View Full Version : A Step Above - Open Spar

Makoto Neo
Jun 20th, 2003, 05:03:01 PM
It was spring, the cold winter falling off the edge of the cycle only to be replaced by blooms and blossoms of the new, underlying, life of foliage. Even though the Sith followed the path of the darkside, their method of decoration did not show lazyness, or death. The training grounds were alive with plant life, green triads mixed with every color of the spectrum to the fullest.

Makoto Neosis, Knight of the Order, idly walked through the small forest on the lower section of the Grounds. A simple, oil-skin leather, duster rested over his black leaveless shirt, denim jeans, katana at his belt and shoulders. He yawned, sitting crosslegged at an old, abandoned campfire.

Jun 27th, 2003, 05:53:35 PM
*Taking a nap are we?*

Mako heard a voice call out off to the side of him. As he looked, he would see Malice staring at him. In his hand he held a white flower up to his nose. Many would find it curious that the sith master still preferred to wear white. Though he still didn't mind much at all. Walking towards Mako, Malice looked at the garden and plants around them.

*Hmmm times like these makes the order seem peacful. I don't know wether to think that bad......or good*

He mocked jokingly.

Makoto Neo
Jun 27th, 2003, 06:13:38 PM
Mako laughed heartilly. "It's good for us, bad for those Jedi-folk. But, Yes, I was napping earlier. It's good for healing wounds," He replied, patting his left side gently. He stood to his feet then, streching out his arms to the sky amungst a fury of creaks from the duster.

"Although. Healing up with the aid of bacta is such a boring process.."

Jun 27th, 2003, 06:26:51 PM
*I so do agree. I tend to like healing with the force rather then Bacta*

Standing next to Mako, Malice again observed his surroundings.

*So, you planned to just sit out here all day?*

Makoto Neo
Jun 28th, 2003, 05:48:24 PM
"Not exactly, well.. persay.. for the next thirty seconds I am. Do you remember the last session that you gave Jodah and myself (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=16719)?" He glanced over at the Master, "Does this place seem faintly similar, wide open area, nearly no major plantlife?"

Jun 29th, 2003, 04:10:09 PM
Malice closed his eyes as his mind drifted back into the past. Drawing upon his memories, Malice re-opened his eyes and looked around. Grinning he turned towards Mako.

*Ahhh yes indeed Makoto. That was a very good day. So much carnage. Filled with chaos. I expected nothing less from you and Jodah. I wasn't disappointed either*

A sadistic grin now covered his face. Unclipping his duel bladed lightsaber, Malice ignited both sides. The two deadly white blades humming to life. Looking around at all the flowers, and re-planted grass. He turned towards Mako. One side of his saber pointed at the knight.

*Tell me, wouldn't this place be better off the way it was. Instead of having all this color*

Makoto Neo
Jul 2nd, 2003, 10:10:36 AM
"Of course, I had a particular liking to it's old visage," Mako replied, tossing the katana off to the side. The worn metal of the sword would be totally useless against the plasma blade that lightsaber's generated. Dropping both hands to his sides, Mako flipped back the front of his duster and grasped both of the sabers hooked to his belt.

One hilt was totally devoid of color exept black, the other a marble white color. Activating them both with the snap-hish sound and lighting effects, Mako dropped the black-hilted saber to his side, the white-hilted saber out infront of him as his slid is left foot back and slightly bent both knees.

"Let's waste no more time with idle discussion, I'm ready to cause some damage to the green."

Jul 3rd, 2003, 06:12:51 PM
Malice grinned at Mako.

*Very well. I shall give you the first move*

Malice stood at the ready. Both feet bent, his left infront of his right. While his saber held horizontally infront of him. The demon sith stretched out with his force sense. Keeping alert of any sudden attack made by the wolf knight.

Makoto Neo
Jul 6th, 2003, 07:26:33 PM
Mako smirked, pulling the two sabers in closer before striking them back and charging forward with enhanced speed. He held the white-hilted saber back, cocked, and the black-hilted up forward to collide with the (Malice's) left side of the dual saber. Once the two blades collided with massive hiss and sparks of contact, Mako fell down to one knee and stabbed forward with the white-hilted saber for Malice's midsection.

Jul 12th, 2003, 08:38:46 PM
As Malice was tangling with Mako's first saber, his senses alerted him of the second one coming in at his mid section. Staring down at the second blade. Malice sent a force push. Stopping the blade and sending it backwards. Looking back up, Malice pushed Mako backwards.

*Come now Mako, i will not fall so easily. Fight me like i am the enemy. Show no mercy. As i shall show none.*

Rushing forwards, Malice slashed his saber with one hand. While the other shot forth force lightning. The lightsaberblade was aiming for Mako's left, while the lightning was aiming for his right.

Makoto Neo
Jul 13th, 2003, 07:52:11 PM
Mako smirked, spinning to the left with a parry on that side. His other saber quickly whipped up and caught the lightning on the plasma blade. Even though the current was discharged upon impact, Mako's hand felt numb.

"Well, bring all you have then!"

Jul 15th, 2003, 04:35:22 AM
*As you wish*

Just like before, Malice would use his surroundings. Stomping his foot into the ground, Malice began to unleash the darkside into the earth. Corrupting it further then it already is. Within seconds a rumbling sound was heard. Soon followed by the ground shaking. All around Mako, roots shot up from the ground. Quickly latching onto his arms, legs, waist, and neck. Trying to pull him towards the earth.

Coming in mercilessly, Malice slashed diagonally from the left shoulder to the right waistside of the wolf sith knight.

Makoto Neo
Jul 15th, 2003, 07:29:14 PM
Mako's body doubled over from the force that the roots pulled on him. Yet he did not fall to his knees, did not vocalize any pain. With a thought, Mako dropped the white hilted saber and caught it in the mysterious hand known as Force.

The blade swirled up and countered Malice's incoming blade, holding it as if Mako's own arm had been there. The black-hilted saber dropped as well, quickly severing through the tree-roots and returning to the Knight's hand as his free clasped around the hovering white.

Mako pressed onto the upwards blade then, sliding the crackling blade up Malices own to the tip until the two disengaged away. Dancing out of the way of the decending saber, Mako tucked his arms in close before snapping out with the white blade torward's high-left of Malice's shoulder..

Jul 18th, 2003, 04:21:03 AM
The white saber blade was met with an invisible wall. Causing the saber to halt, and go off course. Lowering the shield, Malice lashed out. Dropping to the ground he sweep Mako off his feet with speed uncanny to the normal human. Quickly standing, Malice thrusted his saber downwards at the open body of Mako.

But grinned as his attack was deflected. Just, as he had expected. He would want nothing less then a great improvement from Makoto. Holding one hand out, Malice sent a stream of fire at the wolf knight. The demonic sith was running right behind the flames. His saber ready to engage with the knight once again.

Makoto Neo
Jul 18th, 2003, 08:58:03 PM
But Mako wasn't there.


He had vaulted himself into the air, covering his force presence instantly as he was in the air. Pulling his limbs in close, the wolf-knight twirled in the air before landing softly, in a crouch, behind the rushing Master. twirling the two sabers in his hands, Mako accelerated torward Malice. The white handled saber held out for a thrust in his right hand, the black held for quick defence.

Jul 20th, 2003, 03:58:54 AM
As if Mako had attacked a mirror, Malice too was not there. He himself had jumped up into the air. But decided against hiding his force presence. Landing on one of the tree branches, Malice nods to Mako on the ground.

*Hmm, you?ve improved. Good*

Just like in the past, Malice headed off further into the newly grown forest. Hiding his force presence this time, the demon sith leapt silently from tree branch to tree branch. What had begun as a spar, quickly turned into a chase of cat and mouse. Who exactly was the mouse, lied still in questioning.

Makoto Neo
Jul 20th, 2003, 01:18:04 PM
As Malice lead, Makoto followed. With guard up, force awareness peaked, and the thrill rushing through his blood - no surprises would sneak up on this one.