View Full Version : Falling on deaf ears (open roleplay)

Agden Ithrin
Jun 20th, 2003, 07:42:48 AM
Agden frowned slightly. Five minutes ago he been stopped by a family, consisting of a mother and four children, and was still now being pointed and poked at by the younglings. Though he didn’t so much mind being puzzled over – after all, it wasn’t every day someone saw such a large odd looking man walking down the street, and a one with horns no less – his stomach was growling and telling him that he needed to eat soon.

“Er, nice talking t’ye all but ‘ave got t’go and get lunch,”

The Zabrak shuffled away backwards and turned – once he was looking away from them, they didn’t talk. He’d explained he couldn’t hear as soon as they’d mobbed him.

He yawned a little and almost stepped out into the line of a passing speeder – got to be more careful – as he crossed the road. There had to be a café around here somewhere.

Aleona Quinn
Jun 20th, 2003, 09:47:16 AM
Aleona, a half Zabrak, half human hybrid saw an unusual sight. At least it is unusual to her. She approached Agden and lightly taps him on the shoulder, curious on what a Zabrak is doing on Coruscant. She is dressed in a dark gray jumpsuit, and has a black hooded cloak on. The hood of her cloak is up, hiding both her hair and horns. She absolutely hates being stared at and considered an oddity. But she is an oddity. Even in her own family.

"Excuse me sir, but I couldn't help but notice that you're a Zabrak. I was wondering if you may like to have some company??"

Aley questions softly. Agden can sense through the Force that she uses the Darkside of the Force.

Agden Ithrin
Jun 20th, 2003, 09:50:56 AM
-u're a Zabrak. I was wondering if you may like to have some company??

Agden had turned around just in time to understand this. He must have looked odd for a moment as his eyes focused on the woman’s lips to see what she was saying. So distracted he was by this that it took a few more seconds for him to realize that this Zabrak hybrid was also a Force user. He wasn’t adept enough to realize that she dabbled in the Darkside, however.

“Er... ah… was just gonna go grab some lunch. Y’can come if y’want… know any good places ‘round here?”

Aleona Quinn
Jun 20th, 2003, 09:54:50 AM
"I know a couple good places, though I'm fairly new to Coruscant. Names Aleona Quinn, though you can call me Aley.

I'm curious about something though, why do you focus on my lips when I talk??"

Agden Ithrin
Jun 20th, 2003, 10:02:36 AM
“Ally… good t’meet ye. I’m Agden,” he smiled a little, glancing around self consciously for a moment.

“I’m… ah… deaf, so unless you’re a telepath there’s no other way I kin understand ye.”

Aleona Quinn
Jun 20th, 2003, 02:48:31 PM
Aley nods. A person who's deaf. Lucky him. Might as well get some more practise using telepathy then. She goes to speak using telepathy to Agden.

I'm sorry to hear that you're deaf. Please forgive me if I'm not the best at telepathy. I don't have much reason to practise with it.

Agden Ithrin
Jun 23rd, 2003, 03:59:53 AM
“S’alright. I’m terrible at it to, s’why I talk aloud all the time, even if I do sound a bit loud.”

He smiled a bit as he looked back to her, “What’re y’doing on Coruscant? Just visitin or d’ye live ‘ere?”

Aleona Quinn
Jun 24th, 2003, 11:38:53 AM
I'm just here for a visit right now. I had to leave my home for awhile to get some peace and to try and regain my sanity.

And what about yourself Agden, do you live here or are you just visiting??

Agden Ithrin
Jun 29th, 2003, 07:25:28 AM
“I live ‘ere… in the Jedi Order buildin’,” he added, proudly.

Aleona Quinn
Jul 5th, 2003, 11:57:28 AM
Aley nods her head every so slightly. The Jedi are here. Man have I been out of touch with things lately.

You're a Jedi huh, well, I hope you have better luck then I did when I was a Jedi

OOC: Sorry for the late reply

Jul 24th, 2003, 01:09:10 PM
*The Grand Master of the Jedi, Yekeb Millennium Auroras (otherwise known as Millie) steps down off of a transport ramp in a Corescant sky port. She pulls the hood of her light brown robe down to lay across her shoulders; her brilliant silver hair shimmering in the sun as it cascades down her back. She straightens her tan tunic, adjusting her belt where her silver hilted saber lay. Her silver eyes wander the Corescant streets.*

*Taking in a deep breath, she coughs slightly, almost laughing at herself after becoming so accustom to the thick, humid air of Degobah and not the busy and almost acidic air of Corescant. She makes her way down the busy streets, slipping languidly through the throngs of people.*

*Suddenly Millie feels a twinge of familiarity. Following the sensation, she soon comes upon a cafe, and her long time friend, Aleona; as well as another Jedi she is not familiar with. She smiles brightly and makes her way toward them.*

Agden Ithrin
Jul 26th, 2003, 03:17:02 AM
“Ye were a Jedi too?” Agden looked a little surprised, his gaze turning away from the woman a moment as he saw another approaching.

Aleona Quinn
Jul 26th, 2003, 08:35:00 AM
Aleona nods.

Yes, I was a Jedi for a short while, but things didn't work out for me.

Aley turns her head then because she sense a very familiar presence. A huge smile appears on her face as she immediatly recognizes a friend who is close to being family to her.

"Millie, good to see you again."

Aley stands up and gives Millie a hug.

"Why don't you join us here. Agden here is deaf and is training to be a Jedi."

Aley says this while making sure that she's facing Agden so he can understand what she's saying.

Jul 26th, 2003, 01:42:17 PM
*Millie smiles at her friend as she stands to meet her. Giving Aleona a gentle embrace, she laughs lightly* "It's good to see you too, Aley.. I figured after this long without hearing from me, you would probably think I was dead."

*She turns to Agden and smiles softly to him, offering a small bow. She speaks telepathicly to him, her strong connection with the Force allowing her to speak clearly and easilly.* ~It's a pleasure meeting you Agden... I'm Millie.~

Aleona Quinn
Aug 4th, 2003, 04:08:33 PM
Aley sits back down, motioning for Millie to sit down as well. She goes back to speaking to Agden through telepathy, but she also speak to Millie at the same time through telepathy, so both can hear what she has to say.

I was starting to worry Millie that somebody had managed to catch you and I was thinking of going out for a search for you.

Aug 21st, 2003, 12:26:02 PM
*Millie smiles softly and walks to her friend, having a seat near her*"You know me.... I always manage to get myself out of trouble... and back into it.

I've been on Degobah for quite some time. It gets hard to find a decent place to make a transmission out there.... too much interferrance by everything imaginable.

*She smiles at her old friend, as well as the other with them*

Aleona Quinn
Aug 24th, 2003, 08:04:30 PM
Aley returns Millie's smile.

That you do.

Just out of curiosity, are you going to be around here for awhile?