears Malice from behind and ignites his lightsabre.

Post #29 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-26-03 06:49 PM)
Retorts Hob and flips up onto a pile of crates. Holds his action.

Post #30 _ MALICE _ (06-26-03 06:53 PM)
Malice sweeps Andraq off his feet and knocks him away with a force push, then turns his attention to Hob.

Post #31 _ VIDEL _ (06-26-03 08:54 PM)
Videl leaps down to the fight from a high building, slashing some speeders on the way down with her blades. She sends burning pieces of speeder debris at Merrick, Kraken, Malice and Odin with telekineses.

Post #32 _ DARK EMERALD JADE _ (06-26-03 09:58 PM)
Jade attacks Malice from behind and knocks him down again. She ignites her lightdagger and taunts him.

Post #33 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-27-03 12:00 AM)
Kraken is knocked into a wall and pinned by a piece of wrecked speeder from Videl. He cuts himself loose with his sabre, then attempts to aid Merrick with bacta patches before facing Videl.

Post #34 _ KI-ADI KINDO _ (06-27-03 01:39 AM)
Ki-Adi Kindo appears and takes a foolhardy leap, telling all the darksiders to break up their fight.

Post #35 _ LORD VALI _ (06-27-03 03:10 AM)
Lord Vali appears and opens fire on Kindo w/blasters from a concealed position.

Post #36 _ MALICE _ (06-27-03 04:18 AM)
Malice reacts to Jade’s attack by soaking it with a force shield, and is shocked by Videl’s change in loyalties from TSO.

Post #37 _ VIDEL _ (06-27-03 04:36 AM)
Videl tells Malice she has older alliances than TSO and holds her action.

Post #38 _ MALICE _ (06-27-03 04:56 AM)
Malice calls Videl to come forward and fight him.

Post #39 _ KI-ADI KINDO _ (06-27-03 01:48 PM)
Kindo dodges Vali’s blaster fire and attempts to search him out.

Post #40 _ ANDRAQ NOVKAR _ (06-27-03 01:57 PM)
Andraq invokes the darkside to use celerity and rushes at Malice with a sabre attack from behind.

Post #41 _ SORSHA KASAJIAN _ (06-27-03 02:02 PM) Sorsha intercepts Kraken as he tries to aid Merrick. She abandons the use of her sabre, attacking him with a flurry of punches.

Post #42 _ MAKATO NEO (06-27-03 03:39 PM)
Makato appears and parries Andraq’s sabre attack on Malice.

Post #43 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-27-03 05:31 PM) Kraken counterattacks Sorsha, pushing her backwards.

Post #44 _ DARK EMERALD JADE _ (06-27-03 05:47 PM)
Jade turns her attention to Kraken and throws a ranged killing attack at him

Post #46 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-27-03 09:55 PM)
Kraken dodges Jade’s attack by leaping up onto a catwalk and retreats from Jade and Sorsha.

Post #47 _ WARGRAVE _ (06-27-03 10:04 PM)
Wargrave appears, snaring Kraken with a cable from a grappling gun.

Post #48 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-28-03 12:10 AM)
Kraken tekes (teke=telekineses) his lightsabre to cut himself free and runs off to close w/Andraq.

Post #49 _ WARGRAVE _ (06-28-03 12:39 AM)
Wargrave stalks Kraken/Obelisk and intercepts him before he reaches Andraq.

Post #50 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN (06-28-03 12:56 AM)
Kraken tries to sway Wargrave to duel with Sorsha instead of him, unaware of their alliance.

Post #51 _ WARGRAVE (06-28-03 01:05 AM)
Wargrave closes in on Kraken with his sabre.

Post #52 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN (06-28-03 01:11 AM)
Kraken force leaps high into the air and descends on Wargrave with a sabre strike aimed for his head.

Post #53 _ LORD VALI _ (06-28-03 01:18 AM)
Vali leaps up into the rafters and keeps a watch on Kindo, careful not to get too close to any of the combat.

Post #54 _ WARGRAVE _ (06-28-03 01:20 AM)
Wargrave dodges Kraken’s attack and sends him to the ground with Force Lightning.

Post #55 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN (06-28-03 01:47 AM)
Kraken tosses his sabre up into the air as Wargrave electocutes him. Bu pure luck, a section of comes crashing down. He staggers out of the hangar to his landspeeder, seeking the protection of his ysalamiri.

Post #56 _ VIDEL (06-28-03 01:53 AM) Videl channels force lightning through the ground to electrocute Malice. She then uses celeriy to attack him from behind, kocking him face down with an elbow/knee smash combo. She pins him down to the ground with her foot against his neck.

Post #57 _ MALICE _ (06-28-03 06:19 AM)
Malice sends force lightning through Videl to free himself, then ignites the air around her to set her on fire.

Post #58 _ KI-ADI KINDO (06-28-03 01:45 PM)
Kindo leaps up into the rafters, still searching for Lord Vali in the shadows with his sabr drawn.

Post #59 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-28-03 02:10 PM)
Kraken heals himself with a bacta patch outside, then returns to the fight armed with a pair of pistols, a flamethrower, 2 ysalamiri, and a missile launcher.

Post #60 _ DARK EMERALD JADE _ (06-28-03 07:13 PM) Jade catches up with Kraken and attacks him with a force choke.

Post #61 _ VIDEL _ (06-28-03 08:53 PM)
Videl neutralizes the burning air around her with her force aura and slams a street into malice w/teke. Then she sticks her katana blade deep into his left shoulder and pulls it out again.

Post #62 _ MALICE (06-28-03 09:10 PM)
Malice retaliates with a force push, sending Videl crashing through a wooden crate he also threw using teke. He tekes one of the broken crate shards and pierces one of Videls legs.

Post #63 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-28-03 09:34 PM)
Kraken ignores Jade’s force choke attack with his ysalamiri and fires a stun missle at Wargrave.

Post #64 _ JODAH OF GIVAH _ (06-28-03 09:48 PM)
Jodah enters the melee with his sabres ready to assist Malice and Makato.

Post #65 _ LORD VALI _ (06-28-03 10:08 PM)
Lord Vali leaps forward out of hiding and catches Kindo’s sabre hand in a martial grab. He strikes Kindo in the throat with a forearm elbow smash and his momentum takes them both over the railing down to the ground. Vali maintains the martial grab on Kindo as they fall.

Post #66 _ KI-ADI KINDO _ (06-28-03 11:45 PM)
Kindo hits Vali with a boot to the forehead to break his martial grip after they hit the ground.

Post #67 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN _ (06-28-03 11:59 PM)
Kraken discards his missle launcher and fires his flame thrower at Wargrave with the intent to burn his face.

Post #68 _ EVIL HOBGOBLIN _ (06-29-03 03:13 AM)
Hob intercepts Kraken’s missle and sends the missle back to Kraken.

Post #69 _ ADMIRAL KRAKEN (06-29-03 03:47 PM)
The returned missle strikes Kraken in the back, killing the yasalamiri and knocking him unconcious.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 30th, 2003, 09:06:50 AM
I haven't added Videl's post yet, but as you can see, we have a dominating advantage in both strength and power. All we have to do is regroup and surround them. Break up into small groups of 3 on 1 ( or 5 on 3) and start punishing.

Now as I see it, Malice is really hurt, so if you decide to follow my lead and attack him, then coordinate with me and focus on shredding that injured left shoulder of his.

Everyone else needs to act as a wall to beat the others back from helping Malice. I haven't designated a who dogpiles on who yet. I'll leave that to you who you want to hunt. Just make sure you coordinate in numbers no smaller than 3 on 1. No one on one combats here. Pump up the violence.

Thanks to every one who's helping here. These are the kind of raids I've been trying to organize for a very long time. I'm gonna post very soon.

Taylor Millard
Jun 30th, 2003, 09:52:55 AM
Happy to help. Just not sure who to go after next.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 1st, 2003, 11:42:33 AM
okay, I'm going to regroup us, and here's what I'm going to do. Vega, Videl, and I are going to beat up on Malice. I need the rest of you to form a wall to keep the others away. Anyone tries to make the save on Malice, the rest of you beat them back.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2003, 05:29:55 PM
.... kay .. I think I can remember to do that @_@

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 1st, 2003, 07:18:24 PM
unless you wanted to divided it up evenly Dale.

4 on Malice, 6 on the rest.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:30:56 PM
It looks like Jodah and Makato have decided to be on the opposite side of our little wall. I guess we'll need to shift around :p

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:40:24 PM
That's fine, we'll turn it to our advantage soon enough.

And as for Slifer, don't let him distract from the gameplan. Ignore him unless he makes a real pest of himself.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 2nd, 2003, 12:56:59 PM
Might not have to shift....See if this looks right

Taylor Millard
Jul 2nd, 2003, 03:30:18 PM
and I'm off behind 'em.


Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 2nd, 2003, 03:44:43 PM
pretty close, but just to give you an update, add Jade to the circle between Videl and Vega. She's helping break Malice.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jul 2nd, 2003, 06:36:16 PM
I'm not on the map.

SCORE! I get to do whatever I want! :D

Lord Vali
Jul 2nd, 2003, 11:25:27 PM
So far, ive just added in who was in the defense team and the "beat Malice senseless" team......just fill me in on where you are, and I'll be redrawing.....im also about to add in Jade.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 3rd, 2003, 12:12:51 AM

Thats what ive got from re-reading

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 3rd, 2003, 12:14:12 AM
I love it. :D

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 3rd, 2003, 01:57:59 AM
Haha, how screwed is Malice :D

Milivikal k'Vik
Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:39:24 AM
Originally posted by Sorsha Kasajian
That's fine, we'll turn it to our advantage soon enough.

And as for Slifer, don't let him distract from the gameplan. Ignore him unless he makes a real pest of himself. Mili is both claustrophbic and terrified of asphixiation.

She is PISSED right now.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:48:38 AM

Translated Mili's post into diagram ^_^

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 3rd, 2003, 09:30:36 AM
Ok, Slifer insist on being stupid, so I'm bringing in additional pest removal. Blade Ice and Andraq are to assist Mili in putting the boots to Slifer.

Dale, I need you up there with Wargrave to beat Makato up.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 3rd, 2003, 09:32:13 AM
and that's really cute btw, Silus. :lol

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 3rd, 2003, 09:44:54 AM
wow, that actually helps me Sil :lol... course I was by Mili tho :mneh

granted gods know what the hell it will be like tonight when I CAN post :(

Taylor Millard
Jul 3rd, 2003, 11:10:42 AM
Thanks Morg...I was gonna take out Kraken, but I'll let Mili do it.

>D :D

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:29:11 PM
then again :|

I am dropping out of this thread. Sorry.. just I hate coming back to a thread and seeing so many damn posts that I have to catch up because I can't be on 24 7

so fuck it.

Sorry, just how I feel :(

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 4th, 2003, 11:52:17 AM
We have a new arrival who is rattling on about honour and acting all bad ass to me. Should I smush him or stick like glue on Malice, sis? :D

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 4th, 2003, 12:36:42 PM
I vote for smush. :D

Silus Xilarian
Jul 4th, 2003, 02:57:26 PM
I threw in an illusion for distraction...

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 5th, 2003, 08:48:02 AM
uhm.. I just got my hip shattered - is that legal?

also anyone want to help me deflect these three missiles and falling ceiling

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 5th, 2003, 09:38:05 AM
Fuck. Okay, time to split up, break off, get out of the thread by anymeans necessary. We're done.

Jade, Videl, Vega and myself have now exited the thread. That's all I was able to take with me using the magicks.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 6th, 2003, 12:24:49 AM
Im out of the thread......

that Kraken fuck has brought a total of three characters into the thread, and godmoded with each one.....

Do you think we can sweet talk ogre into changing his fans CT to "Godmoding n00b" ? :p

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 6th, 2003, 12:19:13 PM
bleh, I'm beginning to feel it's just not worth it anymore.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 6th, 2003, 02:22:53 PM
not your fault. stupid asshat newbie screwed things up. Personally I really dont like him and wished Kraken would go away

Lord Vali
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:27:49 PM
I second that

Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 7th, 2003, 07:09:26 AM
I'd just like to thank everyone who came in to help out. Although things didn't end on quite the terms I intended for us, I think we did very well. Thanks for helping me out, and I hope you all had fun in spite of the mess it became.

Silus Xilarian
Jul 7th, 2003, 07:16:34 AM
I for one was enjoying things thoroughly, til the n00bs rolled in en masse...

Next time you call for us, I'll be there ^_^