View Full Version : When Fools Drop In: The Turning (Xazor)

Kelt Simoson
Jun 20th, 2003, 08:12:47 AM
Walking and chatting with to Xazor was quite nice for Kelt. As of late he had been spending quite alot of time alone cooking, archery and generally spending alot of time in to training halls by himself. He hated normally to be alone but for the past few weeks he felt he needed some time by himself...to think. But to spend time with someone and talk about new things with someone who he had not seen in a while was making him feel quite the oposite,it was pleasant.

They snowy forest they walked though was chilly yet not uncomfortably cold. Snow sat upon branches, covered the evergreen trees and was even ankle deep on the ground. It was a very pretty sight and an ideal place to talk about good mermories and future plans...and so they did.

' That was funny i must admit Xazor...' He smiled ' I remember the time Dasquian came in to my apartment and slipped on some of my home made pasta sauce, i tried to catch him and buckled myself...we both crashed down onto the full dust-bin...needless to say we were covered in what was making it full in the first place...'

He laughed quietly. After a while of messing about and sharing amusing stories Kelt asked a question that was a rather serious one.

' How is the plans with the baby coming along?' He asked gently. If she would rather not chat about it he would pass it and talk about something else. Though he was rather concerned for her...and for his closest friend.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 20th, 2003, 01:03:49 PM
Xazor laughed as she remembered times where Dasquian easily made a fool of himself. She smiled but it slightly faded as Kelt turned to a serious note. "The baby?" She questioned, knowing full well that this was the part where she would tell him of very personal things that had been occuring in her life as of late. "Things are going very well -- Dasquian and I have been switching her back and forth between the two of us and we've also spent time with her together."

The woman paused a moment and eyed Kelt before smiling and shaking her head. "It's a rather confusing time -- I'm not exactly sure where Dasquian and I stand. I'm not sure if -- if I'm ready to give myself to him fully. I'm afraid that I'll just end up hurting him again." The Garou took a deep breath before exhaling roughly. The cool air around them was crisp inside of her lungs, but it felt good to breath something so pure -- a nice change to the pollution on Coruscant.

"We want to live together and make things right -- to make our family the way it should be. I know that fear is a bad thing, Kelt -- but I can't help being afraid of hurting him again. I don't want to put these problems on you, though. Sorry if I've said too much." She concluded softly, lowering her eyes to the ground as they continued walking. The Knight was not uncomfortable, but it was a rather odd situation to be in at the moment. She, above all else, did not wish to be judged again.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 21st, 2003, 06:12:06 PM
' I would not of asked if i had expected a short reply... He smiled reassuringly towards her. He quickly raised his hands to his hood which rested upon his back and tugged at its sides to shield his exposed neck to the slight coldness. ' You know..' He said finishing with his hood. ' I never honestly thought you and Dasquian were totally right for eatchother but looking back on my thoughts back then i feel quite ashamed...' He added in a quiet tone.

' Im sorry for doubting you...' He said sadly yet he kept his feelings inside rather than tearfully outside. ' I really am sorry...' This time however in the gold, quite visibly a tear strolled down his beard and hung there like due on a tree. He wiped it away quickly and turned towards her again with a smile.

' err - whats the childs name?...' He asked cheerfully though he still sounded a tad hurt by his own mistakes.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2003, 10:24:49 PM
Xazor eyed Kelt for a moment before smiling. "Do not feel ashamed. No one is perfect and indeed, I too have had my share of doubts about Dasquian and I." She spoke honestly, not wishing to keep anything from him now.

The Knight turned to face her fellow Jedi and in that instant, she spotted a tear cascade down his cheek and get caught up in his beard. This brought a smile to her face and she canted her head to the side, sitting in silence for a moment. "You need not apologize. I see your heart and I know your thoughts -- partly because I'm a mentalist -- mostly because of how you treat me." She said softly, observing the changes that had taken place in Kelt since the last time they had spoken. He seemed -- softer, almost, and more accepting this time.

The subject of Xazor's child was still at hand, though, and when he questioned her name, the Knight smiled with pride. "Valanya Verse Belargic -- that is her name." She said with a grin.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:49:18 AM
He smiled gently towards her as she said her name. A very proud grin spead across her lips but Kelt remained with his wide smile. He had just noticed at that moment how pretty she was, he had never noticed it before because he was so stuck in his old Crusader ways but...she really was. Slapping the thought out of his mind they finaly got to where he was leading them.

In the heart of the snowy forest they emerged into a ghostly looking clearing which only housed a small pavilion within its center. The snow had made the pavilion seem as if it had been cleanly made of snow and contructed out of the elements but of course it was a wood underneath the white snow. ' I used to come here all the time to write poetry...its very pretty during the summer months...' He said gently and gentured he towards the Pavilion.

' I used to Spar here to with a few of my old friends...its a very sacrid place for me...' He added haorsly.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 14th, 2003, 10:33:05 AM
OOC: So so sorry for the late reply. :\


Xazor smiled to herself as they came upon the place so sacred to Kelt. Her eyes widened as she took in the beauty of the nature surrounding them. "It is very beautiful here." She nodded with silent approval. The snow made everything looked as if it had been touched by faires or angels.

At the mention of a spar, the Knight smiled and perked up a bit. "You used to spar here? With friends?" She questioned, noting that it would be a wonderful place to exercise and the like. Ideas began churning in her head as she walked over to her friend and placed a gentle hand upon his shoulder.

"Perhaps for old times sake -- and maybe to begin a new tradition -- you might like to challenge me to a friendly spar?" She questioned, her eyes glimmering and her elongated canines glimmering in the light caught in her smile. "And maybe, we could base this on a humble wager? The loser takes a running leap into that icy pond over yonder." She said with a playful grin. This was one fight she would not loose.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 23rd, 2003, 10:15:42 PM
Kelt chuckled as he looked towards the pond which of course was lightly frosted and seemed send chill up Kelts spine as he shivered slightly. he looked back to Xazor and smiled broadly for it had been the firsttime he had sparred since Dasquian over a few months ago, and even that was an archery chllange. By now the snow had stopped and fell its last flake which provided a good arena for an original spar...it was looking good already.

' Hmm, Okay im sure i can beat you in these typen of conditions ' He smiled gently towards her perhaps trying to tempt her to start it now. ' Okay your on...but no turning all wold like on me okay?...thats a cheating thing to do...' He grinned and bowed slighty towards her as if to conferm their little wager. kelt then took of his saber and sword and placed them both carefuly in the snow.

' After you m'lady' He said genturing towards the more open area of the clearing.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 26th, 2003, 09:18:22 AM
The Jedi Knight smiled and bowed gently. "Okay, no turning -- I promise." She said softly, but secretly behind her back the woman was crossing her fingers. "I won't change all the way -- but I may need to cheat now and again." Xazor thought to herself and moved out into the clearing. She watched her friend and now, opponent, place his weapons in the snow -- but she kept hers upon her belt.

"Weapons, or hand to hand?" She questioned, wondering if his gesture of placing his weapons upon the ground was a sign of retreat in that area. Perhaps he would like better to fight without them. She knew not and with a questioning look, the woman placed her hands upon her saber and sword, offering to remove them and do as he did. "It matters little to me -- I'm sure you'll have a difficult time keeping up either way." She winked at her fellow Knight and a bit of a cocky laugh escaped her lips.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 27th, 2003, 04:39:14 AM
' You my dear are pushing your luck...' He said playfully. However running through the back of Kelts mind wa the fact Xazor had been with baby not so long ago and so Kelt who would normaly play quite rough in a spar would not go so hard. ' Hand to hand, i'd prefere as you have been with child recently we do not get you hurt in anyway. ' Said Kelt, this time more seriously.

Taking up his position in the snow he quickly shook his head of the snow, bowed deeply and then gentured towards Xazor to come at him. A thrill of excitment raced through Kelts body but also a concern for Xazor, he was more worried about her than himself...as strange as that may seem

' After you Miss Xazor...' He said quietly.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 28th, 2003, 05:08:10 PM
Xazor smiled to herself and bowed in return to Kelt. Indeed, she had been with child recently but was no more -- there was no need to be concerned in her eyes. With a grin, the young woman took in a deep breath and then moved at Kelt quickly.

"I'll keep all of my tricks for later -- first, I'll make him think he has the upper hand." The woman smiled as she thought to herself. Xazor drew back a mighty chamber and released her arm with a heavy fist to his face -- but she stopped just inches from his nose and instead, spun around quickly on her head and chambered her leg, then let it go right into his solar plexis.

"You must be faster, my friend!" She joked as she recoiled and came to rest upon the ground once again. Moving back and away from Kelt, the Knight smiled and bowed her head, beckoning for him to come her way. This indeed, would be an interesting spar.

Kelt Simoson
Jul 29th, 2003, 09:57:56 AM
Kelt chuckled as he stoof still, his arms still behind his back, he had not moved or flinched at Xazors trick attack. He did not mean his laugh to mock but he was quite pleased to see she thought she had the upper hand. ' Very impressive Xazor...' He said with a smile.

Just then and without warning Kelt took hold of his cloak and whipped it up into the air to sheild himself from view and from there, out from the cloak came a hard black boot which hit her softly, yet hard enough to take her off a her feet and send her back into the cold snow.

Kelt quickly rearanged his cloak and took a few steps back to give them both space.

' Are you okay Xazor?' He asked quite concerned, he hadhit her much harder than he had planned. He concidered quickly helping her...but he stayed where he was.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 29th, 2003, 11:28:50 AM
Xazor hit the ground hard -- a lot harder than Kelt actually hit her. She gasped slightly as the cold snow touched her warm skin. It soon melted, but the damp feeling was what bothered her the most. Nodding and pushing off the ground, the Jedi Knight rose to her feet and smiled. "I'll be fine, Kelt -- you don't have to worry so much!" She laughed slightly and slowly began circling around him.

She would have to step it up a bit in order to get things cooking, and so, she would. Reaching down quickly, Xazor grabbed a handful of snow and spun around, then hurled it at Kelt. In that instant, she reached into his mind and morphed his perception of the snow to instead be an object -- a dagger, to be precise. As it cut through the air, the Jedi Knight controlled its speed and partially bent the light to give it the most authentic appearance.

Then she whipped out four other daggers from her belt and threw them too.

Now her friend was faced with four sharp objects and one fake one. Xazor was known for her accuracy and at the speed that these weapons were moving, it would be most difficult to dodge all of them. Standing with her guard up, the Garou smiled as she watched Kelt and waited for his reaction to the attack.