View Full Version : A Dead End....(Council, Knights, Masters)

Xazor Elessar
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:19:56 PM
A bloody and bruised figure slowly limped toward the entrance to the Council Chambers deep within the Jedi Temple. Her white robes were torn and stained red in places, deep gashes were left across both of her cheeks, and blood dried in various places on her face, arms, and legs. She nearly fell while attempting to walk up a flight of stairs but finally, the Jedi Knight reached her destinaton and placed a hand against the door. Both hissed open, allowing her to walk in despite the untimliness. She slowly made her way to the center where she humbly bowed and looked upon the Council members. It pained her heart to see Dasquian then, for she did not wish for him to witness her in this state.

Upon clearing her throat, the Garou looked from face to face, offering what hope in her smile she could. "Dear Council -- perhaps this is a bad time for me to intrude but we have a situation." The woman shifted her weight uncomfortably as thoughts flashed through her mind. Visions of the officers beating her before and even after she left the High Court building. After kissing her Father good-bye, several men followed her and beat her, threatening to take her life just as the judge had sentenced her Brother to death. Shaking these thoughts from her mind, though, she continued. My Brother has been sentenced to death ( [url=http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29826) -- not only is he my Brother, he is also my Padawan and one of my greatest friends. Despite my efforts and those of my Father and one of my other students -- we were unable to change the mind of the Judge. We were forced to keep quiet or he threatened to take action against the Greater Jedi Order as a whole, and none of us could see that happen and live with a clear conscience." She paused a moment and breathed in deeply, exhaling just the same. Surprisingly for this time, Xazor was quite at peace, yet it was evident that there was great concern in her eyes. "Please -- I come before you asking for help, Brothers and Sisters in the Force. I know not what to do and I cannot win a war on my own. I humbly seek your advice, or your aid on this situation, else a member of this Order -- my Brother, shall not see the light of another day."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 21st, 2003, 03:42:23 AM
Dasquian wasn’t about to sit by and watch this. He had immediately risen from his seat to go to Xazor’s side, trying to concentrate past the pain the Garou felt to heal some of her wounds. He glanced back up to the Council as a whole for a moment before whispering a few reassuring words to Xazor.

“What has happened to you? … Why is your brother sentenced as such? I thought that he was one of the Jedi now, and his past had been put behind him.”

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2003, 09:45:25 PM
The Knight placed her hands upon Dasquian's shoulders, gently pulling him close as he whispered reassurances to her. She shook her head and sighed. "He is a Jedi -- he is my student, Dasquian. I know him, I know he has a pure heart now. They are taking him out on charges from his past." Xazor paused a moment and looked into his eyes for a moment before turning her attention to the entire Council.

"My Father and I made it known to the Judge that we, as an Order, are allowed to harbor anyone we desire and they shall be protected. Our rights were clearly violated as were his. I have no idea how they even achieved access to the Temple, or -- or training areas. I know nothing past what I have told you." She said softly, wishing she had more information. At the moment, though, what she had would have to suffice.

Taking in another deep breath, Xazor met Dasquian's eyes with her own intense gaze once again. Her breathing was rather ridgid, but she managed and could feel his attempts at healing her wounds. Her own natural healing abilities were working quickly as well, but she was alright and was not in any danger health-wise. "I do not know where they are taking him, but I do know that without your help, he will die. Please, I am not asking much -- even if you do not go with me, I need your support, Master Jedi. You too are his family and right now, we need you." The Garou said softly, remaining calm all the while though she trembled slightly as Dasquian held her.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 22nd, 2003, 11:17:35 AM
This was unfortunate situation. On one hand, did not the people of the galaxy deserve a chance to put a known criminal on trial for their past? Then of course, there was the truth in the matter that Chaos wanted to lead a new life with the Jedi.

That debate went back and forth with Navaria internally as she questioned Xazor.

"Who took him? You did not mention that. More information that you have will be needed to find out where he has been taken."

Jun 22nd, 2003, 11:45:57 AM
Oriadins thoughts dwelled on Xazor and her brother Chaos. Chaos wasnt someone Oriadin had met at the order in his time here, but he could feel for the man. It takes a lot to overcome your past and to change your ways.

--I belive this is a situation we should approach with extream caution. I know Chaos is a member of the Jedi Order and all, but we also have to remember the crimes he commited before joining us. Its perfectly natural for people to want Chaos to stand trial and pay for the things he has done.

We cant be seen helping criminals. I belive this is a situation that can only be handled through negotiation. Anything else and we are crossing the line of what is right or wrong.

But we do have to help him, and as soon as possible.--

Xazor Elessar
Jun 22nd, 2003, 06:04:42 PM
Xazor shook her head as Navaria questioned her. "I know not who has taken him -- he was cuffed and carried away by several officials of the NR. Something isn't right with them, though -- they are not out for justice. I have a feeling there are personal issues driving the Judge's decision." The Jedi Knight sighed and listened as Oriadin spoke. He was her friend, and now, a Council member -- and despite the fact that she did not necessarily agree with what he was saying, she thought over her words carefully before speaking her mind.

"My dear friend -- Brother -- are we not the Jedi? Do we not preach compassion, understanding, and acceptance? If so, why do you now contradict yourself? You say, 'we cannot be seen helping criminals' yet you turn around and say 'we do have to help him, and as soon as possible.' Perhaps I am not understanding you, and believe me, I am not trying to start something here. If I had the chance to reach out to a lost soul, a criminal, a Darksider -- even one who has killed hundreds of thousands -- I would, even if it meant to protect them when they themselves should die." Xazor's gaze fell upon Oriadin's face in an intense fashion. He could see her need for the Council's help. The entire Council themselves could feel the stress of the situation. Xazor only hoped, now, they would act upon the goodness of their hearts.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 22nd, 2003, 06:19:59 PM
"Oriadin did not say that we should not help him but to understand the position that we are put in by those that took Chaos away.

There is no denying what he has done, and yes he has seeked us out to attone for his past. The beings of this galaxy obviously do not see that as enough justice. They want revenge and rightfully so in their mind. We need to appeal to their sense of justice and honor and not just walk in and wisk Chaos away. Remember, we are not the law Xazor... we fight to protect it, and most see us as that. If we do not tread carefully, they will see what they want to see .. that they Jedi do not care about their feelings or plight that had been caused in his name. But we do not abandon our own.

With that said, we must find Chaos, delay the procedings and speak on his behalf .. Convince them that he has reformed. And ... since you mentioned that the New Republic is involved ... that gives us a better idea to where he might have been taken. I think we need to gather our resources with the NRSF in tracking him down."

Jun 23rd, 2003, 03:51:06 PM
:: AB was shocked to see the state Xazor was in, and would have gone to aid her save Dasquian beat her to the punch. Instead, she reached into her satchel and withdrew a pouch containing some painkilling herbs and clean wraps. She caught Dasquian's attention, tossing him the pouch so he could use it's contents to clean and bandage some of Xazor's wounds as a temporary fix. ::

:: In the meantime, she kept her attention focused on what was being said between the Council members and the Knight. ::

Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2003, 10:03:28 AM
Xazor nodded as Navaria spoke. "I know what you are saying, dear friend -- but do you hear me? We don't have time! We cannot walk on eggshells any longer!" Her words were not of impatience or haste, nor anger -- she was quite concerned, though, for the life of one she loved.

The woman was grateful for the healing herbs that Master AB threw to Dasquian. They were soothing as he applied them to her open wounds and she could feel the pain lessening. Suddenly a wave of pain rushed over her body and she cringed, shutting her eyes tightly. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" Xazor yelled in sheer agony. By this point, Dasquian ceased his application of the herbs and bandages, thinking perhaps he had hurt her. "They're killing him!!" She howled as tears fell from her eyes. "Make the torture stop, please!" She cried, seeing images and feeling things that were not her own. She was bonded to him in a way unique to siblings -- and so, she felt his pain.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 25th, 2003, 07:40:56 AM
"And Xazor... how can we do anything when we do not know where Chaos has been taken to...."

Her eyes widen at Xazor's cry and at the implication of it. Since when were Xazor and Chaos linked?

That was it.

Navaria reached out to her friend and helped to deaden the pain that was associated with the bond. She couldn't stop the images from coming but at least she could provide some comfort for the pain in the meantime.


She asked when the Knight could collect herself.

"Do you think you can find Chaos through this bond of yours?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 25th, 2003, 09:10:46 AM
Xazor was grateful as Navaria aided in removing the pain from her body. As the Jedi Knight settled, she breathed heavily and shut her eyes as her friend spoke. With a simple nod, the woman leaned over on Dasquian and rested her head on his shoulder for comfort. "I -- can find him." She spoke softly, but the words were audible to everyone gathered.

The bond that Xazor and Chaos shared was unique and they had become so close, they could speak to one another from amazing distances away. The woman shared this bond, though not nearly as deep, with their Father, Verse. At this very moment, the one who she shared a Life Bond with, Marcus -- her adoptive Father -- could feel her pain, hear her thoughts, and see through her eyes. He knew very well the situation too, but could do very little about it. "I cannot do this on my own, though -- that's -- why I came to you, my friends." She said between breaths.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 27th, 2003, 02:18:13 PM
Dasquian wasn’t sure what to stay – so did what he knew he could; stayed beside Xazor and listened to whatever advice the others were going to say. Admittedly he was crumpling a little under the pressure of Xazor’s panicking, but it was understandable, for Dasquian at last.

“You know we’ll come with you to find him.”

Azhure Darkstone
Jul 20th, 2003, 07:27:04 PM
::The padawan stood in the darkness uncertainly, she would offer her help and knew what it was to be guilty, yet there was a certain amount of justice and injustice in the situation. She also knew she could be in that situation at any time if her true identity were discovered by the law enforcers. Stepping outside to where some of the light showed her face she nodded her support to Xazor, one of the people she respected distantly, and a silent promise she would help with what she could and left the hall. A little poking around would help but this time this trial would have to be done the way the law put forward.::