View Full Version : Ant Scott vote please....

Empress Ashiva
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:02:49 PM
Ant came in to be turned into a vamp a while back as everyone knows this is Xaz. She IMHO has proven to be patient and understanding. She has waited for a bit and rped with us. I havent been posting a whole lot with my Alana nic and she has been understanding of that too.

I would like to give her a chance and turn her char. She has been a human member for awhile now and proven herself in my eyes. I vote yes on the turn thanks all.....

After this one if one of the other council wants to close the doors to new vamps go ahead. I vote yes on that too.

Pandora Damaris
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:06:44 PM
Yes, I think she has proven herself trustworthy. Go ahead and turn her. >D

I do not agree however with not letting new peep in. I don't see why we shouldn't.

Lord Soth
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:28:36 PM
I have no problem with her being turned, she’s been patient with us for some time now and just wants to RP here...As long as she understands our view's and rule's here I'm kool with it. :)


I do think we should slow down on the recruit’s for now just until some of the ooc stuff blows over a bit...Just my thought's on it.

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 26th, 2003, 02:15:58 AM
:thumbup to Xaz

And my sentiments are this......

Theres been alot of shit lately. We have a lot of people watching us. The last thing we want is a new recruit godmoding someone, cause it will quickly come back to us..