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Aaron Belargic
Jun 21st, 2003, 02:22:43 PM
A little yawn escaped Aaron’s lips as he wandered languidly along the pathway away from the bar and grill. He’d stopped in for a drink before deciding to head back to the living quarters – taking the scenic routes that lead him around the academy. At least now there were fewer cries of ‘Dasquian’ following him, he reminded himself. He was feeling far more at home within the Order now and beginning to recognize far more faces than he’d done before.

There were, however, some faces he still hadn’t put names to, a number of which passed him by as he walked. Probably new recruits, he summarized, and so smiled at them welcomingly as he passed them by – he remembered how people had done this for him, and so was quite happy to return the courtesy.

Denali Gue
Jun 21st, 2003, 02:38:53 PM
"Yoohoo! Yoohoo, oh Dasquian! Over here!"

Small, quick steps carried Denali closer to the Jedi she had spied earlier in the Great Hall and now she hurried along the path to catch up to him, her arm waving in the air, fluttering the dainty feathers on the cuff of her jacket sleeve.

"Wait, Dasquian! Remember me?"

Ali puffed to a stop beside him, her teeth and baby blue orbs both flashing a greeting to the tall blonde Jedi.

Aaron Belargic
Jun 21st, 2003, 02:47:50 PM
‘Dasquian’ stopped, turning on his heel sharply to regard the woman who’d addressed him. Quirking one brow slightly, he allowed his smile to remain.

“Sorry – I’m not Dasquian. If you’re looking for him I, ah, think he’s in the Council Rooms right now.”

Denali Gue
Jun 21st, 2003, 02:56:35 PM
Her wide smile faded somewhat as she stood there feeling confused, then foolish at her mistake.

"Im terribly sorry - I didnt know - you look exactly like him! Are you twins?"

This was amazing! If he were an identical twin like she was .... why maybe the four of them could get together! What great fun it would be to confuse everyone at the B&G!

Denali's grin stretched broader as she held out her hand.

"In that case, I had better introduce myself. Im Denali Gue but my friends call me 'Ali'. You can, too."

Aaron Belargic
Jun 21st, 2003, 03:00:13 PM
“We are twins, yes, although not entirely identical.”

Accepting the offer hand with a firm handshake of his own, he added,

“Nice to meet you, Ali. I’m Aaron… how do you know my brother? I don’t believe he’s mentioned you before.”

Denali Gue
Jun 21st, 2003, 09:22:01 PM
"I met him him at a nightclub here in the city a few months ago. Dakota - thats my identical twin sister - and I had saved a Jedi Master from a horrible death and Dasquian was one of the Jedi who had been sent out to find Morgan. Do you know him? Morgan Evanar?"

While she prattled off a very short version of Evanar's rescue, Denali studied Aaron closely. He had stated that they were not identical but Ali couldnt see any obvious differences. the fact that she had only seen Dasquian for a matter of a few minutes wasnt taken into account.

Aaron Belargic
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:28:09 AM
“Not personally, no, but I’ve heard of him.”

Aaron did, although vaguely, recall hearing about Master Evanar’s rescue. A little smile spread over his lips as he thought of this woman being an identical twin too. It seemed now wherever he went he was bumping into others who were like him.

“Were you looking for him, or Dasquian?”

Denali Gue
Jun 22nd, 2003, 01:53:55 PM
"We found him, sort of, but he was busy right then. Hopefully, we'll get to see him soon...er, Morgan, I mean. Seeing Dasquian would be icing on the cake - nooo - Dasquian is the cake and youre the icing!"

It was rare that Ali and Ko met identicals like themselves and she got enthused when they did.

"I love being a twin! What about you and Dasquian? Did the two of you fight often?"

Aaron Belargic
Jun 22nd, 2003, 01:57:57 PM
He shook his head and laughed softly.

“No, we don’t. We never have really.”

Looking off towards the LQ, he thought for a moment.

“Do you want to take a walk and talk a while? I was just going to have a bit of a wander around the grounds. A little company wouldn’t hurt.”

Denali Gue
Jun 22nd, 2003, 11:41:56 PM
Ali's eyes lit up and she bobbed her blonde hair enthusiastically.

"Id like that - alot! Ko and I werent able to see much of the Compound earlier. Wont she be jealous when I tell her this!"

Happily, Denali fell into step beside Aaron. His long legs covered more ground than hers did, even when he was walking slowly so that every fifth or sixth step Ali had to take a couple of running steps to fall into pace with him again.

Her head swiveled as if on ball bearings and she constantly tugged at Aarons' sleeve, pointing and inquiring at almost everything and everyone.

Aaron Belargic
Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:55:58 AM
Aaron had seen all of this before, but still glanced around now and then.

“So, Ali, what do you and your sister do for a living? Thinking of becoming Jedi?”

Denali Gue
Jun 23rd, 2003, 10:51:48 AM
Aaron's question ellicited a flurry of giggles as Ali briefly tried to imagine her and Ko wearing those drab brown robes.

"Noooooo, no, not us. We're here at Figrin D'an's invite. He really likes us! We met him the same time we met Dasquian."

Denali racked her brain trying to think how to answer the first part of Aaron's question She couldnt very well tell him that the majority of their work was illegal and at times downright deadly - not for the twins but for others who strayed too close.

"We're .... we...... renovations! Ko and I do renovations."

She was so proud of herself for coming up that explanation. Ko would be, too.

Aaron Belargic
Jun 23rd, 2003, 11:38:04 AM
“Renovations? Like with houses?”

Aaron wrinkled his nose a bit in thought.

“That must be an interesting job,” he tagged on, thinking to himself that she certainly didn’t look the type – far too athletic.

“Have you always done that?”

Denali Gue
Jun 26th, 2003, 12:13:59 AM
“Renovations? Like with houses? Have you always done that?”

Again Denali picked her words carefully before answering Aaron's question.

"Houses, hotels, old buildings - we've pretty well taken care of them all."

Ali gave a little hop over a puddle of water left on the sidewalk by an errant sprinkler. 'Horrific' wouldnt have begun to describe the situation had dirt or mud splashed on to her expensive leather heels.

"Actually, Ko and I didnt get in to the renovation business until a couple of years ago. Our family is rich and we really dont have to work but we wanted to do something other than just shop all day long."

Grinning at him, she tucked a stray lock of blonde hair behind one ear.

"How long have you and Dasquian been with the Jedi? I mean, when did you know that this is what you wanted to do?"

Aaron Belargic
Jun 26th, 2003, 08:36:55 AM
“Well I’ve just been here a few months… Dasquian has been here a year or so. But we were both Jedi before we came here,”

Now he got to recount the tale again. Aaron blushed.

“We were members of the Old Republic, acting as ambassadors… a mission we went on was sabotaged and we were trapped in cryostasis for hundreds of years...we woke up into this time.”

Denali Gue
Jun 27th, 2003, 12:22:15 AM
"Oh .......... my!"

Cryostasis? This was right out of one of the soap operas that both she and Ko watched religously. 'Coruscant Knights' was their favorite and they rarely missed a show. Almost all of the leading characters were young, hunky males whom Ali and Ko thought were so handsome!

With a look of deep concern on her face, Denali placed a gentle hand on his arm, her baby blues peering up at him.

"How old are you, then? Did you suffer terribly from an extended hyper-sleep? Was your eyesight diminished because of it?"

Ali plied Aaron with question after question, not giving him time to reply to any of them.

Aaron Belargic
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:37:36 AM
“Well I’m about 26 … but if you count the sleep time I’m probably more like 526,” Aaron smiled somewhat nervously.

“We couldn’t move at first when we came out. Our bones ached so much, it was awful... we didn’t have any memories of our past either. Just our time at the Academy. One of the Jedi here helped with that.”

Denali Gue
Jun 27th, 2003, 07:08:00 AM
Ali beamed in delight that all had gone well with Aaron and Dasquian and that their memories had been restored.

"Everything must have seemed terribly different once you were able to get out and around. Was it a hard transition to make?"

Aaron Belargic
Jul 3rd, 2003, 02:14:16 AM
“At first, yes… we were tricked; actually, when we first arrived… we didn’t know about the changes to the Republic and were hoodwinked by an Imperial Diktat. It’s how I ended up in prison.”

Denali Gue
Jul 5th, 2003, 09:25:15 PM
"Aaron, how absolutely dreadful for the two of you! Will you tell me what happened with the Imperial dictator?"

Sensing a long story, Denali led Aaron over to a bench surrounded with delicate and fragrant flowers. That the bench was already occupied by what seemed a young couple having a secret tryst, the blonde didnt care.

With a flurry of leather and feathers, Ali waved them away.

"Hes a Jedi! Cant you see that hes about to sufferfrom emotional trauma? Go on now - shoo. Shoo!"

Down feathers on the cuffs of her jacket fluttered with each motion of her hands. Obligingly the couple moved off, casting odd glances at the tall blondes.

"Here we go, Aaron. A bench all to ourselves."

Pulling him down beside her, Denali gave him her full attention as she patted his hand gently.

Aaron Belargic
Jul 7th, 2003, 09:40:06 AM
Aaron found himself flustered over into a seat and now pinned in place by Denali’s curious wide eyes. Looking about for a moment, the Padawan sighed. He’d not yet explained what had happened to anyone aside from Dasquian.

“He tried myself and Dasquian into believing he was a member of the Jedi Council… when in reality he was a Sith. My brother escaped but I wasn’t so lucky, and ended up in a cell until the fall of the Galatic Empire, when all of his troops evacuated.

I’d been left with ysalimiri, though, so I was unable to move… didn’t have a hope in Hoth of breaking the door down to get out.”

Denali Gue
Jul 9th, 2003, 06:33:38 PM
Ysalimiri. Denali knew what that was. In fact after their run-in with the Sith witch, she and Dakota had purchased a couple of the furry critters and now kept them at home in their penthouse on a special nutrient frame. Girls couldnt be too careful these days.

Ali had been listening, her eyes and body language both conveying a deep sympathy for what Aaron and his twin had gone through. When he mentioned Hoth, she sat straight up and shook his arm in excitement.

"Hoth? Im from Hoth! We were born there!"

Aaron Belargic
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:35:00 AM
“Dasquian and I fought off wampas on Hoth, during a mission of peace to the rebel remnants there,” Aaron enthused, this topic far more favorable than recounting the events of his arrival in the present. He could just imagine Denali on the chilly planet, wrapped up in layers of fur upon fur – all fashionable, of course.

Denali Gue
Jul 10th, 2003, 11:11:07 PM
"Ko and I had a baby Wampa! We raised it for a few weeks until Father made us turn it loose."

Alis expression faded, to be replaced by one of deep sadness. Lifting a hand, she wiped away a tear from the corner of one eye.

"The poor little thing! He got out of his cage one night and ate some of our shoes, my fur parka, Dakota's fur hat and the family dog. Daddy was sooo mad at us that he wouldnt take us shopping for a whole week! It was terrible! We were on the verge of withdrawals!"

Aaron Belargic
Jul 11th, 2003, 12:16:43 PM
“They are awkward creatures sometimes.”

Aaron tried not to laugh and thankfully, with the memory of the sabotaged mission still in mind, was able to maintain and emphatic look that implied he was listening intently.

“Is that all you do in your spare time? Shop?”

Denali Gue
Jul 16th, 2003, 11:22:49 PM
The expression that crossed Denalis face spoke loudly.

"Is that all? Theres nothing better than shopping! New clothes, new makeup, finding just the right color of lipstick to match that new dress you just purchased - why, its pure manna!"

Ali turned a coy smile to Aaron, her dark lashes fluttering slightly.

"Well, I can think of one other thing thats better than shopping - but only just better. A quiet evening by a crackling fireplace, sipping expensive champagne and whispering softly with the handsome man at your side. That would be better."

Adjusting a stray lock of hair, Denali glances sidelong at the Jedi.

"Do you like fireside chats, Aaron?"

Aaron Belargic
Jul 23rd, 2003, 04:11:17 AM
“I suppose I might… I’ve never had one before, so I couldn’t really say.”

Aaron rolled his shoulders lightly, smiling a bit. As per usual, the Padawan was oblivious to most things when it came to women and if a subtle hint was being played at this time it had just rushed right on over his head.