View Full Version : A violation of our FAQ

Empress Ashiva
Jun 20th, 2003, 01:42:25 PM
(Miranda Dunleavy -)

Miranda Dunleavy has informed one of the Shrines council members, and mod that she wishes to no longer be a member of the Shrine of the Damned. As stated in our FAQ, a non member can no longer use our story line, nor can they use our names or anything the pertains to us. Sorry to the rpers for the inconvenience. But it is a rule in our FAQ upheld by the council as well as SWnet.

>>>> As found in this link....>>>

**Please edit this post immediately. It is no longer property solely to Miranda Dunleavy. The story line is Shrine/Coven owned. You also need to reedit your sig. Symbols, and anything pertaining to the Coven/ Shrine, as they are also Shrine/Coven related.


Unlike her brothers and sisters of the Shrine,

Shrine/Coven Council…..

I have sent this out per request of other council members because she is in violation of our FAQ. She informed Lord Soth that she is no longer a member of the Shrine/Coven.....

Empress Ashiva
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:05:14 PM
Saurron said he is gonna handle this one ... kk:)