View Full Version : I was wondering.....

Katya Sabutai
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:34:05 PM
She walked into the establishment she had been in a while back. But instead of buying things ,she was here to get thier help. And offer them a share of the loot. She was in her fitted black jumpsuit and had a pair of thin sunglasses that turned to a slightly tinted gray when indoors. She sat at the bar and ordered her drink hoping someone she met from the last time will show. She sipped her drink and lifted the shades onto her head.

Jun 22nd, 2003, 03:02:33 AM
The muzzle of the blaster nudged against the back of her neck and Katya froze, all except her hand that curled instantly about her own weapon strapped to her thigh.

Hera twisted around so that now she came up beside Katya and the Fatal Beauty could see her clearly.

"Nah.....just kiddin"

Hera was grinning and in very good humor. She brought the blaster around for Kat to inspect..

"Its a model from the latest shipment we seized off a small arms smuggler - such a dog-eat-dog world out there (she smirked in false sympathy for the hapless crew recently pillaged by her own). You like it?"

Katya Sabutai
Jun 22nd, 2003, 03:17:55 AM
Katya let go the breath she held and chuckled. This time around was alot better than when they met the first time.

" It's good to see you again Hera. Ooooooo that's cute... may I?"

She asked as she reached for it. Feeling it in her hands she smirked and aimed at a non-particular target in the bar. Then she handed it back to Hera with a lopsided grin.

" I actually didn't come here to purchase anything, but you just changed my mind. I'd like one of those. I came to see if you'd like to share in an opportunity to make some side cash. You interested?"

She asked with a grin as she grabbed her glass and sipped her drink.

Jun 22nd, 2003, 03:23:57 AM
Hera pressed the blaster into Katya's hand.

"Keep it...I got a whole crateload"

She grinned, and then turned slightly to nod in the affirmative to the barman who gestured with the rum bottle.

As her drink was placed in front of her, Hera lifted it to her lips, pausing just enough to ask a question.

"What you got in mind?"

Katya Sabutai
Jun 22nd, 2003, 03:45:14 AM
She smiled and tucked the new "toy" into her belt. It was christmas all over again for her. She nodded to Hera when she pressed further for details.

"Well.....several days ago, I was approached by this big full of himself bantha of a man. I thought it was for something up my alley, you know, tag-em and bag-em. Well this idiot asks for me to get information on shipyards, and he's willing to pay 60,000 per shipyard as long as it's other than the three he knows of. The info he seeks about these are coordinates and recent current events on them. He also said he'd up the cash out if we get political standings and if there are any people massing warships, my guess would be if anyone is buying ships to start a ruckus."

She took a hefty swig of her drink and exhaled loudly.

" I'm not too adept in reconnoiter jobs, I'm a hired gun. I'm offering a cut if you'd like to help.

She paused as she picked up her glass. " A very big cut of the pie. She said and then took another nice swig.

" Gods, what was his name?? It definately matched his ego. Mac.....Macka.....no...Mockadane? Yeah that's it, Mockadane. If you ask me, it sounds like Imp business."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:43:03 PM

She had picked up on the name while just on the other side of the bar door as she was leaving Hera's office.

If Hera's response was anything near like hers was, she would be spitting her rum out right about .........now.

Jun 28th, 2003, 05:04:10 PM
Rage walked in behind Daiquiri, the limp in her her right leg still evident from her little 'time off' aboard the 'Forbidden Pleasures' ship not too long ago. During an Imperial raid, she had broken her leg while trying to get to an escape pod before the ship blew. Her own ship had blown up in that same raid and Katya still glared at her every so often for it. Rage still had yet to thank the big red headed Soloman who had saved her. She would thank him properly if she ever found him again.

Limping in, she stayed out of the way but close so that Katya could conduct her business and Rage could watch her back. She knew there was nothing to worry about with Hera and Daiquiri, it was everyone else she had a problem with.

Katya nodded her way, letting her know she knew of her existence and turned back around to talk with the two smuggling beauties. Rage ordered a drink, then sat back in her chair with her hand on her blaster at her thigh. She glanced at the time and knew Taz would be calling in to check on her like he had been for the past few days since she returned to duty. She had to smile. For a teenager, he was extremely protective of herself and Katya.

Jun 30th, 2003, 10:21:20 PM
Hera looked sharply at Daiquiri at the mention of the notorious Bounty Hunter...Mockadane.. He was beginning to haunt her almost as much as Saurron was these days.

A wry grin seeped across the Faene Mistresses face. Behind them walked in Rage, as Hera turned back to Katya.

"Oh...I might be able to spare some people for this. Mockadane is an old aquaintance of mine and Daiquiri's both. It would be a pleasure to help an old friend out.. For a hefty fee of course." She finished with a wink.

Katya Sabutai
Jul 1st, 2003, 05:12:39 AM
Katya smiled back at the Faene Mistress and nodded.

"Oh of course, how does seventy-five percent of the loot sound?"

She asked as she took another sip of her drink. Then placing the drink back on its coaster she smirked with a little wiggle of one eyebrow.

"Actually I would've opt for a blaster bolt placed right between his eyes for insulting me by calling me a bounty hunter....*scoff*.....bounty hunter, indeed. The big ugly basterd."

Jul 1st, 2003, 02:30:43 PM
"Seventy five percent....?" Hera was stunned at the amount. "How much help do you need exactly?"

She laughed at Kats reference to Mockadane. "Mocks not ugly. Quite a looker in my opinion. But.......his DOG on the other hand. What a mutt."

Katya Sabutai
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:44:55 PM
She rolled her eyes at the comment for Mockadane.

" I like my men more refined than that." she laughed. "Ok, if he had brought a dog into my office, I'd definatley had shot him."

She turned her head at Hera's reaction to the amount of payment.

"Well, thats because who ever helps with this, will be with the only person of my team who can do this. And be able to handle the little cuss's attitude."

She smiled at the reference to their geek teen.

"Taz will be working on this but he cant do it alone, and I'm very afraid of putting him in charge."

she laughed once more.

Jul 6th, 2003, 11:13:14 PM
"Taz - the skinny kid right?"

Hera wouldnt put him in charge either.