View Full Version : Loud ain't it?

Thomas Drake
Jun 21st, 2003, 07:18:54 PM
A loud mechanical roar resounded through the open doors as a unique swoop-bike idled up to the Jedi Temple. The rider, a middle-aged brown haired guy, piloted the machine close to the doors before swinging the rear end and lowering the chassis to the ground. He kicked the stand down and rested the heavy bike on its side as he dismounted.

Removing the pair of forest-green tinted sunglasses from his face, Thomas Drake scanned the on lookers with a wide smile on his face. Either it could be interpreted as genuine pride, or he could only judge just as a humble expression of humility. “What do you think, Cuz… This the right way to go?” He addressed the sky, running his upper teeth over his lower lip.

Thomas nodded to nothing unparticular, slipping the ignition key to his bike into his pocket before entering the building. It seemed to himself that he stood out greatly against the achromatic interior, the burnt sienna robed figures moving about, and the ornate structure. Hell, if he had the extra income to dress himself in anything other than his jeans, Harley-Davidson trademarked shirt, and boots, he would’ve dressed in suit and tie. Too late now, he thought, taking a seat on one of the numberous benches in the structure. A loud sigh escaping his chest.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2003, 10:41:34 PM
"Nice ride ya' got there." The words were softly spoken and resonated in Thomas's ears. Suddenly a woman clad in flowing white robes appeared beside him, then sat down upon the same bench. Her waist length blonde hair was done up in Garou Warrior Braids with silver coins woven into them. They clanged together quietly, but stopped as her movement ceased.

With a smile that bore her elongated canines, the Garou woman turned her head and eyed the newcomer curiously. "It appears as though you have stumbled upon the Jedi Recruitment Center, and -- a Jedi as well. I'm Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Elessar. And you are --?" The woman questioned, extending her hand to the stranger, wondering what his story was. Everyone that came here had one, and now -- it was his turn to tell his tale.

Thomas Drake
Jun 22nd, 2003, 07:23:55 AM
Thomas expresses friendliness in return, shaking the offered hand firmly, yet gently. "Thomas Drake at your service," He said in acknowledgment, turning his head to the bike anchored outside, "She's my baby, if'n you know what I mea.?" Thomas smirked lightly, beholding the Jedi in his soft gaze again, "If I'm right, this is where you go to sign up for schoolin'?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2003, 07:26:40 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded slightly, knowing exactly what he meant. "I have my own baby -- she's a beauty -- first class Dragon Cruiser." The Knight smiled and drifted off into thought but realized and returned her attention to the newcomer.

"Schoolin'?" She questioned and canted her head to the side with a goofy grin upon her lips. "If you mean, to learn -- as in the ways of the Force -- the ways of the Jedi, then yes, this is the right place." The Knight smiled and eyed the young man curiously for a moment. "What brought you here, Thomas?" She questioned casually.

ooc: So sorry about my late reply -- had a bunch of RL junk get in the way of my posting. :(

Thomas Drake
Jul 9th, 2003, 08:08:01 PM
"A first-class Dragon, eh?" Thomas whistled lightly, glancing over at this motorcycle before back to the Jedi. Suddenly, his moto' didn't catch his interest any longer.

"What brought me here..." He echoed softly, "Ya'see, I had this... thing... happen to me couple days ago and it made me rethink everything. The shop, my parents, an just life in general ya'know? I want to change, just.. change what I did, would, and will do in the future.."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2003, 09:39:24 AM
ooc: Gah, sorry again about not replying -- it's easy to loose threads in this place. :( :( :( That and I had friends visiting from Chile this last week and a half. Sorry. >_<


Xazor eyed the young man as he glanced over at his bike. She smiled to herself and shook her head. "Perhaps you could give me a ride on it sometime? I've never actually experienced one. Oh, and if you want to see my ship -- I'm sure we could arrange that." The woman laughed quietly but settled once again as he began to speak.

He was not very clear on this 'thing' that had happened, and it caught her curiousity. "Please, tell me of the occurance that changed your mind about life." It was beginning to sound as though he indeed, was a chosen one by the Force. It worked in mysterous ways and she was quite interested in how it had affected Thomas's life.

Jared Mriad
Jul 21st, 2003, 10:50:57 AM
deleteme.. |I

Thomas Drake
Jul 21st, 2003, 10:54:12 AM
Drake looked away, going silent for a few moments. It became very clear, from the expression on his face, that he wasn't too favored on the subject. "I would rather not talk about it, not just yet..." He replied, "....lets just leave it as something real bad that happened... ya?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2003, 11:12:21 AM
ooc: Ooooo, so it's you, Jared. ;) :lol Hehehehehe.....


Xazor nodded, though she was still a bit concerned. Of course, though, she understood that talking about these things took time. "I know exactly where you're coming from." She said with a gentle smile.

"So -- this really bad thing happened to you, and it changed your mind on life? So you came here? What do you hope to accomplish by becomming a Jedi?" The Knight questioned, hoping that it was a bit of a change on the subject and he would be willing to at least answer this question.

Thomas Drake
Jul 21st, 2003, 11:28:19 AM
ooc: Caught :)

"Maybe keep stuff like that from happening again," He replied quickly, as if it was recited into his mind. Looking over at the Knight, he offered a fake-smile, "It sucks, the feeling and everything. Sucks real bad.."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 21st, 2003, 05:33:38 PM
ooc: Oh yes... ;)


Xazor was still confused and it was evident by the expression on her face. Sighing, she nodded but was unsure as to what. "I think I know what you're talking about -- and several people come here hoping to prevent bad things from happening again." She paused a moment and placed a gentle hand upon his shoulder, giving it a light and comforting squeeze.

"It is a noble thing for one to have faced something aweful and them live to defend others from the same thing." Xazor said softly, hoping that he would come to trust her in the future and maybe share his experience with her and others.