View Full Version : this is gettin a bit ridiculous...

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 21st, 2003, 02:15:26 AM
First off, im not taking either side in the arguement from OOC concerning the Shrine's 'ownership' of the Vampyre race. My opinion means absolutely nill. Now I understand that some of us might not be very happy about the decision, but the simple fact of the matter is, Ogre is in charge, and he made a decision for the best interest of the boards.

Like I said, I know not everyone is happy about it, but we all, as adults, should be able to swallow our pride and go with it. And as far as I could tell, that was the case, til I saw the Violation of FAQ thread made in this forum concerning Miranda Dunleavy.

The ruling made on her character, imho, was extreme. How can we tell someone who's played a character for 3 years that they can no longer acknowledge anyone of their character's backstory.

As much as no one would want to admit, this is just a way of "getting back" at Miranda for leaving. If anything, I would be contacting Miranda via PM and trying to sort out IC details of her leaving, so that there wont be any loose ends. I would even go so far as to ask if she would like to do any story arcs in the future with us.

Just to show there are no hard feelings...

I, for one, feel that we own her an apology for our actions thus far.

Empress Ashiva
Jun 21st, 2003, 03:38:24 AM
Saurron has contacted her about this and it was worked out she can use it in the one thread then she will be human and can no longer use our storyline she agreed to this and we are cool with it. It was an FAQ violation it wasn’t payback hun. I have no prob with the girl for leaving it was her choice. But we can’t just have people come in, make a vamp and then go and use us in that way. It has to be stopped somewhere or that’s all they will do to us.

We would have rogues running around saying they were turned by us. This gives us a small amount of help with our story line. That is all this is nothing personal. Sigh I wish everyone would quit thinking that it is personal. I do not have a prob with dani or her leaving it was her choice.

Darren u know me when do I ever have a prob that’s personal. I will fight for the Shrine and the Coven and what I feel is rt for it but I’m a good person and like people :) I understand your concern but it is not personal and there was a lot that happened that is not general knowledge though I tried to share it here and was informed I could not. There’s so much Darren and it went to far yes... :( but this isn’t against Miranda at all.... it is for the shrines safety.....

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 21st, 2003, 05:57:24 PM
Heres the way I look at it....

The FAQ stating that non members cant use our storyline is a bit extreme....heres what I suggest...Non Members cant use our Storyline without our permission. And we can also tighten our recruiting. That way we can stop ppl from coming in if we think they're gonna leave as soon as they're turned.

Miranda RPed her Vamp for three years, and she wanted to move on. If both sides wanted to cut all ties, then Miranda's storyline and the Shrine's storyline could split and never intersect again, but the backstory can still be there....

If an agreement has been reached now, thats cool. It just seems to me that there shouldnt have been any confusion what so ever about it.

Lord Soth
Jun 21st, 2003, 08:06:28 PM
The FAQ stating that non members cant use our storyline is a bit extreme....here’s what I suggest...Non Members cant use our Storyline without our permission.

There's a slight conflict with your statement bro... Let me see if I can help clarify it a bit if ya don't mind then I'll add what I think...:) The last part of it is the part that stand's now in our FAQ ...Non-Member's must ask for permission before using any related material concerning the Shrine/Coven within their RP post's...The main purpose to this rule stated is for the sole purpose of preserving its integrity and that of the Member's here...I believe its a given that if "Members" of the Shrine post outside this forum (Shrine) at other board's, and say the word "Coven" or perhaps "Saurron" are mentioned in that post, then we shouldn't get anal over it and realize that a *fellow brother or sister* or non-member are only using the text to further the RP or story for the reader.

Now I'll admit, it is a fine line, however I also believe if we use fair and respectable judgment and apply this to any given situation then thing's should be cool...Personally,...I'm not going to police the board's just to see if someone has mentioned our name's, Shrine/Coven material...However, if the material pertaining to us (Shrine/Coven is abused or the SL is plagiarized then I believe it should be reported only after all avenues have been exhausted with the person or person's doing so...

As far as the Mirada situation, this has been taken care of and she had agreed to the term's set before her and everything should be cool now...Indeed, she has History with us, and yes, I understand her position quite well...Nevertheless, Dani was approached by myself and Saurron before she created the CHR and in turn this character was created primarily from the SL to begin with as an "assassin." Miranda was "Turned " by "Chriton" and was to be a love interest to Soth where it then developed from there...She filled in the blank's (*Personality trait's, special abilities, and other minor detail's ect.*) after we worked with her closely on the "main body" of the plot and frame work.

The tightening down on the recruits is something I myself want to see and I'm sure there are other here that would like to see this as well...But remember, peep come here wanting to be a Vamps all the time and this alone poses a real problem concerning "Population Control"...Honestly, I personally don't want to see the board's over ran with Rouge's and NPC Vampyre's especially after the Big Debate at SWnet. ooc. Or more important, their "mystique and magic" cheapened by becoming just another bad "Buffy the Vamp Slayer" episode at its worst. (*No offence to avid watchers of this program lol :P) If other's outside this forum wish to do that, well...There's not much we can do now. I have strong opionon's concerning this, however, this is not the point I'd like to make here...*The real key I believe lay's and begins within our selectiveness here, to set our own standard's as to the way "we" believe Vamp's should be ran and viewed through our own creativity.

I remember visiting the "Black Hand" once where I seen something very interesting that comes to mind now...Something I believe Taylor posted himself in regard's to the 'New Applicant’s" for the BH at the time. It read something like this..."We are no longer accepting applicants at this time, please try us again later...Thank you." Something down those line's...Correct me Taylor if I'm wrong here...lol...Case and point, if we wanna cut back on nOOb's here at the Shrine this would be a simple and effective way to do it. And as Darren proposed, tighten our recruiting through such measure’s...This I whole heartedly agree with...

Virrana'h Tei
Jun 24th, 2003, 08:58:38 PM
I didnt know about a ruling on Miranda - ? I am glad that whatever has been sorted out. Geez, its Dani for goodness sakes. :(

About the FAQ - let me get this straight. I understood it to be that any vamps outside the Shrine could not say they came from Ashiva or Crichton (sp). They hd to create their own reason for their existance. Correct?

However, it seems ludicrous to me that if a person WAS a part of the Shrine and then left (for whatever reason) that person cannot refer to that part of their history or story again? Is that what you are saying? Cause honestly, thats kinda dumb.

Also - while Im here in this forum - I posted an OOC comment in the Gerbo/Jason thread. I am pretty dismayed at the way thay thread is going.

Jun 24th, 2003, 10:21:45 PM
Dani was allowed to continue her thread. The Miranda chr ws created by myself /soth and her to add to the Crichton story and become a love intrest for Soth (back then that is, dont trip Tat). However, no, her past cannot be erased.

Even though I did not appreciate her turning back to human that of which she knows, I advised her that I/we do not intend to allow it again.

You take the step to the darkest of the dark side... then you pay the price. No going back...you /your chr are is Vampyre.

There is a price for power of this kind and your chr pays it, trust me.

Virrana'h Tei
Jun 25th, 2003, 09:39:14 PM
Originally posted by SAURRON

You take the step to the darkest of the dark side... then you pay the price. No going back...you /your chr are is Vampyre.

We should make sure new members are clear on this then.

Lord Soth
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:15:17 PM
I agree...But even then so, can we really do anything about it if they don't?