View Full Version : The Endless Depths...of Spice

Vhiran Crescent
Jun 24th, 2003, 09:51:35 PM
Vhiran Crescent was a known spice smuggler within a small ring. He had been known to do some jobs here and there, but nothing big. Atleast thats what everyone thought. Some people however, linked a large amount of operations with him. There were several known cases where the authorities could not catch the Smuggler, or even get a good look at him. However each story seemed similar. The Authorities had made a vivid description of his piloting capabilities which were extrodinary. And in each story, tale, whatever was told within the bars of Nar Shadaa, each had some sort of link to one person, a man without a name, and without a face - nothing but flying skills. Those who have flown with Vhiran have noticed his flying skills and recognized them within the stories that they had heard, if they had heard any. Vhiran was a known pilot, and a very good one at that. No one made the mistake of calling him a rookie.

Vhiran sat at a small table with three chairs, sipping a beer. He was waiting for some guests. He didn't know who they would be, but he knew someone would come. He was out of a ship, he had ditched his last one to throw off the authorities, sold it to some junkie for some extra credits. He didn't know what he was getting into. But it didn't matter anyway, he had stole it anyway and hadn't modified it to heavily.

He sighed, taking in a deep breath, watching the patrons converse with each other while they listened to the rodian band play into the night on a sub-concious level. The aurma was not too bad. The smell of fresh beer and old wines had drowned out the smell of the rotting flesh and trash beyond the sturdy walls. He sat in silence, watching around him for anyone who looked interested in him.

Jun 25th, 2003, 10:41:50 PM
Hera was getting the worst migraine. That idiot of a rodian band leader was playing jazz. Again. She had warned him about the jazz. And yet, somehow, he ignored her. If hera had to endure Babbdoowhap zigga bapp-bapp-bapp any longer, she would kill some thing.

In fact...that wasnt such a bad idea.

Drawing her blaster, and firing one sure straight bolt to her intended target, Rafael, the Rodian Jazz King, dropped to the floor in a heap - a smouldering stump where his head (and his offending trumpet) had been.

The bars patrons jumped - some to their feet, all to their weapons - and gandered about the tavern in swift jerky looks, trying to find the source of the firing and see if there were further threat.

As there was not( Hera having put her blaster back in the holster at her hip) the remaining members of the band struck up again - playing "not-jazz" - and the bar resumed its former posture.

The server droid rolled forward and extended a metallic claw and clasped onto Rafael's pant leg, dragging him from the dais, the thud of his limp body as it hit the floor and coming dangerously close to where Vhiran was sitting.