View Full Version : SWG Guilds

Ace McCloud
Jun 26th, 2003, 08:35:11 AM
If they have not already been established...we can use this thread to talk about guilds for star wars galaxies. I don't know how many are playing and not, but I need a group myself. Maybe not a real large one but perhaps a small. But whatever works. My characters a loner but its just one of those games where it pays to have a few buddies to go huntin with. Who's willing to play with me?

Darth Viscera
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:00:18 AM
I want in, too, but the leader should be someone from swfans.net who was in during the beta. Maybe Dyzm.

Ace McCloud
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:01:02 PM
Yea, lets create a swfans guild... o_O Thatd be great

Jun 26th, 2003, 11:00:50 PM
AAAHHHH! I must know!!! What servers is everyone gonna be on?

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:08:06 PM
Maybe we should join Chilastra since Qui-Gon and Dyzm both are there.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 27th, 2003, 12:59:15 AM
No charachter for me yet, waiting to see where everyone is going.

Leaders are voted by the people of the guild. Popularity. That way, I can't abuse my powers and force you to run around naked and stuff.

But A guild would be a good idea. What we need is to first start hunting groups on one server. From what I understand, Quijon has a number of friends from CC.net, so we might as well join them.

(PLEASE do not say its going to be on Bria! I already promised that server's charachter spot to the friend who got me 20 bucks off the price of the collectors addition. All his gamestop buddies are on Bria)

Darth Viscera
Jun 27th, 2003, 12:59:18 AM
So you have to choose 1 server (planet), and you're confined there forever, or what?

Yeah, wherever Dyzm and Qui-Gon are, we should join up with them. Mine should be arriving before noon, so I'll probably be on by then.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 27th, 2003, 01:01:36 AM
1 server is the entire Galaxy, all the planets, all the cities. You are just allowed 1 charachter per server.
Unless you unlock the bonus Force Sensitive Charachter.

Darth Viscera
Jun 27th, 2003, 01:04:30 AM
If 1 server is the entire galaxy, then WTF, why are there multiple servers?

Jun 27th, 2003, 01:52:07 AM
We're on Chilastra, or plan to be, and you're welcome to join us (http://www.coruscantcity.net/cgi-bin/board/ultimatebb.cgi?category=6). The main problem today was something that broke the Oracle database in which the game resides, something that never came up in testing.

Dunno the specifics, but that's what the lead Developers said in the forums.

Darth Viscera
Jun 27th, 2003, 01:56:46 AM
Where do you post to join?

Ace McCloud
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:48:45 AM
So, how many servers are there? And you only get one character per server? Thats kinda gay. But if there is one server with everything in it, what are the rest?

Jun 27th, 2003, 12:37:13 PM
From what I understood from the sign on window (even though I technically couldn't sign on to any server, them being down and all), was that there are about 10 or 12 servers.

And as it says in the FAT instruction "novel", you can have 10 characters per account. So that means you can essentially be a part of 10 servers.

And ALL the servers are identical, save for their names.
I'm not sure as to the reasoning, but i think it may have something to do with A) servers not getting too overloaded, or B) not having you're own characters in one group without other ppl in it (i.e. not really interacting with others).

Ishan Shade
Jun 27th, 2003, 12:56:13 PM
Let me know where everyone goes...I am DEF getting this game sometime within the next week!!

imported_Grev Drasen
Jun 28th, 2003, 05:42:07 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
If 1 server is the entire galaxy, then WTF, why are there multiple servers? You've never played another MMORPG have you?

Darth Viscera
Jun 28th, 2003, 05:56:38 PM
Originally posted by Grev Drasen
You've never played another MMORPG have you?

Just EVE. Over there it's just the play server (tranquility) and the test server (chaos), for testing out future patches. They have a better configuration than SWG which uses nodes. I hope that SWG fixes this problem in a bit, because it's nice to have a crowd when you're running from a mugger and circling around in town trying to get someone else to target the bastard, as opposed to an empty town like it is now.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 28th, 2003, 06:35:56 PM
Run toward the RSF Guards, they should help. If not, you can loose almost anyone by going around sharp corners and doubling back around walls.

Darth Viscera
Jun 29th, 2003, 05:40:56 AM
The RSF guards never help, and I can never lose them by going around sharp corners.

Jun 29th, 2003, 08:22:24 AM
SWG has a Test Center server, which will be going live in Retail soon.

To register at CCnet, SWfans' sister board, here's the link:

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 30th, 2003, 02:35:11 AM
Ok, I have a friend in Galaxies, I been buying my weapons from him. Well anyway, he working on being a Master Architect, and said that if we help supply the materials, when he does become a master, he will build us a P.A. Building for cheap.

Right now, he can only build simple houses.

Darth Viscera
Jun 30th, 2003, 05:29:21 AM
Is that Ockari? If you go near Corellia again, can you buy 1 of his latest and most powerful carbines, rifles and pistols from him for me? right now his most powerful stuff does 32-62 damage.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 07:41:50 AM
Greetings, friends. I am with the Galactic Response Unit, also co-founded by Master Qui-GonJ and a few other friends, on Chilastra. The GRU plans on being a "law-enforcement" mercenary-police force of a sort, aligned with the true government of the Known Galaxy, the Empire. You can jump to this link for information The Galactic Response Unit (GRU) (http://www.coruscantcity.net/cgi-bin/board/ultimatebb.cgi?category=6) . We're sort of in a major revamp from our original be-all end-all d-base of information to being a quasi-government agency, so please bear with us. Although our goal is to keep Order on all levels and to destroy criminal Rebel terrorists and other malcontents, we also look forward to employing "neutrals" - if you don't care to enter the covert/overt area, we certainly could use crafters, medics, entertainers, and the like.

I originally started out as a Medic, trying to gravitate towards Combat Medic. But being a vain Twi'lek, and wanted something other than the crummy padded jumpsuit she started with, I began to use Artisan skills and now I find crafting to be extremely fun (more so than minor experiences in EQ and DAOC).

Even if you don't want to join the GRU, give me a /send in-game and I might be able to hook you up on some good clothes and some discounts on other stuff. Although I can only make pea-shooter CDEF weapons and some Domestic Art 2-level clothes, I'll try my best. :)

Give a look-see to the GRU. We'd love to help you.

And remember.


The Empire Wants You. NOW.

Lady Xandriae Xiongsuung
Spokesperson for the Galactic Response Unit (GRU)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 3rd, 2003, 01:51:39 PM
Well, like the Idea, but I'm not jumping at the name. No offense, but GRU just ain't striking me as impressive. I'm a big one for show, and I believe first impressions are a must. A name like GRU, If seen on someone running by, is not going to make them go "OoOOoOO its the GRU!!!"

Going by what I am learning of advertisement in College, you need a "different" sounding name that isn't easily forgotten.

The Emperor's Own, <TEO> strikes me as something not easily forgotten.
Galactic Defense Legion(or League)<GDL> This will be easily remembered by those who also played the Original C&C

I don't know, I just kinda hoping for a brainstorming session to come up with a name that people will talk about as one of the most powerful. Cool names attract people. Loyalty to the name is the first thing people start with, this after time changes to Loyalty to the group and what it stands for.

Jul 3rd, 2003, 06:06:48 PM
I have to disagree about the name not sounding "different". If you check the offical boards the PA list already has a bunch that have names like "Imperial this or that" and "Knights of such and such". Non-combat realted guilds tend to have names that sound like corperations. Galactic Response Unit is actualy sorta unique.

Besides, the important part is what the guild is all about. That being we are basicly a group of mercenarys who kill Rebels for a paycheck from the Empire. :evil

Neutral people are also welcome since they fill the role of "support staff".

Also the PA name is not offical until you build a PA hall and have a certain numbers of members. This is a HUGE task so I'm hopin all us star wars message board type people can band together and make one. :D

Jedi Master Carr
Jul 3rd, 2003, 09:16:50 PM
I will join as a neutral the only thing about going with the Empire is it would be going with the loser of the Galactic Civil War :p Still it would be fun playing as the Empire.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jul 4th, 2003, 12:43:53 AM
Well, Its just my personality, GRU sounds to... eh for me.

I don't care what we call it, but it needs some strength behind the sound.

BTW, where is the offical P.A. Site thing?

(Grumble Grumble, I still like Galactic Defense League) :D

Jul 4th, 2003, 05:34:03 AM
Our original name was "Galactic Resource Ultimatum". Sounds misleadingly like we harvest resources for a living, when actually we were going to be a be-all end-all database of information created by all members (i.e., you would record all information on our forums about NPCs, Missions, Spawn Lairs, Loot Drops, etc).

Too ambitious, too broad in scope. Too much downtime.

Name was changed to Galactic Response Unit. In actuality, our organization is modeled after an actual RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY called (Imperial March music inserted here) the GRU.

Check out the Glavnoye Razvedovatel'noye Upravlenie (GRU) (http://fas.org/irp/world/russia/gru/) . I wouldn't scoff at saying, "oooh, it's the scary GRU". That's why I personally chose the name, GRU.

Our GRU, the Galactic Response Unit, is somewhat molded after this KGB-type agency. Yes, we're a police unit. Yes, we are the Big Brothers who watch all. Yes, you say anything bad about the government, and we'll guarantee you disappear. Only you get to clone yourself. :P No, we're not Communists nor are we Socialist Idealists.

However, we are and hope to be, fanatics of the highest sort.

NO, we are NOT the Schutzstaffel (SS).

We are the Galactic Response Unit. We keep the Galaxy safe, free from criminal terrorist Rebels. We investigate known static Rebel camps. We are the Law and Order arm of the Empire.

Enlist your services with us.

The Empire needs you. NOW.


Lady Xandriae Xiongsuung
Spokesperson for the Galactic Response Unit (GRU)

imported_Terran Starek
Jul 4th, 2003, 09:33:53 AM
Don't leave your favorite entertainer out of this!! :D :D

Keep me posted on any Fans-type guilds, please! :)