View Full Version : Box Office Contest Week 9

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 25th, 2003, 09:53:21 PM
This weekend the horrible looking Charlies Angels 2 comes out (sorry it looks awful to me though I am sure it will be #1) and 28 Days later opens on about 1200 screens. Okay you have until 9am Saturday to get your guesses in good luck.

Jun 26th, 2003, 12:42:50 AM
1 Charlie's Angels 2 $66.01
2 The Hulk $34.23
3 Finding Nemo $13.2
4 28 Days Later $10.09
5 Bruce Almighty $6.5

Jun 26th, 2003, 11:19:10 PM
1. Charlie's Angels 2 - 58.10M
2. The Hulk - 25.98M
3 Finding Nemo - 16.07M
4 Bruce Almighty - 6.57M
5 2 Fast 2 Furious - 6.33M

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:09:22 PM
Mojo, cause I just dont care less about what's coming out.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:20:21 PM
Charlies Angels 2 or Biggest POC ever 52.44
Hulk 32.11
Finding Nemo 16.33
28 Days later 9.22
Bruce Almighty 6.77

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:21:47 PM
Here are Mojo's picks Marcus

1 Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (3,459 theaters) 57.8
2 HULK 24.5
3 Finding Nemo 14.6
4 Bruce Almighty 6.5
5 2 Fast 2 Furious 6.2

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:39:00 PM
Agh! I was just about to psot em! :p

I do agree, CA2 is obviously a crap fest... that my wife wants to see. God help meeeeeeeee! :cry

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 27th, 2003, 04:55:22 PM
Ouch I am sorry, CA2 looks horrible I wish it would bomb, but I know it will make a little more than 2F2F, I hope it crashes as bad as that next weekend.

Jun 27th, 2003, 05:58:58 PM
Bruce Almighty 6.78
2F2F 4.57

Jun 27th, 2003, 07:49:19 PM
CS2 cracks me up for one reason. The trailer I saw in the cinemas for it made a BIG thing about Bernie Mac(That his name?) being in the movie. He is an absolute nobody over here. I just love how the best they can show us apparently is that someone we have barely heard of(He was on a magazine cover when I was in DC though, so I know who he is vaguely) is in the film :)

1 Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle 59.99
2 HULK 24.99
3 Finding Nemo 15.99
4 Bruce Almighty 7.99 (Saw this yesterday, very enjoyable barring a too soppy ending:))
5 2 Fast 2 Furious Almost 2 Low Down 2 Be Picked 6.99

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:50:00 PM
i swear if she makes me go, I'm going to get revenge. No man should suffer CA2.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 28th, 2003, 11:05:52 AM
Well happy Day Marcus, CA2 didn't do that well on the first day at least

CA2 14.81
Hulk 5.95
Finding Nemo 4.17
28 Days 3.32
Bruce Almighty 1.92
2F2F 1.88

Jun 28th, 2003, 07:07:02 PM
Looks like the green guy had *terrible* word of mouth.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 28th, 2003, 07:44:34 PM
Wow. The Hulk's drop is going to be horrific. And CA2 Lucky to get 45 million.

And Nemo keeps going! That movie's got incredible legs! Who would have picked Nemo for No 1 Summer movie?!?!?

Jun 28th, 2003, 07:52:59 PM
So if it kept droppingat 75%...


...it might struggle to beat Daredevil :)

I checked Mojo, DD had a 127.5% increase the day before Hulk, taking it to a mighty $141 a thatre average. Hopefully it'll still be there by the time the DVD appears :D

Why IS June such a bad month anyway? Is there a reason why May and July are good but June stinks?

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 28th, 2003, 08:02:33 PM
I really dont know. November was supposed to be a dead month, yet Potter comes along and changes that. I cant see any reason June should be fairly bad.

Jun 28th, 2003, 08:11:02 PM
Just a few years ago JUNE was the big month. It changed around 97 or 98.

Jun 28th, 2003, 08:16:57 PM
I mean, I can understand August being low, that's the dumping ground for the leftovers in many cases. The only reason I can think of is because of the big May movies still being in cinemas, meaning lots of little competition nibbling away.

Jun 28th, 2003, 08:24:49 PM
Pretty much. But that was not always the case. In fact it used to be rather rare for large May openings(other than the Memorial Day holiday weekend).

The first changing of the trends started with "Twister" in '96 which opened 2 weeks before the holiday weekend. It did boffo biz, but still June was considered the big month.

I'd say starting in '98 with "Deep Impact" the studios saw the May trend. Since then HUGE Pre-Memorial Day openings have occured with regularity.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 28th, 2003, 08:41:23 PM
I agree with CMJ most big movies opened in June like Jurassic Park. I think that will be the trend next year you have Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban and Shrek 2 both opening in June I think June will be a huge month next year.

Jun 28th, 2003, 08:53:51 PM
Or they could both bomb ;)

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 28th, 2003, 09:22:47 PM
I don't see that happening with both. Shrek 2 I am not sure about it, it will depend on how good it is. Harry Potter has one of the largest fan bases in the world realize 5 million people bought copies of the last book in one day. If they all go to the movie the first day the movie will make like 35-40 million first day. I see POA making like 90 opening weekend and making around the same as COS, though it will make a lot more overseas.

Jun 28th, 2003, 10:58:28 PM
may would have still been big if spiderman 2 had not had to bump its release tell july

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 28th, 2003, 11:01:31 PM
Next May looks weak you got Van Helsing which looks like a Mummy rip off to me. You have Troy which could still get moved. And you have Garfield which I bet will bomb. June and July look a lot stronger, IMO.

Jun 29th, 2003, 07:14:27 AM
It's not a Mummy ripoff, as the Mummy is the one that ISN'T in the movie ;)

Why is it though that you deema film a "ripoff", after ONE picture of Jackman as Van Helsing and a few promo pics? Are you saying that now the Mummy has been done you can't do ANY classic monster in a slightly humourous way?

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:48:50 AM
Well I say that because I don't like seeing the classic Horror monsters in a humours way, I just don't think it works but that is my opinion. I actually didn't like the Mummy movies either. Also the estimates are up what happened this weekend.

CA2 38.00
Hulk 18.425
Finding Nemo 13.887
28 Days 9.730
Bruce Almighty 6.19
2F2F 5.676

CA2 opened horribly I don't think it will make 100 million with that opening and the Hulk I just can't understand it got great cinemascores A- so I have no clue why it would fall so badly. I thought maybe the teenagers wouldn't like it because of all the exposition but still. Even Nemo didn't do that well it dropped worse than it has in a few weeks. Maybe its the weather it was pretty nice on the east coast this week, a lot of people must have went to the beach or something.

Jun 29th, 2003, 11:53:12 AM
Suppose we could get some tiny drops in the next few weeks.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:04:56 PM
Well for The Hulk you got the 4th so it could rebound some, its best hope is to have some smaller drops and make it to 150, it has made 100 it could make it to 150 hopefully, and then make 150-200 overseas and it will still make a profit. I have to say one thing if they make a sequel they won't bring Ang Lee back. They will probably go with a director who will bring out more action.

Jun 29th, 2003, 12:07:05 PM
well theyre already scripting it, so it might be Ang-based.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:13:45 PM
Well after this they could change that they might take some time with a sequel.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 29th, 2003, 09:10:00 PM
70% drop for Hulk. OUCH. That's bad considering it didnt really open in the stratosphere. CA2.... good. It's didnt do all that well.

Next weekend will be most interesting with Sinbad, Legally Blonde 2 and T3 coming out. LA2 will be a stinkfest, but take the market away from CA2, Sinbad might well take the market away from Nemo, and T3.... hey, have you been readign the reviews for this so far? I'm amazed that there isn't really any word of it stinks! out there. What remains of the market for Hulk will vaporise as well.

T3 seemed to me to be pointless, but I'm really starting to wonder, esp with what seems to be good word for it starting.

I think I'll take some interest next week.

Jun 29th, 2003, 09:12:46 PM
T3 seems to be doing partially what I'd want a third Terminator movie to do, so I'm intrested.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 29th, 2003, 09:17:08 PM
Since T3 comes out Wed, I will post the contest Thread tomorrow night to give you a couple of days to make your picks. About T3 I am not sure about it to me T2 ended the series perfectly.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 29th, 2003, 09:31:06 PM
Well, the advance reviews had your doubts, but seem to be won over. Very odd - it seems everyone is expecting a suckfest for T3, but that's not the case it seems. Hey about time we got a movie that over delivers!

On another note, what about 28 Days Later? 9 million doesnt sound like much, but it came from nowhere to do that! Is this summer's sleeper hit?

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 30th, 2003, 12:36:06 AM
I agree with 28 Days it is a surprise. As for T3 I think I will wait some more maybe the Critics will convice me or WOM.

Jun 30th, 2003, 05:53:22 AM
T3's problem was that first trailer. EVerything looked cheesy and forced. THe later ones have impressed me.

Carr, remember to say in Week 10's title that it starts early then.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 30th, 2003, 08:40:27 PM
Okay here are the results we have a three way tie

Winner of Movie #1 Jedi Master Carr
Winner of Movie #2 Marcus
Winner of Movie #3 Sir Dizzy
Winner of Movie #4 Sir Dizzy
Winner of Movie #5 Marcus

Week Totals
Marcus Elessar 45
Jedi Master Carr 45
Sir Dizzy 45
CMJ 20
JediBoricua 20
ReaperFett 20

Contest Totals
Jedi Master Carr 380
Marcus Elessar 355
Sir Dizzy 340
CMJ 275
ReaperFett 255
Jedieb 130
JediBoricua 125
Admiral Lebron 40
JMK 25
Maal Lah 10

Jul 1st, 2003, 04:39:28 PM
Damn, I'm doing bad.

Jul 1st, 2003, 06:31:25 PM
I think T3 is going to hurt The Hulk's chances for a big rebound. It can't possibly drop another 70%, but I think it would be lucky to avoid losing 40%.