View Full Version : new peeps.....need voties :)
Empress Ashiva
Jun 21st, 2003, 12:48:58 AM
Anuse Ature..... Just talked to him on aim. He is one of Tomaks friends and I cant say I know him , of him nor have I ever seen him postie. Maybe we can tell him to rp a bit with us?? whatcha all think?
Korsaal...... Who is also Darknight/Fallen....... I do know of him and he dosnt seem to have a good track record, godmodes but it could be due to newbiness. I do beleave Tay wanted to have a go at turning him around to be a better more productive rper?? Dont know if thats a go still? Ima with hold my votes until i get the input :)
Wanders off to paint Soth and Tays and Darrens vampy rooms pink hehehe Not painten Thorns since its blood stained hehehe:p :D
Edit: oppsie thought i was under Alana.... Pretend it's me hehehe:crack
Virrana'h Tei
Jun 24th, 2003, 09:02:03 PM
I think we should hold off taking new recriuts.
We are trying to return to the more selective approach at memebership, I believe.
DarKnight is too all-over-the-place. The kid has about 9 characters that have just showed up at ShadowFaene bar in a couple different threads. He is eager to roleplay, but doesnt seem to get the concept of Quality vs Quantity.
The other guy, I dont know anything about.
Lord Soth
Jun 24th, 2003, 11:48:32 PM
I would like to also hold off on the recruit’s for now until some of the ooc stuff blows over...Perhaps we can PM Anuse Ature and let him know that his application has been put on suspension/hold for the time being...Maybe he can RP here at the Shrine with a few of us so we can see what he's like IC and get a good look at his style as well, giving us something to look at and go over when the time does come when we do vote on him. Just a thought…:)
I will vote "no" on Fallen due to obvious reasons and some of the thing's I've seen around the boards that I'm sure your all are aware of...
Pandora Damaris
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:04:18 PM
I don't see why new recruits should be held off. I know things are out of wack right now, but maybe that's what this place needs is just a change of pace to clear the air. Newbies might take peeps mind off all the crap that has happened lately.
I say yes to the first one Alana mentioned. Let him rp and then we can decide if he should be turned. As for Darknight. No. He's a trouble-maker. Maybe if he gets his act together then we can reconsider him again at a later time.
Empress Ashiva
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:08:04 PM
Well I posted my vote to close the forum in my other thread to newbies. My vote on fallen is also No. The other guy is up to you guys. If you wanna close to newbies go for it I vote yes on it. Whats the point of taken on new peeps when we will always be worried if they are just coming to be turned so they can leave?
Pandora Damaris
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:15:18 PM
Ya, but in the same sense we can't always be paranoid. If they really wanted to be a vamp, they would do it without us anyways. I don't think we should close our doors to peep just because we're afraid of their intentions.
We need to give people a chance. Look at Xazor. We let her rp with us and show us how she is, and she's proven to us that she can rp civilly here. And we did that despite how many of us felt about her. I think other people should have the same opportunity. We're all here to write and be creative. Why hinder creativity? Yes, we do need to be prudent with who specifically we let in. Like Fallen for example. He's a loose cannon.
I think if we all practice good judgement, we shouldn't have a problem.
Jun 30th, 2003, 01:58:55 AM
As long as these new peeps understand there is no going back.
Lord Soth
Jul 2nd, 2003, 03:33:14 PM
You would think that this would be common sense with
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