View Full Version : A Mission of Hope (Lady Daiquiri)

Jun 22nd, 2003, 01:29:16 PM
A light in the dark blinking furiously, a sign that there is an urgent transmission awaiting Daiquiri.

"Lady Daiquiri, this is Kariss, Ezra's lifemate, or as mortals would call me, his wife. I am not sure if you remember me, but I am begging for your help. It is imperative that I see Ezra as soon as possible. Something has come up and I must see him.

I know you are probably shocked as frell to be hearing this transmission, but you were the only one I could think of that would possibly hear me out. You have nothing to fear from my presence there. I only need to see him then I will be gone.

I beg of you, Daiquiri, please help me. I await your response at this location..."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 23rd, 2003, 12:16:03 PM
The room was dark as she entered her quarters and Daiq reached over to switch on the lights, noticing as she did the flashing red button on her comm sys.

She had just returned from Fasc where she had spent the last two months on 'honeymoon' with Vega. In a spur of the moment thought, they had gotten married and now she proudly wore his last name as her own.

Dumping her duffle on the floor at the foot of her bed, Daiq sat down, the matress feeling flimsy after spending so much time in the large bed that she and Vega shared.

Punching the button that will play back her messages, she pulls off her boots and removes her clothes, eager to freshen up after the long trip to 'Faene.

She paused then turned to stare at the comm speaker as a voice from the past spoke to her.

"Lady Daiquiri, this is Kariss, Ezra's lifemate, or as mortals would call me, his wife. I am not sure if you remember me, but I am begging for your help. It is imperative that I see Ezra as soon as possible. Something has come up and I must see him.

Daiquiri hadnt expected to ever hear from Kariss again and it was a bit of a shock. Kariss had helped protect her when she was a 'guest' aboard the Sanguine, Saurron's home away from home.

Listening to the date of the message, Daiq reasoned that with it being a week old, another few minutes wouldnt hurt. Snagging a towel, she entered the 'fresher and would contact Kariss once she had finished.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 12:38:27 PM
(o.o.c., sorry about that, didn't know it was too big!)

Kariss sat by the controls, her fingernail stuck between her teeth as she prayed Daiquiri would get back to her. It had been a week since she sent the message. Kariss had been unable to contact Ezra as well and now she was trying not to fly off the handle.

.'Guess it comes with being.....' Kariss didn't finish her thought. Letting out a deep breath, she got up and moved away, stretching her taut muscles. She prayed Daiquiri would help her. Something like this had to be told in person.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:00:15 PM
Leaving her towel on the bathroom floor, she pads out naked and plops down on the bed. Opening the nightstand drawer, Daiq pulls out a pack of cigarettes - a bad habit that she was starting to pick up from Remkah.

Lighting one up, she reclined against the pillows and verbally commanded the comm sys to contact the frequency that Kariss left.

She took a long drag as the comm beeped.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:12:04 PM
Kariss flew back into the comm room when she heard the beep. She dropped the glass she was holding and recognized the frequency.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, unsure of how Daiquiri was going to respond to her, she pushed the button.

"Daiquiri, is that you?" Kariss asked, holding her breath.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:29:05 AM
Ezra hadnt spoken to her about his 'lovelife' but then there was really no reason why he should. Daiq had thought that Kariss and Ez seemed to have some type of bond when she was on the Master vampire's ship and it turned out that she was right.

Exhaling the smoke from her lungs before answering, she tapped the ashes off in one of her boots, belatedly realizing that she hadnt thought to nic an ashtray from Rem.

"Yes, this Daiq. I must say your message was something of a sur[rise, Kariss. Is everything alright?"

Jun 25th, 2003, 01:29:18 PM
Kariss breathed a sigh of relief. Running her hands through her hair, she pulled the errant strands into a ponytail at the back of her neck and then spoke.

"I know this is probably quite a shock and I am probably the last person you would want to hear from, Daiquiri...but I must see Ezra...some way....some how..." Kariss broke off to swallow a sob that threatened to escape. Taking a deep breath, she continued.

"I know this is something impossible to ask of you. I know the trouble he is in with the Master, I myself am surely in the same trouble as well. I would not have troubled you in this way, Daiquiri, if I did not think it imperitive that I see Ezra. I wish it could wait until he is granted another leave to come back home, but I am afraid it cannot."

Kariss continued to tell Daiquiri exactly what was going on, hoping she could trust the other female. Daiquiri needed to know exactly why she needed to see Ezra, Kariss just hoped Daiquiri didn't faint from it!

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 10:55:42 PM


"Daiquiri, are you there? .............Hello? ......................Hello, Daiquiri??"

There was a barely audible hum as the sub-space frequency picked up a slight disturbance then cleared once again. It was a few more seconds before Daiq answered.

"...yeah .....Im here."

Her mind was spinning. The information alone was startling, simply because it was so unexpected but what Kariss was asking of her ......that was something else.

Having Ezra there at the base had been a tremendously difficult pill for Hera to swallow and Daiquiri knew that the only reason she allowed it was that Remkah's voice had been added to her own. Both of them together couldnt be wrong.

It had only been the past few weeks that most of the 'pinched' look had left Hera's face and she had begun to relax a bit. Why, today alone she had walked past Ezra and begrudgingly told him, "Good job" for something he had been working on. The whole crew had turned and performed a double take as the Faene owner left the hangar and Rem had slapped Ez on the back with words of encouragement. "I told ya she would come around, Sunshine!"

Just when they were past the stage of "that frellin' vampire" and Hera shooting daggers with her eyes ........this happens. Why now?

In a moment of anger at circunstances beyond her control, Daiq pinches the coal of the cigarette between her fingers, welcoming the pain but hardly feeling it at all.

Abruptly, she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed, her voice and tone brisk.

"I'll have to get back to you, Kariss. Got to go, now."

A frustrated jab with her finger ended the conversation as the comm clicked off.

What the frell was she going to do??

Jun 27th, 2003, 07:26:16 AM
Kariss stared at the hissing comm with wide, shocked eyes. It was the one reaction she was hoping she wouldn't get, but she got it. Frell, ya couldn't blame her for reacting like that.

Letting out a sigh, she tried reaching Ezra again on his comm, but there was nothing. She tapped his mind with her own, knowing him alive and well. She smiled at that, sending him waves of love, which she got in return.

Feeling restless, Kariss got up from the chair and padded around the castle bare foot, something she had come to love to do. She grabbed her sword off the wall and decided to get some practice in with it. Who knows when or if Daiquiri would get back to her. A worried look came over her face and tears sprang to her eyes.

"I love you, Ez." She whispered aloud, sending it to him as well.

Kariss' eyes went to the communication room and she let out a deep breath she didn't know she had been holding. Closing her eyes, she sent out a silent prayer that she would be helped.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 29th, 2003, 11:12:28 PM
Flopping back against the pillows, Daiq knew there was no choice in what she had to do. Regardless of the answer, she had to ask Hera.

.......and regardless of Hera's reply, Kariss had to see her mate.

It was a troubled sleep for her, the tossing and turning and finally Daiq just gave up. Climbing out of bed, she pulled on work clothes and headed down to the hangar. The Days was there and Daiq loved tinkering on her. She had never been the most adept with the mechanical side so smuggling but she was learning alot on her own and some of the mech crew even stopped by to lend a hand now and then.

This was how she occupied her time until just after breakfast. Hopefully, Hera would be stirring and Daiquiri could ask the question that she had been dreading. It was too bad that the rest of the base was going to have to pay for what she was about to do.

Jun 30th, 2003, 05:32:47 PM
Laying down the sword, Kariss let out a sigh and padded quietly to her chamber she shared with Ezra when he was home. She looked at the empty bed, feeling more lonely than she had ever felt then.

Shedding her clothes, she walked over to the comm system near the bed and turned it on, just in case Daiquiri would call her. She'd be able to leave a message, since obviously Kariss would not be awake during the day.

Looking around the room one more time, Kariss sent out a goodnight to Ezra and slipped under the covers, letting the sleep of the dead consume her to at least keep her troubles at bay until the next night when she would rise.

Jun 30th, 2003, 07:28:46 PM
"I said - "hot". H-OT HHOTTT. You know, this side of boiling." She let the sarcasm coat her words thickly.

The droid looked dismayed at the Faene mistress, difficult for a machine that had no moving facial features, but not impossible, as this particular unit was proving. Peering down at the cup held in Hera's hand, steam was still rising from its rim. It looked HHOTTT to him. She shoved the mug out for him to take and replace it.

"Oh, typical" the droid sighed and rolled his head.

He deduced Hera had gotten up once again on her favorite side of the bed - the wrong side - and was in her typical acidic morning humor. Once again "typical" was sighed as Hera walked away from the droid over to where Daiquiri was tinkering on her ship the "Better Days." The droid pivotted and shuffled off to get another cup, which would be heated even hotter, and with any luck would burn the Faene mistresses sharp tongue. It would serve her right.

Shaking off the irritation of being denied her first shot of caffiene for the day, Hera knocked on the outter hull of the "Days" to announce her presence. Not that it was required - Daiq was witness to the coffee incident and had been grinning over at Hera all the while the hapless droid was being berrated for his ineptitude.

"Morning, Hera" Daiq called out

Hera's mood lifted immediately for the better.

"Good morning Mrs. Van Derveld" and she embellished Daiqs new title with a bow.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:23:48 PM
"You know if you did what I do in the morning, you wouldnt have this problem with your caffe."

Yawning widely and rubbing her eyes with a knuckled fist, Hera sat down on the edge of the open ramp as Daiquiri appeared in the hatchway, grinning down at her longtime friend.

"Whats that?" Hera turned a sleepy eye up at her.

"Dont drink caffe."

The gloomy look angeled up at her was almost identical to the one she shot at the droid and Daiq had to laugh. It would probably be her last laugh of the day.

Hera had just started to make a rude comment when she noticed the droid approaching the ramp, the caffe cup balanced perfectly in its saucer.

"Your 'next to boiling' caffe, DragonLady."

The droid's name-calling was totally unexpected and both ladies looked at each other with open mouths. Taking full advantage of the shock he caused, the droid turned quickly and hustled from the hangar, fully expecting a blaster bolt to end his mechanical life before reaching the doors.

"Has a certain charm to it - 'Dragonlady'."

Hera was working up a tirade to loosen on the mech - just as soon as she saw it again - when Daiq nudged her with the toe of her boot.

"Its gonna get cold."

Tossing down the tool in her hand, she sat down on the ramp alongside her boss. Hera was now sipping her drink and that left Daiquiri to ponder on how she was going to broach this oh-so-touchy subject.

"Ive been doing some thinking lately about ...... 'things'. Like how I dont have to be alone if I dont want to because I can always go home to Vega. Sometimes you and Haman are together doing....whatever. Remkah had that dishwater blonde with him the other night ........ even the Ciz has someone to spend time with, here."

DrenKast looked at her over the rim of the caffe cup. Daiq had something on her mind and slow but sure, she was getting to it.

"Ezra ........ hes here by himself, cutoff from everything he knows for trying to help us --"

Hera shook her head. She wanted the record straight on this.

"He was trying to help you, not me."

"Fine, fine. He was helping me but I was trying to help you. It all ties in. Thats really beside the point Im wanting to make. Ezra is here by himself, while Kariss is all alone back at their house. It must get lonely for the two of them, being separated as they are."

Jun 30th, 2003, 10:44:16 PM

Hera was being obstinate, and if it was anyone other than Daiq, they probably wouldnt have even had that short curtesy,

"Ezra's love life is not my concern. There are plenty of women around here for him to seek solace with. Besides..he's eternal Daiq - a week to him is like a minute to us.." Hera was reaching, and the two women knew it. She was being unfair. Ezra deserved better.

Hera's neck throbbed as her mind followed the link in thought from Ezra to the Vampyres, and more particular Saurron. Her eyes hardened. Anger flared again at the blood call she was enduring.

She got up, having spoiled the mood between them.

"The answer is No, Daiquiri. There are too many vampyres here already."

She strode off, sipping her caffe as she went. Calling out to her friend over her shoulder.

"And that droid's a toaster the next time I see him."

Jun 30th, 2003, 11:41:21 PM
Ezra heard what was said.....he was only in the next ships bay working on the Empress Marva. He stepped from around the side of the trasport and watched Hera walk away as he cleaned his hands on a rag. He looked over at Daiquiri who had just noticed him standing there, and he looked again at Hera's retreating back and then back to Daiquiri with an expression of hurt. He looked down at the floor and shook his head. Tossing the rag down at the floor he too walked away, down the far side of the hanger to another cooridor.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 5th, 2003, 12:50:53 AM

That summed up her emotions, this situation and Hera's attitude in one word.

It had gone as expected, with the Faene mistress stubbornly refusing to give any leeway. With a heavy sigh, Daiq stood up and caught movement from the corner of her eye.

Ezra had heard it all, the entire exchange and was now turning and walking away in the opposite direction of Hera. Daiq sighed again. She really didnt think that he had been eavesdropping - not at first. He more than likely been working on his ship and overheard the first part of the conversation with a grin on his face. But by rights Ezra should have made his presence known, or walked away once it became more serious.

Now Hera was in a bad mood, Ez's feeling were deeply hurt, Kariss still needed an answer and Daiq wasnt sure what she was going to do.


Jul 5th, 2003, 08:31:52 AM
Kariss lay on her back on the bed, awake from the sleep of the dead. Without even looking at the comm, she knew Daiquiri had not called back yet.

Letting out a sigh, she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed and padded naked to the closet to dress. She reached for her signature black vinyl sleeveless catsuit and quickly dressed. The sooner she got out to feed, the sooner she could come back and await Daiquiri's call...IF she called back at all.

Sending out a silent prayer to the Dark Gods that she did, Kariss walked up the chamber steps and then flew out the front door, not only needing sustanence, but some fresh air as well.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 9th, 2003, 11:14:33 PM
It had been a rough two days since she had tested the 'vampirial' waters with Hera. Gone was her usual good natured manner and in its stead had risen a personality that could be compared to Hera's evil twin on a bad day.

She had verbally snapped at anyone and anything that had come within sight. Hand tools, boxes, even glasses from the bar had been flung at those unwise enough to cast even a sidelong look her direction. She had glared, snarled, growled, scowled and bullied her way through the past 48 hours and was still no closer to an answer than she had been before. Even Remkah was avoiding her, which was just as well. Daiq had a soft spot for the 'Faene captain and wouldnt want hard feelings to crop up between them.

Daiquiri wanted to help Kariss with the favor that had been asked but the only way to do that was to betray the trust that Hera had placed in her. Once broken, it wasnt something that could easily be repaired. Did she want to risk losing that trust and friendship for a clandestine meeting for two people that she didnt know all that well?

Daiq rolled over onto her stomach. How could she not risk it? Hadnt Ezra risked the same for herself and Hera when they attempted to find a 'cure' for the bloodcall that the SFF owner suffered under? Kariss herself had sworn to watch over and protect Daiquiri as long as she had been a 'guest' on Saurron's ship. How could she dare to hesitate when something so simple as a meeting was requested?

In a flurry of motion, Daiq rolled over and savagely jabbed a finger at the comm, sending out a call to Kariss. The wait wasnt long. It beeped once and a breathless voice full of hushed expectation greeted her.

"Come to Enton. Get a room at the 'Chi'wa' hotel. Mask any force ability that you have and I'll come for you at midnight. Three nights from now. Be there....and [/I]dont[/I] contact me again."

Daiquiri didnt give the other female a chance to reply. Another vicious jab and the connection was cut.....the less said, the better. Good thing she was already laying on her bed - she had just 'made it'.

Jul 10th, 2003, 08:19:42 AM
Kariss stood there watching the hissing comm wondering what just happened. The breath she had been holding finally released in a 'whoosh' and she moved to sit on the bed.

"Three days from now." Kariss murmured to herself.

Kariss moved quickly out of the chamber, noting things that would have to be done before she left, most of all informing the head of the small village she and Ezra protected that she would be gone for a little while. Being a new member of the Bloodpack, Kariss felt an even stronger duty to the villagers and she had kept that up since her induction those few months ago. She finally had the family she had always dreamed of since being turned and she wasn't about to let them down.


Kariss packed a few outfits and slid her sword over her back, feeling it 'thump' lightly against her as she moved towards the shuttle awaiting her in the bay. It was now three days later and she was on her way to Enton and the hotel Daiquiri had named. Kariss had not contacted her again like she asked, wait, demanded, Kariss thought with a grin.

The shuttle fired up, she sent out a touch to Ezra, then shut herself off to any mental contact until she saw Ezra again. She had informed the other members of the Bloodpack of what she was attempting to do and the other five stood behind her, swearing protection or help if she ever needed it.

Closing her eyes for a brief moment, Kariss took a calming breath and the shuttle shot out of the bay with ease on its way to Enton. Kariss couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face in the hopes of seeing Ezra and what he was to learn.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 21st, 2003, 02:20:26 AM
Spending time in the nearby town wasnt something that Daiquiri usually did...in fact it was unusual. Getting supplies for the base was one of the chores that normally fell to the newer members of the 'Faene crew. When she had volunteered for the task, Hera had raised a brow and even Remkah had commented on her choice.

Daiq had shrugged and told them to put it down to 'cabin fever'.
Vega was away from home right now and had taken their daughter Katina with him so returning home wasnt an option... at least thats what she led them to believe. It wasnt a lie - Vega wasnt home and Kat was with him....it just wasnt the reason she was heading to town.


The ride to town on Rem's borrowed speeder bike took only a few minutes. The ordering and aquiring of goods and supplies took longer but that had been accomplished over an hour ago. Now, it had come down to a waiting game.

With her black cloak hanging loose on her form and the hood pulled low over her face, Daiquiri was confident noone would recognize her. She had her force abilitites firmly masked....only a true Sith Master would recognize the 'aura' that surrounded her.

Amid the shadows and across the street from the Chi'wa hotel, Daiq watched and waited for the arrival of Kariss.

Jul 21st, 2003, 08:11:55 AM
Kariss docked her speeder and climbed out, taking a quick look around the city before placing the hood over her head. She grabbed her satchel, hooking it over her shoulder and began to walk to the hotel. She spotted it right away and ducked her head lower to keep anyone from looking at her. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to recognize her as a vampire or to recognize her as Ezra's lifemate. She hated being kept under the cloak, but it was for the best right now.

Coming to a stop infront of the hotel, Kariss looked up and looked at the sign for a moment, then took a slow sweep of the surrounding area. The light hit her face just right and they glowed red for just a moment. She pulled the hood lower and her hand swept behind her to make sure her sword was still firmly attached to her back.

With one more glance around, Kariss stepped into the lobby of the hotel, making her way to the bar. She found a booth in the corner, heading towards it. Taking her hood off she shook her hair free of it's constraints and let out a sigh, her nerves on edge at the idea of seeing her Ezra soon.

"Come on, Daiq." She whispered to herself as a waitress came by. Kariss waived her off with a smile, careful to hide her fangs from view.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 25th, 2003, 11:07:13 PM
Ting! Ting!

It took a third small peeble tossed against the pane of glass beside where Kariss was sitting to get her attention. As she turned to look, Daiquiri stepped out of the shadows where she had been standing just long enough for the vampiress to see the long, dark robes. Kariss would know who it was.

In less than a minute Ezra's mate had joined her Daiq led her to Rems speeder. They were riding double since the sounds from one engine would be less noticeable than that of two. As they neared the bike, Daiquiri turned to face Kariss.

"Im going to get straight to the rules. You dont want to hear a lot of talk and I dont want to waste your time. I know youre aware of Hera's distrust and anger at vampires....not just Saurron...all of you. Thats why we're doing it this way. And thats why you and Ez only have two hours. Its not a lot but its all I can give you. Im risking a trust that its taken years to build. After this, we're even."

Jul 26th, 2003, 08:43:10 AM
"I understand completely." Kariss said softly. "If two hours is all I can get, I'll take it."

Kariss watched as Daiq stared at her for a moment, as if trying to understand her and Kariss just smiled more at her.

"Even? No, I do not think so. I wil always be indebted to you for this." Kariss whispered, turning away from Daiq before her eyes turned black from clouded emotions. She had learned to control her emotion outbursts since the Council members, Ezra's father and Ice's father, had paid her a visit. Some things were more important than flying off the handle at something trivial. The visit with Count Fulkrehm taught her that.

"How much longer till we reach Ezra?" Kariss asked, pulling the cloak around her.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 28th, 2003, 01:07:48 AM
"Not long, a few minutes. Remember what I said....keep a tight rein on your emotions and mask your force abilities."

Climbing onto the speeder, Daiq waited until Kariss was settled behind her then started the engine. Edging out of the shadows the bike glided smoothly along the streets of the town until they reached the outskirts and Daiq opened up the throttle.

The wind whipped through their hair as they rode and with every second that ticked off, Daiq could feel her chest tightening, causing her again to question her decision - and sanity.

Easing up on the speed, she steered the machine towards the rear entrance...one that still remained largely unknown to the general populace. Those who knew of its existence were wise enough not tell tales.

Slowing to a stop, Daiq motioned to Kariss.

"This is where you get off. Walk around the side of the hill and you'll see a large boulder. Behind it is a doorway. Wait 10 minutes then open it....that should give me time to get to the control room and handle things from there. Follow the corridor and take a left when it splits then go in the last door on the left. Ez will be along shortly. Got it?"

Jul 28th, 2003, 08:14:29 AM
"Thank you, Daiquiri." Kariss whispered, placing a gentle hand on the female's arm. She noddied at Daiq's instructions, hopping out of the speeder and moved stealthily along the street to her destination. It was taking all of her will power not to reach out to Ezra and tell him she was there. She knew he had been trying to reach her and was starting to get agitated.

"Soon, My Love." She whispered to herself, waiting the alloted ten minutes. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as she reached for the door. As the door 'clicked' open, Kariss released the breath and said a silent prayer to the Dark Force to watch over Daiquiri and her family for all her help she has given her.

Peering inside, Kariss moved in quietly, pulling the cloak around her. Moving down the corridor, she found what Daiq had been talking about and slipped in, hopefully unnoticed. Her eyes took in the surroundings and she smiled, realizing Daiq had lead her to Ezra's quarters. Releasing the cloak from around her neck, she let it fall to floor before picking it up and she set it aside.

Kariss paced the length of the room, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth as she awaited the arrival of her Ezra. After this meeting, she would owe Daiquiri her allegiance, whether Daiquiri would like that or not. That made Kariss smile again and she went to settle down on Ezra's bed, closing her eyes to rest briefly before his arrival.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 28th, 2003, 10:36:11 PM
Too many stories and rumors of Sith and their magic had circulated since Enton had become property of the Fortress and not too many of the locals were brave enough to venture near 'Faene land after dark. Gunning the bike, Daiq spun it around, turning the nose back towards the main hangar. She didnt worry about hiding her face now....noone would be around outside to see who it was that had deposited a nighttime caller at the 'backdoor'.

Braking to a hard stop, Daiqiuri killed the motor and hopped off the bike, leaving it in the exact berth she had taken it out from.
Glancing at her chrono, she hustled on up to control and let out a silent breath of relief....only a droid was manning the station. Hera liked to switch schedules up from time to time - which made sense...it kept everyone from getting too comfortable or even lax on their shifts.

Chasing the metallic worker out of the room, she quickly shut down the three holocams monitoring the corridors that Kariss would be sneaking down, then logged herself in as control officer. Stealing a look at the time again, she left the room at a jog and hurried down the hall that she knew Ezra would walking down at that very moment. This was one of the few times that Daiq was glad someone around the place was predictable.

Right on schedule! He turned the far corner just as she rounded hers. Trotting up to meet him, she pulled his head down to hers and whispered softly in his ear, giving him the same instructions that she had given his wife. At his curt nod of understanding, Daiquiri turned and jogged back to the control room, closing the door behind her.

As she settled onto the chair, it crossed her mind to add 'minor holocam trouble' in to the control logs. The thought exited as fast as it came. Why add more lies on top of those she had already told? She would pay hell once Hera had an inkling of what was going on. Compounding her transgression would only make it worse.

Jul 29th, 2003, 02:36:34 AM
He walked down the cooridoor and approached his room door. He was in his black flightsuit and it was tied around his waist showing his chisled physique. He had a tank top on and it was smudged with grease as he was working on the ships today. He opened the door and stepped in, he walked to the dresser and placed his key-cards on it. He stood there in front of the dresser and ran his hands through his unruly hair and stretched back, cracking a few tightly wound vertebres.

Jul 29th, 2003, 07:10:44 AM
Kariss opened her eyes when she heard the door open and quietly watched her lifemate. She smiled as he hadn't realized he was not alone in his room. She took a few quiet moments to let her eyes wander hungrily over him. She had missed him so in the last three months and ached to hold him in her arms again. If only he could come back home for good. Their home, where he belongs...with her.

Sitting quietly up on the bed, her hair spilling around her shoulders, she let her eyes blacken with the unfed hunger for him she has had to go without and softly breathed his name.


In a shimmer, she was behind him, her hands in his hair yanking his head back. She ran her tongue over the beating pulse in his neck and then quickly sunk her teeth into his skin, her body shuddering violently as his blood spilled into her mouth. Her fingers clenched in his hair and then relaxed as she moved her hands from his hair to move down his back to come up from behind to his chest. She grabbed the front of his shirt and in one quick movement, ripped the tank top off of him.

Kariss opened her eyes, they turned from black to blood red as her lust for his blood was fulfilled. She removed her fangs, licking the small pin pricks closed and watched as he turned around to face her.

Jul 29th, 2003, 09:47:54 AM
He knew she was there, he was told she'd be there. When she was behind him, he had smiled, waiting for her to do what she what she was going to do, what he "knew" she'd do. His eyes fluttered in excstacya s she took from him and when she released him.....he smiled darkly and turned to her. It was now his turn. Ezra held her tenderly in his arms and with a brush of his face against her jaw, had moved her head enough to reveal the place he sought. He slowly bit into her and held her close, taking some of her into him. He slowly released her and captured her lips in a hungry kiss. Which lasted a few minutes, and when they broke from it, he restsd his forehead onto hers.

"My love.....tell me I'm not dreaming......tell me youre really here in my arms."

He almost pleaded with her.... opening his eyes he gazed into hers. And brought his hand up to caress her cheek.

"Kariss, why have you risked so much coming here?? What is so important my love?"

Jul 29th, 2003, 10:11:23 AM
Kariss shuddered in his arms, never wanting to let him go. She stared back into his eyes, a secretive smile sneaking on to her face.

"You know I would have never risked my life, nor your's to come here if it was not important, My Love."

Kariss kissed him thoroughly again, her nails digging into his back. Breaking the kiss with a shaky breath, she pulled slightly away from Ezra and took his hands to place them on her abdomen.

"Ezra, My Love, My Lifemate...." She smiled into his eyes. "You are about to become a father. I'm pregnant with your child."

Jul 29th, 2003, 10:17:16 AM
He was silent for a few, expressionless.....then he looked down at where his hands were. Then he slowly looked at her, and then a smile spread across his face. A smile so big it could be enough to say he smiled for all the universe.

"A....a father??? Kari......a father??" He stammered as he squatted down in front of her and kissed her belly. Then standing up he took her in his arms and swung her around as he laughed heartily.

"Do you know what this means?? Does anyone else know?? When did you find out?"

His questions came out quickly and excitedly.

Jul 29th, 2003, 10:25:25 AM
Kariss laughed happily as Ezra swung her around and she hugged him tightly, placing kisses over his cheeks and lips.

"I have a feeling your father and Dante know. They kept checking in on me to make sure I was ok and there was just something secretive to the whole thing." Kariss answered breathlessly. "No one else knows. I wanted you to be the first, My Love."

Her hands came up to caress his face and his neck as she continued to smile lovingly at him.

"I thought I was soon after you left, Ezra, but I wasn't positive until a month ago. I honestly didn't think it was possible for a turned one to get pregnant, but...guess I proved tha wrong! I wanted to wait to tell you in person and since we both did not know when the next time you were going to be back, I had to come, Ezra. I love you so much."

Kariss went on about how she contacted Daiquiri, telling her story and how she would owe Daiquiri everything, especially her allegiance for helping her get to him.

She placed her hands over her own slightly swelling abdomen and then grinned cheekily up at him.

"I have other news, My Love." Kariss laughed softly. "We will be blessed by two instead of one."

Jul 29th, 2003, 09:21:50 PM
His eyes widened even more.


He sat on his bed and ran his hand through his hair. He was smiling like an idiot and felt really giddy. He would have to thank Daiq for this and really owe her one....one for a very long time at that too. He then thought of Hera, it wasnt fair to Daiquiri that she be put on the spot like this and he knew what the consequences would be if Hera found out. And Ezra didnt like it one bit.....Not one bit at all. He liked Hera alot, even though she treated him like the dirt the patrons tracked intot he bar. But he didnt care about that, as long as he was loyal, he'd take all the abuse she dished out.

"I love you as well Kariss....but you do understand the repricussions that could come of this for Daiquiri should Hera find out."

Jul 29th, 2003, 09:26:57 PM
"Yes, I know, My Love. " Kariss sighed, walking to stand infront of Ezra, her fingers stroking his hair. "That is why we only have two hours to be together, maybe shorter. "

Kariss moved away from him and walked to the furthest wall and leaned against it. She looked at him for a moment, the question she's been dying to know the answer to burning on her tongue.

"I need to know, Ezra..." Kariss said. "Will you be home to stay now?"

Kariss waited for Ezra to answer, her own future resting in his hands now.

Jul 29th, 2003, 09:38:44 PM
Ezra looked at her expressionless......then a smile krept on his lips.

"Yes Kariss.....If you need me there Im sure They can do without me for a while, till our little ones arrive. I will accompany you home."

He said as he stood up and walked to her, taking her into his arms and kissing her.

Jul 29th, 2003, 09:42:08 PM
Kariss let out a laugh of pure delight, wrapping her arms around Ezra and hugging him tightly. She kissed him thoroughly, letting her hands roam over his chest.

"You have until the end of the week to get your ass back home to me, Ezra Darkmere or I will come back myself to get you...and you do NOT want that." Kariss purred against his ear before her hands reached for the jumpsuit tied at his waist.

"Now let's make do with the time we have left, shall we?" Kariss asked, her eyes flashing with need.

Jul 29th, 2003, 11:46:31 PM
He watched the chrono, it was dwindling down to when she had to leave him. He held her to him and caressed her shoulder gently, absentmindly.....He closed his eyes and kissed the top of her head, inhaling her scent. How he missed her. But soon he would return to Tranquil and stay with his lifemate till she brought their offspring into the world and then off to Khar Sian they would go.

Jul 30th, 2003, 06:32:27 PM
"So.... you get what you went for?"

Daiquiri turned her head sharply at the sound of Hera's voice as she spoke to her from the doorway of the control room. She hadn't heard her arrive,she had been so caught up in "doctoring" the log and had failed to notice Hera as she entered and leaned lazily against the doorjamb.

Daiq didnt reply immediately, her mind racing as to how Hera had found out about her picking up Kariss in town..

Hera's brow crinkled slightly - Daiq had given her the queerest look.

"The stores Daiq..did you get the supplies?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 30th, 2003, 07:24:17 PM
Frell, she had almost blown it herself! Taking a deep breath, Daiq blew it out slowly then nodded.

"Yeah, I did. Havent they got here yet? I paid in full and told them to ship the stuff to the warehouse."

Her heart-rate had climbed about 20 beats a minute and her face had lost some color at the sudden start Hera gave her. Unfortunately for Daiq her body was now beginning to over-compensate for the drainage and due to an extremely guilty conscience, her normal tanned look was giving way to a slow flush.

Jul 31st, 2003, 09:41:36 PM
Hera's body language shifted dramatically, though she herself barely moved. Only a slight lifting of her chin, as her focus intensified on her friend, but Daiquiri could feel the change.

".......Everything alright?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 31st, 2003, 09:52:14 PM
Daiquiri swiveled the chair back towards the desk, pausing a few seconds before replying.

"It will work itself out...........................eventually."

Silently, she closed the log book.

Jul 31st, 2003, 11:17:55 PM
"What arent you telling me..?"

Hera had known Daiquiri a long time. A very long time, and she could read her friend pretty well. Something was on her mind and she didnt want to talk about it.

Hera wondered what could be bothering her.

A few moments pause, and she lookedaround and down the hallway leading away from the control room. It only led to the turbolift and no one was around to see at that particular moment, but it was just an outside expression of the fact that Hera's throughts were travelling elsewhere from where she physically was.

"Has something happened?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 31st, 2003, 11:50:48 PM
"What arent you telling me?"

Hera was still looking at her. Daiquiri could feel those puzzled blue eyes staring at her back, almost willing her to turn around.

"Has something happened?"

That was a broad question and open for interpretation, depending on which side of the fence you were standing. Daiq knew this was the pivotal moment. She could simply tell Hera that it was a personal problem and the 'Faene boss would leave it at that. But it wasnt the truth.

Daiq glanced at the wall chrono. Twenty minutes...thats all Ez and Kariss had left of their time together. She could give them that with a lie or she could be the woman she always thought she was.

Daiq turned the chair to face her friend.

"Something has 'happened'......something of my own doing. Do you remember the day in the hangar when we talked about Ezra being alone?"

Heras gaze sharpened as she listened and watched Daiq, nodding slowly in response to the question. Daiquiri stood up and took a step closer to the blonde, her blue eyes lifting to meet Heras.

"You told me that one vampire was enough, that you didnt want another one around. Kariss had contacted me a couple of days before you and I talked.................shes with Ezra now, in his rooms. I arranged it for them. and brought her here tonight when I came back from town."

Aug 1st, 2003, 07:20:26 PM
Hera was stunned.

"You brought her here?"

The whole sneaky scenario processed through Hera's mind in an instant - Daiq volunteering to do the stores-run, the reason she gave being flimsy at the time but neither she nor Remkah thought too much of it; her activity here in the security control room when Hera had arrived (Hera's eyes dropped to the log book); the deliberate disrespect of what Hera had stipulated about another Vamp here - all made Hera's blood race through her body from anger.

Without looking up, she asked coldly.

"Are they still in his room?"

Daiquiri reached her hand forward to touch friends arm, wanting to get Hera to stay, talk things out. But she drew it back instantly, as at the contact, a ripple of blue light waved against her fingers. The air about them seemed to crackle with maleviolent energy.

Hera shook away the touch and now glared at Daiquiri, who realised belatedly by Hera's rigid stance and that her lips compressed tightly together making her mouth a thin pale line, the Faene mistress's anger was barely constrained. Guessing only their friendship was what was stopping her from lashing out, Daiq knew that Kariss, and most probably Ezra too, would not be afforded the same restraint.

Grinding through gnashed teeth, Hera repeated the question.

"I said - are they still here?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 4th, 2003, 10:45:59 PM
"That would depend. If youre going to take your anger out on them, no...theyre not here."

It had stung, stung like hell and Daiq knew it, she could see it written on Heras face, in her posture and the way she clipped and chopped her words.

"I didnt do this against you, Hera. I did it for them. Please....try to understand....I owed it to them!"

Aug 4th, 2003, 11:12:00 PM
"You owed them?"

Definitely, not the right thing to say to Hera about a Vamp.

Hera's face suffused different shades of red as she flumoxed about for the right words to convey the stupidity of that last statement. None came.

Instead, she spun and pressed a button on the consol, speaking in clipped words.

"Intruder on Sector E12. Seal all exits. Do not engage..." she turned and pointedly looked at Daiquiri, button still depressed, "I will do that myself."

"I will deal with you later" she promised, and strode from the room to E12 - Ezra's personal quarters.

Aug 5th, 2003, 09:24:12 PM
Kariss layed on the bed watching as Ezra rubbed his hand over her abdomen, placing soft kisses on it. She could not help but smile at the tenderness he showed. She knew with every fiber of her body that he would make a great father.

Her own hands reached for his hair, to entangle themselves in his thick hair. He looked up at her and she smiled lovingly at him.

"I cannot wait for you to be back home, My Love." Kariss whispered. "I miss you so much."

Ezra was about to say something when they both felt it. Something was wrong. Kariss and Ezra jumped off the bed, quickly dressing.

"I must get out of here, Ezra." Kariss said, grabbing her bag. "I cannot put you in any further danger than I have already."

Kariss reached up with a hand, caressing Ezra's cheek before making her way out of his room. She noticed the doors were sealed and laughed softly. What mortals do not know of vampyres.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 5th, 2003, 10:14:35 PM
"Get out of there now! Hera is one her way down. Im unlocking your door and the rear entrance. Ez, youd best go with her, now hurry!"

She didnt raise her voice but Daiq knew they would hear the urgency in it and hopefully be attuned to the dark tremors running through the Force.

Reaching over, she palmed the override then pushed the appropriate controls to open the two doors. Daiquiri had just added insult to the injury.....did she dare follow the 'Faene mistress down to Ezras quarters?

Spinning on her heel, she charged through the control room doorway at a run in an attempt to head off Hera.

Aug 6th, 2003, 07:31:13 AM
Hearing Daiq's warning, Kariss hurried her pace as the door that lead out of the Fortress that she came in at opened. She let out a sigh of relief and bolted through the door, praying Ezra would be following her soon. The thing on her mind right now were the safety of her unborn twins.

Kariss did not stop until she was back on the other side of the city, covered with her cloak. Tears running down her cheeks, she reached out to Ezra.

'Ezra, I should have never of come. You are in trouble and it is all my fault. Please forgive me.'

With a sob, Kariss climbed into her ship, her hands shaking at the controls.

'Do you want me to wait for you, My Love, or meet you back home?

Aug 7th, 2003, 04:37:16 AM
Sending back to her, Ezra answered Kariss's question as well as her comment before.
' Don't worry sbout me with Hera, I can handle that aspect....There is nothing to forgive with me....Go back to the retreat and wait for me there, I will be there soon '

Turning around in the corridoor, in only a pair of pull-up workout pants, he ran bare footed back to his quarters. As he turned the corner, there was a small group of securtiy personel as well as Hera herself waiting by his door.

"Looking for me?"

Ezra asked as he approached the gathered crew. Knowing any minute he would face some sort of exact punishment for breaking his one promise, of never letting another vamp step foot in Shadow Faene. But would she understand the reason to why? Brown eyes slowly averted to the floor when intense blue ones burned into them.

Aug 7th, 2003, 08:24:39 PM
The words had hardly left Ezra's lips before the bolt of force lightening hit him squarely in the chest, lifting him off his feet, Its sheer force thrusting him back against the corridor wall, as SFF security scattered left and right to avoid being the proverbial "innocent bystander" victims.

Somewhere over the skys of Enton, in her ship, it was quite possible Kariss felt the inner greif of her lover as the force power licked mercilessly throughout his body.

Hera glared at him, her anger seething in potent energy. Daiquiri had moved to rush forward, but Hera stayed her with a concentrated force push that effectively put an impassable wall infront of the would-be rescuer.

Cutting her eyes to Daiquiri, Hera's voice trembled with fury.

"You have done more than your share today, Daiquiri."

There was a deliberate distancing in the way Hera spoke, despite the familiarity.

"Even through all these years, you have failed to realise that a soft touch and a bleeding heart breed bad choices." She paused for emphasis, her voice bitter. "Such as the ones you have made today."

Daiq made a move toward Ezra, who was now attempting to roll to his feet, in order to assist him and, again, Hera's dominion over the force prevented her.

The security crew, who now sensed that there was a great deal more going on than just a simple intruder alert, stood with their weapons trained on Ezra, but their eyes now darted nervously between the two women.

The Faene Mistress gave her orders to her crew.

"Shoot Lady Daiquiri if she moves again."

Again, Hera coldly addressed Daiquiri.

"Im about to teach you how such bleeding hearts and weak emotions cause everyone to make bad choices."

Then, once more Hera prepared to channell her formidable force command and send another volley into Ezra who stood, arms wrapped about his chest. His dark hair falling into his beautiful brown eyes.

And Daiquiri understood with stark clarity, the cruel logic of her friend. Hera, herself almost devoid of sentiment, still understood such emotions and knew how to exploit their weakness. Kariss, with her link to Ezra, would have to be made of stone and steel to continue her flight from SFF while her lifemate was made to suffer such a cruel chastisement.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 10th, 2003, 12:00:59 AM
"Bleeding hearts and weak emotions, Hera? Is that why youre taking my actions out on him instead of me? Because youre so strong?"

The security crewmen closest to Ez kept their weapons aimed at him but those nearer to Daiq swung her way, black muzzles now aimed at her chest. "Shoot Lady Daiquiri if she moves again." They had been trained to set their weapons on 'kill' when the intruder alert sounded but now they werent so sure and the hesitancy showed on their faces.

Heras expression was cold, remote. The blue light crackled from her fingertips as she lifted her hand, pointing it at the vampire who stood before her. Who was she wanting to beg first....Ezra or Daiquiri?

Weak and emotional, thats how Hera saw her. In need of lessons taught so watch and learn the hard way.

Daiq had seen enough.

"Hera - you will stop......now."

Her tone left no doubt. It wasnt a request.

Aug 10th, 2003, 12:39:52 AM
Staggering a step forward, clutching his chest, Ezra pushed the pain back....refusing to give in and cry out. He knew very well what consequences he would face for this. He knew Kariss felt what he was going through, he tried to keep the pain to himself not wanting any chance of this harming his unborn children. Spittle dripped from his lower lip as he looked through his unruly locks at Hera. The burning sensation that gripped his chest wouldnt quit, Hera was indeed strong in the darkside and it physically showed through what he was taking from her. Remnants of the first volley still crackled and licked at his skin in various places as he breathed heavily.

"Bleeding hearts and weak emotions, Hera? Is that why youre taking my actions out on him instead of me? Because youre so strong?"

Daiquiri was coming to his rescue, but at what price? She had already sacrificed her close friendship with Hera to bring Kariss in for him to hear the news of his becoming a father. This was all about him.....it always was. From the first day he set foot upon it's steel flooring, He'd been the intruder and was now facing the toll for it. He knew it was a matter of time before this confrontation happened, he was surprised it didnt happen the day Daiquiri brought him home. He followed Hera's rules to the "T" and never complained, he faced her abuse day after day without uttering a word. And now this day which was supposed to be his most happiest of all days, and she couldnt bring herself to allow him even that. He snapped back to the moment as Daiquiri prepared to face off with the Faene mistress.

"Hera - you will stop......now."

A shakey arm extended out towards Daiquiri, and an equally shakey and cracked voice followed suit. Brown eyes stared through hanging messy bangs.

"No.....Daiquiri......Too much has been.....lost for this. Dont sacrifice anymore for me. I am forever greatful....for what.....you have done for me."

Giving her a 'pleading' look as he brought his arm back, Brown eyes locked onto hard blue ones.

"I had promised you....no other would step foot.....upon Shadow Faene's premises.......I broke that promise...."

Then slightly standing more upright instead of his painful hunching, while one arm held his torso, he faced Hera ready for another assault.

Aug 12th, 2003, 07:34:08 AM
Kariss stood at her ship, raw with pain that she felt eminating from Ezra. Her cheeks were stained crimson from tears she allowed to flow freely and her eyes turned pitch black as she felt the over powering hunger to rip apart limb from limb whom ever had even dared to touch her lifemate.

Her incisors lengthened and a low growl escaped her throat as she turned around to head back to him. Daiq may have blindfolded her on the trip out there, but Ezra was a beacon to her, she could find him anywhere. She found her way back to her ship easily enough on the way out.

Kariss ripped the cloak away from her neck and let her hair blow around her freely as she seeked out Ezra, wrapping him in strength and love, assisting him to stand up against Hera.
She was shaking violently with fury and she ached to sink her teeth into mortal flesh. To tear away the very jugular that gave them life.

As Kariss moved towards her sword that rest against the hull of the ship, her hand automatically went to her abdomen and she stopped, frozen in place.

'The twins.She suddenly thought to herself. Kariss took a calming breath, her eyes slowly turning back to their normal brown and her teeth regaining their normal length for a vampyre.

'Ezra, My Love. She called out to him, closing her eyes. 'I would assist you now, you know that. I would kill each one of them that dared to even look at you. As much as I love you, I cannot risk the well being of our children. You know that. I must get myself out of here to secure their future.

Kariss grabbed her sword and boarded the ship, adjusting the controls for the trip home. She sighed, then spoke aloud as she sent to Ezra, something she picked up on when she was alone,

"You will make it out of there, My Love. I will see you home where you belong. I love you, be strong."

Kariss whispered a good bye to him, sending him the image of her hand on her abdomen and the feel of his children growing inside of her.

With one last look out over the planet, Kariss tried to swallow back the sob that threatened to escape her but failed. She grabbed the controls, lifting off the planet as quickly as she could and high tailed it away from there, her whole body screaming at her to go back there and avenge her lifemate. To splash the walls with their blood, but Kariss thought of the innocent lives growing inside of her and that kept her mind focused as she went to hit light speed.

"My children." She whispered.

Aug 12th, 2003, 10:52:26 PM
She heard Ezra's words, but to all appearances seemed not to. Her eyes still held her friend, standing defiantly across from her.

"I think not Daiquiri...No one is here to stop me"

And without shifting her gaze, shot forward more lightening to Ezra. It was not as potent this time and did not lift him from where he stood. But it was a sustained volley that crackled and crawled over him like an electric poltergeist, running in him and through him for what seemed like long, punishing moments.

"You going to stop me?" challenging Daiquiri with every intonation.

Ezra groaned in the background as the two women squared off, but a third heard him also, and with tears rolling down her cheek banked her starship up and away from Enton.

"Are you going to attack me and add that to your list of betrayals?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 12th, 2003, 11:35:52 PM
Security crewman Tomei V'Raal shifted his gaze quickly. Hera to Daiquiri to Hera and back to Daiq. What the frell had happened? Why were they at each other? Surely the Boss didnt mean for them to kill Daiquiri - they were tight, like sisters.

Nervously, Tomei glanced at the crewman to his left, doing a quick visual check of the others blaster setting. Good, he wasnt the only one who had switched to 'stun'.

That was all the time Daiquiri required. Her sharp gaze had caught the earlier movement of Tomei's thumb brushing the weapons setting and now took full advantage of it. Like the quiet stillness of a winter night, she let the darkside rise, holding it back and refining it to hone in on one single and simple motion.

Crewman V'Raal was swung to his right by a pair of unseen hands, his entire body turning towards DrenKast. Reflexes and the nerve-jangling situation did the rest.

His finger jerked and stun rings erupted from the muzzle of his gun, spreading out in concentric rings toward Hera and the security men on her other side.

Aug 13th, 2003, 01:53:18 AM
Leaning against the wall as the next wave of force lightning assaulted him, Ezra jerked and stumbled then fell face first to the floor. Energy tendrils danced along his body and he finally cried out in pain as smokey wisps began to lift from his exposed porcelain colored skin. Hera kept the attack on him as she talked to Daiquiri.

"You going to stop me?"

Ezra was in and out of the fetal position as his muscles spasmed wickedly to the energies being shot through him. He cried out again as his head jerked forward and his unruly hair fell over his angelic face. He rolled onto his back and back on to his side. Trying to find a way to get rid of the burning pain. To find a way to stop this torture he was being put through, the strength Kariss sent to him wasnt helping.

"Are you going to attack me and add that to your list of betrayals?"

Another pain filled cry escaped his lips. Hera was not easing up on him at all. She was upset at Daiquiri and he was how she'd get her back. Through him she would hurt Daiquiri and it seemed to be working. Then something happened he wasnt expecting, Daiquiri used the guards instead of herself to handle Hera. As the stun shot was released, Ezra had a lapse in a moment and the lightning stopped. He lay there groaning in pain and his body shaking uncontrolably.

Aug 18th, 2003, 10:40:06 PM
Hera had not shifted her gaze from Daiquiri even as the lightening cascaded from her fingers over Ezra. She had been looking for the sign, the tell-tale shift of the eyes, the faint twitch of the mouth, even the rush of blood in the throat that always preceeded a persons intent to act.

Daiquiri in her emotion of the situation had not taken any care to guard against these and Hera knew her friend was about to act, quite possibly before Daiq herself even had full realisation of it.

But knowing and stopping are two very different things. Especially when dealing with someone as capable as Daiquiri, and when Hera's energy and focus was channelled to her assault on Ezra.

Hera was a Master in the darkside, but her control of force lightening was limited and rarely exercised. Using it as she had already had drained her considerably - a direct hit from the stun would do greater damage than it normally would have.

Hera knew this, Daiquiri did not. Perhaps Daiquiri did not..Hera preferred to think so.

As the crewman was turned against her, Hera attempted to leap out of the line of fire. The lightening was still crackling unfettered from her fingers and licked at one crewman's boots, leaping from him over to his comrade and jolting them both backwards violently and killing them instantly. They, unlike Ezra, had no force - or even bloodless immortality - to help them combat such a lethal strike.

Hera landed heavily onto the floor, sliding roughly to wedge her shoulder up against the corridor wall. The stun blast had passed by her, but she felt the effects of the uncontrolled released force-lightening undoing her, and her body began to shake all over.

Rolling over slowly to ease her back against the wall, Hera found herself staring down the nozzle of Daiquiri's blaster.

The two women looked eye to eye. Hera knew Daiq was sorry to have point a blaster at her head, but that the blaster would not be lowered. She wondered if her friend had any inckling that Hera understood Daiqs motive completely, but could not- and would not- condone it.

Forcing her legs to obey her will, Hera stood. The crew had not moved, had hardly dared breath, but now they shuffled back to give the Faene Mistress room. A couple stooped to lift their fallen comrades and take them away.

She crossed over to Ezra, looking down at him without expression. "Take him to medbay and see he is taken care of. I will see him once he is returned to his quarters." The men stepped forward, "Gently" she directed.

Daiq's blaster remained steady, but both women knew there was no need. Hera had not touched Daiquiri during this whole incident and had her friend done as Hera instructed there would never have been a reason for any of this to take place.

Hera turned her back on Daiq, but spoke to her over her shoulder.

"Get your things together Daiquiri. You need some time away from ShadowFaene. And I need people I can trust to watch my back..."

Her words were cutting, but they were harder to say than they were to hear.

"Come back when you feel you can give me the loyalty I deserve."

As she moved off, she added, "Ezra will remain here for now."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 19th, 2003, 01:01:37 AM
Words of apology were on the tip of her tongue, her muscles flexed within the confines of her skin as the need to touch her friends shoulder rose strong inside of her at the sight of her Heras retreating back.

Daiq did neither. Words and a touch werent what Hera needed right now...they were what she needed. And they were outlets denied to her.

Van-Derveld was silent and watched as the dead crewmen were carried off, their heads lolling uncontrolled as they disappeared around a corner in the hall. Right behind followed Ezra, with his escort litter, the vampires groans of pain drifting on the recycled air.

Her gaze returned back to Hera. Both women had known that Daiquiri would never have pulled the trigger herself and the blaster she had trained on her friend, now hung limply in her grasp. One last cold, hard look was cast her way before Hera too turned her back on the blonde.

"Get your things together Daiquiri. You need some time away from ShadowFaene. And I need people I can trust to watch my back.......Ezra will remain here for now."

Heras words were devastating. They cut beyond her soul..... yet they were less than what Daiq knew she deserved. She had committed the unthinkable and the damn near unforgiveable. Betrayal of her closest friend, her sister, her mentor and her boss had now cost her dearly at a price almost too high to pay.

The corridor was grave-silent now.....no receding footsteps, no distant voices.....the last door had closed minutes before, leaving Daiquiri alone with her thoughts.

A deep sigh expelled from between her lips as she holstered her gun. Lifting her head and squaring her shoulders, Daiq exited the quiet hall and calmly went to her quarters. Packing anything of value, whether monetary or emotional, she stuffed her two large duffles full, slinging one over her back.

All of 'Faene seemed to have taken on a quiet resonance. Entering the hangar bay, she noted the stillness. Absent were the normal clangs and bangs of tools and machinery, the techs voices rising in either curses or bawdy jokes had died down to mere whispers.

Heads turned as she walked in. Word of what had happened traveled quickly on a close-knit base like ShadowFaene. Some of the workers glanced at her then looked away while a few others pointedly didnt look at all. Friends of the men who had died openly glared at her as Daiquiri made her way through the bay and to her ship.

From her private comm, she opened the ramp of the Days and strode up, closing it behind her. As she slid into the captains chair, a muffled rumbling sounded, breaking the silence. Hangar doors retracted, ready for her departure as she finished a quick pre-flight check and fired up the engine.

Daiquiri didnt expect or recive the usual send off but as the Days rose from its berth, a familair tone crackled from her speakers, forcing the corners of her lips to curl upward.

"Safe journey, Days. See ya around."

Aug 20th, 2003, 09:15:00 AM
A mumble.......a slight groan........brown eyes slowly open on an angelic face. The lights of his quarters made him squint as his eyes were a bit sensitive right now. His vision slightly blurred from waking from his unconscious state. How long had he been out? He couldn't remember when it was he blacked out....was it on the way here? Was it after? All he knew was that Hera had dealt him a punishment not even Saurron himself had ever done. Not even as a child, had his father disciplined him in such a manner. Now the questions came in, "would she have stopped if Daiquiri hadn't intervined? Would she have gone through and killed him for something that wasn't really his fault? Would....ahhh frell, no sense in crying over spilled K'nahr. What was done was done and now the "getting over it" needed to begin. He knew himself well enough to say he would and could forgive Hera for what had happened.....it was, although strange, his nature. She on the other hand, would not and could not forgive. But he would try to teach her, he had been trying to teach her since he decided to help her.

A hand slowly came up shakily to rub his face and he tried to blink his vision into focus. He tried sitting up, and the burning pain in his muscles said otherwise. He stopped trying and thought about why he wasn't fully healed yet. Then again, being wounded by the force, let alone its dark energies was entirely different from being stabbed or shot by mortal weapons. His vison cleared some and he turned his head to the sides, looking to gather his wits about him. His unruly locks falling partially over either side of his face as he did.

Aug 20th, 2003, 03:11:34 PM
Eyes black with bloodlust, Kariss calmed herself as she watched through her mind her lifemate slowly awaken. She smiled to herself as she perched on the couch back at their home, her hands splayed softly over her abdomen.

'You will come home, My Lifemate.' Kariss sent to him, waves of strength and love washing over Ezra. She could feel his own strength returning. 'You have children and a lifemate who need you here.'

She stayed connected with Ezra through the night, softly whispering words of love and reassurance to him.

Aug 21st, 2003, 07:51:05 PM
Remkah exhaled slowly, blue/grey smoke escaped his lips in a smooth stream to cloak and then gradually part around the viewscreen he watched as the "Days" banked left and away from SFF. His finger still rested on the now silent comm after he sent his message to Daiquiri.

He had heard of the events that had transpired immediately upon his return from town half an hour before. The crew were a mixed bag of anger at Daiquiri, and bewilderment at Hera's banishment of her. Their friendship was legendary. Daiq, Hera, Eve. They were tight. Everyone knew that.

The base captain slumped back, reclining fully against the soft leather of his chair and took his time finishing his cigarette. What had Daiq been thinking..?

He felt bad for her, knowing she had a soft heart and had no doubt felt she had good reason for what she had done. But the road to hell was paved with good intentions, wasn't it.

The crackle of the tabacco as he smoked seemed loud in the quiet that hung like a death-pall over the base.

This was bad.

Bad for Hera and Daiq. Bad for morale on the base. Bad for everybody.

The blue/grey smoke curled lazily about him and Remkah rubbed a hand over his face, his rough bristled chin scrapping against it.

Yeah, this was bad for everybody..

Aug 21st, 2003, 08:22:15 PM
Her back was deliberately to the viewport windows in her suite.

Hera didnt need to "see" to know Daiq was gone.

She sat in the darkness of her room. It reflected her mood completely.

A bitterness set up in her heart as the "Days" streaked across the Enton sky, and she sat as if she were stone. Her friend's face kept coming into her mind, and she determinedly forced it out. Daiquiri had sided against her. She had chosen pathetic sentiment over loyalty and trust. She had cast aside their past, their history for beings that Hera barely tolerated. No, Daiq's face would not linger and pull Hera in with the same pathetic sentiment that brought about this disaster in the first place.

Hera thought breifly of Ezra. He was quite blameless, yet had felt the brunt of the consequences. But she had not finished with him yet..

And Kariss (and here Hera's face twisted cruely) the cause of the whole situation had escaped completely unscathed so far.

So far.

The fire in the Sith's eye was cloaked with a black, threatening shadow.

One thought kept echoing in the Faene Mistress's mind. And it brough her some peace..

"So far"