View Full Version : A Symbol -- or coincidence?

Doc Milo
Jun 21st, 2003, 08:45:10 PM
My stepson and I have been watching the movies in numerical order. We were watching ANH today, and I have the SE with the pre-episode II special feature on it. We were watching that, and I noticed they made a big deal of referring to Vader as Threepio's father. Anthony Daniels actually says, "Imagine the therapy session that Threepio would need after learning that! "Darth Vader ... my father ... oh my."

Now, if we see Threepio as Anakin's son, can we now view the whole "Anakin builds Threepio" in a different light -- in a symbollic one: Anakin, the human who becomes "more machine than man" has two sons -- one human, one machine. Is this a symbollic representation of Anakin's dual nature, Anakin/Vader, Human/Machine...

Other little things... Anakin loses an arm ... Luke loses a hand ... in ANH, Threepio loses an arm to the Tuskens...

Anakin "dies" and is reborn as Vader... Luke the farmboy is reconstructed into Luke the Jedi.... Threepio is shot to pieces and reconstructed...

Are these things just coincidence--or can we see representations of Vader, symbols and foreshadows, in Luke and Threepio?

Jun 22nd, 2003, 04:12:33 PM
I'm sure Lucas has things like that in mind for sure but some of them may be too obscure for most to notice, which makes them almost like coincidences. But I like the 1 human son, 1 machine son idea. But where does Leia fit in with that?

Jun 22nd, 2003, 06:52:47 PM
Didn't Lucas say everything in SW movies had themes/Rymes or reasons?

BTW: Good to see ya
DOC :wave

Doc Milo
Jun 22nd, 2003, 07:02:41 PM
Leia doesn't count ... she's a girl :) (Just kidding)

Where Leia comes in in this scenario, I don't know ... perhaps the two human children would come in as one mirroring the father, the other mirroring the mother... (Leia is more diplomatic, a princess ... where Padme is (so far) mainpulated by Palpatine, Leia fights against him....

Good to be back, Buff. Been gone a while. I checked in every so often, but after getting married (and getting a promotion) I just haven't had as much time as I used to have. We just purchased a house (hopefully closing on June 30) so, while I'll try to be on more often, I can't make any promises....

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:53:19 PM
Hey we understand good to see around :) I like your theory I wouldn't be surprised if Lucas came up with something like that he loves that kind of imagery.

Shadow Hunter
Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:51:28 PM
I've always thought people look too much into these things. then again I might be a little shallow when it comes to symbolism.

those are good theory's but IMO I think that the one about Vader being more macine than human and having 2 sons, one macine and one human is the only one meant to be.

Jun 24th, 2003, 03:13:44 AM
Either way, its a good observation.