View Full Version : Anybody wanna RP?

Park Kraken
Jun 25th, 2003, 08:17:02 PM
I was thinking about a combined Space, and Planet RP to see how good everyone is at their posts. It would be nice if everyone in the Soveriegnty took part in the RP, if for no other reason than to have fun. I was thinking in terms of a Planterey Assault.

Jarek T'chort
Jun 26th, 2003, 01:54:10 AM
Sounds good, perhaps we could start a campaign against the NP? Starting with a planetery assault?
As Commandant of the Stormtrooper corps, I would love to lead an assault on a rebel world.

Perhaps a naval battle in conjunction with a ground assault? Imperial Intelligence could play a part too, perhaps there are key enemy personnel to be captured? Well anyone can write themselves in I suppose, it would be great fun, supply me with some rough details of the terrain, enemy etc and I'll plan my part of the RP.
Look forward to it.

Park Kraken
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:29:59 AM
Okay, let me go into the list of assets for a NR world IF I can gain access to them, see what defenses they have, then plan accordingly.

Teleran Balades
Jun 26th, 2003, 01:00:58 PM
I think it would be a great idea, i would be willing to help. It would give me some experiece since i am fairly new at this. I have to get my character O.K.ed first. I would probably be in command of a capital ship(I hope). I could help with planning the navy force if needed.

Jarek T'chort
Jun 26th, 2003, 01:50:31 PM
Teleran, have you enrolled in the Sovereignty yet? If so, welcome aboard, literally.:D

Admiral Kraken, I'll be ready when you bring the info.

Teleran Balades
Jun 26th, 2003, 02:23:18 PM
I have sent a PM to Telan Desaria, but haven't gotten any word back yet and thanks for the welcome:wave

Jarek T'chort
Jun 26th, 2003, 02:56:47 PM
No problem Teleran. Telan Desaria should be on later so he'll pm you back and you'll be in. I'm new too so I'm learning the ropes like you.

Oh yeah, and get a cool avatar if you want, so we can have an idea of your character etc. :cool

Teleran Balades
Jun 26th, 2003, 03:13:13 PM
I asked him about an avatar and/or a sig. I really have no idea how to get one.:huh

Telan Desaria
Jun 26th, 2003, 03:42:25 PM
This thread is to becontinued in the Imperial Sovereign High Command where the Rebels cannot get wind of it.

Further orders considered there. I will grant you all access tonight.