View Full Version : The Space Between [Xazor]

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2003, 03:37:47 AM
The Space Between

You cannot quit me so quickly
Is no hope in you for me
No corner you could squeeze me
But I got all the time for you, love
The Space Between
The tears we cry
Is the laughter keeps us coming back for more
The Space Between
The wicked lies we tell
And hope to keep us safe from the pain

But will I hold you again?
These fickle, fuddled words confuse me
Like 'Will it rain today?'
Waste the hours with talking, talking
These twisted game we play

We're strange allies
With warring hearts
What wild-eyed beast you be
The Space Between
The wicked lies we tell
And hope to keep us safe from the pain

Will I hold you again?
Will I hold...

Look at us spinning out in
The madness of a roller coaster
You know you went off like a devil
In a church in the middle of a crowded room
All we can do, my love
Is hope we don't take this ship down

The Space Between
Where you're smiling high
Is where you'll find me if I get tickled
The Space Between
The bullets in our firefight
Is where I'll be hiding, waiting for you
The rain that falls
Splash in your heart
Ran like sadness down the window into...
The Space Between
Our wicked lies
Is where we hope to keep safe from pain

Take my hand
'Cause we're walking out of here
Oh, right out of here
Love is all we need here
The Space Between
What's wrong and right
Is where you'll find me hiding, waiting for you
The Space Between
Your heart and mine
Is the space we'll fill with time
The Space Between...

Today of all days was the day Dasquian was taking care of Valanya. It was a rare chance that he got to see her – she was passed about between people so frequently. Whether it be Marcus, Xazor, Terran, he could never seem to get a moment with his precious little daughter. That was why when he did, he diverted every ounce of his attention to her.

Of current father and daughter were set in the small garden off of Dasquian’s shared quarters. The Jedi Knight sat cross-legged on the courtyard, with little Valanya lain in his arms. She would tug at her fathers braids on occasion, making little gurgles. Already little blonde locks were appearing on her head, although so few there were that her little pointed ears looked quite odd, so prominent that they were. No teeth yet though, although Dasquian was convinced any day soon she’d sprout a little set of fangs and then there would be trouble.

Hoping that her mother was not busy, the Knight had sent a communication to Xazor some time earlier. He had some important things to talk to her about in regard to their little one … and also in relation to the two of them.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2003, 09:36:28 PM
For several moments, Xazor stood in the doorway to the gardens of Dasquian's quarters. She remained silent as she canted her head to the side and watched Valanya interact with her father. It was a beautiful sight -- both appeared so innocent. It was almost as though Dasquian was blind to everything else but her at that moment, and for the love he had for Valanya, Xazor was greatful. "She is daddy's little girl, isn't she?" The Knight whispered, walking toward the pair.

The warm breeze of the day caught her white robes up and allowed them to flow freely behind her. She seemed heavenly these days, for many changes had occured within the woman's heart. Kneeling down beside her love, Xazor smiled down at her child and gently touched her face. The baby made a few cooing noises and grabbed onto one of Xazor's long braids, promptly stuffing a shiny silver coin right into her mouth. Gently, the Garou tugged the foreign object out of Valanya's mouth and shook her head. "You never stop being cute, do you?" The woman questioned before turning her attention to Dasquian. "And neither do you, melamin." She whispered, kissing him on the cheek with all of the tenderness she possessed. "I love you." Xazor spoke softly in his ear before pulling away and thoughtfully eyeing the father and daughter once again.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:19:31 AM
“Sit with me a while?”

Dasquian smiled brightly, as did little Valanya who seemed to grow restless and incredibly excitable just at the sight of her mother. As Xazor took her place by Dasquian on the ground the little girl continued to stretched out trying to paw at her mother – the previous entertainment of her fathers hair and clothing all but forgotten. The Knight shook his head, laughing quietly as he carefully passed her over to her mother, where she began to once again try and chew on her braids.

“We don’t get to just sit like this often, do we?” a slight sigh passed his lips.

“I have the Council, recruiting and Padawans to deal with and you have your own burdens to bare.”

A little sadness had come over Dasquian it was true that the both of them lead busy and active lives. Such was the way of the Jedi – always in motion, with hardly a moment to stop and take the time to truly appreciate and share life – but the Knight had been thinking on this.

“I, ah, came up with an idea of sorts… to try and remedy this. I was thinking that, if you wish, we could get our own quarters again… I don’t feel right having Sejah and Corin woken up in the middle of the night when Valanya is here,” he added with a chuckle.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2003, 11:04:40 AM
Xazor smiled as Dasquian passed Valanya to her. The little girl grabbed onto a few of Xazor's braids in her tiny hands, fingering the coins with her tiny fingers. The Jedi Knight shook her head as her love spoke of their busy lives. "It's a wonder we had the time to create something as wonderful as Valanya." Xazor laughed slightly as her cheeks flushed a deep crimson.

Shifting her weight, the Garou looked into their baby's beautiful eyes before turning to face Dasquian once again. Valanya looked so much like her Father, but it was a good mix between both parents. For a moment, Xazor thought of the words that she just heard pass through Dasquian's lips. It was a rather shocking notion, but one that the Jedi Knight had personally desired.

"I know how much you care for your friends, Das, and I could never ask you to leave them -- but I think that having our own quarters would be best." Xazor said softly as Valanya yanked on her braids. The Knight winced slightly and then laughed as she looked at her love. "I want Valanya to grow up in a stable environment so it would be beneficial if we were to -- live together. We need to establish our family, so know that I support your wishes." She said softly before leaning over and kissing him gently once again.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:23:40 AM
“Excellent,” a welcome grin spread over Dasquians lips, and at the smiles from her parents Valanya too cooed happily. He looked down into the little face and whispered.

“Don’t worry, you can go and visit fuzzy uncle Sejah whenever you want.”

Xazor Elessar
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:57:40 AM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded, gently rubbing Valanya's tiny foot with her hand. "Fuzzy uncle Sejah?" The Knight laughed to herself and rolled her eyes. "Of course, you can visit your fuzzy uncle." She smiled and kissed Dasquian once again, glad to be with again. "I've missed you so much -- I am glad we get to spend this time together."

Shifting her weight slightly, the woman looked down at their baby before smiling again -- this time, it seemed unremovable. "So, when do you want to look for a place? I heard there are really huge rooms upstairs. They have great views, too. I don't think anyone would mind if we moved up there, seeing as though we're a family now." That was true, in part -- the fact that Xazor and Dasquian were not married, or even engaged, was a different story. They were a family, but not legally. It didn't matter so much to Xazor, or Dasquian for that matter -- but the fact was, was that they didn't even have the paperwork to back the fact that they were together. It was something that rested heavily upon the Knight's mind, but she would not bring it up -- that, she decided, was her love's game and so, she would leave it up to him.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 27th, 2003, 05:49:32 AM
“Why don’t we go have a look now?”

Dasquian stood, with Xazor following. Valanya wriggled about, excited about the sudden movement.

“Little arwen here can give us her seal of approval on where she thinks is best.”

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2003, 12:13:56 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled, wrapping an arm around Dasquian's as she held Valanya close. "I think that's a great idea -- she has her Father's judgement besides." She said softly, leaning in and kissing him upon his right temple.

"This is exciting!" She whispered with a grin.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 07:15:25 AM
Dasquian lead the way out into the hall, locking the door to the large room behind him. He glanced up and down the hall to find the nearest turbo lift and soon the trio were inside and heading up to the next floor.

“You know I’ve not looked around the majority of the LQ since we moved to Coruscant… we’ll just have to hope we don’t stumble into someone else’s room while they’re out.”

He smiled, and noted that Valanya didn’t seem to be too keen on the music playing in the turbo lift – she was covering her ears and scrunching her nose up. There was a ping to signal they’d reached the second floor, and they stepped out, letting a small group of Padawans – who greeted them with smiles – inside.

“Alright, where are these rooms with the wonderful views then?” he beamed/

OOC: o_O’s at the OOC

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 29th, 2003, 07:30:43 AM
It was nearly time to move on again, but there was somethign keeping him here - something he was looking for. He was healed from the wounds of Harrvii, but still....

Marcus Elessar walked the halls, face hidden away. He was in thought, not really taking much notice of anything. All he seemed to be was just another person, not doing much, wanting to be left alone. Thence, he almost wandered into the hall the couple were in. He glanced at them, initially decided to steer away and not interrupt. It was the presence of Xazor Elessar that he sensed that changed his mind.

He hadnt seen her. Nor had he seen dasquain since that hell on Harrvii.

"Well" he said, coming into the hall and strolling forward. "Just the young lady I was looking for. And Dasquain Belgaric as well! And....."

He noted what was in Xazor's arms. A bundle of white cloth that he could just see a tiny head of hair. Surprised, he stopped coming closer. "Er... what have your there Xaz?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 29th, 2003, 08:25:01 AM
Xazor nodded to Dasquian and smiled as they rode the turbolift to the second floor. Quietly the couple stepped out into the large corridor and began walking. "I hope everyone is awake, so if we do enter an occupied room, we won't have to deal with a crabby resident." The Knight laughed softly as they walked. Soon, her ultra-sensitive hearing locked onto something. It was -- footsteps, quiet but audible to her. They were far off but were growing closer and closer. Of course, it was nothing to worry about, and she knew it was just another Jedi -- but she was curious because she had not seen another person traveling their way, save for a group of Padawans. Suddenly, a voice penetrated the airwaves and caused the woman to stop. Of course! How could she not have known it was him -- right there, all along. The Life Bond had been rather silent, but she could not mistake his voice -- nor, the beat of his heart. That too, she could hear.

Slowly Xazor turned around to lay eyes upon the figure of a man she had thought to be dead -- or at least, missing. She had heard nothing from him, felt nothing of his presence, nor been able to read his thoughts since they were separated but a month ago. A hard lump formed at the back of the woman's throat and a knot tied itself around her stomach in that instant. "It's a joke -- right? It -- it isn't him!" She thought to herself, allowing the words to drift through the Life Bond she shared with this very man. Without a glance to Dasquian, Xazor stepped forward, looking down at little Valanya who rested in her arms, cooing and smiling occasionally. Tears stung at the Jedi Knight's eyes and threatened to fall -- and they did so, a few rolled down her cheeks and collected beneath her chin. "Marcus -- Father, this --" She could not speak the words so instead, moved to him quickly and looked up into his eyes. "This is your granddaughter, Valanya Verse Belargic. She's beautiful, yes?" The words were rather broken as more tears fell. Xazor had assumed all was lost on Harvii and she would never see Marcus again. Now he stood before here, and she was at a loss. It was one of the happiest moments of her life.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 08:35:50 AM
Confused at first, but quickly becoming aware of what had caused the sudden change of mood, Dasquian smiled lightly. He nodded to Marcus, took a step forward, and gave him a pat on the shoulder. It had been a long while since they’d seen one another, but when they had what a team they had made. The events had had taken place on Harrvii had been terrifying and left a lot in doubt, thought Valanya’s birth had warmed a little of the sadness.

He took a step away and looked to the little baby, who was straining to see up at the man above her. He wasn’t sure what to say – in fact it felt like he should say nothing at all.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 29th, 2003, 05:52:01 PM
"Valanya?" he quieried, clearly surprised by the name. "You named her in quenya" Glancing at Dasquain, he mentally remonstrated with himself

Ahh, I forget sometimes. I've often wondered where you came from laddie. You could almost be a member of Helenias' family. I'll have to have a sit down and a talk with you one of these days

Without another word spoken out loud, he made a small movement with his hands, suggesting he would like to hold the baby. Actually, if anything, he was looking rather unusually uncertain and unsure of himself. And really, he looked even more awkward as he took hold of the young child, because, this, this he never expected and had absolutly no clue and no idea about.

He stared at the tiny face for a few minutes, not saying a word. The contrast could not have been greater - a warlord, hard, tough and brutal, with a tiny, delicate, soft baby in his arms.

"She's beautiful" he said, quietly. "You two should be proud. I.... had no idea babies were this wonderful to look upon"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 30th, 2003, 09:03:06 AM
As Marcus looked upon Valanya's face and questioned about her name, Xazor smiled to herself. "It sounded like a lovely name -- and we both chose it." She spoke softly, continuing to watch the man. The contrast was indeed, quite funny to behold. He, a hardened warrior who had seen so much, and -- she, a soft baby wrapped in white who had seen hardly anything but the faces of her parents.

Valanya cooed quietly as she looked up into the face of Marcus. For a moment, the child looked a bit frightened to leave her Mother's arms, but once she found a place in Marcus's, she smiled brightly. Someday her smile would resemble Xazor's -- sharp pointy teeth and all. "She's beautiful." The words brought a smile to the Knight's heart and she pushed away the tears on her face with the back of her hand.

"We are very proud." Xazor nodded at Marcus's second comment. Her eyes shifted to Dasquian and she smiled to herself before turning her attention back to Marcus. "Babies are truly a gift, are they not? For never having one of your own, you're quite a natural." The woman laughed slightly, causing Valanya to turn her head and set her eyes upon her Mother. That did not last long, though, for the child quickly shifted her gaze to Marcus' face once again -- and then, she outstretched her two tiny hands toward his nose.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:48:46 AM
"Hey, cut that out" he chided gently. "I still need that nose"

Whatever Xazor said abotu a natural, he was still very uncomfortable. Somethign he actually knew nothing about was proving a bit confronting.

"Well, I wouldnt say I was natural. The day for me to learn is a long, long way off, there is still much to do. I was only back here to recuperate and try to find where Lady Evenstar is, then I was leaving to go back...." he suddenly remembered Dasquain was here, he dared not say anything about Dexter's out loud. "... home for a bit" he ended, a touch lamely. He also began to frown, for he could see in Xazor's mind she too had not heard hint or hide of Helenias.

Now this was odd. Why had she not contacted Xazor?

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 1st, 2003, 02:15:33 PM
Dasquian looked between Marcus and Xazor silently, just watching the both of them whilst he thought to himself. There was a bond between these too that was unmatched by any other, and he found himself envious of it sometimes. He folded his arms behind his back and smiled at little Valanya, who found the whole meeting of the group to be fascinating, delight to have someone new to tug and prod at.

“We were just having a look around at some of the empty rooms,” he toned in, smiling, “We’re a family now, after all, we need a much larger place.”

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2003, 10:45:55 PM
"Oh, really? well, isn't this your lucky day. I know just the place. Will two floor apartment with kitchen, dining, entertainment and several bedrooms suffice? Just keep my office in shape and it's yours to use for as long as you want"