View Full Version : A library visit (open)

Mitara Sinar
Jun 20th, 2003, 10:31:53 AM
After her unpacking Agden showed Mitara where the Jedi Library is. She left him at the door and walked into the library, and to her amazement, she sees Books as far as her eyes could see. Mitara felt lick she had died and gone to heaven.... She walks through the library marvling at all the book, the content, and all the stuff she could learn from this place...

"Wow.... I wonder how many books there are here.... And how long would it take me to read them all!"

Jun 20th, 2003, 10:46:02 AM
-Jandor was sat at a table, technical books opened and scattered all over the surface.
He was deep in the texts and specs and broke sight only occasionally to scrible a few notes and sketches in his little ring-bound book.
He didn't even notice Mitara walk in.-

Mitara Sinar
Jun 20th, 2003, 10:58:53 AM
Mitara walks over to a number of books on Starmaps of the galaxy, and picks up 3 of them.. She looks around for a place sit , and sees Jandor.... She smiles and walks over to the table that Jandor is at, and sits down across from him, placing the three books on the table..

"Hi Jandor! This place is wonderfull!! Look at all the Books!!" :)

Jun 20th, 2003, 11:04:32 AM
-Almost startled, it takes a momment for his attention to settle on her after he reals his head up from the books.-

"Oh, Hi. Yeah this place is pretty great, I swear they must have the technical specs for just about EVERYTHING!"

-He glances down at his texts for a momment and makes a few more notes before his eyes return to her.-

"I'll bet you're absolutley loving it here."

-He says with a smile, he returns to his notes again before raising his eyes again to her as she replies.-

Mitara Sinar
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:12:54 AM
"ohh Yes... I could live up here!!! This is the most books I've ever seen in one place!!! I think i'm going to start with reading the starcharts, and just work my way down the shelfs"

Mitara opens up one of the book... and starts to read... she looks up for a moment to say....

"So your into reading technical specs? What one are you looknig at right now?"

Jun 20th, 2003, 02:01:21 PM
"Well, uh,........lots of things. I'm doing some generic research for my tinkering projects."

Kat Kariena
Jun 20th, 2003, 05:44:26 PM
OOC: weeee... I'm bored again so I'm going to bug people here now. @.@ *really needs to figure out what's going on again* Hope ya don't mind! ^_^;


Kat stepped into the library, not much had changed. The library had been one of her favorite places... almost always quiet and few had bothered her here. Slowly she walked through the rows and rows of books, looking for something, but not exactly sure what.

After a few momments she stoped and looked at a shelf. Finnaly selecting a book she went to a clear area in the library and sat on the floor in a corner hidden behind a couple of chairs, not that she cared if anyone saw her, and began to read.

Mitara Sinar
Jun 22nd, 2003, 06:14:23 AM
Mitara tilts her head slightly off to one side ...

"Really What kind of project are you working on? I might be able to help..."

She watches as Kat sits on the floor not far from the table that Jandor and herself were at. She calls out...

" Excuse me miss.... if you want to sit at the table with us, go ahead... We (glances at Jandor :D)... Well I know I don't bite."

Jun 22nd, 2003, 06:51:07 AM
-Jandor takes a momment to smile at her comment.-

"No, I bite but only when asked to."

-He has a little chuckle before replying.-

"Well you see I'm currently working on a drone. It uses the force to navigate and it's cloaked. So it can maneouvore and guide itself even whil cloaked. The only problem is, I'm using bio-gel pack proccesors to achieve the force using ability, which is fine, but as far as the AI goes, it sucks.

It keeps getting confused and switches to evasion mode, self-preservation I guess. So know I'm looking to do two things.
Firstly, to straiten out the AI and secondly to get it so preform scans with the force.
You see it lacks a true mind so a force user won't detect it as a force user but mereley as a simplr life form.
I'm trying to extend the effect of cloaking so that I can eventually make it a survellance droid that is completeley undetectable, even by a Jedi or Sith."

Kat Kariena
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:19:05 PM
Kat looked up and smiled a bit at the two, "Hadn't wished to disturb anyone else."

Standing she walked over and listened to the conversation between the two. She tilted her head at the boy, not knowing the names of either of them. "Why don't you just use an AI brian already created? A bit of reporgraming should get the effect you want, I would think," she asked, a bit curiously, a bit cauciously.(sp)

Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:57:11 PM
"Nah, it's the brain that's the main point of my project, I feel I'd be cheating if I used another.
Besides, mines a force using brain, don't really find those on the open market.

And mines probably better any way.

-He added in jest.-

Mitara Sinar
Jun 24th, 2003, 10:50:12 AM
"Well Jandor... I hope your project works out for you.... "

Mitara looks over at Kat...

"So... How long have you here? And are you one of the padawans?"

Kat Kariena
Jun 26th, 2003, 03:12:17 AM
Kat smiled a little at Jandor before Mitara asked about how long she had been here. At that she made a slight face.

"How long have I been here? A while I suppose, and yet not long. I used to be a Knight of this order for several years... and then I left for a while, made some... not so wise choices, shall we say."

She sighed slightly and shook her head before looking back at the girl infront of her, " At this point I'm not sure what I am... I'm waiting to go before the council to find out what will happen to me."

Mitara Sinar
Jun 26th, 2003, 02:05:15 PM
Mitara is a little suprised with Kat's answer...

"Oh... well... Why don't you just go to the council chambers and ask them what will happen to you? They don't normaly have a problem with it.... at least from what I here they don't."

Mitara extends her hand to Kat....

"I'm Mitara Sinar.... It's nice to meet you.."

Kat Kariena
Jun 26th, 2003, 03:00:41 PM
Kat smirked and shook Mitara's hand.

"Kat Kariena. And no... they probably wouldn't mind, but I don't want to bother the council with yet another thing. When I was a Knight I used to be on the council until I vanished. It just... doesn't seem right to me, I guess."

Mitara Sinar
Jul 6th, 2003, 10:16:13 PM
Mitara gets a questioning look on her face...

"So... Why did you vanish? it sounds like you were a highly respected member of the order.... Were you kidnaped?"

Kat Kariena
Jul 7th, 2003, 10:50:32 PM
"In a way.... yes," Kat replied a bit hessitantly. "Sith friend fought and captured me. He showed me a diffrent side to the Sith." She smiled slightly, "When I got away it took me a while to recouperate from that... I came so close to turning."

Mitara Sinar
Jul 8th, 2003, 11:05:18 AM
"Oh.... I hope you are alright now... But I guess that is something you will never fully recover from...."

Kat Kariena
Jul 8th, 2003, 04:21:43 PM
"That depends," Kat replied. "It wasn't a fun experience, and yes, I am much better. I've blocked most of it from myself with the Force, little by little I'm letting it back into my mind so I can deal with it. Locked away it's of no danger to me."

She smiled slightly, "But that is of the past. Why are you here, Mitara? Why are you becoming a Jedi?"

Mitara Sinar
Jul 8th, 2003, 11:32:58 PM
"Well I actualy came here because the boy that I am arranged to marry somehow got her after his family was killed. We are also really good friends so when I got a note from him that said where he was, I came so that he would at least have a friend...

When I got here I found out that I could use The Force a I am a natural healer, So I desided that I would try to learn the gift that Life has given me..."

Kat Kariena
Jul 9th, 2003, 02:16:41 PM
Kat nodded, "It's good you found your way here then. Better than living half your life with a skill you know nothing about."

OOC: blaaaaah please forgive the one line post. x.X *kills it*

Mitara Sinar
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:30:19 AM
"Yah.. I was also kinda wanting a reason to leave my homeworld anyway, and this gave me that reason"

OOC: Don't worry about it... You can kill mine while your at it.