View Full Version : Is anyone watching Rocky4 on espn classic's?

Jun 22nd, 2003, 07:25:34 PM
If so , can you tell me who those two clowns hosting it are?
These two idiots make me look like A genuis.

They sit there and they point out there 2 beefs with Rocky 4

the first YO_YO say's He doesn't understand Why they didn't stop the fight when Creed and Drego fought.Well hello IDIOT!!!!! You PLAINLY hear Apollo tell Rocky DO NOT stop the fight No matter what. And let me tell you I highly Doubt Rocky thought Creed would die and I think the respect Rocky had For Creed or Respect any Fighter Friend would have would not Out of Respect for the other's Pride Unless of course he KNEW he would die.

he 2nd more Stupid Beef was

Why did Creed Jump out of the Pool all eager to fight Drego?

HELLO!!!!! Moron Not only is it Obvious Is it Amercian pride It's also a chance for him to get Back in the LIme Light JUST LIKE HE TOLD ROCKY as they were talking about when they were watching footage of there old fights

Does it take ANY skill or Knowledge of films To be a Critic? I assume they are critic's because they are about as smart as one.If they are not critic's, It must take MUCH less knowledge and skill to host ANY t.v show now aday's

Jun 22nd, 2003, 10:13:47 PM
LMAO Rocky 4 is the ultimate 80's movie

it has every single clique and silly story line of the 80's all rolled into one

the russians are making super soldiers, they are experimenting with drugs and steroids to become bigger and stronger and meaner, this little boxer from america alone can save the country and be a hero, he will turn the russian crowd to cheer for him and love america

i just love to watch this movie and glorify in the days of the 80's and nostalgia hehe

Jun 23rd, 2003, 06:20:10 AM
Rock 4 is probably the most entertaining to watch, like sirdizzy says its shows off the 80's in its full glory.

Improbably storylines, great rock songs by Survivor, fun fight at the end, its great!

Jun 23rd, 2003, 06:24:06 AM
It is the final good Rocky. The moment Rocky takes the microphone, so starts the dark ages of the series :)

Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:05:47 PM
You mean Rocky conjugates the verb - to change?

"If I can change...and you can change, maybe the whole world can change."


Jun 25th, 2003, 01:28:11 PM
Yeah that part was cheesy, it was great up until that point.