View Full Version : A Different Sort of Meditation

James Prent
Jun 19th, 2003, 02:34:24 PM
She was all alone in a training room, and it was after hours, when most other padawans were sleeping in their rooms. James wasn't avoiding sleeping, she just wasn't tired. Yet.

Anyway, practice makes perfect, and she had things on her mind, y'know?

James was holding a wooden stick in her hand, about the same size and general weight of an extended lightsaber. The practice saber didn't have flashy lighting, or make a buzzing sound, which made it ideal for the padawan's purpose. She was running through various sabre Forms, her breath coming in little bursts as she moved from one stance to the other.

Saber up and to the left...down for the block...transition into Dances on Water...to Flying Crane...to Intersecting the - Intersecting the Krayt fell to pieces as her foot work faltered, and the wooden saber clattered to the ground. She'd read some combat manuals, and was putting their terms to good use as she made up some fancy names for basic saber moves. Somehow it helped her concentrate on them better.

James squatted down and stared at the wooden saber, and put out her hand, using the Force to call it to her. She caught it barely in time to keep it from smacking her in the forehead. The tiny padawan looked around to see if there was anyone near enough to notice her slip, which there wasn't as she was all alone, and then got back to her feet and back into her workout.

As she fell into a predictable pattern, her body took over and her mind began to think about other things. Such as her visions. She hadn't had any in a few weeks, and was beginning to wonder if it all had just been a false alarm. Since Jax's birthday and her most powerful Force trance yet, the diminutive padawan had had no other premonition in the Force.

She closed her eyes, her bare feet on the practice mat making a slightly squeaky noise as they shuffled from stance to stance. Wind on the Plains...Fire Stalker...Intersecting the Krayt...Dances on Water... back to Fire Stalker... The transition from the Water stance to the harder and more offensive Fire Stalker was exectuted with a slight hiccup, but the Padawan seemed to not to notice as her body slid from stance to stance.

Her mind was slowly becoming blank as she dipping into the energy field that was the Force, allowing it to enhance and correct her movements and memories. Perhaps it was a small step towards the very complex Jedi Battle Meditation. Whatever it was, James was visibly becoming more relaxed, and the stances were flowing faster and smoother.

The only sound in the room was the shuffle of her feet and the sharp exhalations of her breath between movements.

James Prent
Aug 18th, 2003, 10:56:18 PM
The Force flowed around her and through her. It was amazing ...the feeling of it... but her mind was so open to the Force it was almost impossible for her body to register what was going on. She just moved instinctively, letting what happened happen.

James slipped from defensive to offensive, activating a quartet of remotes that whirred into the air. They circled her, and if they had emotions they might have been surprised to find her eyes were lightly closed. Laser fire lanced out towards the small padawan, and she gasped at the sound, stumbling as she felt her concentration lacking. A shot caught her high in the back and she cursed roundly, but refused to open her eyes.

I was just there...c'mon James. Y'know how t'do this. The Coruscant born woman shook off the affects of the low powered bolt, and returned to a defensive position, her saber angled in front of her body, tip to the ceiling.

There was a moment in which she knew what was going to happen, and she reacted just before it did, deflecting three randomly aimed shots from the remotes. The Force flowed through the remotes - through her - and through the entire room. It was amazing...

She could almost see even with her eyes closed, just by the feel of the Force. The remotes spun into action, and so did she, darting around the room, avoiding a few chairs that were set up around the perimeter of the practice mats, and deflecting the shots with precision that would have startled her to watch.

As it was, it seemed normal...natural, even. Her mind became blank to most of her own thoughts, and she felt calm. Not nervous and fidgety like she usually did in this exercise. It was...odd. James spun around, deflecting a shot into an opposing remote. It fizzled, shorted out, and fell to the ground with a thump.