View Full Version : Helping Nature Help You (Quay'Na Rakai )

Sage Hazzard
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:56:13 PM
Sage stood in the middle of a large garden. It was home to many species of plant and animal life. A refuge for many of them, some rare and/or extinct. Quay'Na would be arriving soon, if she had gotten Sage's letter. Meanwhile the Jedi Master was content with sitting on a wood bench, soaking in the flourishing Force that grew stronger here than in most of cold steel Couruscant..

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 21st, 2003, 03:26:28 AM
Quay'Na had gotten Sage's letter, her training was beginning and she hurried to meet him. Dressed in a comfortabe training uniform, she came to an abrupt halt as she entered the garden.

The earlier anxiety that she felt, dwindled away as the Force of nature ignited within her. Quay'Na took it in, allowing it to sooth her for a moment and then continued on.

She saw her Master sitting on a bench a little ways in. "Master Sage," she began with a bow of greeting. "I hope, I didn't make you wait very long."

Sage Hazzard
Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:14:09 AM
Sage lowered his head in a bowing fashion then motioned for her to sit beside him.

"I can't say I'm certain of the time but I could wait forever in here. Where does the Force flow strongest for you, in here?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 23rd, 2003, 04:12:55 AM
Quay'Na took her seat beside him, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She could already tell that she loved this place.

The Force flowed fluently in here, it was kind of hard tell at first where it was the strongest as she 'mentally' searched the room. It was strong everywhere, so she focused harder. It was easy in here to find her way around, the life Force here was captivating.

Then she found it.

"There is a group of four Woolamanders in a tree, just out of sight. In the west section of this garden. Three adults, two female and one male. And one male infant only about 2 months old. That, is where I'm picking up the strongest sense of the Force at this moment, Master."

Woolamanders were gentle primate-like mammals that often lived in troops up to twenty in the upper reaches of the Massassi trees on Yavin 4.

The closeness of the four Woolamanders, is what had drawn her to them along with the presence of the infant.

Infants always drew her to them, they trusted her presence. And normally she was able to see the infant as well, once she made a clear connection with it's parents. Usually.

Sage Hazzard
Jun 25th, 2003, 12:58:01 AM
"I would like you to play interpeter for me and for them. Come."

He stood and approached the spot she indictated, speaking blindly.

"Greetings. I am a caretaker of this place. Are you well?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 25th, 2003, 03:42:30 AM
Quay'Na nodded and followed her Master to the area that she had indicated. As she did, she allowed herself to drift into the flowing presence of the Force.

Closing her eyes and inhaling deeply, she placed two fingers to her temple.

Her mind connected with that of the male Woolamander rather quickly, since he was obviously the strongest of the four.

Quay'Na eased herself into his mind cautiously, so not to startle him into a protective frenzy.

We mean you no harm, friend. She began telepathically.

I am Quay'Na and this is my Master, Sage. He is a caretaker here and would like to know if you are well.

The Padawan waited a few moments as a jumble of thoughts errupted from the Woolamander.

"He's beginning to let his guard down, Master." She spoke softly. "Though, he seems a bit confused. It may take a couple of moments for me to sift through his thoughts to find your answer."

Sage Hazzard
Jun 26th, 2003, 01:25:05 AM
"Take your time. We wouldn't want our new friends to be frightened."

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 26th, 2003, 03:33:03 AM
Using the best skill she could muster, Quay'Na took her mind deeper, prodding gently in search of her answer.

There were a lot of thoughts there, some thoughts that she didn't care to see and gently edged on.

Quay'Na wasn't for sure exactly how long it had taken, when she finally caught on to the answer she seeked. When she did, she smiled. "He says....he's doing very well...and that he'd like to thank the ones for bringing he and his family here."

Sage Hazzard
Jun 28th, 2003, 01:47:58 AM
Sage nodded.

"I'll be sure to find the ones responsible and relay your message. How long have you been here?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 28th, 2003, 01:56:30 AM
The connection between Quay'Na and the Woolamander didn't fade as she herself 'mentally' relayed Sage's answer and his next question.

She waited a few more seconds and this time the answer came back more vivid.

Again, in a quiet soothing tone she replied. "He says...he's not exactly sure...he can't see any moons here to tell." She paused for a moment. "But, the infant was born here."

Sage Hazzard
Jun 29th, 2003, 01:25:34 AM
Sage was not versed in Woolmander age cycles.

"Try to find out how old the infant is. Perhaps you can draw apon their memory of how quickly Woolmanders grow."

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 29th, 2003, 09:52:41 PM
Quay'Na nodded as she quietly spoke. "My belief, Master Sage is that the Woolamander infant is about two months old."

She prodded a little further into the male Woolamander's mind to make an attempt to 'see' it's lifespan.

To Quay'Na's surprise, the Woolamanser began to get agitated, and began making hooting noises.

Easy, friend. I'll ease off. She advised silently as she felt his agitation begin to fade once again.

"I'm having a little trouble here, Master. This Woolamander is more independant than most I've contacted with. He's beginning to grow agitated with my 'mental' probing. I can make another attempt, if you wish it."

Sage Hazzard
Jun 29th, 2003, 10:29:49 PM
"No, no. You've passed that exercise. Now, tell me what area has the least Force flow from it."

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 30th, 2003, 03:22:00 AM
Quay'Na released her 'mental' hold from the Woolamander and began a new 'mental search' of the garden. It only took her a moment for her eyes to snap open and softly exclaim. "Oh, no, Master."

"I'm sensing a very troubling situation in the north area. It's becoming the location of the least amount of Force energy, rather quickly....I feel death." She looked at him with a deep array of concern in her eyes.

Sage Hazzard
Jul 10th, 2003, 01:34:03 AM
Sage nodded.

"Proceed as you wish Padawan."

The Jedi Master would let his Padawan make her own decisions. Sage himself never liked the idea of mettling in the animal kingdom's circle of life. Killing is not murder to an animal, it is survival. To Sage, there was no evil in animals. Only fully logical beings, who had a higher level of thought, were responsible to evil deeds. Her choices were her own though, and no wronger or righter. Perhaps this wasn't a hunter and prey situation at all, though.

Quay'Na Rakai
Jul 10th, 2003, 05:27:17 AM
"Yes, Master." Quay'Na replied as she closed her eyes again and this time placed the palms of her hands to her temples. She drew on nature's instinct of the Force, to tell exactly where the fading life was.

It didn't really feel like a hunter/prey situation, it was definitely something else.

The Padawan opened her eyes and with a hurried stride made her way through the garden. She came to a halt a few moments later in front of a large patch of strange-looking bushes. It was behind them.

Quay'Na searched for an area to crawl through and she always had been good at crawling through tight areas, ever since she was a kid.

The moment she found a spot, she got down on all fours and proceeded. Quay'Na stopped halfway through as she heard a familiar cooing/growling sound.

Voorpaks. She thought quickly as she recognized it. But, the sound wasn't being sent as a warning to her to stay back, it was more of...a destress call.
They were very close as she sat back for a moment or at least as good as she could. Her fingers went back to her temples and she once again drew on the calming essense of the Force and reached out towards the Voorpak.

It was a female, that had just given birth to three pups a short time ago and it was obvious that one of the pups was under much distress. "There is a Voorpak pup back here under much distress, Master. I'm going to see if I can help."

She honed in on the mother. Easy, friend. I'm here to help. I need to pick up one of your pups.
Quay'Na had honed herself into the situation at hand that she wasn't even for sure where Sage was, he was near though.

The mother Voorpak returned that Quay'Na could indeed touch the possibly dying pup.

The Padawan continued to crawl closer and laid down on her belly, while proping the upper half of herself on her elbows. She carefully picked up the pup and held it in her hands.
It's breathing was labored, very labored.

Quay'Na sunk herself back into the Force, she knew what was wrong and without any doubt would be able to help.
"The pup has taken in too much fluid during birth, Master." She explained quietly to her master. "I'm going to have to clear out the airway."

Sage Hazzard
Jul 16th, 2003, 01:42:24 AM
Sage nodded.

"Proceed as you think right Padawan."

Quay'Na Rakai
Jul 16th, 2003, 03:09:44 AM
Quay'Na gently placed two fingers near the Voorpak pups furry throat and closed her eyes.

Using the Force, Quay imagined being inside the lungs of the Voorpak pup. Her mind had to push the fluid out, so it could breathe easier and be stablized.

It wasn't a hard task, but it did take some time, so not to hurt the pup and cause anymore distress.

Quay'Na lost track of the time as she gently used the Force and pushed the fluid from the VooPak's lungs, through the airway and ejected it through it's snout.

The sound was slightly sickening, but it had worked and the Voorpak pup began to breath regularly again.

Smiling, the Padawan gently placed the pup back to it's mother and carefully crawled back out. Once out, she stood and brushed herself off and looked at her Master, who was standing nearby.

"Task accomplished, the Voorpak will live now, Master." This had been the first life that she had saved since arriving back at the Temple and it gave her a new sense of peace.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 1st, 2003, 01:03:45 AM
"How does it feel Padawan? Giving life?"

OOC - You are an absolute angel for being so patient. Thank you. :)

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 1st, 2003, 03:16:25 AM
"Absolutely, enlightening, Master. I will help any animal to live, if I can. Even if the task drains me." She answered with a slight smile.

OOC: Anytime, Sage. I understand, you're busy...:)

Sage Hazzard
Aug 4th, 2003, 12:26:08 AM
"Ah, good. I want you to know, for your own knowledge, that what you just did and the feelings you got as a result are the exact opposite of the Dark Side. Imagine what the opposite of what you just did are and what the oppposite of what you are feeling is....." Sage looked out apon the garden. "... Let's move on. What is the most intelligent life in here other than you and I? Can you tell?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 5th, 2003, 08:35:17 PM
This task was somewhat more difficult, finding the most intelligent would be harder to initiate.

As always she closed her eyes and placed two fingers to her temple. With a deep soothing breath, she concentrated on all the life around her.

So much life was stirring, within the Force of nature.

The most intelligent... An array of animals began to go through her mind. Rawwks, Shaupauts, Tooke, Voorpaks...the names went on and on.

Quay'Na concentrated harder, but it wasn't helping much. She placed both palms to her temples to draw on the Force even harder.

She fell to her knees as pain shot through her head. "Ugh!" She cried out and fell forward and caught herself by her arms. Panting as if she's just got done running, she went the rest of the way down and rolled onto her back. Lying there she kept her eyes closed and graoned. "Oh...I hate when that happens. I can't find the most intelligent, Master. There's too much here."

Sage Hazzard
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:14:45 AM
Sage squated next to her.

"Of course you cannot. Forgive me. It was a trick question."

More like a 'lesson'.

"You see Padawan, you have just learned one of the most valueable lessons anyone, not just a Jedi, can learn. Is an ant less intelligent than a bird? Hmm? Could you imagine a bird ever knowing the proper way to tunnel dirt and make intricate habitats out of the ground? Then does that mean a bird is less intelligent? Hmm? Could an ant ever know how to fly, or to know how to approach a prey on the ground from the sky?"

Sage paused to let her ponder these things.

"Never underestimate anyone's abilities or intelligence because they cannot do something you can. For you'll more than likely find they are more intelligent or proficient in an area than you are."

This was a lesson for battle as well as life. How never to underestimate an opponent or threat. How never to think useless of someone who may very well be your greatest ally, because of their pros that make up for your own cons.

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 6th, 2003, 04:29:28 AM
Quay'Na opened her eyes and looked at her Master. "Good point, Master and well taken." She laid there a bit longer until the pain finally eased and then sat up.

She had plenty of areas yet that she needed trained in and even if working with animals was one of her strengths, her weaknesses wouldn't be too far behind. Right now, she had many, but with her Master's help perhaps one day they would become her strengths as well.

Even though her head still hurt slightly, she got herself to her feet and brushed off again. "I'm ready to continue, Master. Sorry, for the short break."

Sage Hazzard
Aug 7th, 2003, 02:06:32 AM
"Understandable. Your breaks will shorten into micro seconds with time. Now, do you ever have trouble blocking out the intrusion of nature?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 7th, 2003, 03:04:22 AM
"So, far I've not had any problems, but that's not to say I won't ever have. There are still things out there that I've not come across yet and hopefully, I'll be prepared enough to handle it."

Sage Hazzard
Aug 8th, 2003, 12:39:23 AM
"Good. Then that's another time and another lesson."

Sage walked. He expected Quay'Na was rested enough to follow.

"Now, let us try your skills at a very real scenario. Imagine you need some of the life in the area to help you. Perhaps in scouting. This is difficult because you would need to find an animal willing and wanting. You must then be prepared to offer something in return, if the animal wishes a reward. The fact weither it wants a reward is something else to find out. All these things are negotiation. However, in reading some of the more surface emotions and moods of the animals you can lower the entrance difficulty."

Sage looked over the garden for a second.

"Okay. Find an animal who seems to react well to your presence. One that doesn't run from your approaching feets steps and seems helpful, from their surface thoughts. Do that first, then we will proceed."

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 8th, 2003, 04:06:10 AM
"Very well, Master." She replied and looked up into the trees. Birds were a very good choice when it came to scouting and relatively easy to engage with. They were usually more than willing to help her, once contact was made.

Quay'Na closed her eyes and searched for just the right one, one who wasn't afraid of her from the start. Locating a Fariqu Hawk, nestled high in the trees, she called to it mentally and lifted her hand.

Friend, I'm Quay'Na. I mean you no harm, but I'm in need of your help. Can you join me and my master?

A few moments later, the hawk squaked loudly from the treetops and flew down to Quay'Na's outstretched arm.

Quay'Na opened her eyes and smiled, while she stroked the bird with her other hand. "Master, this is Kajou, a Fariqu hawk. He's more than willing to help out."

Sage Hazzard
Aug 9th, 2003, 12:38:09 AM
"Good. We'll try not to take advantage of his good will."

Sage turned and pointed behind him.

"As him to go over that tree line and report back to us if there were are weren't any beasts with sharp claws."

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 9th, 2003, 02:19:20 AM
Quay'Na nodded as she looked Kajou straight in the eyes. She relayed Sage's request and pointed outwards with her free hand.

The hawk took off with a screech and circled the treeline, then returned to Quay'Na's arm.

She studied Kajou for a few moments as their minds locked on each other. "Very well done, my friend." She smiled as she looked back as her master. "He says that there is a nest of Shaupaut's, over in the southern region sleeping. They do have rather large claws and they tend to catch small flying Avians or any other flying creature with them. It's not exactly a large beast to us, but it is to him, Master." She could see a problem with the scouting.

Sage Hazzard
Aug 11th, 2003, 01:12:13 AM
"Can you somehow get a mental picture of what they look like for him? This would help in real scenarios, where you can't always trust the animal's perspective on things."

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 11th, 2003, 09:40:31 PM
Quay'Na nodded as she closed her eyes and made her mental connection wth the hawk. She began searching through his thoughts and within moments found the scouting request.

"Through Kajou's eyes, the Shaupaut's were larger to him by quite a bit, Master. I believe, if any larger threat, he would've picked up on it, now." That would have to be carefully watched, if a scouting expedition were ever needed.

Quay'Na opened her eyes and looked at her master. "Master Sage, there is a possibility that I would have the ability to 'see' through his eyes, if he were flying and I was still connected to his mind. It was something Master Ira wanted to try, but we never had the chance." Though, she wasn't sure if she could do it. "Perhaps, I should wait until later? Try on my own, because I have the feeling it would take a lot of effort."

Sage Hazzard
Aug 14th, 2003, 11:56:30 PM
"That would be quite a feat. Let's wait until later, when your energy isn't as depleted. Though you would be wise to go over the steps in your mind, for preperation's sake."

Quay'Na Rakai
Aug 15th, 2003, 02:40:54 AM
Quay'Na nodded as she was beginning to feel a bit worn. "Yes. Master. I'll do that." It would take a lot of practice, she knew. If it could even be done, but she would work on it. The feat could be very vital to her training.

She turned to him to see what was next.