View Full Version : What Jedi are for...(open)

Giddion Horn
Jun 20th, 2003, 09:00:42 AM
Giddion smiled. it was not often as a Padawan that one could escape the Jedi compound, training and the like to have some time to ones self. But today was one of those days for Giddion, a day he could venture out into Coruscant alone and do as he wished. And it was a beutiful day.

The wild breeze whipped up and cooled the man down while the hot sun warmed him. His main concern was to find a nice spot, sit and have a quiet drink so he could watch the world go by. But this was not meant to be. Ahead of him was a mother with 3 children stuggerling to get her attention while she carried a baby. The smallest walking child was screaming the most for something to eat...he could see a sweet shop across the the speeder way.

The blonde little girl began to walk across the speeder way totally oblivious that a speeder van was pummeling towards her at a fantastic speed. Before Giddion could even think he was hot on his toes as fast as his old feet could carry him. The last thing he heard her mother call was:

'Casey come back here..NO! ' The Jedi sprinted past the mother and her other children, dived and snatched the girl in his arms into a foward roll. The speeder skidded out of control and slid to a hault. On the other side of the road Giddion sat up with the toddler in his arms who naturally was shaken out of her wits.

' Are you okay Casey?..' He asked kindly. She nodded in response. And her mother ran to them both. ' Oh thank you...' She wailed in Giddions ear and he blinked rapidly as the loudness of her shouting.

' Dont mention it ma'am..' He said ' Thats what we Jedi are for..'

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 20th, 2003, 09:43:17 AM
The grateful mother continued to thank the Jedi profusely over and over again until she realized they were just the same words repeated over and over again. Relief shined with her smile as she lifted Casey into the air and held her tightly in her arms. The little girl hugged her mother close and timidly waved at the Jedi in good-bye

"That was a brave thing you did."

Giddion didn't recognize the woman's voice coming behind him, but he did feel a great tranquility emanating from it. When he turned around, a petite Jedi clothed in tan and brown robes just finished crossing the intersection, just finished from shopping by the look of groceries that filled her arms. Navaria's face was not hidden as usual behind her hood. The sun was quite lovely this day and loved the feeling of warmth touching her skin. A perfect day to run errands around the city.

She wasn't sure who this gentleman was before her, nor was certain if he knew of her. His garb was of the Order and by his aura, a Padawan at that. The Knight stopped near him and smiled.

"Dodging speeders without enhancement is impressive. You are lucky to be alive yourself."

Giddion Horn
Jun 20th, 2003, 10:14:04 AM
' For a old man it is...' He smiled gently. He pulled himself up from the ground a bowed towards Navaria and then looked back to the mother who was walking away. ' Hello Miss Tarkin...I am Giddion, Giddion Horn...of course im a Jedi...' He smiled.

' Would you like to Join me for some tea?...' He asked politely genturing towards the near by cafe'

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 20th, 2003, 08:29:40 PM
"Nice to you meet you Giddion Horn and actually ..."

She looked to all the groceries in her arms and smiled up at Giddion.

"... that sounds lovely. I did not have a chance to break from my morning errands yet."

Giddion Horn
Jun 22nd, 2003, 01:37:27 PM
' Oh! excuse my rudeness...' He exclaimed in a suprised tone as he saw her carrying the bags. Quickly he skooped them from Navarias arms and carried them himself for her. Giddion was of the old men...respect to a ladies.

The outside cafe was rather pleasent and they both took a seat outside. He dropped the bads down beside he seat and sat down for a well earned rest. All that sprinting was starting to hurt his joints. The droid wheeled up and bleeped a greeting.

' I shall have a cup of tea and i think i shall treat myself... a Chocolate Sundea i think...and you Miss Tarkin?...it will be my treat?' He asked her kindly and gentured towards the puddings page on the menue.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:45:20 AM
"Thank you Giddon, this is awfully kind of you."

Her smiling eyes roamed down towards the menu. Everything sounded delicious.

"How about your best herbal tea and a cup of the vanilla pecan pudding."

Closing the menu, she handed it back to the waiter who disappeared inside to place the order, leaving the two of them alone.

"I must ask and I do not mean to be rude but ..."

She leaned forward curiously.

"... I am interested in knowing why you chose to become a Jedi so late?"