View Full Version : about the Gerbo thread.....

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 24th, 2003, 11:35:39 PM
Ok guys this is getting crazy :/ First let me say this thread is entirely IC there is no ooc to it.

Let me give a little history on Gerbo and the Shrine. We have always acknowledged him as a hunter of our kind. We have been in other thread with him where we have fought him and laid it down on him. He is a hunter coming to Vampyre territory it is a simple fact we would attack him with all that we have. He is on our grounds as a hunter of our kind. As for his Jason char. He is indeed a Vampyre but also a traitor for bringing a hunter into our midst. No matter the reason.... We are Sith vampire’s guys we would attack and be angry and Jason for saying to masters that we are idiots and bringing a hunter to us. It is how we would react to anyone IC. If it was someone you did not know guys would you not have jumped him to for the IC problem he posed??

Truthfully guys if none of this ooc crap woulda happened, and you did not know it was Gerbo would you not have gone after him in the same way.... A hunter and a Vampyre that brought a hunter into our very own bar. No matter the reason..... I can tell you that everything I posted was IC. I know Soth is staying totally IC to because I have seen him do the same thing to others that came here and messed with the vamps it is also rped out that Soth hates traitors to the Shrine which is what Jason is for bringing the hunter and leaving IC it is how vamps would view it.

Please everyone I respect all of you guys luv u all bunches.... So please please step back and realize that this is all IC not OOC...... :( :( :(

Lord Soth
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:13:34 AM
**Here are three instances listed below where the Vamp's have attacked visitors/outlander's who have entered the Shrine IC. If you read them carefully, you'll note the demeanor of the Shrine Vampyre's has not changed at all...Also notice the "date's" on the thread's themselves...The last link is a thread where "Gurbo" entered the Shrine and was attacked in the same manner as he was in the latest Gurbo Thread at the Roon Stone Inn...The point will be obvious once read...If you need any more proof, I will be more then happy to supply the thread's pertaining to the Vampyre demeanor or attitude in question.**

Thanks for your time... :)




Pandora Damaris
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:10:14 PM
You know, this is what sucks about playing a "bad guy". People start to take it ooc and forget it's a story. :rolleyes

Virrana'h Tei
Jun 25th, 2003, 09:36:32 PM
I still feel the same as what I said in my ooc comment in the Gerbo thread. Sorry, but even big bad dudes gotta play fair.

Lord Soth
Jun 26th, 2003, 01:42:03 AM
Sorry you feel that way girl but the big boy's did play fair here and it was very much so within their power to make the move's they did as Pan and myself stated in the ooc that Gurbo started...:(