View Full Version : My final good Bye

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 25th, 2003, 08:06:55 AM
Gerbo and jason sign out for good don't attempt to pm or contact me any shape or form aftering reading the end of my thread i have lost allot of respect for you guys. I thank soth for closing before I started to god mode like the rest of you.

I say good bye and good luck but as of this point none of my characters will have anything to with the shrine. For god sacks even Dalamar gave me better odds then most of you do. I will no longer fight against something that doesn't give me a fair chance.

I hope your happy with your disicion you just lost another person that will rp with you.

Good bye. It was fun up until this point.

Empress Ashiva
Jun 25th, 2003, 11:39:31 AM
This is Alana Gerbo and You need to go back and read that thread. I did not god Mode in it at all. I infact made no moves at all. All Alana did was talk. It's a shame you have judged me for nothing Gerbo when I have always been nice to you .:(

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 25th, 2003, 11:41:52 AM
I was under the impression that you ran Pandora?

Empress Ashiva
Jun 25th, 2003, 11:49:37 AM
No i wasnt as a matter of fact running Pandora in that thread. Thanks for judging me before you knew Gerbo...

Jason Dreggs
Jun 25th, 2003, 11:54:17 AM
How the hell was i supose to know it was ran by more then one dam person. Last I knew you where running it and there for I thought it was you. I'm not a freaking mind reader or a far seer I can't tell who's behind an account at a whim. I don't have mod or admin abilities to tell ether.

Empress Ashiva
Jun 25th, 2003, 11:59:21 AM
It is a known fact that Pandora is ran by a few people here at the Shrine and if you didnt know you could have asked me Gerbo before you assumed and judged me. AS for Soth and Pan I would like them to speak for themselves and to have a fair chance to address your accusations.

As I said before I do beleave i was weighed and judged long beofre you made this thread..... :(

Jason Dreggs
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:01:16 PM
Plus i didn't name you specifically anyway. I never named anyone by name for god moding because I believe they should know who they are. you just assumed i ment you.

Empress Ashiva
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:04:43 PM
Oh please you said all of you guys.... You lumped us all togeather and you know it. Also I did read the post in the locked if you remember and you sure do judge me there and what you think my char. Alana should do and think. But thats fine if your done with us so be it. I'm sure my friendship meant nothing anyway if I am so easily judged and tossed. And yes I am very upset and hurt by this Gerbo I thought we had been friends for a very long time. Guessed wrong didnt I.....

Jason Dreggs
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:19:20 PM
Good be upset do you think i'm to happy I get on this morning and read my closed thread that I got to post in all of three times and I did nothing in that thread to provoke it to be closed. Do you think I'm happy about that hell no. In the lock form was a simple mistake I read one of pandora's posts and I thought it was alana's.

My bad i still didn't name you for god moding witch was your first complaint. For the record i said Most of you that does not say all of you and the only ones who should be complaining are the ones that think they fit under that catigory. I didn't name anyone in specific and I won't.

You excpect me to know <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> I don't and why would I ask you if you where pandora when the last thread I seen pandora in you admited you where playing her. well that kind of leads me to believe shes you.

BTW Your last PM to me over the rule basically told me we where not friends anymore so don't pin this on me.

Empress Ashiva
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:20:45 PM
This is all I am going to say about the Pan and Soth posts.... I just reread them and I think they should respond to your accusations. But I will say this go reread neither made to many moves and they did not fight outside of there capibilities..... That is what defines a god moder Gerbo. Soth is a master and Pandora is an ancient at the Shrine..... So if they didnt fight outside of there capabilities or make to many moves how can you say they are god moding????

Empress Ashiva
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:24:40 PM
I never said anything about us not being friends Gerbo. You infact got upset at me for even mentioning your name. And then came up with a lame excuse that you didnt like people mentioning your name. I said something nice about u in that thread, and as I recall have mentioned you in other ooc threads like the friendship one and you didnt seem to have a prob with it. So like I said I think you have judged me with someone elses opinion and have forgotten that i have always been a friend to you......

Jason Dreggs
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:30:35 PM
I don't like being mentioned, I'd rather take a back seat and not be seen I have been that way all my life so don't tell me its lame. I was very successful at in highschool I had teachers who didn't realize I was in there class.

Plus i'm not the only person who believes it was god moding I had other people read the thread before I posted this and they all agreed what Pandora did was clearly god moding.

Empress Ashiva
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:36:41 PM
So your telling me in the friendship thread when I mentioned your name it was ok......... but in the other vamp ooc thread where you didnt agree with me you didnt like it.... Thats rich.....

Also how is it please do tell that Pandora god moded ??? She did not do anything outside of her capibilities nor did she make to many moves. She is an ancient of the Shrine here Gerbo and has the power to also read the fledglings mind. Not unlike a sith master would to an apprentice. So please enlighten me on how she god moded.

Jason Dreggs
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:48:35 PM
I never said it was okay I just never said anything about it.

First I don't see how she knew it was a light Gernade until it was to late. The over excevive damage she did plus the fact she to on two characters while beating up gerbo she should have given Jason a chance to respond. Plus factored in you have no clue how old gerbo is or how much damage he can sustain having vampire capabilities. God moding is based on all those facts and if you don't believe it fine, I'm just not going to rp with people like that.

Lord Soth
Jun 25th, 2003, 03:04:12 PM
**Ok, let me say this first...Pandora is RUN BY a number of us here at any given time...**

Second,…You really need to carefully re-read the post’s Gurbo/Jason. You will find that not only in my post I spoke of Soth's ability to “read” what was happening, but was quite detailed on how he could...It is no mystery that the Death Knight could do this,...So how much more would an Ancient Vampyre be able to especially if she was "watching your every move?"...

A wicked smile etched its way across Soth's marble like face as the “vision” unfolded around him and the others. The young fledging quickly approached the hunter, a sworn enemy of the Shrine and to their kind. Unbeknownst to Alana's understudy, the "sight" that the Death Knight had, reveled this act long before Gurbo had even set foot on Roon's soil. Post#11

Very simple, all ya have to do is re-read. If you count Pandora’s posted ‘moves” very carefully you’ll see that there were the total of (*Three) move’s by her in post#17. And keep in mind; it was only her second post. Can you explain to me how Pandora is NOT capable of doing such thing’s Gurbo? Because I can easily explain how she can in a number of different ways as an Ancient Vampyre under Ashiva. As Yoda himself can see the “future and read mind’s” at any given moment, make no mistake here, Pandora can as well, very well…Including reading ‘Unblocked mind’s" of lower rank's such as both your CHR’s here…It is Pandora’s forte. There was no GM here so please get off your kick…The moves were quite fair and justified.

If your upset for other ooc reason’s other then this, don't bring it here and misconstrue the real picture. I would suggest to you this: Please keep your outside influences out of this, determine the picture for yourself and see it from other’s (Rper’s) perspective before you go around judging and labeling people unfairly as GM’s.

Thirdly, You had the total of (*Five) post’s to set both of your character’s up for whatever you wanted to do…You knew the danger’s and how the Vamp’s would have responded to your hunter. This is NOT the first time Gurbo has come to the Shrine and challenged us and it is NOT the first time we’ve attacked you in this manner my friend.


And if you read that thread above this, one of a few we have here…You will note why the Vampyre’s look at Gurbo as a “traitor and enemy” of the Shrine…Remember this because I won’t say it again…~This thread was not ooc influenced nor were you treated with ooc disrespect here.~ The Vampyre’s are going to protect their own here and you have chosen to revel in your post’s, IC that Jason’s father was employing Gurbo and made mention IC that Jason invited him to the Shrine, and that alone is treason to “us” IC not to mention calling them “idiot’s” IC to their faces. They reacted from your action’s…

"You Idiots, I invited this man here. He is my father's employee he came here with the stipulation that if he harmed anyone of you he would ether die by my hand or my fathers. He did nothing to anyone you he came here to talk to me."

If you choose not to post here at the Shrine, that’s entirely up to you. All I ask of you is that you consider thing’s from other people’s perspective without jumping to conclusion’s and bring ooc acquisition’s into to this that are unfounded and pointless…

As far as the damage that both your CHR's took in the course of the thread in my estimation was quite substantial as Pandora mentioned in her ooc to you. Even Soth would have addressed the damage as such, giving an element of realism and believability to the "post's and thread" after it was received.

The question that arises in my mind is this: Could your CHR really have had the ability and strength to reach in his pocket and retrieve a " flash grenade" and pull the pin seeing that he was being lit up by "Sith Lighting" from a Master of all thing's?...Let alone have the ability to speak under those circumstance’s?...So you see, by letting you slide IC with that move in all fairness, why is it hard to believe that an "Ancient Vampyre" could do what she did in response to your move?... Just a thought, and something to reconsider.

Thank you


Pandora Damaris
Jun 25th, 2003, 05:42:23 PM
I will list Pandora's moves in secession after I post her response in post #17 so there is no mistaking her movement and abilities. Read carefully please.

Post #17::
Jason was sorely mistaken about a great many thing's...Both he and the hunter, Gurbo Lang, were in the presence of Sith Master's and an Ancient of their kind. The Ancient had indeed seen every thing, every movement had not gone undetected by her eternal eyes. Jason's vain hat tricks and "slight of hand" did not escape Alana's nor the Death Knight's narrowed glare either as Soth continued to weld them both to the spot with the flesh consuming Force Lighting for the time being. To Jason's horror, when he believed the light of the flash grenade had resided, opened his burning eyes to a room that was now cast in crimson hue. Pandora's blazing sword (Blood Bane) was held high over her head, it's powerful magic's had easily thwarted the blast radius of the grenade, instantly dissipating and over taking the brilliant light with the kinetic energies that still hung over the tavern in a blood red wash.

With a slight of her own hand and a simple flick of her wrist, the hunter was ripped from the ground and tossed head first into a heavy wooden support beam near the roof of the pub. A hollow thud resounded throughout the room as the back Gurbo's head collided, opening a horrific wound to the back of his head where his limp body then fell to a table below in a heaping crash. Pandora's dark eye's then fell on Jason once more, the fledgling had no other choice to but to submit to her gaze as she locked eyes with his at that moment...

"Vul-nosh man-rith dulvea!" The searing words were directed at Jason's mind, echoing through his brain like a full force gale unleashed. His precious blood began to spill effortlessly from his ears, nose and mouth as he writhed in complete agony at Pandora's booming words. Word's of Sith Magic next to the Ancient sounded as the Death Knight chanted another spell of incantation that he was directing at the broken form of Gurbo.

If Jason did not submit to the powers at hand, then chances were he would be thrust into the realm of insanity before Pandora took his miserable life.::

1. Her abilities to read thought's and mind's, the future and the past is a power Pandora possess as an Ancient. Even Soth, Saurron, Alana ect. lay's claim to theses particular power's to a curtain degree and is no mystery here.

Move #1.

Pandora's blazing sword (Blood Bane) was held high over her head, it's powerful magic's had easily thwarted the blast radius of the grenade, instantly dissipating and over taking the brilliant light with the kinetic energies that still hung over the tavern in a blood red wash. (Which was already drawn in post #7.)

Soth's post#11

::Case and point concerning Pandora’s mind abilities as an Ancient.::

A wicked smile etched its way across Soth's marble like face as the “vision” unfolded around him and the others. The young fledging quickly approached the hunter, a sworn enemy of the Shrine and to their kind. Unbeknownst to Alana's understudy, the "sight" that the Death Knight had, reveled this act long before Gurbo had even set foot on Roon's soil.

As Soth stated himself in post #11 above this. Did you say anything about that and question his mind powers as a master of the Shrine? Was he being unfair when he posted what you see above here? No, his move was legit and Pan's post followed those lines in the same manner as it is her ability to do so as an Ancient.

Move #2.

With a slight of her own hand and a simple flick of her wrist, the hunter was ripped from the ground and tossed head first into a heavy wooden support beam near the roof of the pub. A hollow thud resounded throughout the room as the back Gurbo's head collided, opening a horrific wound to the back of his head where his limp body then fell to a table below in a heaping crash.

The attack above is pretty much a given and is a movement that you can even see in the SW trilogies if you pay close attention. Keep in mind Count Dooku's fight with Anakin, Obi and Yoda for that matter and you'll get the point.


"Vul-nosh man-rith dulvea!" The searing words were directed at Jason's mind, echoing through his brain like a full force gale unleashed. His precious blood began to spill effortlessly from his ears, nose and mouth as he writhed in complete agony at Pandora's booming words. Word's of Sith Magic next to the Ancient sounded as the Death Knight chanted another spell of incantation that he was directing at the broken form of Gurbo.

Pandora's last move was "Mind Blast" and that particular power is uttered through Sith Magic and is an instantaneous spell with divesting results. One that I left you a way out mind you, and one you only needed to think through. You chose to use your flash grenade and Pandora stopped that (light flash) and it’s effect’s with her sword (Blood Bane) she already had unsheathed in post#7

Post #7

A hateful sneer then pressed its way across her marble face as her sword began to slip from its sheath, revealing a crimson hue as it emerged.

I also want to point out that both of your characters were currently being attacked by Sith Lighting by Soth. So how can you come to the unjustified conclusion that what Pan did is GMing when you yourself supposedly "fought" against such a powerful Sith spell as a fledgling? Have you Rp’d it out some where as to the fact you can ward off such a spell or power by simply fighting against it? Even a master, Sith or Jedi would have a hard time battling such an effect as Sith Lighting once they were struck with it under similar circumstances Gerbo. So explain to us how you managed to pull that one off…And better yet, did Luke Skywalker fair better when he was attacked by the Emperor in front of Darth Vader? Did Darth Vader die from that attack as an end result?

You need to get your facts straight before you go slinging around the word GM as you are claiming here. My two posts were more then fair IC Gerbo under the condition’s and circumstances. And to put it quite frankly, would have resulted in Pandora’s retaliation on anyone if they came in with a known enemy of the Shrine and the way Jason spoke to them as you did in your post.

Your IC admission with Jason, a Shrine Vampire mind you, is the only reason I attacked you both. Gerbo was a given, and for Jason to bring a known enemy to the Shrine make’s him a traitor to us. Plain and simple as Soth and Alana said already to you. Maybe you should have re-thought your ideas in bring a (hunter) to the Shrine when you know how we would have responded to it in the first place.

Empress Ashiva
Jun 26th, 2003, 01:27:40 AM
Gonna close it now.... If you need to address it let me know and I will open it up thanks....