View Full Version : Sinister Plans: Offspring

Zasz Grimm
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:26:58 PM
Zasz had been away from Bast Castle. He had gone to Khomm, to find Fyin Tebbid, cloner who cloned himself, Kineas, and Cyriam. But also, an excellent scientist. Zasz had gone there to set in motion a pland he had, a plan of revenge.

And now, he was back, ready to complete a plan. Ready to take revenge on one Dalethria Mal Pannis.

The one person he let have his heart. The one person he fell in love with. The one person who broke his heart.

He narrowed his eyes underneath his glasses. He had only been back a few hours, but he had someone with him. A cloner, and a scientist. The man had many tools with him also, acid resistant tools. He grinned as he looked to the Khommite. Emotionless, as the rest of his race. And, easily bought.

Fyin, to his understand, was always upgrading his things, sending offworld for things. Things that he needed desperately for his laboratory. And Zasz paid the man quite well.

"Are you sure you can do this?"

He asked patiently.

Fyin Tebbid
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:35:37 PM
He sat there, quietly, calmly, at the opposite end of his employer's quarters. He looked to his surgical knives, which on the man's request, had to be acid resistant. As did Fyin's gloves, and the large glass containers he had. That was of course no problem, he had such things. He dealt with acidic components alot of the time.

"Are you?"

His voice had a touch of cynicism. Odd for the cloner who rarely showed emotion. His stoic gaze watched his employer, watched the man grin.

"My sentiments exactly."

Zasz Grimm
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:41:56 PM
Zasz held in his hand a medallion. On it were symboles of some runes, odd markings, etchings. It held magickal properties, which would render those within a certain area incapacitated for quite a bit of time. And it would activate when around a being, such as Dalethria. He grinned.

He got this medallion, through a series of contacts, finding it took quite some time. But of course, Zasz was a patient man. He looked to Fyin.

"My pawn shall be here momentarily. After that, we should wait for about 30 minutes, and then, your expertise will be needed."