View Full Version : See ya...

Lord Soth
Jun 26th, 2003, 05:46:09 AM
Council and friend's here, you deserve to know this, so I'll put it the best way I can here...Don't take this personal, but this is the way I see it.

See ya later,...Juz wanted to let you guy's know I'll no longer be posting at the Shrine or Fan's or any other board's connected to it from here on out. Should have stayed gone the last time when my RL gf left...She told me and I didn't listen, well now I I'm and the reason's are out there why I'm outta here...I'm sure you will either find out the hard way unfortunately or turn a blind eye to it...I myself have been there done that for the last time. I'm gonna take Soth and my other Chr’s somewhere else...

Sick of the utter bullshit I've seen over a fucking game here at Fan's and yaa, I'll tell you straight up,...I've done my dirt IC and ooc here and there,...But ya know what, at least I can say I walked away from here with my head held high knowing I didn't have to "back stab people," or act like I was a "so called friend " to other's or being "two faced" as some might say it. With me, it's like this...What you see is what you get, if ya didn't like me for who I am in the first place then you really weren't my friend to begin with...Simple as that! And if you were my friend, you were truly my friend regardless...Whether I've met you in person or not, still the same to me... And personally, I've been on the board's long enough to know who's who and what there all about...Been around the block myself and know enough about RL to see what make's most people tick...

Put it this way...This was only a game to me...Ya,...I'm bummed and pissed becuz I put a lot of long RL hour's into it and my chr's, tried to make it interesting and fun for other's as well. That, I can walk away from...It's the friend’s I've make over the course of three year's here,...That’s what really, really gets to me the most...New or old, that’s what I'll miss the most having fun with, RPing with and talking to...But get this, ya know what's really sad and shit to me...It's the fact that people really would go as far as ending friendship’s by stabbing a person or other's in the back over a fucking game!...That's the sadness shit of all here in my book!...It really is...

And to top it off, no one seems to give a shit about it when it should matter, don't want to get involved cuz thier afraid they'll look bad if they do or people won't except them if they don't fit in with the norm or as a lot have already coined it...cliche`...Afraid thier precious reputation’s will be tarnished if they stand up for what the norm sees as being on the "wrong side of their fence"...Straight from the hip! It's no mystery and it hasn’t been since I've started Rping here three year's ago...Seen'em come and go for the same damn reason's...You might not like what I'm saying here in this rant or whatever or however you want to read it or call it,...But ya know what...Do the math, look around...I did, and ya, this may be only my opinion and my view's here….But I also know damn well that none of you guy's here are blind either...

But hey, this shit is neither here nor there now...You guy's can have at it from here on out...Good luck...Like I said, don't take this personal cuz I care for you guy's a lot, you know who you are, the one's I've really made friend's with here...You'll be missed and so will my RP's with you... And listen, once again, don’t take this personal guy’s, I’m juz saying what I need to say and feel before I cut out of here…What I am saying here dosen't have to do with agreeing or disagreeing, not at all, friend's do that...It happens...I'm talking about the fact that some people will do cruel, hurtful and hatful shit to other's just so they can feel better about thier own miserable life’s and look good at the same time...And over a game!?...So you know what I say to it all?...They can shove SWfan's straight up thier asses and twist it sideways!!!

To me, in 5-10 year's from now when everyone’s gone thier own way, RL reason's, other place's or whatever,...This game that mean's so much to them now,....Won't even matter...lol

So with that said, take care and be good to yourselves. :)

Love and hug’s to you all,...

Soth Nuevole